I Just Walk Away

by madhat886

Chapter 47

"Ok what happen?" Sunset ask seeing the mess that Moe's tavern has gotten while she was in the restroom.

"Twilight here went and ask Dredd here how can Megacity One can have a overpopulation problem when just about every other month there's something that kills off a huge number of people and the yearly big crisis that kills off billions or millions," Trixie said.

"Even taking account of people having to live in much smaller living space because of destroyed buildings wouldn't have that many people being born to replace them so quickly. And not counting people coming into the city to live there," Twilight said.

"And the mess?" Sunset ask.

"Oh that was Bluto and Popeye," Naruto said pointing to the two sailors being escorted out by some robot guards.

"So where is Dredd?" Sunset ask.

"He's over there," Kasumi said pointing to Dredd sitting at the bar.

"I thought he wasn't allowed to drink," Sunset said.

"It's not beer," Moe said serving Dredd a soft drink.

"Couldn't take the idea of how illogical his world is?" Sunset ask.

"His world is more like the comic then real life," another Dredd said.

"Really?" Sunset ask.

"I'm from the Dredd film universe and has more of a real life setting then the mess that Dredd's world is. No things like the Dark Judges or a sickness that transformers you into a spider. But we still had some wars like the robot war lead by Call-Me-Kenneth and the war with East-Meg One. Which afterwards the population never recovered to the old levels. Which actually freed up living spaces and after coming in contact with a Rick, trading with other worlds has gotten things better for my world," Dredd said.

"No status quo is god in your world?” Sunset ask.

“You mean where no matter what nothing will ever change? Yes things have changed for my world. Advance machines cleaned up the wastelands and gotten rid off the radiation. Allowing people to once again settle the lands and unlike in many worlds a few years going by had a explosion of plant life,” Dredd said.

“Same thing happen in my world,” another Dredd said. “After the nuke war and the great die off once the population limit finally hit. Where there wasn’t enough water or food to keep a huge population alive in the mega cities, not to mention the riots, fighting, plagues and even several city wide fires. Caused the population to just drop where there was only about 100 million all across American compared to over 800 million.”

“So you judges still rule?” Sunset ask.

“Nope once things settle down we went back to the old ways as the extreme law enforcement was no longer needed. We judges went back to what we were suppose to be doing in enforcing the laws that people actually wanted and not having laws upon laws like so many other worlds. Not to mention that we actually use all the advance technology in fixing the world from the mess it became instead of doing nothing. After which we just decided to start on a clean slate and not do the same mistakes that lead to what happen,” Dredd explains. (1)

“Which is why you’re eating cake which has sugar?” Trixie ask.

“Or not wearing your uniform?” Twilight pointed out.

“Isn’t against the law in my world and I’m on vacation,” Dredd said.

“But once he’s on duty he has a stick up his ass like all the other Dredds out there,” Rico said joining his brother at the table.

“Time and a place for everything,” Dredd said.

"So no instant justice?" Sunset ask.

"Depends on the crime," Rico said.

"So your world isn't the type that will just slap someone with your laws that they have no way of knowing that are just plain dumb and meaningless that doesn't do anything but punish people?" Trixie ask.

"Nope," Dredd said.

"And one of the reasons why the universes that he and others come from are allowed to make deals here," a Rick said.

"What do you mean?" Rico ask.

"Most of the universes that you and your brother come from are hell holes that could be solved but you judges care more about maintaining the status quo then doing anything to make things better. Because once things are better then why the hell are you guys are in charge? Seeing how you all go out of your way in making sure anyone who tries is punish. Like you judges went and kidnap a pro-democracy leader and made her brain dead so that you all maintain power. Or your world being a brutal police state with just about everything is against the law and often times people from other universes who go to yours to help are either arrested or killed by you judges," Rick said.

"It's true me and the others stop a living star from destroying the sol system when that universe's Dredd hailed us to arrested us," Twilight said.

"So what did you do?" Rick ask.

"We powered down like he said as the force field holding the living star powered down as well. The star flew at the Sol the star of the Sol system and ate it," Twilight said.

"As well as the other planets of the system. We escape while the judges were too busy trying to stop the star. And last time we check the surviving humans of that Earth are refugees on convoy of ships looking for a new planet. We also played out the reason why everything happen and the survivors while not attacking the remaining judges have split off from the few judge ships leaving them to police no one but themselves," Sunset adds. (2)

"You have no idea how many times that happen with the judges ruining any chances of anyone ever helping them or helping them again," Rick said.

"So a lot of our universes are left to die or fend for themselves?" Dredd ask.

"Yup as doing the right thing is one thing. But with your universes the right thing is against the law. So they're just left to fend for themselves and lay in the beds they made. Even if it leads to their entire world being destroyed and the survivors doing what they can to make a new living. And many Dredds find themselves with little line of jobs after messing up," Rick said.

"How does that happen?" Dredd ask.

"I don't want to talk about it," a Dredd dress as a janitor said passing by.

"At least in our world you're not going to end up like that," Rico said.