That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp


Somewhere in the woods around Jack's house

"I gave you a slight magic boost. Can you feel it?" Celestia asked Alan

"I can. Thats...weird" Alan said looking at his hands

"Well I know you're a fan of that show you have on your TV, Dragonball. Pretend you're Goku trying to perfect that energy blast he does" Celestia gave Alan a less stressful solution

"Hit'm with the kamehameha Al" Ashley said as she leaned on a tree with her arms crossed

"Should I literally say it as I do it? Alan joked as he got into the stance

"Well dear, if it truly helps i assume so" Celestia said not too sure about things

"KAAAAAHHHHHH-MEEEEEEE!!----Nothing's happening" Alan looked at his hands


'I got an Idea. Granted not a good one. But maybe it will help him atleast shoot a bit off magic and get a bit more of a grasp of magic...Starswirl did this to me once or twice to pressure me into unlocking my hidden powers. Sorry hun' Celestia thought before she did what she was gonna do

The sound of a roughly running v8 was heard approaching. Rod knock, belt squeak, and misfires. A burned Dodge Demon rolled up. Paint chipping and missing, warped body panels, rust spots, and melted glass. The undead Alan from his nightmare got out of it "HeLlO FRiEnD, MisS mE¿?" He asked opening his arms almost if expecting a hug

"You bastard! You will pay for what you put me through. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Alan charged a magic ball of energy and blasted it at what looked like nothing for Ashley

"What just ha-!?" She stopped herself after seeing Celestia with a magic finger over her lips

"Alan what was that!? It was terrifying!!" Celestia asked with noticeably bad acting.

"That was the fucker from my nightmare. How was he here!?" Alan asked looking at the giant crater in the ground

"I have no idea. But he's now disintegrated." Celestia said "but that was some strong could probably rival mine" Celestia said impressed

"SEe mE¿¡? ShE dId ThiS AfTEr YoU LoST ConTRoL Of YOur PoWEr ANd MiND" replayed in Alans head

"NO!! I-I-I mean no, I can't be more powerful than you. As cool as the whole 'I'm practically Goku' i don't want to be able to use magic. It's making me mentally, emotionally, and physically unstable. Just cast a spell on me that makes me unable to use magic" Alan said as he was on his knees with his hands grasping his hair

"Here, this should stop any magic from being used by your being" she poofed up a ring that she put on Alan's finger. The same one that was on her horn in his dream

"What is this?" Alan questioned

"It's a ring commonly put around a unicorn's horn to stop them from using any magic. It should work the same for you." She explained

"O-ok" Alan couldn't help but realize that things are almost playing out as in thd dream. 'This undead Alan got that ring from somewhere. My magic can rival hers and she knows it. Was that a dream or a vision to the future?' Alan thought to himself

Time skip

"You ok Al? You look like you got a lot on your mind." Spike asked

"Im just doing research on magic restrictors" Alan explained showing the one on his pointer finger

"Oh those? I know all about them, why do you have one though? And why do you look like you haven't slept for a month" Twilight asked

"I've not been able to sleep in the past 2 days cos of a dream." Alan explained

"May i see said dream?" Twilight asked

"One, its very haunting. Two, how?" Alan questioned

"I can access dreams directly but i can access memories. So may i see?" Twilight asked
"I can see how thatd keep you up" Twilight gulped

"The worst part is that i think he is- i mean 'was' real. I seen him 2 days ago." Alan said

"Sup Alan? Who'd you see?" Jack said as he walked down the stairs

"Where did you come from?" Alan asked

"I've been here mate. I stayed the night. Didn't ye see meh car outback? I have the Miata with meh." Jack pointed a thumb at the back door.

"Is that so?" Alan got a cheeky grin on his face "I wonder where you slept" Twilight and Jack both got very red "Last i remember, This Library has Two bedrooms. One of them is Spike's" Alan poked

"I, uh, I slept on the floor" Jack stuttered.

"You're an awful liar" Twilight said

"Anyway please do tell me about this little ring thing" Alan said

"The one you got is a very high tier one. This one is strong enough that it couldve even stopped Starswirl from using magic. Where on Celestia's green Equis did you get this?" Twilight asked

"Celestia gave it to me, its so I don't blow anymore holes in things." Alan said scratching his neck

"Basically one of these, if you devided its power into 4 different rings with only a quarter of its power. You could theoretically stop every princess in the kingdom, its that strong. I'll have to write to her and ask her about it" Twilight said.

"No, that's not necessary. Its because I guess my power is at an extremely high level and it probably is enough to rival all 4 princesses combined. Im just worried." Alan said sitting on the couch and sulking slightly.

"Oi, don't go givin' me that sad crap. You're very strong mate an even more strong willed. Do go thinkin for a second that you're gonna hurt someone." Jack said comforting Alan

"Jack. I want you to have this." Alan stood up and pulled his gun out of its holster, then handed to Jack. "If one day i ever lose my self control. I want you to put a cold one righy here ok?" He said pointing to his forehead.

"A-alan, mate. Are you sure?" Jack asked

"If it means keeping the ones I love safe. Then yes" Alan said as he walked out of the library leaving the others in shock.