Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Mothers know best

Status: Still in hospital and sick.
This is sort, because today has been a very busy day for me. I put out the Christmas Special, which is said to be very good.
So please, enjoy this short chapter.

Chapter 25

Captain Barehoof and Dana walked up to the house that her son was staying.

The Captain had met up with Dana at the Palace gates, right where they had planned on it. She had been very eager to get going.

The Captain was dressed in his full Royal Guard armor.

As they stood outside the door, she turned to the Captain, "If he refuses, I want you to force him to leave."

He sighed, "If I have to ma'am, I will."

She rolled her eyes, "Call me Dana. I hate being called ma'am, makes me feel old."

He looked at her, "Alright, Dana, lets just get this over with."

She nodded and knocked on the door.

On the other side came the sound of crashing and things being knocked over.

The door opened to reveal a dull green unicorn with a blue mane and tail. He had a weird look on his face. "Oh, look its that one pony... the mom."

Dana nodded, "Where is he?"

The unicorn stepped back, motioning for them to enter.

The Captain and Dana walked in. The house was kinda plain, but had a certain touch to it. There was a strange smell in the air.

Dana looked at the unicorn, "Where is he?"

The unicorn began to laugh, "You just repeat your self don't you?"

Dana shook her head, "Just tell me."

The unicorn turned and laughed loudly, "With that one bitch I think."

Dana stepped forward, "Don't use that kind of language!"

The unicorn turned back to them and laughed, "Sure thing bitch."

Dana stomped her hoof, "Stop that right now."

Upstairs, a door opened and closed. A purple unicorn walked to the stairs and began to walk down them, "What's with all the noise Greg!"

The Captain looked up at her, instantly recognizing her. It was Twilight Sparkle, from the school. And by the the looks of the bracelet on her hoof, Lance's fiancee. Wait, if she's here, does that mean... that Dana is Lance's mom?

Dana looked at Twilight, a glare in her eyes, "Go get Lance right this minute!"

Twilight shook her head, "He's still asleep and I'm not going to wake him up."

Dana shook her head, "Then I will." She started moving towards the stairs.

Twilight moved and blocked her from going up the stairs. She got a forced smile on her face, "No, he needs his sleep. We was all up late last night at the Gala."

Dana's eyes widened, "You was at the Gala last night?"

Twilight nodded, "We all was."

Dana look dumbfounded, "But, I was there."

Twilight grinned, "We knew that, we just chose to avoid you."

Dana came face to face with Twilight, "Lance would have walked up to me."

Twilight smirked, "He's the one who chose to avoid you, not me."

Dana raised her voice, "Let me through now!"

Twilight shook her head, "No."

The sound of a door opening made everypony in the room look up stairs.

Lance walked to the top of the stairs, rubbing his eyes, "What's with all the noise Twi?"

Dana looked up and half screamed, "Lance Greenfield! Come down here right now, we're leaving."

Lance looked half asleep, "What? No, I'm not leaving."

Dana pushed Twilight out of the way, "Oh yes you are!" Twilight feel to the floor.

Lance insistently snapped to full attention, "Don't you dare push my fiancee! I don't care if your my mom!'

Dana pointed a hoof at him, "Don't you use that tone with me mister! I will ground you for a long time if you even try!'

Lance walked pass her and over to Twilight. He helped her stand, "Mom, I don't give a fuck. You can do what ever you want, but I'm not leaving."

Dana looked over to the Captain, "Captain, make him come with me."

Captain Barehoof was at a lose for words. He had thought once a pony was old enough to take care of them self, the parents sent them on their way. Why was Dana still on Lance's back? "Dana, I can't force him to leave."

She looked at him shocked, "What do you mean? You said you would help me!"

The Captain nodded, "I did. But that's when I thought you was talking about a colt. I didn't know your son was a full grown stallion. He has every right to live away from home."

Dana shook her head, "No! He's only seventeen, that's to young to be living alone. Besides, he doesn't have a house of his own to live in."

Lance raised a hoof, "Ummm, mom. If you haven't noticed, this is my house. I own it."

She looked at him, surprised, "How can you own your own house?"

He shrugged, "It was a gift."

She shook her head, "I don't care, your coming with me. I don't care if I have to drag you out of here, because I'm not afraid to."

Lance shook his head, "I'm not going mom, please understand that I'm happier here."

She walked up to him, "No, you'll be happier with me."

Lance let out a sigh, "You have no idea what makes me happy."

She came face to face with Lance, "I'm your mother, I know everything about you."

He smirked, "Then tell me who makes me the happiest."

She grinned, "Me of course."

Lance sighed, "Wrong. Its Twilight."

Dana looked hurt, "Whats wrong with you Lance? You use to be such a good boy."

Lance turned away from her, "I learned to live mom. I think you should leave."

She looked to holding back tears, "I'm leaving, and I really think you should follow."

He shook his head, "No mom, I'm not going to follow."

Dana turned and left the house.

The Captain looked at Lance, "She's quite the hoof full."

Lance chuckled, "You have no idea Captain."

The Captain turned and followed Dana out the door. She was standing there, a sad look on her face.

She looked at him and smiled weakly, "My little boy is growing up, to old for his mother I guess."

The Captain nodded, "Its normal."

She walked over to him and smiled, "Well, how about you take me out for breakfast."

He looked at her strangely, "Why?"

She shrugged, "Because you want to."

He thought about what she said for a second and shrugged, "Well, I guess. I am famished after all."

She nodded, "Then take me to your favorite restaurant Captain."

He looked around, "Uhhh, follow me."

They turned and headed down the street. Heading towards the Captain's favorite restaurant.