Just Another Love Story

by Stormy Charge

Chapter 2 - And For a Time it Was...

And For a Time it was…

Two days later, Rarity and Fluttershy sat together in the steam sauna of the Ponyville spa. As usual, Rarity was given the expensive treatment, while Fluttershy just settled for the lesser treatment.

“So you had never seen him before?” Fluttershy asked, leaning over to her friend inquisitively.

“No, it was the strangest thing.” She said, thinking back to when she first met Ivory Moon. “We just ran into each other, and the next thing I knew, we spent the rest of the day together.”

The yellow pegasus smiled brightly. “That sounds so romantic!”

Rarity tapped her chin and looked up thoughtfully. In truth, she hadn’t really thought of it in that way. “You may be right. After all, he has offered to help me with my work for the past three nights.”

“It sounds like he really wants to spend time with you.”

“I know, but I feel simply awful to keep asking so much of him.”

“Well, I still think it’s romantic. It’s like love at first sight.”

“You think he feels that way?”

“I don’t know. Has he said anything?”

“Nothing along those lines. But every time I ask a favor from him, he always says ‘as you wish.’”

The two stayed quiet for a while. Another burst of steam entered the room, when Rarity realized that she still had work to do. She jumped up and walked to the door. “Oh my, look at the time. I’m sorry Fluttershy, but I’m going to have to call our spa day early.”

The pegasus just smiled at her friend. “It’s no trouble Rarity. I hope things work out between you and Ivory Moon.”

The white unicorn strolled down the dirt road, the setting sun casting its final rays on Ponyville. The shops were just closing down for the night. As she trotted along the path, she couldn’t help but wonder what Fluttershy meant by ‘work out’. Ivory Moon was indeed a hard worker and a generous friend. He had known Rarity for a few days, and yet every time she arrived back at Carousel Boutique, it was shipshape and ready for Rarity.

He even stayed and waited for her to return before heading to his home. Fluttershy was right about one thing; he really wanted to be around her every chance he could. Whether he was just a hard working friend or if he had felt love when he first met her, Rarity didn’t know how she felt about him. It was true, he wasn’t royalty, but she couldn’t help this attraction she felt towards him.

Her thoughts were suppressed as she arrived at her Boutique. The lights were still on, and she prepared to be greeted by Ivory Moon. But much to her surprise, when she opened the front door, there was Ivory, curled up and fast asleep on the sofa. She smiled at the sleeping pony.

Again he had managed to clean up her workspace. The clothes were organized in piles and the remaining poniquins were clean and ready for her to begin working. With seven out of the ten outfits completed, she would have time to spare in finishing the ensemble before Hoity Toity arrived tomorrow afternoon.

But speaking of which, Rarity needed to get back to work. Her day at the spa served her well, as she was relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to go. She levitated a bolt of red cloth from its pile and began construction on another dress. She worked quickly and professionally, sewing and stitching each piece together flawlessly.

An hour passed, and the dress was nearing completion. A few more stitches would bring the outfit to life. As the needle went in and out of the fabrics, Rarity caught herself looking at Ivory Moon again. She remembered Fluttershy’s words at the spa.

“I still think it’s romantic. It’s like love at first sight.”

Could it really be? Did Ivory feel that way about Rarity? But the better question was, did Rarity feel that way about Ivory? Only one thing was certain, whenever he was around, she felt… happy.

The needle ceased its repetitive movements. The white unicorn approached Ivory Moon on the sofa. He looked so peaceful as he lay there, fast asleep. She would have never guessed that he would be such a positive, helpful pony by his cutie mark of a light gray moon. And yet, he didn’t hesitate when Applejack or Rarity asked for assistance.

Finally, Rarity could take the internal conflict no more. She didn’t know if she loved him, or if he loved her. But without another thought, she leaned in, closed her eyes, and kissed his cheek.

In that moment, her doubts were silenced. Her uncertainties resolved. All her life, she wanted to marry royalty and be seen as a royal herself. But she had never been more certain than she was now that the path she was taking was the right one.

She reached a hoof up to shake him awake and tell him. But she stopped herself. She stood frozen there, hoof about an inch from Ivory’s shoulder. Then she decided to wait for him. A sigh escaped her mouth as her hoof silently touched the floor. The unicorn walked as quietly as possible to the staircase. Before flicking the light switch, she turned to face him one last time. A loving smile residing on her face, she looked upward and whispered, “Please Celestia… let him love me.”


“Well Mr. Hoity Toity?” Rarity asked the famous fashion critic. “What do you think now?” Judging by the way his jaw hit the floor, Rarity smiled slyly, waiting for his response. He took off his glasses all together and smiled with his mouth wide open. It looked like he was about to cry.

He turned to Rarity and exclaimed, “Rarity, this line up is amazing! Spectacular! Pure genius! Everypony who is anypony is going to want one!”

“Oh, please stop. You’re embarrassing me.” She said, expecting just that response.

“How ever did you come up with these… these… these masterpieces!?”

Rarity glanced at the window and smiled. “Let’s just say the inspiration literally hit me.”

Within seconds, the cart was loaded up with Rarity’s works. The two servers struggled to lift the heavy wagon, as their boss didn’t help at all.

“Rarity, how can I ever thank you? This will be the most sensational fashion début in Canterlot history!”

“Oh it was nothing, really.” She walked over to the front door and opened it hastily. “Well thank you for coming, give my regards to Photo Finish.” She said, politely kicking them out of her store.

When the coast was clear and Hoity Toity was far enough away, Rarity burst out the door and ran to one of the windows. Sure enough, there stood Ivory Moon, smiling at her as she galloped to him, jumping into his hooves.

“He loved them! Thank you thank you thank you!” She cried, embracing Ivory tightly.

“I knew he would! I’m so happy for you Rarity!”

“It was all thanks to you. I couldn’t have finished them in time if you didn’t help.” With that sentence, she started to tear up, pulling Ivory even closer.

Ivory seemed confused for a bit, but just smiled and kept her in his hooves. “It was nothing.”

“No, it was everything.” Rarity said, drying her eyes. “Hoity Toity said that this will be the biggest lineup in Canterlot history!”

“Well, I could have told you that.” he said with a slight smirk.

“Ivory, stop it! You’re embarrassing me!”

“Oh don’t be so modest Rarity! You’re pretty much the greatest designer in Equestria. You’ve created masterpieces for a ton of different superstars, not to mention saved Equestria twice! You’re just every pony’s dream.” He said in confidence.

Rarity had a slightly puzzled look on her face that slowly melted away from her face into a large smile. “So tell me Ivory,” she said. “Who’s dream would I be, exactly?”

A sudden wave of realization overtook him. “W-what do you mean?

“Well, you said that I’m every pony’s dream. Who’s dreams are we speaking of?”

“I… Uh…” his brain scrambled for an answer while the smile on Rarity’s face grew larger.

“Ivory,” she began.


“I have a very important question that I must ask you.”

“What is it?”

“Just out of curiosity,” she said “Have you ever had a fillyfriend?”

His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. “E-excuse me?”

“You know. Have you been… in love?”

Rarity backed Ivory into a corner with only two exits. One was heading straight for her, the other was taking a curve ball route.

“Well,” he gulped. “No. I haven’t. Have you?”

Rarity’s face turned to panic. “W-well I… No… I haven’t. But I have thought about it a lot over the past couple of days.” She moved closer to him with a slight smile. “I’m guessing that I’m your dream, correct?”

At first, Ivory looked scared and dumbfounded. But looking into Rarity’s eyes, his fears evaporated. He mustered a grin and said, “Yes. I can’t hide it… I’ve just grown fonder of you in every moment that we’ve spent together. Over these last few days I’ve experienced something that I’ve never felt before… and it’s because of you.”

Rarity moved even closer to him, rubbing her cheek against his neck. “It’s funny you should say that.” She paused to look at him. “Because you’re exactly what I have been dreaming of as well.” She offered her lips to his, and he gently replied with a long lasting embrace of true love.