//------------------------------// // Chapter Seven, Part One. (Written by Talon and Thorn) // Story: Multiversal Harmony // by RK_Striker_JK_5 //------------------------------// Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and six equine forms were sent tumbling across the ground to land in random collections of limbs.  “~Ta-da~” proclaimed Discord, bowing to an invisible audience, “Thank you! Thank you!”  “Hey,” cried Rainbow Dash, the first of the party to get her bearings, “you did that on purpose!” “My dear Miss Dash,” proclaimed the draconequus, “do you really think I would do anything so petty as to mess up a landing just to discomfort you?” He paused for a moment, his smile growing larger by the second. “Of course I would! Still, no bones broken.” “Where are we?” asked Spike, picking himself up and, with a slight blush, disentangled himself from Octavia, who he had ended up wrapped around by their sudden arrival. He reached out a hoof and helped the mare to stand. “I’m not sure,” said Auntie Orange as she righted herself. “Although it does seem familiar.” She slowly turned around taking in the view around her. Everywhere there were signs of farming. Small green shoots which in months would grow into corn stalks stretched off in one direction, another was covered in the infant forms of carrots and potatoes. In yet another direction there was an orchard full of apple and pear trees. “Why this certainly takes me back,” she mumbled. “Could this be Ponyville?” “I do not think so,” said Octavia scanning the horizon, “there isn’t any sign of the Everfree forest nearby, although there certainly isn’t a lack of these vines.” Dash nodded as she lifted off into the air to get a better view. Thick tendrils crisscrossed the land, breaking up the fields more efficiently than any fence or hedgerow would. Luckily they seemed less active than those in Dream Valley, still nothing grew near then, as if they leached the life from the very earth. The spaces between them remained lush though. Peering into the distance, Dash could make out a collection of buildings, although there didn’t seem to be enough of them to make up a village. A hamlet or farmstead maybe? The buildings design looked a little off to her, she wasn’t an expert but she’d taken enough naps in Sweet Apple Acres to pick up some things by osmosis. “Looks like there’s some buildings over yonder,” she called as she returned to the ground. “Maybe a farm house? If this place is an orchard you think the owners might be your family?” she said to Auntie Orange.  “The Apples do not have a total monopoly on apple farming you know,” said Auntie, looking a little peeved, “at least they don’t in my world. Still I suppose there is some chance I might know somepony.” “If this is a farm,” asked Ditzy, “where are all the ponies? Surely a place this big would have dozens of workers on it?”  “Ooh! Maybe they’re all waiting somewhere to jump out and yell, SURPRISE!” cried Pinkie, leaping up and down haloed by a small cloud of glitter.  “I don’t think that’s likely dear,” said Auntie. “Still I suppose they could be at some meeting or festival.” She didn’t sound very certain. “I suppose this could be ‘night’ here.” She glanced up at the stationary orbs in the sky. “Maybe...” said Dash glancing around again. She didn’t like this, it was too quiet, too open. She felt exposed, like somepony was watching her. Even the skies were clear, although there was a large mass of cloud in the distance slowly advancing. Maybe it was the front of a storm? The air did seem to have a certain feeling of expectation in it, like just before a thunderstorm.  “I guess if we want to find out we're going to have to go that way,” said Spike, pointing towards the distant buildings. “We’re looking for a bearer and that’s the only place to find a pony around here.” “I guess so,” agreed Dash nodding. “So who's going to carry me!” asked Discord as the rest of the party started to trot towards the dwellings.  “You’ve got four good hooves haven't you?” growled Dash. Discord glanced down at his mismatched limbs. “Well actually-” he began. Giving a long suffering sigh, Octavia turned around and headed back towards the lord of chaos. “Very well, I will carry you this time if only to head off your incessant whining.” “Why my dear Octavia! Does this mean that the wedding is back on?” In a flash Discord was clad in a lacy white wedding dress and clutched a bouquet of flowers to his chest. The grey coated mare raised an eyebrow. With a squeal Discord tossed both the bouquet and somehow himself into the air. Tiny flowers flew everywhere while Discord slowly drifted to the ground in the form of a mane clip with his grinning face gracing one side. Staring at it for a moment Octavia shrugged before affixing the clip to her mane and following after her fellow element bearers.  Dash felt more and more uneasy as they got closer and closer to the buildings. They did have a cursory similarity to Applejack’s barn but it looked like they’d been hastily converted into a fortress, or a prison. Every window was barricaded and not only did a rough wall made of sharpened logs surround the compound, but some of the buildings had spears sticking out from the upper level. Somepony really didn’t want visitors.  “Hey!” came a cry from behind the wall, “who goes there?” The party turned to see a large dark blue coated earth pony stallion with a rather messy paler blue mane. A spade was clutched threateningly in his teeth.  After a moment's pause, Auntie Orange seemed to elect herself as spokespony for the group. “My name is Orange Sherbert and this is Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Octavia and Ditzy Doo, we are... well I suppose you could say we are travellers, we mean you no harm.” She said with a friendly smile. “Could you tell us where we are? we are rather lost I’m afraid.” “Oh! Right, sorry,” he said, putting down the spade, “this is the Hoofield and Mccolt-” “They got pegasi with them, dummy!” came an angry voice from next to him as a shorter mare with a pink coat and a frizzy orange mane stuck her head out from behind the barricade. “Go get Ma and Big Daddy!” The stallion blinked for a few moment before his eyes widened and he started to gallop off into the compound.  “Hey!” exclaimed Dash, glaring at the mare, “what’s wrong with pegasi?” All they needed was to find some sort of tribalist conclave. “What’s right with you!” came the angry reply. “Damned thieving bird brains! Nothing more than pirates! That's what you are!” “Why you!” exclaimed Dash shaking a hoof at the still hidden pony She wanted to swoop over to her and give her a piece of her mind, but those fences looked plenty sharp. Now she thought about it it seemed that most of the defences were designed to stop flying attackers.   “Now, um, Miss,” said, Spike gesturing to Dash to stay calm. “We don’t know anything about anything being stolen, we’ve only just arrived. Dash and Ditzy are totally innocent.” “Maybe that’s true, maybe it’s not,” came a deep voice from beyond the barricade. “But we found a pegasus snooping around our property just this mornin’” The figure stepped out into the open to reveal himself as a short blue coated stallion with an exceedingly large hat and baggy trousers. “We think she was a spy! She was a tough one, took almost half a dozen of us to catch her,” several battered looking ponies nodded at that. “Her friends are probably going to try to raid us any day now!” Dash glanced around as more and more ponies appeared from behind the fence. Most of them were earth ponies with either blue or orange coats, although there were a smattering of unicorns and other colour schemes among them. Almost all of them didn’t look happy and many were wielding farm tools like weapons. Her eyes nervously flicked from side to side as the crowd started to surround them. The rest of the element bearers noticed them as well and started to gather together for protection.  “Now we don’t have any beef with you earth ponies or you Mister unicorn,” announced an old mare with a fluffy white mane and a pronounced overbite. “You’re even welcome to join us. If ya turn over the pegasus!” A cry went up from the crowd. “But, but we haven't done anything!” Ditzy protested in confusion. “We only just got here!”  “Just what a spy would say!” exclaimed the mare. “I don’t think there’s a single one of us here who hasn’t had their land attacked by pegasus! Crops stolen! Thieves the lot of them!” There was another roar of approval. “I heard they been kidnapping good honest ponies from their beds!” “Please, there’s no need for us to fight,” protested Spike. “We’re trying to solve your problems, get rid of these vines.” “We ain’t got no vine problem,” said the short stallion dismissively, “we can farm around those. We got a pegasus problem!” The crowd started to move closer in around the element bearers.  Dash gritted her teeth as the wall of pony flesh closed in around her. Everywhere she could see they were getting near, blocking her path. The feeling of being trapped set her feathers on edge. “Back off!” she cried, rushing forwards trying to break a gap in the circle of ponies, to get free! Her charge knocked aside a swave looking blue stallion and scattered a number of other farmers. For a moment she was sure she felt their hooves grabbing hold of her but then Dash found herself free and spread her wings to leap into the air. Freedom! As she took to the air, Dash heard a cry from behind and swung her head around. Ditzy had apparently tried to follow her escape but the grey mare didn’t have Dash’s speed. One of the earth ponies had managed to catch her around the leg with a lasso and was hauling her back towards the ground. The panicked pegasus was struggling but the earth pony’s greater strength had her helpless. Below her the rest of the element bearers were still stuck in a circle of bodies held at bay by a forest of farming tools. Spike’s horn was glowing but he hadn’t made a move to cast yet, seemingly unwilling to escalate things.  For a moment, Dash was caught between the freedom of the open skies ahead of her and her friends behind her, but only for a moment. Tucking in her wings she swooped around and moved in to help Ditzy. She grabbed the rope as she passed, yanking it from the hooves of its owner. Taking advantage of the slack Ditzy pulled it from her leg with a sigh of relief. “Thanks Dash,” she called.  “Not a problem. Now let's get out of he-” She was cut off as a blast from one of the unicorns in the crowd flashed past her face. She instinctively pulled up, spinning as she did so to make herself a harder target. On the ground a melee had broken out between the element bearers and the farmers. Auntie Orange was forced to rear up to avoid a blow from a spade held in a large stallion's mouth. Before he could swing again Spike used his aura to drag it from his grasp and throw it aside. In retaliation the old mare who had spoken earlier spun and landed a vicious kick to the unicorn’s barrel, sending him sprawling.  Dash was just starting to turn to help Spike when she heard another cry from Ditzy. The mare had been struck by one of the unicorn’s blasts and was falling to the ground, feathers singed. Pushing herself to fly as quickly as she could Dash grabbed the falling mare and twisted under her cushioning their landing. Carefully placing the stunned pegasus on the ground she found herself surrounded by a circle of attackers. Standing over Ditzy, Dash bared her teeth, ready to make a fight of it.  “Wait!” came Octavia’s voice from nearby, “No more fighting! We surrender!” Scowling, Dash glanced around to see Spike held down by several mares, likewise Orange Sherbet was restrained by a stallion and Octavia had a rake held to her throat. Only Pinkie still remained free somehow having perched herself on the top of the fence around the farm. For a moment Dash considered keeping up the fight but the odds seemed hopeless, and there was no way she was going to leave her new friends behind. Moving slowly she helped Ditzy it her hooves. “You ok,” she asked gently as a mare rushed over and bound her wings with a rope. “Not so tight!” she snarled trying to fight back the panic of being grounded. “I’m-I’m fine,” stuttered Ditzy shaking her head for a moment as she was also tied up. “Just a bit shaken up.” “Look, we have surrendered,” argued Octavia as the rest of the group were shoved towards the farmhouse. “You don’t need to be so rough, we just want to know what’s going on.” Not responding to her protests the short stallion pointed towards one of the nearby buildings. “Stick them with the other prisoner,” he ordered. “We’ll talk to them later.” The party were manhandled to one of the nearby buildings. A large blue stallion unbarred the cellar door and yanked it open.  “Back already? Cloud Kicker, Captain, 06934,” came a voice from inside. “That’s all you’re getting.” “Get in there with your friend,” shouted the older stallion. Dash and the rest of the element bearers were shoved down the stairs, ending up in a pile at the bottom. “I’m sorry the rest of you folks have gotten mixed up in all this, but if you’re working with the pegasus we can’t have you wandering free. Now if you care to tell us all you know about them, we’d be happy to let ya go,” he continued, actually sounding a little contrite.  “But we don’t know anything!” exclaimed Ditzy struggling free from her friend’s tangled limbs. “You have to believe us.” “Ah used to trust pegasus, but no more. You and your kind have been a blight on this land for too long now!” “We don’t know what you’re talking about!” exclaimed Spike.  The short stallion snorted in derision. “We’ll see if ya still say that after a few hours down there!” With a thud the door was slammed shut and there was a grinding sound as it was barred again.  With a snarl Dash, rushed the door and slammed a hoof against the thick planking. There was no give in it. “Hey! Come back here!” she yelled, smashing at it again. Sighing in frustration she looked around the cellar. The ceiling was low, maybe only twice her height, but the floor space seemed quite large. It was hard to tell, the only source of light was a narrow window set in one of the walls leaving most of the cellar in darkness. The window itself was only about as thick as her hoof, there was no way to escape that way. There wasn’t any sign of any furniture, or indeed anything, apart from a thick layer of dust and a few empty sacks. She looked around her companions, none of them seemed any happier about the situation than she was, well apart from Pinkie, of course, and even she seemed less jubilant than normal. Dash’s gaze caught on Ditzy whose mismatched eyes were flashing from side to side.  “Hey, Ditzy. You okay?” she asked. Now she was paying attention the other pegasus was shaking slightly.  “I’m-I’m, well, I’m no-not good with confined spaces,” stuttered Ditzy, biting at her lip. Claustrophobia, it was common amongst pegasus. Even Dash didn’t feel her normal awesome self when she was constrained. Particularly when she was stuck underground with the walls and ceiling seeming to get closer and it seemed so stuffy and hard to breath and... She shook her head, now wasn't the time to let herself freak out. Not in front of Ditzy. “Hey, it’s going to be okay,” she said, in what she hoped was a soothing tone, it was normally her Ditzy, or Fluttershy who got to do this sort of thing, not her. “Let’s get your wings free,” she trotted over to her friend and started to gnaw at the rope quickly biting through it. “That feels better right?” “M-much,” replied Ditzy, rubbing at her wings and putting on a fake smile.  “Let me help,” said Spike, his horn glowing and Dash felt the grip around her own wings loosen.  “Thanks,” she said, “don’t worry we won’t be down here much longer anyway.”  Spike nodded, his horn continuing to glow illuminating the cellar a little more and helping to give it the illusion of space.  “Hello,” said Octavia, cautiously peering into one of the corners, “is somepony there?” “Cloud Kicker, Captain, 06934,” came the reply from the corner.  “Cloud Kicker?” exclaimed Dash. The voice did seem familiar. “You know her t-too?” asked Ditzy. “Yeah, we went to flight school together, she’s one of my best friends actually.” “In my world, she’s your assistant in the Ponyville weather patrol.” Dash nodded, she guessed that made some sense, if she was into weather then Cloud would be a good assistant, if she’d stop teasing her all the time. She approached the darkness where the voice was coming from. “Cloud Kicker?” she cautiously asked. Behind her, Spike approached as well, his light giving her a better view of the mare crouched in the corner.  “Cloud Kicker, Captain, 06934,” she repeated again shading her eyes with a hoof. There were differences between the mare in the corner and the Cloud Kicker from Dash’s universe. Her mane and tail were cut much shorter, her wings were bound and there were various cuts and bruises on her, presumably from her capture, but she was still recognisably the same pony.  “Hey, Cloud Kicker, do you remember me?” asked Dash cautiously. It wasn’t certain that this world’s Cloud Kicker had ever met this world’s her, or even if there was a this world’s her... Na, there was no way a world could exist without a Rainbow Dash in it! “Cloud Kicker, Capt...” The figure paused, blinking against the light, “hey, you’re a pegasus!” “Yeah, Rainbow Dash. Do you remember me from flight school?” Dash asked hopefully.  “Flight school? That was a long time ago... I think I remember a Rainbow somepony or other. I don’t recall us being close though.” Her eyes flowed down Rainbow’s body, affixing themselves on her flanks. “And you certainly look like somepony I’d like to get close to,” she grinned roguishly.  That definitely sounded like Cloud Kicker, thought Dash as she backed away blushing. “Hey, kno-knock it off Kicker!” “If you were in flight school then you’re from Cloudsdale right?” asked Cloud Kicker, looking suspiciously from side to side at the other ponies in the room.  “Yeah,” said Dash after a moment. It seemed an awfully long time since she’d last lived there before she moved to Canterlot to be with the Princess and then to Ponyville. “Born and mostly raised, I guess.” “What was the flight school song?” asked Cloud, suddenly leaning towards Dash.  “What?” “The song. Come on if you went to flight school you’d remember it, they made us sing it twice a day!” Dash glanced around self consciously, a blush on her cheeks before she cleared her throat and began to sing.  “Junior Speedsters are our lives, Sky-bound soars and daring dives Junior Speedsters, it's our quest, To some day be the very best!” With the last word she couldn’t help but leap into the air, wings spread which given the height of the ceiling caused her to bump her head.  A wide grin began to spread over Cloud’s face. “You really are from Cloudsdale! Did the brass send you guys to get me?” “Nopony sent us, we just ended up here,” said Octavia.  “But now we’re here we can hold a pleased to meet you party!” exclaimed Pinkie, blowing on a noise maker. “Maybe we can get Dashie to sing more!” Cloud looked back and forth between the rest of the party. “Earth ponies! Who are you ponies?” For a moment Dash considered telling her the real story, but she doubted she’d believe her. Although, could Cloud be the element bearer they were looking for? Either loyalty or honesty? She supposed that Cloud did tend to say whatever was on her mind, even if she wasn’t necessarily thinking with her head. Maybe she was this world's honesty? She glanced over to Octavia but the musician was examining the window at the far end of the room. “We’re, well it’s complicated but we’re friends.” “I guess it doesn’t matter all that much, we just need to think of a way to get out of here.” “How did you get locked up anyway, those other ponies said you were a spy,” said Ditzy walking over to Cloud and starting to untie her wings. “Thanks,” said Cloud flexing her wings, “you from Cloudsdale as well?” “Baltimare originally, I’ve been living in Ponyville for, well a long time now,” said Ditzy. “Oh,” said Cloud narrowing her eyes. “Well no I’m not a spy, not really, more a scout. A group of my friends are planning to pass this way and we wanted to see what was here. I must have got a bit too close, one of the yokels managed to tag me with a rope. Not that I’ve got anything against that sort of thing, but I like to at least have a safeword in place.” She grinned. “I thought I’d be able to fight my way out but there were a lot of them. They roughed me up a bit and threw me down here.” She winced rubbing at some of her wounds.  Dash nodded. that fit with what they knew of the farmers. “They don’t seem to think much of pegasi around here.”  “Yeah, if they were just willing to share a bit more we probably wouldn’t be in this mess.” “What do you mean, share?” asked Auntie Orange suspiciously.  “Anyway,” said Cloud, “we need to find a way out of here, it’s practically my duty. We should have a look around see if there’s anything useful in here.”  Nodding the group got to work.  “What do you know of this Cloud Kicker?” asked Spike quietly as he and Dash were rummaging around in one of the corners of their prison.  “We went to flight school together in my universe, she lives in Ponyville now. She can be annoying but she’s a good friend,” said Dash. “Why?” “Well what we was saying when we found her, I think that was her name, rank and number. It's supposed to be all the information the military will give if they get captured.” Dash thought for a moment. “Well Cloud was thinking of being a guard for a bit, I think she even went to one of their schools or training camps or whatever. It didn’t work out, maybe she just fell back into the habit?” “Maybe...” muttered Spike, “You don’t think we’ve ended up in the middle of some sort of war do you?” “A war! Do those lot up there look like they’re an army?” Dash nodded towards the cellar door. “I suppose not, but there’s something wrong here, something Cloud isn’t telling us. Why was it so important where you came from?” he asked.  “I don’t know,” said Dash, she had to admit Cloud had been rather evasive. “Maybe we can find out more once we get out of here?” “So, mares and stallion. Anyone managed to find anything?” called Cloud from the opposite side of the room. “I got a sack of flour!” cried Pinkie, “Now all we need are eggs and sugar and we can make a cake, then we can hold a party and all those meanies up there will be our friends!” “Right... I guess we can call that plan B,” said Cloud. “Anything else?” “There’s a door here,” said Octavia pointing at a large timber door leant against a wall, “It’s rather too big to use as a weapon.” Cloud looked at the lumber. “Yeah. I suppose we might be able to smash it up to make weapons, but it looks pretty solid. Anypony got anything else?” There was a general shaking of heads from around the room.  “So, plan B?” asked Pinkie with a grin. Dash furrowed her brow. This was like one of the princesses’ tests, how do you escape from a prison armed only with a bag of flour and a door? She hated this sort of thing, the answer was usually some anagram or trick, you planted the flower and let it grow, or something like that. She much prefered a more practical solution. Then it hit her. “Hey, I think I’ve got an idea!” she exclaimed. “Flour’s really flammable as a powder right? Spike you could probably light it up with your horn?” The stallion nodded. “But won’t that set everything on fire, and well, kill us all?” he asked dubiously.  “Not if we direct the explosion. Me, Ditzy and Cloud can get the flour circulating in the air near the cellar door, then we jam that door near the bottom of the stairs to force the blast towards the exit. We can all get to the furthest side of the room from the explosion for safety. You can light it up from here right?” After a moment Spike nodded. “I guess so.” “I don’t know dear,” said Auntie Orange, “this sounds rather dangerous.” “I don’t know, sounds like it would work to me,” said Cloud throwing a leg over Dash’s shoulder. Then her brow furrowed. “It won’t hurt anypony out there will it?” “Not unless they’re standing right next to the door,” said Dash, she was fairly sure the blast wouldn’t last long. It might set a few things on fire but the farm above hadn’t seemed short on water. Plus if the farmers were busy putting out fires they wouldn’t be chasing them.  Cloud nodded. “Good plan then! I could kiss you!” She leant in towards Dash her lips puckered. “Hey, hey, none of that!” exclaimed Dash leaning away from the approaching lips. “Anypony else got any idea’s? No?” Nopony else seemed all that happy but after a moment they started to nod. “Good! Pinkie start emptying that sack.” “Already ahead of you Dashie!” exclaimed the now flour-covered mare as she began to throw the dust into the air. “This takes me back, it’s a shame the baby Cakes are starting to grow up now.” “Right, Cloud, Ditzy, let’s get to work,” hovering in the air Dash started to manipulate the wind currents to lift as much of the flour into the air as possible and push it over next to the door. Together with her fellow pegasus she managed to form a small tornado of dust.  Grunting with the effort Octavia and Auntie Orange levered the door up and wedged it into place at the bottom of the stairs. The fit was far from perfect but it at least served to keep most of the dust in place.  “Okay,” called Dash as the rest of the team huddled into the far corner of the cellar. “Light her up!” Gritting his teeth in concentration Spike lit his horn and shot out a thin beam of heat towards one of the gaps between their barricade and the door out.  There was silence for a moment. “Did it-” began Dash. WHUMP With a huge explosion the flour ignited throwing flames in all directions. The door they had used as a shield was thrown back against the far wall and shattered into matchsticks by the force but it had already done it’s job. The majority of the blast had been funnelled towards the outside door, smashing it from it’s frame and sending it flying high into the air. The pressure wave caused Dash’s ears to pop painfully despite her standing at the opposite side of the room. She stood there mouth open in astonishment for a moment.  “Move! Move!” cried Cloud into Dash’s half-deafened ears. The blond pegasus grabbed Dash by one hoof and Spike by the other and started to drag them towards the now open door. The remainder of the group started to stagger after them.  Outside, the blast had thrown the camp into confusion with ponies running back and forth in a blind panic. The perfect conditions for us to escape, thought Dash as she took to the wing enjoying the feel of freedom after being trapped in the cellar for however long. She swooped into the sky jinxing to the side to avoid one of the spears sticking out from the nearest building. At her left wing Cloud matched her maneuver. Ditzy followed more uncertainly a short distance behind. Glancing up she saw that the storm cloud she had noticed earlier was now much nearer, only a few miles away and closing fast. Hopefully the weather should cover their escape. Looking down Dash saw that her earth bound companions weren't making as much progress as they were. Pinkie was hoping on ahead avoiding the few enemy ponies who staggered here and there. However, it looked like Auntie Orange was still recovering from the effects of the blast and was leaning heavily against Octavia, the grey mare was struggling to move both of them away from the farm buildings. Spike was helping as best he could, his head nervously scanning around for danger.  Dash swore, they had to put some space between themselves and the farm as quickly as possible. Sooner or later somepony was going to get organised and then- “Hey,” came a loud cry, “they’re getting away! Stop them!” Dash noticed it was the from the old orange mare from earlier. She was perched on a nearby outhouse and pointing at the escaping ponies. “Come on! We got to help them!” cried Dash spinning in the air and shooting past Ditzy back towards the ground. Cloud hovered in place for a moment glancing up at the approaching storm and then towards the ground again, she gave a shrug before following after Dash. The blue pegasus buzzed low over the heads of a number of earth ponies causing them to throw themselves to the ground. “Hurry up!” she called desperately.  “I’m sorry!” gasped Orange Sherbert, “but I’m not as young as I used to be.” Still the older mare straightened up somewhat and the trio started to make faster progress towards the fence surrounding the compound.  Dash began to circle above the escapees hoping to head off any ponies trying to stop them. Off to one side the old mare was still yelling orders to the various other ponies who were starting to advance in waves. If they didn’t get out of here right now then they were going to be caught again. Suddenly something wrapped itself around Dash’s chest, stopping her dead and forcing the air from her lungs. She struggled wildly against the glowing rope she suddenly found around her chest. The other end of the spell led to the horn of a unicorn stallion perched on a nearby rooftop. He yanked his head and Dash felt the magical binding start to reel her in.  “What’s with all the ropes?” called Cloud Kicker as she dived down grabbing one end of a clothes line and dropping a large sheet over the stallion's head cancelling his spell. “It’s enough to give a girl ideas!” She finished off wrapping the line itself around his legs. “You alright Dash?” “Fine,” gasped Dash panting for breath. It looked like their moment might be over. Below them Spike, Octavia and Auntie Orange were once again surrounded by a mob of angry ponies. They were safe up here for the moment but she doubted the unicorn was the only one who could use a rope. “Come on we got to help them!” “But we can get away!” protested Cloud, “and it’s not like they’re pegasus!” “Why would that matter?” asked Dash turning towards the ground, “We all helped you get away!” “I suppose you’re right,” admitted Cloud looking shamefaced. Then she glanced back up into the sky and a smile spread over her face. “Looks like some of my friends may be able to help yours.” She began to gesture with her hooves. “Your friends? What do you-” began Dash.  The world turned white, there was a single stretched out moment when everything seemed peaceful and Dash floated alone in the sky. KRAK-A-BOOM! A sound as large as the sky grabbed Dash and threw her aside like a leaf in a hurricane. She was tossed head over tail and sent spinning through the air, her coat and feathers standing on end. Below her the top floor of the largest farm house burst asunder into flaming splinters. The shrapnel was thrown through the sky seemingly in slow motion. For a moment it was almost artistic then reality seemed to reassert itself and the wreckage crashed to the ground to a seemingly distant chorus of ponies screaming.  Her instincts taking over Dash oriented herself without thinking. Next to her Cloud Kicker was gesturing at something in the sky, it looked like she was talking but Dash couldn’t make out any sounds. Dash followed Cloud’s pointing hoof and her jaw dropped. There rolling in on the teeth of the dark storm clouds like some great ocean creature was a mass of shining white cloud formed into the shape of a sailing ship, its prow was formed into the shape of a soaring pegasus legs outstretched. As she watched Dash saw a bolt of bright lightning flash from its flank towards the ground. It struck another of the buildings smashing a gaping hole in the roof and sending panicked ponies fleeing in all directions.  “Watch where you’re firing that thing!” came Cloud’s voice, seemingly miles away despite the mare only being a wing length away from Dash.  “Waaa!” exclaimed Dash unintelligibly.  “It’s my crew!” cried Cloud her voice grow more understandable as Dash’s stunned hearing recovered. “That’s my ship! The CS Banging! Well that’s not her real name, but call her what you love! Am I right?” Now that the bombardment seemed to have ceased pegasi started to pour off of the craft all flashing towards the ground.  “What’s going on?” yelled Dash.  “It’s a raid of course! Look, I better see how things are going,” said Cloud casually. “Hey Lightning,” she yelled, “did you miss me?” A light blue mare with a golden mane and blades attached to her wings spun in the air. “Captain!” she exclaimed in astonishment. “We thought you’d been...” “Yeah, yeah. Report Lieutenant!” she ordered.  Frowning the mare gave a smart salute. “Sir! When you didn’t return from your scouting expedition, we assumed that you’d been captured or killed. I took command and moved up the time table in case you’d broken under interrogation.” “I’m sorry I put you to so much trouble,” said Cloud sarcastically. On the ground below another building was hit by a blast of lightning and smashed open. A horde of pegasi swarmed into the broken building. “Who's up there on the cannon? Hoops? You know he gets over excited!” “I felt that we needed a full bombardment to stop any resistance.” “We actually want to leave enough stuff for us to appropriate you know. We can’t eat burning lumps of building.” “Sorry Captain,” responded Lightning, not sounding sorry at all. “Dash,” came a voice from behind her and still feeling stunned Dash turned blinking, it was Ditzy. The mare looked as shaken and disoriented as Dash felt. “What’s going on! There was lightning and they’re taking everything!” “Who are they?” asked Lightning looking suspicious.  “Some of my fellow prisoners, Dash is from Cloudsdale, the other one’s an outsider. I’ll deal with them. Right let's wrap this up before the ground pounders get themselves organised.”  Lightning nodded and swooped back down towards the ground heading towards one of the shattered buildings. A large stallion leapt from the doorway seemingly intent in getting away from the battle. Lightning ducked and slammed a hoof into his knee which gave way with a crack, he fell to the ground with a cry.  “Don’t hurt them more than you need to!” called Cloud. “I think that mare likes this a little bit too much,” she mumbled to herself. “What-what are you doing?” cried Dash shaking herself out of her paralysis.  “Like I said, a raid. Cloudsdale isn’t going to feed itself and this lot have plenty of food going spare. I found their stores when I was scouting out the place.” She held up a hoof. “On that note give me a moment, Hoops, Dumb-bell, Thunderhoof, you’re with me!” Three stallions peeled off of the attacking forces and joined up with Cloud Kicker as she swooped down towards one of the undamaged buildings. “Come on!” she called back to Dash. “Dash, what are we going to do?” asked Ditzy staring about at the chaos all around.  “I don’t...,” began Dash trying to pull herself together. This all felt so surreal, there was a cloud ship in the sky, buildings were on fire and pegasi were fighting other ponies everywhere she looked. If it wasn’t real life it would be so cool. “We follow Cloud,” she announced, “we need to find out what this is all about.” Not looking all that convinced Ditzy followed as Dash headed towards the building Cloud Kicker had indicated.  Inside the building was a tall stack of barrels laid against one wall. In front of them, facing off against the newly arrived pegasu were several orange coated earth pony mares. “Come on ladies, we just want a share of the drink,” said Cloud, “no need for anypony to get hurt.” “This is Hooffield moonshine, we sweated blood to make it. We’re not going to give up a drop to any feather brains!” spat the lead mare stepping forwards, a spade held in her mouth.  “It has to be the hard way doesn’t it,” sighed Cloud, ducking to one side as her opponent swung her spade. The pegasus twisted around slamming a hoof into the weapon shattering it and sending its owner staggering back. A second mare rushed forwards yelling a war cry. “Normally I’d enjoy a wrestle with such a pretty mare,” noted Cloud stepping back to avoid the charge. “But I’m in a hurry right now.” She swung a hoof up to her attacker’s neck and she crumpled to the ground with a groan.  “You! What did you do!” gasped Ditzy starting forwards towards the injured mare. “Wait,” said Dash putting a hoof on Ditzy’s shoulder. “She’ll be fine, that was a nerve strike.” She remembered Shining Armour trying to teach her how to use the technique. She’d never got the knack but knew from personal experience how disabling it could be.  The other defenders had apparently decided that discretion was the better part of valour and had fled through a side door. “Right you two grab the barrels,” ordered Cloud, “there should be enough for the whole crew to get nicely blotto when we get back to port.” Two of the stallions cheered as they grabbed their prizes and hefted them into the sky.  “You’re robbing them,” exclaimed Dash, “what are you some kind of pirate?” “I’m a member of the Cloudsdale guard, this is an official supply mission,” said Cloud not meeting Dash’s gaze. “You’re guard? What sort of soldier attacks a bunch of farmers, blows up their stuff and steals their food,” said Ditzy snorting in anger.  “Hey, you can’t talk to us that way,” said the other stallion in the room glaring at Ditzy, “You’re just an outsider.” There was no way that her Cloud Kicker would have acted this way, thought Dash. She knew a bunch of guards in Canterlot, including Shining Armour, none of them would do this either. “You’re supposed to protect Equestria not rob it,” she said accusingly. “Yeah, well I’m doing what I have to. I’m just following my orders,” muttered Cloud. “Come on Dash,” she said reaching out towards Dash, “we need to get back to Cloudsdale, what is there for you out here anyway?” “You can do whatever you want, I’m going to find my friends,” said Dash. Nodding to Ditzy she turned on her heels and headed towards the exit. She had only taken a few steps when she heard Ditzy cry out, spinning around she saw the grey mare held firmly by the pegasus stallion. “I can’t let you do that Dash,” said Cloud from behind, “you need to come back to Cloudsdale with me, I’m sure the brass will have a few questions for you.” “Let go of her!” yelled Dash, advancing on the stallion.  “Dash look-” began Ditzy, but it was too late. Dash didn’t have time to react as Cloud’s hoof swung out, catching her at the throat. For a moment the blow didn’t seem to have much effect and Dash turned to face her attacker then she felt her legs collapse under her in a wave of numbness. She recognised as the result of a nerve strike quickly spreading over her body.  “Sorry Dash,” said Cloud Kicker as she started to gather up the limp pegasus. “But I just can’t take no for an answer right now.” “This way!” cried Spike, dodging aside as a pair of brawling ponies bounced past. “I think I saw them go in there!” It had looked like him of the element bearers were going to be captured again but then that cloud ship had appeared and started to blow the farm apart. The earth ponies had lost interest in them when the pegasi had started to rain down and take everything that wasn’t nailed down. The four of them had been trying to make their way through the battlefield trying to find Dash and Ditzy.  There was a cry from within the building the stallion was pointing to. “That’s Ditzy!” cried Octavia rushing forwards to help. She had almost reached the door when a large pegasus stallion barged into her knocking the gray mare aside as he swooped up into the air Ditzy’s struggling form clutched in his arms.  Before any of the rest of the group could react Cloud followed the stallion Dash’s paralyzed form on her back. The two pegasus rocketed up towards the cloud ship above them followed by the rest of the raiding party carrying whatever they could loot from the wreckage of the farm.  “We’ve got to stop them!” cried Orange Sherbert.  Spikes horn glowed briefly but it had no visible effect on the fleeing pegasus. In a moment they had all returned to the ship and it was flying away through the storm it had arrived on.  “They’re gone!” cried Octavia, “What do we do now?”