We all have beginnings

by SkyBreaker

Chapter Three

Multiple Years later I fell in with a bad crowd, so to say. A band of thieves and liars, my mother was not very happy, in fact, once she had to chain me to my bed just to keep me in one place. One of my many regrets is that I got Hoof mixed up in all of it... so many things changed in him, none of it good, he disappeared about a month later. After he left, my mother didn't think of me the same, she looked at me as if I was a monster, she treated my like I was a stranger, I was lucky if she would even talk to me... but when she did... nothing was good. When I was old enough to live on my own she made sure I got out. She handed my a purse of 5,000 bits and said "Just go." I stayed with Dawn and Sky who were already thinking of getting hitched.

I stayed with the for Three and a half months, at which point I rented an old one story house that felt like home to me, not only because it was homey, but also because it was my original school house. When I was 25, Dawn and Sky were going to have a child together, when I received the news, I was an Officer in Princess Celestias royal guard. I was a very decorated solder and was later given an Honorable discharge due to an illness that I am yet to recover from.

A month after my discharge Dawn had her young colt, he was healthy and a true blessing. But Dawn wasn't as happy as the rest of us, she refused to believe it was hers, when I asked her why she responded with "He is not a Pegasus, nor a Unicorn." this was a shock to all of us. But after much convincing, she took the baby home.