The Chronicles of Equestria, Book 1 Derpy Hooves and The Elements of Equestria

by Angel Equestria

Chapter 11: The Whitetail Forest, Shrine of Danger, The Woodguardian, The Core of Nature, Magical overdrive, Unexpected Help!

Chapter 11: The Whitetail Forest, Shrine of Danger, The Woodguardian, The Core of Nature, Magical overdrive, Unexpected Help!

Floraya´s Pov:

Whitetail, Forest, gosh, how long is it already since I last stepped in this part of Equestria, I must say it really has hold itself upright in the last years, still one of the most wonderfull places in whole Equestria.

“Wow , so many different butterflies , and so many Animals, are living here, this is wonderfull, this place is like the Garden Eden right on earth!” Fluttershy said , admiring the nature.

“This here is the masterwork of nature itself, not even I had helped here, this looks exactly like to the times when Chlorophelia, still lived in this forest!” I siad, and I shuddered I though I had never to remember on that time, but here I stand, paralyzed, not able to move anymore milimeter, this doesent just look like , this is an exat copy of that time.

“What´s going on here, this not only looks like the Forest from over 1 Millenium, Flora, this is the forest!” Zecora cried out as she stood infront of a tree, I was able to move next to her, only to see the greatest Horror in my whole life of this Millenium.

“This, this , this is impossible, this can´t be true, what´s going on her?!” I shouted, not expecting an answer and I don’t get a bit of one, but there right infront of me, in the tree are standing, carved into the tree, Zecora´s, Flying leaf, Ghost´s and my own initials, it was the last tree I saw when the whitetail forest has been destroyed, when we were little, and I know for sure that it had burned down, because it has been fallen on Flying Leave and Ghost, burrying them under it, I couldn´t manage to lif it up I was still too little that time.

“This is the tree, Floraya, there are even Ghost´s initials, in his hand-writing!?”, Zecora confirmed exactly what I just saw.

But how the heck was that even possible, I know that the whole Whitetail forest has burned down during the war in chlorophelia, it was an gruesome war and only because of me, so many had to die that day and night.

“I don’t know if I can go inside of this Forest!” I said , honestly, Lumena and Venturios nodded, they knew bit of the story I guess, only the Element of Harmony starred at her with annoyance.

“pulease, you walking through the Everfree Forest without any fear and now you are afraid of an normal Forest, I guess you lived way too long together with the tree´s of the Everfree Forest, so that now you are afraid of normal trees!” Rainbow Dash joked, snickering.

“Really, how can you be afraid of this beautiful forest and not by this ugly thing , you call your home!” Rarity said and I was upset, the more they were for this forest, the more I felt uncomfortable.

“Please stop, I don’t want to go in this forest!” I whimpered.

“But why, its sooo nice here “ Fluttershy, gooed as she hold an pair of rabbits in her hooves.
“Yes I must admit that this is a nice forest!” Appeljack said.

“But I could need some ballons and decorations, for an giant Paaarty!!” Pinkie shouted out happily, giving me the rest.

“Stop yelling at my friends and me, got it!” Rainbow Dash shouted in my face, pressing her forehead against mine, with rage, I pressed foreward with angry and teary eyes, I don’t want to be reminded on everything what had happened, I know sooner or later I need to go so or so through it, oh really now I wished I had jacky here so he could destroy this forest, I don’t want to see it ever again.

“So many blood has flown over this damned earth, so many bodies had been taken to earth and dust in this forest, it doesent matter how it look on the outside, what counts is always the heart of such an forest, and I can feel an extremly evil presence, disturbing the harmony which should take place here, maybe its that but this forest, this trees, waking evil memorys which i desperatly tried to erase forever out of my mind, but this sight , of this old signations in this tree, begins to raise these memorys again and I know it only gonna get worser, the more I walk in here, I don’t know what has created such an Forest, looking like my old home forest.!” I said and I began to rock myself back and forth in feutal position, I was way to scarried to even move a hoof, I keep rocking myself back and forth , Zecora was in no better state than me, she mumbled uncontrollaby while rocking back and forth.

“What the heck is wrong with those guys, we need to hurry, first acting all like we need to hurry and now we cant go further because of those two!” Applejack groaned.

“DO YOU AT LEAST HAVE ONE FRICKEN IDEA WHAT IT MEANT FOR THEM TO GO IN THIS FOREST!” Venturios asked adressed to Applejack, as he bursted out of anger.


“then tell me why the heck do they are afraid of this forest!” Fluttershy asked, unsure about what to say, I couldn’t bear it anymore, I wanted to Joe, and I wanted it now, I wanted to be with him, wanted to be comforted by him.

“Its because our Parents had died in this forest, as well as our whole tribe, we are the last remaining members of the Chlorophelia tribe!” I said still rocking back and forth clammering on my dear heart´s life, and I saw them mouths agape.

“Seriously , I-i-I had no idea, I am teribly sorry, about all these, harsh words I told you!” Rainbow dash and Appeljack puted hoofs on our shoulder, in a comforting meaning.

Its okay but please don’t made me walking through, please there have to be an other way!” I siad to them with teary puppy eyes.

“Well we could fly over it until we find the location of the Temple!” Venturios offered and I gladly take this offer, as long as I don’t need to walk through this Forest.

“A-a-alright, I guess I could do that, as long as I don’t need to walk through it!” I told them.

“Awesome, alright, back to rescuing my sister, Venturios, lift us up!” Appeljack said and so we flew, Venturios had tocreate an immense strong storm, to lift up Zecora, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Appeljack all at once.

“Here we go!” And so we flew ovewr this damned but still beautiful Forest.

Meanwhile with Twillight:

It was dark , eerything was so dark, I don’t know anything about this forest but I can tell that it is not that dark and uncomfortable, must mean I am in something other, I began to open my eyes, only to be greeted by the worlds ugliest , but hugest tree ever, but then again it does look more like an human than a tree, what the heck was that.

“Well I see you are awake!” The tree began to speek, since when can trees speaking, anyway, it was more the way how it spoke , then the fact that it spoke.

“Where am i?” I asked fearfully.

“You are in the forest Temple, my Little pony and I am here to make you mine, I will transform you into a timberwolf, so you will see how it is to live as a tree, so like I have been made from Floraya, I really aske myself how long it will take her to notice me, and now they are finnaly on their way, it only need an little spark to turn on the fire I guess!” The tree said and I was shocked, me , a Timberwolf., like no way.

“No, you have no right to do so, I don’t want to be an Timberwolf!” I screamed desperatly.

“Yes, I know you don’t want , but sometimes , life just don’t roll the way you want, my dear, but I can tell you this, it will hurt a lot but after you are able to live for thousands of years, buahhhahahahah!” The Tree laughed, about an joke who waas like absolutly not funny, I tried to use my magic, but somehow I didn’t manage to get any concentration and tha magic just don’t flew.

“ Forget it dear, these roots are made of me, they let any try to use magic failing right by the start!” The tree said.well since I cant do anything I think I must simply go with it , I just hope that someone comes to help me.

“Well since I am here, chained, can you at least tell me who you are and why do you have such an hate on Floraya, that you turn ponies into Timberwolves?” I asked him.

“Oh has Floraya don’t told you about me!” the tree said.

“His name is Stone rich, he is the one who made Floraya losing her horn, and he is the grand , grand father of Diamond Tiaras father!” Suddenly a new voice said with an annoyed tone.

“And you are who exactly, what the hell are you searching, I wait for Floraya!” The tree, Stone Rich, asked while turning, I looked up as much as I can to see Jacky standing on the opposite side of the round tree room.

“I am Shockwave, the brother of Floraya, and I am here to defeat you and to ask you from who you know this kind of magic, this the deepest dark magic, and I´m sure that no one but the Witchtwins ever were able to managing these spells, so tell me who has teached you this black magic!” Jacky seemed to be like really furious, about this, well he was here to help me so, well I cant say I am not happy to see him right now.

“ Keep him away while I will prepare the rite!” The tree shouted and a bunch of very strong looking Timberwolves began to approcah jacky with giant, bloodcolored, wooden fangs.

“Now to you this will hurt right now!” He said as I suddenly, began to feels strange , I suddenly feel how my mouth got streeched by roots, I was face to face with the tree, and , no way he was about to kiss me, well not really I could well his absolutly , disgusting, rotten-wood breath.

“Him sa kun ga, tan hebe, ni gankara, turu kensara, tel marakero, din , tere, tellgun , take, gero gin tanuri, tall da kateru!” He said in a singsong manner , as suddenly I felt a strange kind of magic on my mouth, this wasn´t like any kind of magic I know, this was way more disgusting, it was like thick black smog coming out of his mout and suddenly it began to engulf my head, I began to feel like totally strange and I didn’t like it a bit, suddenly there was a burning, and an icecold feeling near my heart.

“Wafa a ia doifng wiff mere?” I tried to ask but the thick smog make it hard to breath and to speak at the same time.

“Just go with it and it will not hurt much, maybe!” the tree said and began to laugh, suddenly he began to make completely new sounds, like somepony who gets strangled.

“It were better for you to not be such a poser and so full of yourself, and better you gonna take this in, I am shockwave, and I can manipulate every sound, everywhere at everytime and always will I fight against the evil!” And with these words Jacky began to kill the Tree with his own sounds, this was magic beyond my knowledge, this tree, wich were a bout to die soundfully, hadnt the glimps of a chance to flee, he was so much of fucked, seriously, but I was still too much occupied with my own dilemma, the thick smog of black magic in my mouth, this will be my end for sure.

Jacky´s Pov:

“Muahhahaahhaahaa, you think this will kill me already, Shockwave , I am not so weak as you think!” Stone rich said and so he again get back to his feet, I hadnt really any time for this because of twillight and the dark magic, I really hope that the other come fast.

“I wont let you harm her!” I screamed, I really was in an spare situation, if I help twillight, the Tree will so totally attack me and maybe hit me unconsious or stab me with his wooden sword, when I don’t help Twillight and trying to defeat the tree , The darkness will begin to consume her for sure, damn.

“You have no way to defeat me , I will win either way, and even then you try to save her I will win!” Stone rich said and he was right.

“You have losed Shockwave, your Element of Magic, is about to become, the Element of Black Magic!” The tree laughed but suddenly a voice erupted from behind.

“Not over my dead cold body!” Rarity screamed as she came, standing next to me, she looked at me, and gave me a quick smile.

“ You have gone too far Stone rich, I didn’t know that you were still alive, but turning others into a complete new race is completely inacceptable!” Floraya´s voice sounded through the room, right before the most sweetes voice ever , screamed with all her might.

“And to use Black magic , on an unicorn as Twilight is either innacceptable, it will help you nothing anyway, though I am here to help Twilight.

My Sweet Fiancée screamed standing directly next to me, she has fire in her eyes and I like it.

“Lets fight like mens !” Venturios said , as a new crowd of Timberwolfs began to aproach us behind Stone rich.

“Girls , protect Twilight and try to get her away from the dark magic!” I screamed as I launched with Venturios for the fight.

“Roger!” They said and so we were ready to get this shit over here.
Floraya´s Pov:

“How is it possible that Stone rich still lives, I thought I killed him as I tried to transform him in an tree?” I asked as I created an softer bed for twillight to lay on, it was the most I could do, I have no clue what else to do, how shall I be able to help Twilight when she is engulfed by darkness, that’s more Lu´s metier.

“well it seems that you managed to transform him, but a bit other than you thought I guess, his own darkness has increased and made him to this thing there and, everything that he has done, all this black magic must he have learnt somehow by someone, close enough to teach black magic, I doubt that he has found this book all by himself and that he mastered, as a tree, to use such dark magic, is also totally unthinkeable!” Lu said and when I think about it , she´s right, how will Stone rich be able to use magic , as a tree, anyways.

“You know what I think, I think it has to do with Nestrells dark influence, I think Jacky is right, the Prison is at an point where the darkness begins to leak fairly out, we need to hurry or more of such incidents will happen , when Nestrells dark waves even mastering, to revieve an Unicorns magical power, within the tree it has been transformed in, then its only a matter of time until Princess Luna will get token over by Nightmare again, or that Discord will appear again!” I said and she nodded.

“Nestrells wave must revieve stone rich inside of the tree, adding to its own darkness and strenghen it to an point of total inansity, I don’t know how long he has been that way but it will end today!”, she said as she began to try out her light magic.

“Fuck, I´m way to weak for the moment and on top of that, I cant remember any real helpful lightmagic, I cant even help her really, all I can do for now is to destroy the remaining darkness around her, but I don´t know on how to help her with the darkness inside of her, gosh I am so useless, I cant even really fighting!” Lumena said quietly, on the verge of losing her temper, I can see how much she tries to help Twilight, her forehead almost melted by the way she sweated, it must be still an immense effort for her to even use that much of magic, to heal someone, for someone who hasn’t used her magic for years, and she do still has no magic orb.

“Do not beat yourself for it Lumena, you still are new in using magic, you havent for years!” I said trying to heal her, from her selfdoubt.

“You are not useless, you just need time to remember!” I said but tripped over my own feet with it.

“But we have no time Flora, you said it yourself, we need to hurry and close the prison, or else Nestrell will come out, but how can we do so without me knowing anything about my own abillity, I need more time, time which we definitely don’t have Flora!” she said and I was helpless, she began to cry softly while she still, used the much of magic she could manage to bring up , trying desperatly to heal Twillight which began slowly more and more to pale, her eyes began more and more to die out of her colour.

“No, she will die , we need, to get her to an healer!” Lu suddenly cried, lightly smacking Twillight´s Cheek.
Lumena/ Ditzy Doo´s Pov:

“C´mon Twilight Sparkle, don’t die, we need you, you cant do this to me!” I screamed, smacking her cheek a bit harder as she don’t react, I don’t want her dead we need her, and I need her too, thought we never really were any close to each other, she was too an friend of mine, a dear friend I don’t want to lose anyway.

“Please, hang on, hang on as if the life of your brother depends on it!” I don’t know from where that came but it was the closest I could manage to say now.

But it showed an effect, I heard her panting, lightly, means she still was alive, but the disturbed rite, has effect her on in deathly way, eating away almost all of her life energy, but I knew it can´t take her will to live, I know she would be able to come back to check that her brother is okay, I cant let her die, she is too important, as if we ever be able to close the prison whitout each one of us.

“C´mon, if you die now here I will make clear that I will stuff Spike up with muffins until he blow up!” I siad , saying another random senseless thing, but it seems to have an wreid effect on her, she begins to go back to color.

“I swear rise or I make Cadence dancing infront of the Royal guards in the most embarrasing way ever!” I said, okaaaay, desperate methods in desperate times I guess.

“Not, over my dead body!” She said weakly and I began to smile with tears in the eyes.

“It works!” Flora said to me.

“Hey beware me or I maybe will take Owlalicious to an male Owl in the most secret place for loving Owls in the whole Everfree forest, who knows what they will do!” Flora said and I looked at her strangely.

“Dafqu, you just said!” I asked her suspicious, she only shrugged with an sly grin.

“I warn you , …, Floraya, I will get you for that!” I heard it from down and I could see how she began to move again, don’t know any kind of such magic but as long as it works , there is nothing to complain about.

“Hey Twilight, if you ever die, may I can take care of Owalicious, I hope ten cupcakes are enough for her , in one hour!”

Pinkie said and I was amazed as I saw how Twillight began to raise herself, with an angry face.

“Never and ever, Pinkamena Pie !” She said with an angry face, we all laughed hard, suddenly, an extrem loud noise came from behind us, ……, wait behind us, ……, gosh the boys, I totally forgot.

I turned only to see how Venturios came flying straight at us, though he smiled, I saw that Jacky wanted to do.

“Shut your ears!” I screamd and does the same, Venturios stopped his own flight, right before us, shutting his ears, but it was almost no use, for what was about to come now.

“Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” An ultimate Scream, so high and strong and so limitlessly loud, I knew somehow exactly what was going on.

I saw the other looking at the scene.

Right infront of us, stood Jacky screaming his soul out with such an incredible intensity, breaking the ground under him, the soundwaves were clearly to see, coming out off his mouth, vibrating violently, beginning to put the molecules of the air around his mouth, in motion.

Suddenly the ground began to violently shacking, around Jacky already a crater had build itself, by the unlimited energy of the soundwaves, suddenly I saw it, first it was only an spark in the soundstream, but soon it began to burn more and more, always from new, tiny eruption and explosions of fighting molecules, and then suddenly when the scream was so damn deafening I am sure this scream could be heard clearly in the Griffon Kingdom and in Canterlot, maybe even in Dragon`s hill.

“What is he doing!” Twillight sended me with her telekinesis.

“He begins to igniting the Molecules in the soundstream!”

“For what?”

“For creating an flames-sound mix and to throw it at Stone rich, he is still a tree and ignates very fast, while the Soundwaves are more to break the wood open, allowing the fire also to turn him down from the inside!”

As soon as I sended this, we saw it, the ground shook violently and suddenly flames shooted out of Jackys Mouth, engulfing Stone rich , while the Sound broke up the strong skin, thick black smog came out of his wounds,like the same, with which he tried to kill , or whatever the use was, Twillight.

“AARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Stone rich screamed out of rage and pain, at least I think it was what he did, because the scream of Jacky has such an itensity that my vision begans to blur, suddenly Stone rich exploded in a million pieces.

“ Okay Jacky you can stop, he´s gone!” I sended to jacky, who instanly began to turn down volume and intensity of his powerfull attack.

Jacky´s Pov:

Phew, finally I really asked myself of how strong and long I needed to make this attack, I never used it before.
“Wow, this was amazing Mr. Soundwave, what was this for an Magic!” Twillight suddenly jumped on me, litterallly, with giant puppy eyes, almost mentaly asking me to teach her this magic.

“Its called Pyro-Sound, and no I cant teach it to you, because I honestly used it for the first time ever, its an attack I once created after asking Jetfire on how she does to ignate the Air around her for her fire attacks, she said that when the Molecules are getting hot enough they explode and creating sparks , the more sparks the stronger the fire.

So I experimented a bit with how to get the Molecules hot, with my own power, and then one day I had it, I found the answer on my question, I simply needed to set the Molecules so much and strong in motion until it begins to create flames, but like you have seen , I needed to scream at the highest pitch and with so much force, a normal pony, even an Unicorn would probably burst its own skull into hell!”

I told her, and as I spoke I could feel and taste the fire in my mouth, my mouth had been burned fairly but not strong enough.

“So well I guess, we are done here, now only to find the Element Core of Nature!” Flora said and just in the same moment a new eardeafening scream suddenly shocked us all.

“Raaaaaaaw!” It was as strong as I said, suddenly I felt the ground shacking violently, so as if I something big stomped through the temple.

“Flora, what is this!” I asked suspicious.

“I guess this must be the guardian of the Forest Temple!” She said quietly, I suddenly heard a screach, I turned only to see a few Timberwolfs closing the Gate in which we had gone through to enter, these assholes.

“Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppppp!” I heard an loud high pitched scream, I turned only to be greeten by an giant wooden Fist, again, how ironic.

I got up after I flew a few meters, only to see the most giant golem I ever saw.

“Shit , this is gonna hurting!” I said as its arm came down, beating me out of the way, I crashed in the wall behind me, hard, and I was out since then.

Floraya´s Pov:

“To hell with you!” I screamed and desperately tried to attack this giant nature golem with my wood magic, but it had no real use, it was out of wood and stone too , after all, and so it came as I must came, I got sended flying right next to the wall on which Jacky has been knocked out cold, I saw how my friends and the others were slayed out of the way too.

I saw how all of my beloved and my friends, laying on the ground, bruises over every inch of their bodies, they were beaten, some of them still breathed , other were knocked out cold, like Shockwave, I suddenly got held up in the air , so the others, all of us has been hanged in the air by roots, which slowly began to wrapping around our bodies , in an attempt to squezzing us to death.

“No,…., let,…, them,.., go!” I tried to scream as I got completely wrapped up by the roots, I saw through an hole how all of my friends bgan to get strangled, beating to death by the roots, more and more of them loosed their reaction to every harm, I couldn’t take it , I didnt wanted this, I felt how the roots closed thighter, I closed the eyes but couldn´t I block out the desperate frighten screams of the ones still awoken.

“No, no, no!” I wimphered, I don’t wanted this, this is never for what this golem has been created, I cried tears of loss and pain, my friends, my siblings , my beloved people , all around me, I hurt everyone, always, always will someone get injured around me.

“Please let them go, please I don’t want this!” I cried out as I saw the roots begin to squezzing my friends, I cried, I don´t want to lose them,no matter what, I losed once my Tribe, my Friends, my family, I cannot lose all of my beloved now too.

“No, don’t make it come true, don’t take them away from me, please not, they are the only one I still have!” I screamed as the Wood got began to rip on Fluttershy, trying to rip her wings out, it was pure horror to watch this , and to know that at some point, he will manage to hurt her forever.

“Please not, I, ah, aaaah, ouch, please let me go!” I could hear it coming from Fluttershy, as the Golem pulled more violently on her wings.

“No please don’t do that!” I screamed , but it was too late.


“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed and suddenly a Bright green light engulfed me, wrapped itself around me,like thick liquid, I could feel burning hatred, rage and the need of revenge, I wanted to destroy this Golem forever, to kill it with my bare hands, at the sight of Fluttershy´s blood, spilling all around like in slowmotion, her tearfull eyes, her frighten , horrified eternal scream, ringed in my ears, turning like a button in my corps, something has been activated, the moment as Fluttershy´s wings left her body in the most bloody manner, that moment I saw green, literally, I saw so much green and suddenly there was a leaf, in the middle of an lemon green room, or was it a sphere, I don’t know and I didn’t care, all I could see at this moment was this Leaf, though it wasn’t a leaf at all, no it was like an leaf- shaped piece of metal, with an leaf-shaped Emerald inside of it, looking like a Pendant, I felt incredible strong waves of my Own magioc, so was it this, was this my full force, was this my Ying-force, my Element core.

“Element core of Nature, Beast Spirit Mode!” it came out of my mouth , though I had no clue on why I know this words and where they were coming from.

I Felt how the force around me tightened, I felt how it shaped an form of an corps around me.

“Gorilla Spirit, Beast Force, Unleashed!!!!” I screamed and suddenly the magic was skin-tight, floating around me, though it seemed to form an compact body on the outside, I suddenly began to turn my shaped, to an giant gorilla, with hands and a mighty thick long and flexible tail, I saw how the golem´s hand turned to an fist, I did the same, and before I could even blink, my Fist crashed into his, and I felt how strong I was, he stumbled back after the impact went through his body.

“This is for , hurting my friends!” I punched him fist-right with all my might into his dumb face.

“And this for hurting me!” I slammed my foot in its wooden stomach, bucking it with a my might.

“And this, is for Ripping out Dear Fluttershy´s Wings!” I said as I created an giant sword made out of stone and wood.

“Haaaaaaaaaaah!” I screamed as I chomped down it´s head, the rest fell in slowmotion, and with a giant thud his body collapsed on the ground.

“Hahahahah, hahahahhahahah, hahahahahahahhaha!” I laughed insanely, I looked around for someone laughing with me, but all I saw were, my dear friends and siblings, all laying on the ground.

“Uwaaaaaaaaaaah!” I screamed, the longer I looked at these corpses of my injured friends, the more I came up with rage.

“Die, everything must dying!” I screamed out of my mind.

Twilight´s Pov:

Even though, that there was still a bit of an unwelcoming feeling inside of me, I must say, what I saw right before me, was way more frightening, a giant wooden Gorilla standing infront of the room, a wooden sword in his hand, screaming its name.

I never saw such a kind of magic, so was it that that Jacky meaned, A/D magic, to be honest, I must admit that, all I could do was nothing, I only would be able to teleporting my enemies away, or to defeat them with the Elements of Harmony, but this here was a fully different kind of mine and even of Princess Celestia´s magic.

“Ahahhahahahah, die, die , everything must die!” Floraya scremed, as she began to attack the dead body of the Wood guardian, suddenly the Gate opened behind us, I saw how timberwolfs began to fill the room, they all growled, trying to look dangerous, but to be very honest, Floraya was momentarily, the only thing I was terrified of, this simply incredible and unseen destructive force, was something I will never ever see again, and It scarred me completely deaf, almost getting crushed as Floraya began to fight and to ring with the Timberwolves.

“I will kill everypony!” She shouted happily, completely out of mind, I need to stop her or else she will crush everyone of us under her giant hands and feets.

“Guys , who of you has still a bit of his force?” i asked, and I heard some faint agreement.

“We need to stop her!” I said trying to stand, but I needed to lay flat as suddenly a huge arm crashed over me in the air, right where my head was seconds ago.

“uuuuuh, well that is lovely, there is still someone fairly alive, ahahahhahahahhhhhhhaaaaaahashahahahahahaah!”
Floraya laughed with the greatest madness ever, seriously, was that still her.

“And , this is the reason why I don’t really want to teach you our magic, Twillight, as you can see its not easy to handle, and I mean we are the elements, Floraya is the Element of Nature, but like you see, she can barely control herself anymore, after such a long time whitout the contact whit our full force , we simply forget about the concentration of this power, we completely undersetimate the power, but thistime , the release of the Ying force has been in an act of Desperation , she wanted the Woodguardian, to stop hurting Fluttershy, , the sorrow she had and the wish to be able to help, has brought her the power of the core, but it was too much, the moment she loosed control was the moment in which she feel how it was to kill the wood guardian, and now she´s in an kind of Bloodrush state!” Jacky said quietly, from the wall he had banged in earlier, he held his had, and I saw something like tears on his cheeks, has he cried, was the impact with the wll so painfull, or what has happened.

“Come out, come out, whereever you are!” Flora sang, and I shacked in fear, was that really the magic, I wanted so much to learn, magic on which even its own owner, loses control about.

“We simply need her to calm down, then we may be able to turn her back to herselfs!” Jacky said, as he suddenly got smacked on an wall, again.

“Found ya!” The giant gorilla said, man she wasn´t crazy anymore, she was almost downright insane, that must be the case when the Force of Nature breaks out completely, like when her horn exploded and she accidently revieved the Everfree forest to an totally new forest.

“we need to hurry or else Fluttershy wouldn’t stand any minute more, we need an healer!” I shouted to them, they nooded, I looked as suddenly her sword , ripped itself through the ground.

“Fuck!” I screamed, I closed the eyes for the impact, which suprisingly never came.

“What are you waiting for, hnnng, I cant hold it any longer, bring Fluttershy away from here!” I heard it coming, I looked up to see Venturios stopping the giant wooden sword with his own Hands.

“Okay, C´mon guys, we need to hurry !” I shouted to them.

“I stay , I cant let her staying this way!” Jacky said , and Ditzy stepped next to her.

“I help them, bring Fluttershy away from here, as fast as you can, bring her to an healer!” She said and I nodded.

“Thank you Ditzy!” I said with an sad smile.

And so we made our way out of the Temple, through the smashed door.

“Where shall we bring her!” Applejack asked, as suddenly a new voice was heard.

“Follow me, I will show you the way to an healer!” A strange colt with an Coat standed right in front of us, we directly switched in defense position around Appeljack and Fluttershy.

“Who are you?” Rainbowdash asked, angrily.

“Stop growling Pegasus, I am not your enmy, au contraire, I will help you and your friends, Lady Floraya seems to have saved her, for the price of her own sanity, so far, but im positive that Lord Shockwave and the Others can get her back to sanity!” The strange colt said, as suddenly Zecora stepped in front of us.

She examinated the stranger from afar, scaning every inch of him, his face was still hidden by the coat.

“Who are you, I swear I never saw you before but you are somehow familiar to me?” Zecora said and the Strange Colt chuckled.

“It would be very strange , if you wouldn´t remember me, Little Lilith!” he said and I saw Zecora gasping, suddenly tears filled her eyes.

“What have you,…!”

“Ghost, Ghost is that you, is that really you!” She suddenly asked with an quiet voice, almost a faint whisper.

“ Yes my beloved Zecora, it is me!” The Stranger, put lifted the coat away from his face, showing us a Black face with an white skull painting in the middle of his face, he let his coat falling , revealing an muscular Colt, though not as muscular as Big Mac, but he do had an sixpack, two recognizeable Biceps, wait why do I stare at his muscles, or at his body at all, anyways his whole corps was like those costumes for Nightmare Night, where you dress up like a skeleton, only the fact that this actually was the Colts real Coat, and not an costume, helped me to turn my laughter into some kind of respect and a bit of fear.

“But how is that possible, you have been burried under an falling and burning tree, and Floraya didn’t manged to pick it up, we were too little for it, I still remember your last words towards both of us!”

“Give never up, let no one telling you how to live your life, to don’t have fear to speak for myself sometimes, and to always help each other!” They said in unison, they wrapped there forelegs around each other holding on tight, it was such an lovely scene.

“I missed you Sister!”

“And I missed you Brother!” They said, suddenly the happy time got intterrupted by Appeljack shouting.

“Sorry to intterupt, but we need to hurry, Dear Fluttershy is happened to be really injured and we need an healer, you earlier said we shall Follow you, where shall we follow you ?” She asked suspicious.

“ Follow me and I will show you, but we need to hurry, or else there will be no help for her!”

“Where do you take us Brother?” Zecora asked her brother.

“To our Tribe, to Chlorophelia!”