Side effects of a good idea

by BeautifulHorse

Just a Moment

[Slice of Life] - [Scootaloo]

Scootaloo remembered the moment she got her cutie mark. It was magical, amazing. The moment had passed, and she could never live it again. She could fondly remember, but never relive the moment.

Did she regret any of her life? No, definitely not. She regretted nothing. She was a daredevil! Maybe she regretted not doing a few things, but she cherished her every experience. When she was bored, time had been preserved. She had been able to observe time passing minute by minute. And when she was having fun, time had flown by scarily fast.

And now she had a new mentor, she was at the beginning of a new story, a new chapter. Her childhood had flown like she had wished to do physically. Now she had a real chance to learn to fly. She was growing up. It was scary, but exciting. A challenge that she was ready for. Maybe.