That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

The Hero of Ponyville

The day began like any other, Alan woke before Celestia and cooked breakfast. After breakfast he went for a run and worked out.

*Fuel by Metallica*

"Hello this is Alan Peirce"

"Oi mate I need help! *RRAAAAAWWWRRR*"


"Some giant fuckin dog thing! It doesn't matter come help me! PLEASE! I've gotta a broken leg and I'm stuck in a small cave in a forest just off of Ponyville"

"I'm coming to help just stay out of range of it's claws" *Beep*

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Alan screamed as he ran through his house

"Sweetie whats wrong?" Celestia asked


"Im comin-" Celestia was cut off


"Please hun I'm very stron-" the look in Alan's eyes told her she needed to let him handle this

"Blackout! Time to give that new ram bar a test. We're going to save Jack" Alan made sure his gun was fully loaded before he got in his truck

"I love you Alan" Celestia said before he drove off

"I know." Alan said before hitting the NoS and driving off

"Did he just Han Solo me?" She asked as she looked to Nightmare

"I believe he did mother" Nightmare chuckled Slightly

"Cmon Blackout just a lil faster." Alan twisted the bottle's valve

They neared the forest *RRRAAAAAAWWWWRRRRR* they both heard the fierce roar of a timberwolf

"There you are you big splintery shit!" Alan rammed one of the 3 timberwolves killing it instantly he got out of his truck

"LEAVE JACK ALONE! IT'S ME YOU WANT! NOW COME AND GET SOME" Alan taunted as he ran towards a bigger clearing "Blackout drive to the cave so Jack can get in and drive him to the hospital!!" Alan yelled shooting and killing another timberwolf.

Blackout drove to the small cave as Jack hobbled out and got in. They drove towards Alan

"NO JUST GO STRAIGHT TO THE HOSPIT-" *SNAP* Alan was swallowed by the timberwolf

"NOOOOOOOOOOO" Jack and Blackout simultaneously yelled

In that moment the speakers in Blackout started blaring Hail to the king by Avenged Sevenfold


Six muffled gunshots were heard

The Timberwolf fell apart and in the middle of the twigs branches and logs stood Alan. Covered in bruises blood and deep cuts. He held his fist in the air as he had won.

"Fuck I feel like passing out" Alan said

"Mate. Ye know how to make an entrance. Like in that moment ye didn't think,'well shit I've been eaten. I'm gonna die.' No ye pull out yer phone stream some rock music to yer truck and kill the fuckin thing from the inside!" Jack said trying to keep his mind from blowing

"Dude calm down, your leg has a fuckin bone poking out of it. You're losing blood. Lets just get you to the hospital." Alan said as he gripped the steering wheel and headed towards the hospital

"URGENT CARE ASAP WE HAVE A TIMBERWOLF ATTACK VICTIM!" Nurse Redheart yelled as Alan followed suit with Jack unconscious in his arms.

"Is Jack gonna be ok?" Alan asked

"Im positive he's going to make a full recovery" the nurse said.

"Thank you! Give me a call when he wakes up" Alan said as he walked outside and got in his truck

"Babe I'm home" a very bloody cut up and bruised Alan said as he walked through the door

"ALAN! OH MY CHRIST I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE OK" a familiar pair of arms entangled him as he winced in pain

"Ashley? What are you doing here?" Alan questioned

"I heard from your girlfriend that you went to fight Timberwolves again" Ashley said while crossing her arms

"I was swallowed by one" Alan chuckled

"WHAT?! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE NOT DEAD!!" Ashley screamed

"MY TAKUMI! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE SAFE!" Celestia yelled as she ran down the steps and tackle hugged Alan

"AAH FUCK THAT HURT" Alan gripped his chest area

"Oh my! I am so sorry honey!" Celestia was shocked that she hurt him

"No I think I have a few bruised ribs. I got whacked pretty hard by a paw." Alan said putting a hand over his ribs

"Hospital, now" Ashley said

"Fiiiine" Alan said like a 5 year old

*POOF* All three of them appeared in the hospital

"We need an x-ray pronto" Ashley said to the pony at the front desk

"So he has 4 cracked ribs, a broken collarbone and a punctured lung." The nurse said


"Your body seems to be producing an unhealthy amount of adrenaline" the nurse stated.

"Do you mind if we keep him overnight?" The nurse asked Celestia.

"Aslong as i can have a cot brought in next to his" Celestia said

"That can be arranged" she said as she walked out

Night fell and Ashley had left. Jack came to visit with his new crutches. Alan and Celestia had dinner together even though the situation. All was good

"Night honey" Celestia said as she seen an already sleeping Alan and smiled. She walked over to her cot and layed down. Not as soft as at home but she has a crucial part of home in the room with her, so she couldn't complain.

Alan's Dream

The sky was full of smoke. The air reeked of wood and burning flesh. Alan was in the middle of Ponyville. A dragon wreaked havoc as it set almost the whole town ablaze. He grabbed his gun and fired a few rounds at its head. They all bounced off. The dragon seemed to know which house was his and went straight for it. Alan seen the fire breath building up as the dragon prepared to annihilate his house.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Alan shot a Kamehameha-esk beam of magic out of his hands killing the dragon

The Hospital 03:57

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" *SHEEEEEEEEERRRR-BOOOOOOOOOOOOM* Alan screamed and sat straight up on his cot and shot a magic beam that caused a hole clean through the wall. Waking Celestia and alerting all of the nurses on shift

"Alan how did that happen!?" Celestia asked concerned as she did a magic test on Alan. His magic level is commonly 0 or 2 but it skyrocketed to 9001 in the past 3 minutes.

"Sir you've had a magic overload we need're healed. Theres literally nothing wrong with you now you're free to go home. Just gotta sign some papers and you're outta here.

"What's wrong my love?" Celestia asked Alan as he was staring at his hands almost the whole walk home

"Twilight told me my body deflected magic. As the magic properties in the atmosphere that gave the cars life was bouncing right off me. so how? How, did i use it as a weapon. I could've hurt somepony, I blasted straight through the room Jack stayed in. If he hadn't been released.....I could've..." Alan had tears streaming down his face.

"Alan honey, you have strong romantic connections with the Goddess of the Sun, aka Mwah. Not to mention we've had intercourse multiple times. We make out almost everyday. Your body is probably absorbing my magic through other means. Eitherway you've saved countless lives. You're literally the Hero of Ponyville. Don't let this get you down ok?" Celestia said as she gave him a big hug.

"Thank you so much. I love you to the sun and back, Celestia"