That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

All too real

It was a rainy stormy night. Alan awoke to the feeling of an empty bed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes

"Hey babe, what time is it and where are you?" Alan asked the darkness of his house as he got up and stretched and stood up

"oH ShE'S fINe" a distorted twisted version of Alan's voice replied

"Ok you can stop fucking around babe. This isnt cool" Alan said getting a little worried

"YoU ShOuLD kNoW SHe wOUlDN't PuLl A prANk LikE THiS. HahAHAhaHaHahaHa" the voice replied back."

Alan turned around to see almost a mirror image of himself, but it looked undead. Skin was burned eyes glossed over but glowing, torn clothes, hair with bald patches, Exposed muscle tissue, and worst of all, no bottom jaw "where is she you worthless FUCK!!!?" Alan screamed squaring up with himself

"DOwNStAIrs, JusT FolLoW Me" the figure replied walking towards the door. and making a 'come with me' gesture with very dead fingers







"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?!!? EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT NOW YOU BASTARD!!!" Alan screamed at his undead copy

*MMPH!* *MMPH* A Celestia tied to a chair with duct tape over her mouth, and a small ring over her horn tried to scream for help

"Oh SiLlY AlAN. SEe mE¿¡? ShE dId ThiS AfTEr YoU LoST ConTRoL Of YOur PoWEr ANd MiND. AnD ShE bURnEd ThE HoUse DoWn AFteR ShE MaDE No EfForT To StoP uS. CaRs ANd YoU. ShE MercIlEsSlY KiLleD Us. So I'Ll DO THE SaME tO HeR!!!!" The undead doppelganger pulled out a chard gun and fired u rounds into Celestia's stomach and head. "ThAT's DeSeRVeD!"


Everything stopped.

The front door opened

"WHAT THE FUCK!?!" Alan yelled still in fighting stance

"You're experiencing a nightmare Alan. Calm down." Luna said very calmly walking over to Alan and examining his doppelganger and the bloodied Celestia in the chair "well both of these sights will cause me a few sleepless weeks. We gotta get you taken care of though.....C'mon, take my hoof" Luna held a hoof out

Alan sent Luna flying through a solid brick wall "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!??" Alan asked the Luna with a bloodied face

"Well that's gonna hurt later. I told you in the past I protect the night by entering nightmares and either solving the problem or waking the one having said nightmare. You're experiencing a bad one. Now wake up" Luna said calmly
cold...very cold

"GAH!!" Alan shot up with a very cold washcloth on his forehead.

"You were sweating and thrashing around so I thought you were very hot. I made an attempt to cool you dow-*MMPH*!?!?" Celestia was shocked by such a strong passionate feeling in Alan spiking to such a high level, and a short yet rough kiss.

"Told you it was just a dream you brute" A Luna with a black eye and bloody tissue in her snout said.

"I'm so sorry, I was in a panic an-" Alan was cut off

"It's ok. Its It's not like you magic blasted me. Is this because of your fear of hurting someone with your newfound power?" Luna questioned

"Yes, and I'm afraid of my future with Celestia. She's immortal. I'm not. Can we bare children? I don't know! Would they be immortal? Hell if I know. I've done a lot of shitty things in my life. I got a lot going on in this head. I guess all of this added on just broke me. I'm scared of the future. Like if I lose my mind or go insane, I fear there's nothing I can do. The Elements would have to eliminate me." Alan was about to start crying

"Hey, hey, I'm here...Luna wishes not to share the contents of your dream but I can see it has you truly torn up." Celestia comforted Alan with a hug

"It's probably best you don't know them. It was all too real." Alan said into his marefriends neck

"Yeah so was that punch" Luna joked trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey, I literally saw an un- Nevermind. You know from what you seen I was in a rough mental state

"Well just get some rest love, we have things to discuss" Celestia lightly pushed Alan down to lay down

Luna casted a sleep spell on Alan before they both walked down the steps and stood in the living room

"What you're about to see may stick with you for a LONG time" Luna prepared Celestia

"Just let me see" Celestia was very interested in Alan's dream

The dream began


Thunder bellowed through the night.

A set of glowing eyes entered the dark room

"Hey babe, what time is it and where are you?" Alan asked the darkness of his house as he got up and stretched and stood up

"oH ShE'S fINe" a distorted twisted version of Alan's voice replied

"Ok you can stop fucking around babe. This isnt cool" Alan said with his voice a little shaky

"YoU ShOuLD kNoW SHe wOUlDN't PuLl A prANk LikE THiS. HahAHAhaHaHahaHa" the voice cackled

Celestia was shocked to see almost a mirror image of Alan but it looked like the result of a necromancy spell. Skin was burned eyes glossed over but glowing, torn clothes, hair with bald patches, Exposed muscle tissue, and worst of all, no bottom jaw

"where is she you worthless FUCK!!!?" Alan screamed squaring up with himself

"DOwNStAIrs, JusT FolLoW Me" the figure replied walking towards the door. and making a 'come with me' gesture with very dead fingers.

Celestia followed hesitantly

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?!!? EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT NOW YOU BASTARD!!!" Alan screamed at his undead copy

*MMPH!* *MMPH* Celestia seen herself tied to a chair with duct tape over her mouth, and a magic cancellation ring on her horn trying to scream for help

"Oh SiLlY AlAN. SEe mE¿¡? ShE dId ThiS AfTEr YoU LoST ConTRoL Of YOur PoWEr ANd MiND. AnD ShE bURnEd ThE HoUse DoWn AFteR ShE MaDE No EfForT To StoP uS. CaRs ANd YoU. ShE MercIlEsSlY KiLleD Us. So I'Ll DO THE SaME tO HeR!!!!" The undead doppelganger pulled out a chard gun and fired 7 rounds into the Celestia's midsection and head. "ThAT's DeSeRVeD!"


Everything stopped.

"I-I need to help him through all of this." Celestia said with enthusiasm in her voice

"You got this sister." *crack-tsshh* Luna said cracking open an energy drink

"Those are Alan's" Celestia said flatly

"He won't even know" Luna flapped a wing dismissively at her sister "plus im hooked on them" she said taking a big sip

"Goodbye Sister. I will see you tomorrow" Celestia waved her sister off.

'I don't want to wake him so I'll stay down here' she thought to herself. She put a movie in the XBOX and went to bed