//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: A Journey to The West Mansion: // by Todd Philips //------------------------------// "Hey Applejack, have you seen Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, or Fluttershy recently? Because I sure haven't." It was Rainbow dash. She was hanging out with Applejack under a tree, back in Equestria, she had no idea what had become of her friends. "Now that ya mention it," replied Applejack. "I ain't seen them for while. Awful strange if ya ask me." "I know, it's weird. Kind of like how it's weird that men in their 20's 30's and 40's watch our show. Which is designed for 12 year old girls." Said Rainbow Dash. "True. Anyway, I think we outta go lookin' for the others. They left earlier today, on that walk. And that was this mornin'. They've been gone for nearly six hours." Said Applejack. "I hope they're alright, that was a bad storm." Rainbow Dash said. "I'm sure they're alright, partner," replied Applejack, "But it can't hurt to go lookin for 'em." With that, the duo ventured out of Equestira, to the fields where the three had said they were taking their walk. The grass was still wet from the rain earlier. Applejack noticed the mansion on top of the hill above. "Hey Rainbow Dash, ya think they might of gone in there? It was stormin' pretty badly, maybe they took some shelter inside." Asked Applejack. "Maybe," Rainbow Dash responded, "let's check it out. Get on my back." Applejack climbed on top of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash took off, flying to the the top of the hill at supersonic speeds. They landed in front of the door, and Applejack got off and knocked. No one answered. She knocked harder, the door creaked open a bit. "Well..." Said Rainbow Dash. "It's unlocked." The two entered the house, and were greeted by the stinking metallic smell of blood. Rainbow Dash was the first to notice the body. "OH MY GOD!" She screamed. "APPLEJACK! LOOK!" Applejack turned and nearly threw up. She was to stunned to speak. The twisted, mangled corpse was clearly Twilight Sparkle's. But her head was completely crushed in. In fact, they only recognized her by her cutie mark, which was stained with blood. "Wait, what's that over there!" Rainbow dash was looking ahead of them. She saw a pink corpse. As she made her way to it, it became clear that it belonged to Pinkie Pie. Her arm was completely missing, and her mouth was frozen in a permanent scream. "But where's Fluttershy?" Said Applejack. The two looked for her. Applejack noticed a red stain on the wall, below it, lay a pool of blood, mangled organs, yellow flesh, and shattered bits of bone. Rainbow Dash was sick. She stumbled back. It was disgusting. "Who did this?" She shouted. "Who fucking did this? I'm gonna make them pay for this!" "Forget it, mate." Cried Applejack, tears streaming down her face. "Fly us out of here." "NO!" Screamed Rainbow Dash! We're gonna find the killer! We'll find him, and we'll make him pay!" The two took a moment to compose themselves. "Now," said Rainbow Dash, "Let's try that door over there." They walked over to the door, it was open. They headed through and entered a long and dark hall. At the end was a light. They made their way down the hall. As they walked, blood dripped from the ceiling above. The whole hall smelled of blood and death. They reached the end and were greeted by an elevator shaft. The doors were stuck open, and the car was missing. They could her the gears of the elevation screeching, trying to close the doors. Something had bent them open to a point where the machine couldn't close them. Rainbow Dash looked inside the dusty shaft. The emergency lighting was on, giving it an eerie red glow Applejack hugged Rainbow Dash and the two flew up the shaft. Several floors up, they came across another door which had been wrenched open. They exited the shaft through it, and entered a large carpeted room. The carpet was mostly tan, but dried bloodstains had made several parts of it a dark red. At the other side of the room stood a large, muscular behemoth of a man. He was busy punching some kind of mutated, deformed person. He delivered a final right-hook that smashed crushed his opponents head inward, and sent him tumbling to the side. "Who are you?!" Demanded Rainbow Dash. The man turned around, he was wearing a bone mask. "Rick." He said. "It was you!" Screamed Rainbow Dash, "It must've been you! YOU KILLED THEM!" "Get a grip Rainbow Dash," Applejack tried to calm her down, "We don't know that." The mask used Rick's mouth to speak, "Yep... Mmhmm. This guy did it. It was all his fault." Rainbow Dash screamed and lunged at Rick, she flew towards him at incredible speed. She impacted him full force... doing absolutely nothing. Rick stood there, unmoved by her pathetic attempt to harm him. She was a stupid little pony. He was a seven foot tall, 600 pound wall of muscle. Rainbow Dash hung there, hanging from Rick's shoulders. Her hooves digging into his flesh. "Oh this'll be fun." The mask said to Rick telepathically. Rick reached his arm around Rainbow Dash and grabbed her left wing. He held it, and used it to swing her up and around. He spun her around the top of his head like a lasso, and brought her smashing into the ground. He placed his foot on her and pulled at the wing, tearing it off. He grabbed the second wing and did the same. Rainbow Dash was barley alive, coughing and sputtering. To weak to scream in pain. Blood poured from the wounds where her wings used to be. She grunted, and tried to pull herself up. Rick punted her like a football, sending her flying. The mask commented aloud, using Rick's mouth, "You see? She dosen't need wings to fly!" The mask laughed, and Rick looked at Applejack, who was frozen in terror. Rick charged at her. Applejack screamed as Rick swooped her up, and threw her down, slamming her into the ground. He picked her up by the neck with one hand, and pulled at her head with the other. Rick yanked upwards one final time, tearing Applejack's head clean off. Blood spurted from the wound, a jagged, broken spine protruding out. "Look..." the mask laughed. "I'm getting head!" Rick smirked at the comment, and threw the head aside. He punched at the top of Applejack's neck, forcing his arm past her spine, deep inside her body. He grabbed her heart and ripped upwards, tearing the heart outside of Applejack's body. He squeezed the heart with his hand, bursting it between his fingers. He kicked Applejack's body out of his way, and continued on his path. Exiting the room through a small wooden door.