Object Permanence

by DatZigga

...Now you don’t! (Bonus Chapter)

“Now, I know this is impossible, Anonymous.” Trixie argued, from her comfortable seat on Anon’s couch. “Not even most unicorns can teleport, let alone a worthless human like you.” Anon and Trixie have been practicing sleight of hand for the better part of a day in preparation for the upcoming trick. In fact, it was becoming a rather dark night outside, due to clouds over Ponyville blocking the moonlight.

“Well, duh.” Anon rebutted, holding the blanket in between his hands. He stood in the hallway between the living room and his bedroom. “But, the idea is to seem like I teleported. Besides, you don’t actually know that I don’t have actual magic.”

“Starlight has proven it succinctly.” Trixie huffed.

“Sure, vouch for your marefriend .” Anon teased. He narrowly dodged a thrown throw pillow aimed for his head.

“She is NOT my marefriend!” Trixie gelled, her face beet red, betraying her words.

“Well, by definition of the word itself, she is your mare and friend.” Anon explained. “Now, if we’re talking marefriend marefriend then, hey. That’s pretty gay, but I ain’t finna hate one it.” Another pillow was narrowly dodged.

“Just show your stupid trick already!” Trixie demanded. Anon chuckled as he raised the blanket to hide himself from her view.

“Alright,” Anon said, now that he was ready. “When I count to 3, I’ll have disappeared. Oh, and don’t turn on your hornlight for this one.”

“Why would Trixie not-“

“One!” Anon interrupted, causing Trixie to scoff. “Two...!” Anon continued. Then, just like that the blanket fell. Trixie has to stop herself from being surprised. She knew enough that there was always an explanation with him. So, she hopped off the couch and went to the hallway to investigate. She found that the bedroom door was slightly ajar, revealing a near pitch black room. Trixie was about to turn on her hornlight, but remembered what Anon said.

“Stupid human.” She relented, wanting to know what made this seemingly simple trick so special. She slowly trotted forward, approaching the room. She noted how she could hear very little noise coming from the room. She half suspected he actually disappeared in a different room. Until she realized that all other doors were closed and she didn’t hear a door close. With those possibilities debunked she entered the room, unable to see in front of her.

That’s when the door closed. Trixie leaped in surprise and instantly grew worried.

“Anonymous!” She yelled, then gulped. “This is already not funny! Reveal yourself immediately!” She stood silently, waiting for a response of any kind. Knowing that this was going to end poorly she was just about to turn her light on.

That’s when she saw it.