A Journey to The West Mansion:

by Todd Philips

Chapter 1

It was a dark and stormy and night. Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie were talking a walk around the feilds outside of Equestria. "Gee guys, the rain is really starting to pick up." Said Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah." Said Twilight Sparkle.

The three notice a Mansion on the top of a hill.

"We should see if anypony's home, they might let us stay there until the rain passes." Said Pinkie Pie.

With that, the three head up to the mansion. If only they had known the horrors that happen there...

Twilight Sparkle knocks on the large wooden doors, the only thing left separating them from the horror.

The doors open automatically. On the floor there is a large pool of blood, some knocked over coffins, and some intestines.

"Holy shit..." Says Pinkie Pie.

"What the fuck happened here?" Exclaims Twilight Sparkle.

"I'm scared..." Fluttershy's voice was trembling.

The trio walk up towards the coffins. One of them is open. Inside lays a skeleton.

"This place is messed up girls." Pinkie Pie said.

"That's obvious," replied Twilight Sparkle, "but why?"

The three examine the puddle of blood and intestines that sits nearby.

"It smells awful." Cried Fluttershy.

"No shit." Said Pinkie Pie.

Just then, A door inside the room is brutally thrown open, and through it, steps a seven foot tall hulking behemoth. It's massive muscles pulsate throughout his flesh. He is wearing a skull-shaped bone mask.

"W-Who are you?!" Shouts Pinkie Pie.

"Rick Taylor." Says the beast.

Rick Taylor seemingly talks to himself. "What are those things? Some kind of multicolored talking horses?"

The Mask begins to glow, it connects to Rick's mind and communicates telepathically. "Does it matter what they are Ricky my boy? Probably just some more of West's creatures. They look like easy targets. Easy targets means easy blood. Just kill 'em."

"I can do that..." Rick says aloud.

"Who are you talking to?" Shouts Twilight Sparkle.

"Just a friend of mine." Says Rick.

Out of nowhere, Rick charges at Fluttershy, slamming his 600 pound body into her. The attack sends her flying into the wall behind.

"What are doing! Leave her alone!" Screams Pinkie Pie.

"I want blood!" The mask uses Rick's mouth to communicate his desires.

Rick grabs Pinkie Pie, holds her in front of his face, and delivers a sharp uppercut. The impact sends her flying into the ceiling. She falls down and hit the ground with a thud, she struggles to move, coughing up her own blood.

"Don't worry guys! I'll stop him!" Twilight Sparkle shouts heroically.

Twilight Sparkle begins to charge her horn, It begins to glow.

"Uhh... Rick, you might want to look out behind ya buddy." The mask telepathically says to Rick.

Rick turns and notices Twilight Sparkle. He reaches out with his hulk-sized hand and grabs her horn. Twilight Sparkle screams and agony as Rick yanks upwards on the horn, ripping it out of hear head with seeming ease. He grabs Twilight Sparkle by the neck, and stabs forward, brutally stabbing her in the torso with her own horn. The horn tears through her stomach, exiting through the flesh on her back.

He then throws Twilight Sparkle to the ground, he raises his foot above her head and sends it crashing down onto her head. Crushing her skull like a plastic easter egg filled with jelly.

Rick grabs Pinkie Pie's nearly dead body by her arm. He presses his foot on her body, and grunts as he pulls at her arm. He tears the arm off, and uses it as a makeshift golf club to send Pinkie Pie flying across the room. She flies, screaming, through the air. He scream fades quickly. She is dead before her body hits the floor.

Rick then walks over to Fluttershy, she is still struggling to get on her feet. She looks at Rick with a sadness in her eyes, tears streaming down her trembling face.

"Oh I'm gonna enjoy this." The mask again uses Rick's mouth to speak.

"I almost fell bad about this," says Rick, "almost."

Rick reaches out with both hands grabbing Fluttershy's head, placing each hand on either side. He presses his hands together with his amazing strength, crushing her skull between his hands. He then grabs her headless and lifeless body by the stump of her spine that still remains, protruding out of her neck. Holding her spine, he swings her like a rag doll, smashing her body into the wall. It explodes upon impact, splattering against the wall. Little of her body remains intact. The wall now painted with blood. A pool of her shattered bone, and torn organs lay at Rick's feet.

Rick stands there, breathing heavily.

"Well that was fun." The mask says to Rick

And with that, Rick, his hands now dripping with pony blood, exits through the door he came through.