Rainbow Dash's First Trial: Clone Wars Year 1

by Hikarikurai24587

How to Piss off the Jedi in 30 Seconds for Five Days

Chapter Five: How to Piss off the Jedi in Thirty Seconds For Five Days

    Blue crystals sat upon a rocky terrain. Two figures, one wearing a clock the other body in armor. One had a lightsaber, the other a glowing sword. Blood dripped from both figures before they rushed forward their weapons trading blows. The cloaked individual was yelling something as the armored figure slid back a pauldron falling to the ground the metal melted. The blade of the sword shattering the pieces floating in the air. The armored individual collapsing to their knees, a victory for their opponent. The cloaked figure moving forward swiftly and catching the armored one. Words were silent until a glow from the armored one. Words became clear.

    “I failed my duty a second time, death is all that awaits me.”

    The light engulfed the area as white feathers arced towards the sky.

    Rainbow sat up quickly, sweat running down her face. Her mouth felt dry and her fingers were clenched. Light was beginning to peek through her window. She stretched her wings as her doctor came in with some food and checked on her arms.

    “So… how’s it going?” she asked yet she didn’t get a response, again. She sighed as she ate the food wondering what she could do that day. That was when an idea came to mind. Pranking. She had noticed that these Jedi were dull. There wasn’t much variety in their routine. Some came to the temple, others left, meditation, learning, taking council. ‘It feels like watching Twilight rearrange her library, but with less excitement.’ she thought poking at her food. She turned on the learning program again while brainstorming some fun ideas to prank the Jedi with. ‘Maybe I should start with something small.’ she thought, realizing there weren't any of the items that she had to prank them with. That and she didn’t know what their reaction would be to a surprise, like a fake monster. Her eyes glanced at the screen before moving to the window spotting a cloud as she took a sip of water. A wide grin grew before she flew out of the room quickly finding a way outside before launching herself into the air. She was going to try one more time to get one. Flying up to one of the clouds she took a deep breath before reaching out. Wings glowed and she felt her hand press against the surface instead of passing through. She snickered as she grabbed the cloud pushing it towards the temple. Her hands grabbed more along the way.

    Flying quietly near the ceiling Rainbow Dash searched for her first target. That was when she spotted the one who seemed to like her the least. From what she had heard his name was Mace Windu and with such a strict attitude he would be the perfect target. She pushed the cloud until it was directly overhead and poured some of her water into it. The cloud grew dense before she punched it causing water to pour down on top of the Jedi. She pushed the cloud away just as Mace Windu glared up at her. Rainbow grinned before flying away while snatching the cloud cackling madly. Looking behind her Rainbow noticed an eye twitch before he walked away. She slowed to a halt, frowning, before moving after him.

    “Seriously? Nothing?” she asked trying to get a better look at him yet he did not even spare her a glance. “Ugh!”
    He didn’t say a word which bothered her.

    “Oh yeah, you only like to talk about me behind my back.” she pointed out causing a pause in his step. “Except when you want to boss me around or lecture me.”

    Another twitch of the eye before he turned and looked at her.

    “If you do not need anything then I will be on my way.” he told her before walking off causing her to mumble. “Party pooper.”

    She flew off to find someone else while thinking of an even better prank for Mace Windu. A few more indoor showers and a humored Kit Fisto later Rainbow Dash found herself back in her room. With the door locked. She laid down on the cloud yawning before curling up for a nap.

    “Why are you doing this?”

    “It is my duty.”

    “Your duty is to protect the citizens of the…”

    “He told me you would try to dissuade me.”

    “My duty is to protect the Citizens of the Republic. This is a duty we share.”


    “You could join us, help us keep the peace.”

    “I failed my duty a second time, death is all that awaits me.”


    Rainbow’s eyes shot open her heart racing as she sat up slowly. She jumped off the cloud and began to pace the room. She didn’t know how long she had been asleep, yet with the darkening sky she knew she had been asleep far longer than a nap. That was when she noticed a slight glow, looking at her right hand she saw a thick glowing rainbow colored cord wrapped around her hand. Like with Fluttershy’s cord it was floating up vanishing through the ceiling in a strange direction.

    “What is going on?” she mumbled sitting down on the bed running a hand through her hair. She looked at the cord before plucking it with her finger. It vibrated as her own voice spoke out. “Home.”

    “So that’s where Equestria is?” she asked as she let go of the cord seeing it float for a moment before vanishing. She tucked her knees under her chin saying sarcastically. “That’s a lot of help.”

    Flopping backwards Rainbow Dash yawned her eyes sliding shut. She prayed for a restful sleep.

    The next morning did not bring the restful feeling that Rainbow Dash had desired. Her head hung over the edge as she turned her head to look out the window. The sun was rising once again. She sat up scooting until her feet touched the floor. She walked over to the door and checked to see if it was still locked. The door slid open with a hiss and she wandered out of the room. She explored for a bit before coming across the one place she knew that Twilight Sparkle would be happily reading in: A library. Rolling her eyes she wandered the rows of glowing panels wondering how information was even accessed. Rainbow Dash was marveling at the place when an elderly woman in robes approached her.

    “Can I help you with anything?” she asked stiffly and Rainbow Dash shrugged as she looked around. “Then why are you here?”

    “I was looking around, what is this place? Some sort of library?” Rainbow craned her neck hearing a strained noise from the woman.

    “These are the Jedi Archives. I am Jocasta Nu, Chief Librarian of the….” Jocasta almost facepalmed when Rainbow grinned saying. “So it is a library.”

    “It is much more than a mere library… you are the one Skywalker and Master Kenobi brought back. You are not supposed to be out of your room, especially after the mess you made yesterday.” Jocasta changed the subject quickly, her blue eyes narrowing. Rainbow raised an eyebrow saying. “Well if they didn’t want me out of the room, they really should have kept the door locked. I was just checking the place out. I have a friend who would love this place.”

    “I’m sure you and your friend would just request the information from a Jedi.” Jocasta pointed out and Rainbow Dash frowned before saying. “You’re not curious about my species?”

    “Why would I be? Unless you are a Jedi you have no use for the archives.” Rainbow rolled her eyes, wings fluffing in irritation as she mumbled. “Whatever happened to there is no ignorance, there is knowledge?”

    Jocasta’s mouth tightened as she watched Rainbow Dash leave. The fast flier turned around for a moment saying. “You know, you guys could learn a lesson from my friend. There is no limit of wanting to learn and not be assured that what you think you know is always the right way.”

    Rainbow took off quickly causing the Jedi in the archives to watch as she sped out the window. Jocasta sighed before she felt a drop on her head. She looked up to see a cloud sitting there before rain poured on top of her. Her nails bit into the palms of her hands before she looked at the trail of rainbow particles. Jocasta reached out a hand hovering around one watching it glow a bit brighter in a magenta color. The more she stared the more she swore she saw a figure in the particle. Shaking her head Jocasta went to talk with the High Council about Rainbow Dash and her presence in the Jedi Archives.

    The third day some of the Jedi decided to teach Rainbow Dash what peace and serenity could do for her. Some tried to teach her meditation, only for her to fall asleep halfway through. Others would give her lectures. She fell asleep as well. Kit Fisto had the idea of racing her while discussing different pranking ideas. The Jedi were not pleased when those two decided to team up and prank the rest of them for the remainder of the day. Yet nearing the end of the day, like the previous ones, Rainbow Dash was feeling homesick.

    The fourth day Obi-Wan visited Rainbow Dash hoping to talk to her about the mess she had caused for the past few days. When the door to her room opened he noticed very quickly the amount of clouds that she had gathered there. Her bed, now unused, was empty. He looked up with a sigh saying. “I know you are up there.”

    “What?” Rainbow’s voice groaned out as she peered over the edge of her clouds. She looked exhausted. Obi-Wan sensed something was wrong: Rainbow Dash was normally up and about at the break of dawn. 

    “Is everything alright? Normally by now you would be out and about causing a ruckus.” Obi-Wan inquired holding out his hand. Rainbow Dash flew down and took it letting herself be led over to the medical bed. She leaned against it as she rubbed her palm against one of her eyes saying. “I just… I miss home, kay? Normally I’m with my friends and… and the only one that is here, I can’t even find. Now I’m getting these stupid dreams and I’m not getting any rest.”

    “You are having dreams?” Obi-Wan was a little shocked but he hid it as Rainbow Dash nodded saying. “I mean, there’s these two people fighting somewhere. The place always changes. One of them is using the same weapon you use while the other uses a sword. They trade blows back and forth until the one with the sword falls. The sword breaks, the opponent runs over, there is a bright light, and I wake up. Before I open my eyes there’s these… images. I see one of the sword shards somewhere. On the ground, surrounded by crystals of some sort. Each time I wake up I’m holding one of those cord… strand things that keep appearing.”

    Obi-Wan was quiet, pondering the meaning knowing he should go to the Council about this. He glanced at Rainbow Dash rubbing at her eyes again. He could tell that she had been crying before he came in. 

    “I have to go see the Council. Try and get some rest today.” Obi-Wan told her patting her on the shoulder before leaving. Rainbow flew back up to the clouds and laid on them, pulling her blanket over her head.

    The next morning Obi-Wan came to retrieve Rainbow Dash, first he took her somewhere to get cleaned up. It turned out that standing underneath a cloud and letting it rain on you wasn’t the best way to wash when the room didn’t have a drainage pipe. She was given simple clothes that would fit around her wings and she was led to where the Jedi High Council was. Obi-Wan glanced at her before they entered and looked like he wanted to tell her something.

    “I’ll try and behave.” she told him meeting his eyes for a second before facing the door. “I want answers too and Princess Luna isn’t here to help me solve them.”

    “Princess Luna?” Obi-Wan inquired and Rainbow rolled her eyes slightly as she said. “You know, these are questions you should have asked. About my race, what our culture is like, you know the usual stuff before you ask me questions about places I don’t know about.”

    “I’ll keep that in mind for the next time.” joked Obi-Wan before the doors slid open and they walked in. Obi-Wan bowed before the High Council and Rainbow Dash did as well.

    “Told us about your dreams Obi-wan has. Intriguing they are.” Yoda spoke and Rainbow Dash swallowed getting the feeling that this might take a while. “Occur every night these visions?”

    “It feels like every time I go to sleep now.” admitted Rainbow as she tugged on the sleeve looking away. The room was plain and circular yet she could see Coruscant through large windows. She could hear them talking in the background, no comment nor question was directed towards her. She felt the manelike tail brushing against her leg as it twitched in impatience.

    “How are we so sure that these are not just dreams?” one of the High Council members, an alien with a tall tapering head. He had a white mustache and beard that almost blended with his pale skin.

    “Every night, the same dream?” Obi-Wan asked as Rainbow Dash glanced in their direction feeling eyes upon her again.

    “She seems to have a wild imagination. This idea could have gotten stuck in her mind and she dreams it up.” Mace Windu spoke and Rainbow’s teeth clenched as she turned to face them fully gritting out. “I’m sorry, what?”

    “Rainbow Dash I don’t think he….” Obi-Wan started but Rainbow’s wings flew open, hitting him in the face, as she snapped. “Every single night I have these dreams whether I want them or not. Every time I wake up I feel drained, exhausted. You know I almost don’t care that you don’t believe me about them. The one thing that gets to me is the fact you think you know me.”

    “You’ve made your personality quite known to us everyday.” Windu shot back and Rainbow crossed her arms saying. “Yeah, that’s because I thought you guys needed a little bit of excitement. You have your peace and your serenity, but everyone needs to have those moments of joy. Where I’m from that’s a part of harmony, that’s balance, both the good and the bad. Oh and don’t get me started on how you guys don’t even think about asking me about where I’m from. You sit here and make plans, going off to war, but don’t ask the being that suddenly showed up about a place that could help!”

    “I highly doubt that your people could help in this war.” Obi-Wan facepalmed at the response knowing that this was going to rile her up some more.

    “You didn’t ask! The only ones who seemed remotely interested are Master Yoda, Master Fisto, Obi-Wan and Anakin. They checked up on me, they made sure that I was doing alright, they asked questions! You guys are so out of touch as your positions as protectors you’ve forgotten what it is you are meant to protect. Peace! Knowledge! Serenity! Harmony! Sure, you’re guardian warriors, but there is more to being a protector and a warrior than just fighting against one enemy. It is protecting everyone under your care, or helping someone who needs help!” Rainbow Dash spun on her heel and began to walk off, Obi-Wan ducking under her wing. “You don’t strive to better yourselves anymore and that’s never a good thing. You start believing that you are invisible and you don’t take in account that someone will try to grow in strength better than yours just to take you down.”

    The doors slid shut behind her as Rainbow Dash moved to the lift standing there quietly as the tears ran down her eyes. She entered almost bumping into the person who exited.

    “Rainbow?” Anakin’s voice called out just as the doors shut. Anakin looked behind him just as Obi-Wan ran up.

    “What did I miss?” Anakin asked as Obi-Wan summoned the lift.

    “I’ll explain on the way, do you have an idea where she might go when she’s upset?” Obi-Wan replied and Anakin nodded his head. “We’re going to need to get there, she just blew up at the High Council.”

    “Oh great.” mumbled Anakin as the lift finally arrived and they both got in. “I’ll drive, I can get there faster.”