That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

Apple LgbTrees

Ashley awoke to the sound of a 2Jz but it was not her own "OI LASS!" She heard a man yell. She poked through her window. "Whats up?!" She yelled down noticing a red Toyota supra MKIV with a no top and Hoosier radials on weld racing wheels

"The sky and clouds" Jack yelled

"Very funny what are you here for?" Ashley said "wait a minute let me get dressed" she yelled

*Click* CrRRrEeEEeEk

"I've heard ye have a MkIV Supra as well and I want to challenge ye." Jack said with victory on mind.

"In your dreams red" Ashley scoffed as she opened her garage door. "You really think you can beat my 16 hundred horse All wheel drive beast?"

"18 hundred." Jack stated

"18 hundred what? Percent you'll lose?" Ashley questioned

"1,894 horses under my bonnet" Jack stated as he pointed a thumb over his shoulder

"You know what. We have a race. Meet me at the evac path in an hour. Don't wuss out boy. You're 1 in 3 humans on this planet. I know where you live." Ashley said

"I'm not scared of you lass" Jack said smugly with his arms crossed.

"Don't worry. I'll take you to gapplebees." Ashley said as she walked into her garage to tune her car a little before the race.

Jack got in his car and 2 stepped on her driveway before launching the car. Ashley was actually kind of nervous. She has a lot of pride to hold.

Alan's house


Alan awoke to a loud car passing his home. It wasn't loud enough to wake Celestia so he decided to get a shower.

He walked to the bathroom where his very large 3 spout shower was. You could probably fit a miata in the thing. He got out of his pajamas and got in. He decided today was gonna be a long shower day.

Celestia soon awoke due to no more teddy be-....Alan. She heard the shower going and decided she was gonna pull a little prank

She casted a short term invisibility spell and teleported right next to Alan in the shower.

Alan poked his head outta the shower "Hello?!.....thats weird im pretty sure i heard the poof of a teleport. I must be going craaaAAAHHHHHH!!!" *CrASh* Celestia reappeared scaring the shit out of Alan causeing him to fall out of his shower knocking the curtain down and the curtain rod hit him right in the nards

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Celestia said trying to stiffle a laugh

"You're making breakfast for a change today." Alan said rubbing his head

At the evac path

Ashley brought Applejack with and Jack brought Twilight. Jack had turned up the boost and installed a wheelie bar. Ashley on the other hand just put a set of street tires on her Awd supra (R888s) and also turned up the boost.

"So what determines the winner?" Ashley asked Jack

"First to 322Kmh is the winner we have enough road to do so." Jack said

"What does the winner get?" Ashley asked Jack with her arms crossed

"If you win. I'll wash all of your cars. If I win I'll just have the pleasure of knowing my Supra is the fastest on the planet." Jack said happily

"Lets prep shall we?" Jack said as he grabbed a water bottle and pouring some puddles under his tires. He then got in his car ans started it "strapped in Twi?" Jack asked

"Yup!" Twilight responded with a smile

"I hope we win" Ashley said to AJ as she got in and strapped herself in.

Jack activated linelock and started to warm the rear tires.


Jacks tires were nice and prepped Twilight used her magic to make a Christmas tree.


"We got this right?" Twilight asked jack


"I'm pretty sure" Jack sais with one hand on the wheel and the other on the shifter


"We got this. I have better acceleration due to my all wheel drive" Ashley looked over to AJ who took off her hat and put sunglasses on.


"Smoke'm" was all AJ said


Both cars launched with insane force. Jacks pulling a wheelie. Ashley had a better start thanks to her Awd. The cars reached 120mph and were almost even for a little bit. Jack hit his NoS

"Too soon Jackaboy" Ashley said as he pulled away. and hit hers.








she passed Jack






Ashley slammed the brakes at 201 as the smell of victory filled the air
(Victory smells like burning brakes, clutch, 100 octane and rubber)

Ashley and AJ got out of her car and ran around until AJ jumped at her as Ashley caught her giving her a big smooch in the moment of excitement.
AJ was not expecting that. Ashley started blushing heavily "Sorry about that. Is now a bad time to tell you I'm not straight?" Ashley said sheepishly

"Sugarplum it's fine. Neither am I" AJ said with a happy smile

"Well I guess we could talk a bit more about this once Jack leaves." Ashley said as Jack pulled up

"Guess I pulled a 'too soon junior'....didn't I?" Jack said knowing he hit his nitro too soon.

"Yup. And youre gonna have to get to scrubbin' My cars are pretty dirty. Good race though. I had fun....actually. You know what? I won't make you wash my cars. Knowing my Supra is the fastest is good enough for me. Applesauce, hop in." Ashley said as she got in her Supra (that wasn't a typo btw)

Back at Ashley's

"I'm so sorry about that earlier. I was just so happy we won the race and...and I got carried away" Ashley genuinely apologized.

"It's ok sugar, I'm far from straight. I've always been that way. To be honest with ya, I like ya. I don't know how you feel but I got some feelings for ya." She said as she grabbed her hat off the work table

"Well.....wanna give it a shot?....The two of us?" Ashley asked sheepishly

"YES!!! *Ahem* I mean yeah. I wouldn't mind." AJ replied

They both heard the sound of a V10TT coming their way and the thump of rock drums through subwoofers

A certain black viper rolled up. Alan got out with an unzipped leather jacket with no shirt underneath, skinny jeans a chain wallet, Aviators, and slicked back hair (pure 90s essence radiating off him) "I'm a baaaad booy, I'm baaad boy! ya call me nasty, ya call me mad, cause I'm a baaad booy, I'm a baad boy, found all the good ways to be a bad bad boy!!!!!" Alan was playing an air guitar and singing the words

Ashley was facepalming and AJ just didn't know what to interpret from this

"Sup ladies? Like my raw unbridled swag?" Alan said in his best Kronk impression

"For fucks sake Alan are you drunk?" Ashley asked

"One, ouch. Two, no. Three, I'm just having fun." Alan said with a snap and finger guns

"You know what. You've always been a goof so I expected this outta you. Aaanywho i was gonna introduce AJ here to the world of Initial D. I have all the stages. Get a hold of Celestia and let's all watch it. Go get your Natsuki" Ashley said

"I'll be back give me like fifteen minutes." Alan said as he hopped in his Viper

"Nat-suki?" AJ questioned

"Don't worry Applesauce. You'll see"