That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

New light

As the sun arose to a new light Twilight could smell the scent of a garage and she was laying on something. Uneven but soft, and somehow comfy. She could also hear soft breathing. She opened her eyes to see the interior of a car and she noticed her head was on the lap of Jack.

'What happenedl lastnight?' Twilight asked in her mind as she reflected on the past evening. 'So I showed him my old spot i used to come to....AND WE WATCHED THE SUNSET!!!' She began to panic inside but tried to stay composed 'watching a sunset and falling asleep in his lap..thats so did this happen?! Did I say anything stupid? I mean hes not bad looking. He's slim, muscular, baby face. Hes very sweet too. He doesn't get out much. Maybe if he gets a marefriend that could change' she was lost in thought

"Mornin' lass. How'd ye sleep? Ye look lost in thought. Tryna remember your dream or somethin'?" Jack asked Twilight as she snapped out of her thought

"U-Uh yeah...thats what i was thinking about." She stuttered blushing slightly

Jack put the back of his hand on her cheek
"Ye seem warm. You feeling ok? I might have some meds at my home." Jack asked as he put his seat to its regular position.

"N-no I-I'm fine." Twilight didnt know why she was feeling the way she did.

"Well lets head back to my place. I'll make us some breakfast." He started the car as the rotary came to life.

"So....what got you into cars?" Twilight asked trying to start small talk as its a decently long ride.

"Ah, I love this question. When I was a younger lad and struggling with bullying, I went to my local junk lot to find somethin I could put my heart into. I couldn't find a girl so i figured a car would work. I found an awfully wrecked r32 Nissan gtr. There was no engine or tranny. There was most of the interior but the whole rear was missing same with the front. It had steelies all around. Most would look at it and see trash. I seen potential. I got it for £1000 as I went through college I worked at a burger joint called Fat Mollin's. I dumped all my money into that car. It had a twin turbo RB25 engine mated to a 6 speed tranny. As she came together my friends noticed me seeming more chipper throughout the day. I was. Thanks to the car. I was still single working with my mates at a garage on the side. Until I was outta college. I started chasing bigger fish. I got a job as a realtor. I was swimming in cash. So i dumped it into some cars. My GT-R r32, my r33 my r34 and then I bought the Mazdas. Then i bougbt the r35 and the Jzx100's and the Lamborghini. Then the 2020 corvette. About a week after I bought the Vette I was entered into this with nothing but fear on my mind. Oh. We're here." Jack finished his story a bit short

"That's an interesting backstory. I can understand it though. Im surprised you stayed single most of your life." Twilight said

"I've always been single. I stuck to my cars. I'm one of the infamous 'lonely drivers' heheh" Jack joked

"Wait? So you're a virgin!?!?" Twilight asked shocked.

"Oh heavens no. I just never had a dedicated relationship is all." Jack explained

"Well do you want one?" Twilight asked 'Shit what did I just say' she asked herself in her head

"W-w-what!?!" Jack asked as he blushed

"Theres plenty of opportunities in equestria for someone to find love." Twilight saved herself and played it off cooly

They went into the home and Jack cooked some pancakes.

*Ding* *Dong*

"I wonder who that could be." Jack pondered "please wait here"

"Hello Welcome to my-oh hey Alan. Your majesty." Jack said hello and did a slight bow addressing Celestia.

"May we come in. I'd like to see your vast Car collection and Alan wants to learn more about Japanese cars." Celestia asked

"Also I wanna learn about rotary engines seeing as you have 2 RX-7s i figured ot would work pretty damn well" Alan stated

"Well come on in. Im cooking breakfast" Jack said

"Twilight? What are you doing here?" Celestia and Alan both said

"I just fell asleep in Jack's car while...he was working on it. He didn't want to disturb me so he left me be." She lied but didn't wanna embarrass her and Jack.

"Yyeeaaahhh. Can you come talk with me for a moment Twilight? We'll be right back in." Celestia said taking Twi outside and seeing Nightmare. "Not a word of this conversation gets out or Its your fuel lines. Hear me snake?"

"Yes mother" the Dodge Viper said as he rolled away

"So do you like him?" Celestia asked Twilight

"Who?" Twilight asked

"Who else. The guy you slept in the same car, and watched the sunset with." Celestia said with a smug look on her face

"W-w-what h-how do you know about that?" Twilight stammered out

"Luna was flying to come see me and seen a car parked near the spot you used to go as a filly. It was still there at 3am when she flew back. She decided to check it out. I got a letter today saying how you two were snuggled up with eachother." Celestia said

"YES OK? I LIKE HIM! He's very sweet. He's very caring and sweet. He's decently handsome....please don't tell him." Twilight said

"I won't. I just wanted to hear it from you. Let's head back in" Celestia replied.

"Its like perfect for your size. It was too big on me but it literally fits you perfectly" Jack said

"What's going on here?" Twilight and Celestia both said in unison.

"Hey babe! Look! I'M A FUCKING KNIGHT" Alan said in a genuine suit of knight armor

"You're a child" Celestia said trying her hardest to look unamused

"Oh come on. I'm look hot in this." Alan said

"I like you better with nothing on" Celestia said with a smirk brushing her tail under his chin while walking into the kitchen

Jack just jabbed Alan in the side with a cheeky grin. Alan gave an awkward grin in response.