Royal Siblings' Play

by Majestical4729

Twilight's Plan

One year after the disastrous coronation, a slightly taller Twilight Sparkle was sitting on her throne, listing everything needed for the upcoming coronation anniversary, just before a slightly grown Spike arrived, having returned from another Friendship Ambassador mission

"Spike, you're back! That was earlier than expected." Twilight told her assistant, upon his return.

"What can I say? Checking on the creatures of Ponyville is easy-peasy when all of our best friends are there." Spike replied.

"So, since you're back early, what do you say about helping me with listing everything needed for the one-year coronation anniversary that's around the corner?" Twilight asked.

"I may not like making lists as much as you do, but, I'm still willing to help," Spike answered.

"Good. Although, there isn't much left for you to do, since I already did most of it. But, you can help with deciding the food, and the re-enactment play." Twilight suggested.

"The what now?" Spike asked.

"The re-enactment play. We'll try to act out what happened during the coronation, only difference is, we need to find some creature who can play the former Royal Sisters, Celestia and Luna." Twilight explained.

"How about getting some changelings? They can transform into anything and any creature." Spike suggested.

"I'm afraid that it won't be as easy as that, Spike. We may need some creature who could really act like Celestia and Luna for the play." Twilight pointed out.

"But I thought that all they had to do is levitate their crowns and say Celestia's speech." Spike told his adoptive big sister.

"It's more than that, they need to be good actors and be capable of handling a lot of attention," Twilight added.

"Well, I've heard from Starlight that she had seen Thorax being able to act like her well enough to fool Chrysalis, and Pharynx being a skilled solo fighter like Luna," Spike commented, giving Twilight an idea.

"You know, Spike. That's actually a great idea! Thorax and Pharynx are like Celestia and Luna! They'd be perfect actors for the job!" Twilight exclaimed.

"But they're the leaders and Royalty of the Changelings! Are you sure that they'd want to be stars in a play, rather than audience?" Spike asked.

"Come on, Spike. Maybe just this once?" Twilight asked in a cute tone, pleading him.

"Fine. I'll ask them." Spike gave in to Twilight's wishes, making her prance with joy.