Ode to a Monster

by Tekkonair

Chapter 3 - First Blood

Shield groaned, shrugging off the rubble as he shook his head, stumbling to his hooves. His runed armour had saved him from the worst of the impact, but the sheer force behind the attack still took its toll. Blinking the stars from his eyes, he glanced around quickly to find himself near the standing stones, freezing as he spotted what was lurking just beyond the edge of the circle, breath catching. Shades. Dozens of shades, prowling at the border and snapping their jaws. His head snapped around to the altar again as he heard Rainbow start screaming. Rainbow! Seeing her writhing on the ground as Marabas watched with glee, he snarled and charged forwards, drawing his sword, the hilt surrounded in a golden haze as it slid smoothly from its scabbard. He gave a low war cry as he charged, the sword held at his side as he galloped across the clearing.

“Still here? You are testing my patience…” Marabas snarled, runes appearing in front of her, a searing white beam lancing forth.

Now. Shield vanished in a flash of light, reappearing behind the alicorn and bringing his sword in an upwards slash across her hind legs, the blade biting flesh. Marabas hissed in pain before kicking back. Her hoof glanced off his armour, but the blow was still sufficient to knock him back, causing him to gasp for air. Marabas spun around, sweeping her head as she tried to gore him with his horn. The tip of his sword swept up to deflect the strike, before parrying the second horn thrust. Marabas followed through, snapping her jaws at him. Shield hopped back to avoid the bite, and Marabas leapt back, opening the distance. Shield’s eyes widened as he saw her charge a spell, too far away for him to physically disrupt her casting, and there was no way he could effectively counterspell. Horseapples. He raised his gauntlets to shield his head from the blast, thrown back into the air. Twisting as he flew through the air, he landed heavily on his hooves before leaping forwards again, teleporting the short distance to her right side and lashing out with his clawed gauntlet, the crackling blades parting her skin with ease. The enraged alicorn struck with the leading edge of her wing, catching him across the neck and sending him reeling.

He rolled to the side to avoid her snapping jaws, and watched as the slash across her legs was already knitting shut. Alicorn regeneration, buck. He swore internally, teleporting again to appear at her left side, before instantly teleporting again as she swung her left wing, this time appearing above her. Plunging his sword down, he brought his hoof down on the pommel to drive the tip into her right shoulder, and Marabas shrieked awfully as the blade sunk deep. Raking her back once with his gauntlets, Shield leapt clear as her mane erupted into white fire, lashing above her back before returning to normal. Shield rolled as he landed and whipped around, throwing up a barrier as she charged a spell. The blast crashed against the barrier, filling the air with dust and smoke.

“Damnable pest!” Marabas howled into the haze, snarling as she prowled back and forth, her right wing twitching against her side in pain. Hidden in the haze, Shield weighed up his options briefly. He, currently, had the advantage in speed and agility, but she was still fast. And whilst Shield had landed hits against her, they amounted to very little, and he was certain a single good hit from Marabas would end the fight.

She’s almost certainly got more endurance than me as well. Think Shield… He racked his brain, trying to think of a way to end this quickly, before reaching a grim conclusion. This must be what master meant. ‘Keep it occupied until help arrives’. No way am I killing her on my own, so… He set his jaw as he made his decision, channeling his magic into his armour, activating the runes woven into the metal. Offensive magic, almost useless against an alicorn. Focus on staying alive, and keeping her attention. He took a deep breath, focusing on the sound of her pacing before throwing himself forwards out of the haze again. Leaping at her, he tucked his shoulder and rolled between her legs, lashing out with his gauntlets, slashing along her legs and barrel before teleporting clear as she trampled the ground beneath her. Appearing at her right side, he grabbed his sword, still lodged in her shoulder in his magic again and ripped it free, opening her shoulder further.

“Insolent whelp!” Marabas cursed him, head low as she growled, lashing out with a hoof to widen the gap. Shield didn’t relent, slashing at the limb as it came close before moving under her guard and slicing at her armpit with his sword before backing clear as she thrashed her head, her teeth grazing his ear.

Too close. Shield grimaced, sweeping his sword around to parry a thrust from her horn, forced onto the defensive as she slashed at him, deflected again as Shield moved his sword around in circular motions to guard against her viciously sharp horn. Marabas winced, pulling her head back as an attempt at a stab got her a cut across the nose for her troubles. She snorted, narrowing her eyes before lowering her head and charging. Shield’s eyes widened as he leapt to the side and rolled clear, skidding briefly on his hooves before stopping as Marabas lowered her head for another charge. Shield barely cleared her charge this time, swearing under his breath as he jarred his shoulder in the roll. He grit his teeth as she charged yet again, leaping to the side. This time Marabas was ready, and swung her head to the right as he leapt, the tip of her horn catching between the armour plates.

Pain exploded in his leg as her horn parted the skin and cut into the flesh, Shield landing awkwardly and skidding on his side before rolling to his hooves with a wince. “Got you that time, pest.” Marabas taunted, grinning malevolently. Shield breathed through clenched teeth, not taking his eyes off her. “This would be so much easier for you if you just let me kill you.” She rolled her right shoulder as the wound began to knit shut, the wing flapping once.

“Buck that…” He snarled, readying his sword again. Marabas smirked.

“I can at least appreciate spirit. Have it your way.” She raised her wings, and gave one powerful flap, launching into the air. Beating her wings again, she charged and fired another blast down at Shield. Shield disappeared just before it struck, appearing in the air beside her, disappearing again as she wheeled to face him.

The wound is healing, but it’s still there. A plan formed in his mind as he appeared on her left side, then her right side, and finally above her, sword raised as he plunged towards her with a yell. She rolled over in the air, horn ready to fire another blast. As she loosed the spell, he vanished, appearing below her and launching his sword with as much force as he could focus. Augmented further by telekinesis, the blade rocketing up, piercing her right shoulder and carrying on straight through. Marabas howled as her right wing was severed completely, her left wing flapping uselessly as she hurtled to the ground. Shield teleported once again, making sure to transfer his momentum horizontally, rolling along the ground instead of being thrown straight into it. He grunted, rattled as he was tossed across the ground, rolling to his hooves in time to see Marabas crash into the ground with a sickening thud. Limping slightly, he caught his falling sword in his magic as he turned to look at the fallen alicorn.

“I must say I am impressed, pest.” She spat the words as she struggled to her hooves. “Teleporting that many times that quickly… But, that must take a lot out of you.” She snarled, yellow eyes meeting his. “How much more can you take, I wonder?” She grinned, spitting blood before roaring, white light gathering around her horn, firing a blindingly bright beam. Shield swore, galloping to avoid the beam that swept after him, eventually taking cover behind one of the pillars. He glanced over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes at the sight of the shades cheering the alicorn on quietly, peering around the pillar once the light stopped, yelping and barely avoiding the horn lunging towards him. Shield desperately moved his sword, barely able to defend against the wildly striking horn and gnashing teeth, being forced back towards the altar, and the still-screaming Rainbow Dash.

He swore under his breath as he backed up. He parried strike after strike, the sword jarring in his magical grip with each blow. He bit his cheek as his leg flared in pain, hard enough to draw blood. Just when he thought the assault might relent, a loose stone slipped under his injured leg, rolling his ankle. His eyes went wide as he fell, before crying out as the horn moved into the opening, spearing his left shoulder. Blinking back tears, he went to bring his sword down on her neck, but before he could she jerked her head, throwing him clear with a spray of blood. He grunted as he hit the ground, rolling over once and skidding the rest of the distance. Trying to stand, he yelped as he put weight on his left leg, wincing as he held it clear of the ground.

“Finally, a telling blow.” Marabas chuckled darkly as Shield limped around to face her, sword still held ready. “Really, I do not understand why you keep trying.” She prowled around him. “You must know you cannot defeat me on your own.” She snorted, a thought occurring to her. “Surely you must. So why are you here alone? Unless…” She paused, before a wide grin split her face, exposing her fangs. “Ah, so that is what is happening. You are not meant to defeat me, you are just meant to keep me occupied until more arrive.” Shield’s eyes went wide.

Oh buck, she figured it out. Shield gave a cry, charging forwards despite his pain, only for Marabas to grab a piece of the destroyed pillar in her magic and fling it at him. He barely had time to raise a barrier, and the impact still threw him into the side of the altar. He tried to stand, but another rock crashed down on top of him and shattered, driving the air from his lungs as something in his chest cracked. Coughing and struggling to stand, he watched as Marabas turned to leave. “Ma... Marabas… We… We’re not finished here…” He held his sword still, standing on shaking legs.

“No, and I hate to leave a job half finished, but I cannot afford to be here when your friends arrive. And besides, I believe these fine creatures will be more than able to finish the job.” She grinned cruelly at him as the shades moved into the circle, the horde of them tittering and giggling maddeningly, pressing in and surrounding the stallion. Shield swallowed, glancing around at the shades hemming him in against the altar. He tried to cast a fireball to disperse the group, but winced as his horn sparked, sword wobbling dangerously.

Damn, used too much of my reserve. Too many to fight without pyromancy, not in this state. His vision blurred, fatigue and pain taking its toll as he shivered. End it now, better than being taken… He glanced at his sword, before snapping his head around as something next to him whimpered. Squinting, he could barely make out the blurry form of Rainbow Dash, curled into a foetal position. The Element Bearer! How could I forget..? Looking back at the shades, he snarled as he widened his stance. Can’t let them take her. Will not let them. “W-what are you waiting for, then?” He snarled, grinning through the pain as he grit his teeth. “Come... And have a go… If you think you’re hard enough.” The shades bristled as one at the challenge, snarling and growling in response as he stood protectively over Rainbow Dash. I’ve still got enough to activate runes… He winced as he focused his magic again, the runes on his sword igniting and erupting into flame, wreathing his sword in a magical inferno. I can hold them off for long enough… I have to believe that… “Come on then!”

One of the shades shrieked and leapt forwards. Strong, but stupid. Shield swung the sword in a short chop, the burning blade taking the shade’s head off, the two parts turning to smoke. The horde cried in outrage at the death of their ‘sister’, and charged as a group. Shield kept his back to the altar, sweeping his sword in wide defensive patterns, keeping the horde back as best he could, slashing at limbs and heads when they pressed too close. Shadowy claws scratched at his armour, the freezing chill leaching through, slowing his limbs and numbing his mind. Shield kept fighting through the cold and the pain, beheading another shade as it went for his throat, but there were just too many, the circle of hissing and snarling monsters pressing closer and closer.

Finally, one landed a telling blow, a claw finding a gap in his armour and piercing his chest. He gasped as the cold gripped his heart, its beating slowing. Giving a final snarl, he hacked off the offending shade’s limb and then its head, before forcing more magic into the runes on his blade and slamming it into the ground, the super-heated tip melting into the ground and erupting in a ball of flame, incinerating the closest shade and throwing the rest back. His magic spent, Shield fell to his side as the flames licking around his blade faded. Shield panted, unable to even stand as the shades rallied, and began to press in again, cautious but confident of their victory now. I’m sorry Master… I’m sorry Rainbow… I failed you both… Spitting at the closest shade in defiance, his head hit the stone. The last thing he saw was the bottomless maw of a shade closing in, before the shade erupted into flames.

“-bas has escaped. Had it not been for the singulti then maybe-“

“We can talk about maybes all day. The fact is she has escaped.” Shield’s ear flicked as sound filtered back into his world, his mind sluggishly processing the noises as words.

I’m not dead? His eyes slowly opened and he winced against the light. How? Did they get here in time...? Slowly blinking as his vision cleared, the familiar roof of the shrine chamber came into view.

“Master, he’s awake.” A mare’s voice said, and Shield’s vision was filled with a stern, midnight blue unicorn’s face with piercing grey eyes.

“Shield, it’s a bloody miracle you’re still alive.”

“M-master? How..?” Shield tried to sit up, gasping in pain before being pushed back down.

“Don’t try and sit up, you’re badly injured.” Shield nodded, greedily drinking from the offered water skin. “Do you remember what happened?”

“M-Marabas… She escaped. I tried to keep her here, but…” He winced as his shoulder flared. “She figured out what I was trying to do, and left me to the shades.”

“How did she escape?”

“Rainbow… The blue mare with me. She crashed at the shrine, badly injured. She- She’s an Element Bearer, but Marabas did something to her…”

“Blue mare..? The one we found next to you at the shrine?”

“Y-yeah. Is she ok?” He asked, carefully turning her head to look for her.

“She’s alive and uninjured, though if Marabas did something that would explain a couple of things.” Shield’s blood ran cold as more memories returned.

“I-I failed… I failed you Master, and I failed her.” Shield slammed his hoof against the bed, biting his tongue as his shoulder flared again.

“Shield, look at me.” He ordered, and Shield met his eyes. “You kept her alive. That’s a damn sight more than many could do in that situation, against that many shades in the state you were in. Both of you are lucky to be here right now.” Shield was silent for a moment, before nodding, averting his eyes again.

“How… How is she?”

“We’re… Not sure yet.” The mare answered. “She hasn’t woken up. We’re keeping her in a shield right now, in case she’s violent when she wakes up.”

“What did Marabas do to her?” Shield turned to look at the mare, a white pegasus with a red mane. She grimaced, mane covering her eyes.

“We’re not fully sure, but-” She was interrupted by the sound of a scream of terror.

“She’s awake!” A stallion shouted.

“Let me see her.” Shield grunted, trying to sit up.

“You need to rest-”

“Let me see her,” he repeated, struggling. “She’s not going to recognise any of you, but she’ll recognise me.” The mare was silent for a moment, looking at Master. He nodded, before lifting the bed in a blue field. The bed was carefully levitated across the chamber, over to where a group of armoured ponies stood.

“Make room!” Snapped Master, the ponies stepping aside as the bed was set down. Shield swallowed, gritting his teeth and grunting in pain as he finally managed to sit up, turning to the shield.
