Equestria Girls: Rage and Fear

by Time Agent pony

Chapter 6

"Let's start with the basics," Madame Rouge said, "start at the beginning."

"Meaning?" Midnight said.

"To master your powers," Madame Rouge replied, "you must treat them as a part of yourself, an extension of your will."

"How do I do that?" Midnight asked.

"The first step," Madame Rouge continued, "meditating on the connection between the body and the mind."

To demonstrate, Madame Rouge sat down on the floor of the empty classroom they were in, closed her eyes and began meditating.

Midnight did the same and the two sat in silence for ten minutes.

"I don't feel any different," Midnight said, after a while, "is this really necessary?"

"To perfect the art of control," Madame Rouge replied, "you need to develop both mind and body, it requires the keenness of one's mind and the endurance one's body."

"OK," Midnight said, "if you say so."

She continued to meditate, after an hour Madame Rouge told Midnight to try and create something using her powers, specifically a Lotus Flower.

Midnight knew what a Lotus Flower looked like because Rarity had used one in one of the designs for one of my dresses.

Midnight closed her eyes and her hands glowed with purple equestrian magic and a small ball of energy appeared between her hands.

"That's it," Madame Rouge said, "concentrate on what you want energy to do."

Midnight did so, she concentrated on the image of the Lotus Flower in her mind and slowly the ball of energy began to shape itself into the shape of the flower in question.

"Beautiful," Madame Rouge remarked, "simply beautiful."

Midnight opened her eyes and saw the flower she had created.

"Did I do that?" she asked, practically speechless.

"Remarkable," Madame Rouge breathed, "you are a fast learner."

"Really?" Midnight replied, as the Lotus Flower construct slowly disappeared, "thanks."

"Flash, slow down, man," the drummer said, "you're playing too fast, we can't keep up."

"Well, maybe you guys should get on my level," Flash responded.

"And what level is that?" the keyboard player retorted, "ever since you just magically got superpowers you seem to be on an entirety different level."

"What are you guys saying?" Flash asked.

"I'm saying that," the keyboard player answered, "that either we work together and play together or we'll have to find another guitar player."

"You're kicking me out of the band?" Flash growled, "you can't do that, it's my band!"

"Your choice Flash," the drummer answered.

Flash glared at the two for a moment.

"Fine," he said, finally "good luck finding another guitarist, no one else can play guitar better than me,"

Without another word, Flash stormed out of the band room.

As he proceeded down the corridor, he passed Sunset who was just closing up her locker.

"Flash," she said.

Flash stalked past her without even look at her.

"Flash Sentry!" Sunset called, "stop."

Again, Flash ignored her and continued to walk away from her.

Finally, Sunset had lost her patience, "I said stop!" she repeated, using her white lantern ring to grab Flash and turn him around to face her.

"How dare you," Flash growled.

"Flash," Sunset said, "you need to listen to me! You're not acting like yourself."

"I don't need to listen to anyone," Flash replied, red energy beginning to surge around him, "especially someone like you!"

"What are you talking about?" Sunset responded.

"Did you ever think why I broke up with you?" Flash said, "because I realised that you didn't care about me, you only cared about yourself!"

"Flash, please," Sunset pleaded, what Flash was saying was slowly starting to get to her, "I know I hurt you, but I'm not the person I used to be."

Don't listen to her.

The voice in Flash's head whispered.

If she takes the ring, your powers will disappear, you don't want that do you?

"Flash," Sunset continued, "I don't want to hurt you, you're my friend."

Flash was silent for a moment, then...

"Rage has no friends," he said, his voice filled with anger as he created two blades using his ring, "rage consumes all!"

"Sorry you feel that way, Flash," Sunset responded.

Before Flash could attack, but was tackled to the ground by Laura Kinney a.k.a. the all-new Wolverine and Rose Wilson, daughter to the mercenary Deathstroke, they had been waiting and watching events unfold from the sidelines, at Sunset's request.

"Release me!" Flash cried, as he struggled against the two.

"Ok," Laura said, "we got him, now what?"

"You're on, Rainbow Dash," Sunset called.

On Command, Rainbow Dash appeared, she, like Laura and Rose had been watching from the sidelines and only now had joined in at Sunset's request.

She acted quickly, using her ring and her super speed, to restrain Flash and bind him in blue chain constructs.

"OK, girls," Sunset said, as Flash struggled against his bonds, "I think we need to take Flash somewhere safe."

Moments laters, they had Flash lashed to a table in the science lab.

Flash continued to struggle and writhe against the construct bindings, the girls stood by and as another girl entered the room.

It was Raven a.k.a. Rachel Roth, she was attending CHS in between defending the world from various threats.

"Can you help, Flash?" Sunset asked, as Raven appearing the struggling teenager.

"We know that you have experience with people who are conflicted," Laura said.

"I can only promise to try," Raven replied, as she placed her hands on ether side of Flash's head.

Raven's eyes glowed white and she spoke the words, "azarath metrion zinthos," and her soul-self, a black raven made of energy, emerged from her and possessed Flash.