//------------------------------// // 33. Small, But Brutal // Story: EqG Tales: G.L.O.W. Edition // by Brian Sheil //------------------------------// Derpy Hooves sat down in a pizza place, crying her eyes out. Bulk Biceps tries to comfort her as Sunset Shimmer comes in, and sees this scene. “Hey, guys.” Sunset greeted. “What’s going on?” “It’s horrible!” Derpy sobbed. “I was just minding my own business, when this mean woman showed up, yelled at me, and took some kind of billy club to whack me a few times. It was embarrassing!” “Who would do something like this?” Bulk said angrily. Hearing the conversation, Tree Hugger stood up and joined the others. “That happened to me yesterday. But, after I went home, I started to get my groove back.” “You too, Tree Hugger?” Sunset gasped. “What did this bully look like?” “Really not cool. She was, like, as small as Apple Bloom and her friends, she wore this bogus gray and black outfit, and has black in the middle of her wavy blond hair.” Sunset thought about the description. Then, she had a thought. “I think I got it.” Sunset said. “Sounds like Derpy and Tree Hugger were attacked by the ruthless Gremlina.” “Gremlina?” Bulk blurted. “Isn’t she that little person that used to boss Daisy around?” “Yep. Until Daisy had enough of that brutal treatment, and dumped that creep.” Derpy got a little more nervous. “With that brute around, nobody is safe.” Sunset calmed her down. “Don’t worry, Derpy. I’ll help in dealing with her.” Later that day, Sunset and Bulk were in the neighborhood, looking for Gremlina. “Is Derpy going to be okay, Bulk?” Sunset asked with concern. “Yeah.” Bulk answered. “She's hanging out at Tree Hugger’s house. Poor Derpy had to be put in a straitjacket to calm her down.” Sunset imagines Derpy in a straitjacket, being restrained so she won’t hurt herself. “Whoa. That’s a scary sight.” “I know. But, it’s for her own protection.” Suddenly, they hear a girl scream for help. Sunset recognizes the voice. “That’s Wallflower Blush! Come on!” Bulk and Sunset rushes off to the rescue. Meanwhile, Wallflower was being whacked multiple times by a small angry woman that fits the description Tree Hugger gave. “Stop!” Wallflower pleaded. “I didn’t do anything to hurt you.” “Quiet, freak!” The small woman demanded. “There’s no room for imperfections!” Sunset and Bulk arrived in time. Wallflower saw them, and ran to them. “You’re right!” Bulk said to Sunset. “It IS Gremlina!” “Sunset!” Wallflower sobbed. “This strange person started to hurt me.” Gremlina soon spoke to the former bully. “Sunset? Oh. Sunset Shimmer. The former brute of Canterlot High School.” “What the idea hurting my friend?” Sunset demanded. “That plant lover should have stayed alone instead of having any friends!” Gremlina answered. “I always liked when she’s often forgotten.” Sunset was shocked to hear that. “That’s crazy, Gremlina. Just like when you beat up Derpy Hooves and Tree Hugger.” Gremlina didn’t care what she said. “That Derpy kid’s eyes were too cross eyed. As for Tree Hugger, I don’t like hippie folks.” Suddenly, Bulk Biceps grabbed her and lifted her up. “Nobody picks on our friends.” Bulk informed as he puts down a trash can. “Time for you to learn your OWN place!” He then places Gremlina in the trash can and closes the lid. “Right where she belongs,” Sunset informed, “with the rest of trash!” Wallflower Blush felt a lot of relief as Bulk returned to the girls. “How about we go to Tree Hugger’s place to check on Derpy?” Bulk suggested. “Wallflower, come with us.” “Sure. Thanks.” Wallflower Blush replied. The three friends walked away from the trash can. Gremlina lifted the lid and realized her predicament. Oh boy. Talk about deja vu.