Unearthed: Curse Of The Undying

by Talion The DARKandBRIGHT

Chapter 12: Days of long ago

~Mental speaking~
"Normal speaking"
~"Mental and normal speaking"~
... (Radio static)...

"I dare do all that may become a man.
Who dares more is none."

"Conceal me what I am and be my aid.
For such disguise as haply shall become the form of my intent."

"Good morning sir. How may I help you?" I was greeted by a woman behind a desk.

"Hello. I'm here to see Dr. Lorentz Giselher." I said.

"Identification please." She said and I handed her my card.
She typed something into her typewriter before handing me my card back and a security clearance tag to wear around my neck.
"Welcome back Mr. Drust." She said and turned to press a button on the wall behind her, unlocking the double doors to my left.

"Thank you." I told her and walked through.

I was immediately greeted by three security officers standing next to a metal detector.
I walked through the metel rectangle and heard the familiar beep of being cleared.
I raised my arms over my head as one of the security officers patted me down, while the other hovored a hand held metal detector around me.
When they finished, the third security officer pressed a few buttons on a keypad and unlocked the next set of double doors leading into a long hallway.
"Head right on through sir." He told me.

The steel doors closed and locked behind me when I entered the science facility.

"Mr. Drust?" A young scientist with brown hair wearing glasses and carrying a large document walked towards me.

"Morning James." I greeted him.

"Come on. Dr. Giselher was expecting you over an hour ago. And I told you to call me Dr. Morgan, now. I'm not an intern anymore." He told me and began leading me through the complex.

"Well, they seem to still have you doing jobs ment for an intern.
Run over there, press that button and pull that lever. Turn that valve here and take notes.
What idiot designed this and where's my mug of coffee with two sugars, no cream?" I said sarcastically.

"Ha! Not anymore. As of today, I have been assigned to monitor your physical health and preparations for the up coming tests. Yep yep. Your going to be seeing alot more of me from now on."

"So basically, you're still taking notes." I said to him.

"Monitoring, Talion. Monitoring you." He told me.

I chuckled.
"Well Dr. Morgan, I can't tell you how happy I am to know that I have yet another set of eyes constantly watching me." I said.

"Speaking of which, I will also be coming to monitor the rest of your basic training as well." He told me.

"I thought the instructors had that covered." I said.

"They do. I'm just going to watch your performance in the final tests." He told me.

We both passed by a large office area and came up to a set of elevators.
James pressed the button on one and turned to me.
"You know, with everything your going and will be going through, I noticed you haven't asked many questions about the project." He said.

"I don't particularly care for the technicality of the project, James. I don't need to know how it works. I only need to know if it works."
I told him as the elevator doors opened and I stepped in.
"So the faster we can get these tests done, the faster I can go save lives. I don't want to have to spend more time here than what is necessary to get everything done."

James stepped into the elevator with me and pressed level 4.
"Well, you don't need to worry about all that. I'm sure the project will be completed in time for you to go win the war." He assured me.

"Well, I just hope-" ~Talion...~ I quickly turned my head to the side.
"Did you hear that?" I asked James.

"Hear what? He asked back.

The elevator doors suddenly opened up.
"Nothing. Never mind." I told him.

We both came out to a lobby with four corridors that lead to different test labs throughout the building.
We walked up to a round desk in the center, with a security officer behind it.

Noticing us both he looked up from his desk and greeted me.
"Morning Talion. Glad to see you finally made. Doc here has been stressing out all morning about how important today's tests will be. He was starting to worry that you wouldn't show up."

"I wasn't stressing out." James protested.

"No you're right. More like freaking out if you ask me." He said and laughed.

"Good morning Fred. Good to see that you're in a good mood today." I said.

He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms.
"Oh ya. Had a good dinner, a funny movie and a great night of sleep. Now I'm ready for a long day of work.
Any who, Dr. Giselher wanted me to let you know to head on down to his office when you arrived. So you best get going Talion. You're late as it is."

"See you later Fred." I said as I followed James down one of the hallways.

We both passed by a few small labs until we came to another hall leading to the offices.
There were paintings, posters and maps that lined up the walls. One such map was the U.S.A. I turned my head to a map of America and stopped walking.

"Hey, theres something wrong with this map." I told him.

He came over and looked at it as well.
"What? I don't see what you mean."

"You don't?" I asked him as I motioned my hand over the map.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"Wheres Hawaii, Northern Mexico, the Caribbeans, Greenland and Iceland?" I asked him.

"Must be a misprint or someone was too lazy to print all seventy states. Now come on and stop stalling. I will get someone to fix it later." He told me.

"I'm not stalling. I was jus-" I stopped as I noticed a shadowy figure out of the corner of my eyes. But I didn't see anyone else in the hallway when I turned to look around.

"Just what, Talion? Are you okay?" James asked.

"Ya. I'm fine. Just thought I saw something." I replied.

"You seem kinda of jumpy today. Are sure you're alright?" He asked me.

"Of course." I told him and continued on.

After a short walk through the hall, we arrived at a door labeled: DR. LORENTZ JÜRGEN GISELHER.
Just as James was about to knock, the door opened from another scientist in a lab coat.

"Oh, freaking finally. Took you long enough. Good morning Mr. Drust. Dr. Giselher is waiting for you."
He said to me while stepping out and looking over a small document in his hands.
"What idiot designed this?" He asked himself before turning to James.
"And where's my mug of coffee with two sugars, no cream?" He asked him.

I almost burst into laughter at that.

"Oh uh. I kind of got side tracked when I saw Talion-" He explained before the other scientist interrupted him.
"Ah, forget it. We don't have time for that right now. I'll just get it on the way. Now come on. We need to finish preping the tests, now that Talion is finally here." He told James and started up the hallway.

"Yes Dr. Chappell." James said.
"See you in a few hours, Talion." He told me and followed Dr. Chappell back up the hall.

"See you later James." I said and entered Dr. Giselher's office.

"Ah. Mr. Drust! Zhere you are. So good to see zhat you made it. Ve vere beginning to wonder if you vere even coming." Lorentz said as he pulled a file out from a cabinet while putting another into it.

"So sorry I'm late. The traffic on the way here was terrible this morning. I hope I didn't cause to much trouble with today's tests." I said to him.

"No, you're fine. Zhe lab coats down stairs are just a little eager to get started on today's tests.
Time iz of zhe essences vight now, so ve can't afford any mistakes or unnecessary delays. So next time ve have a test just come straight here." He told me and took a seat behind his desk.

"It won't happen again, Lorentz. I just got a little side tracked this morning is all." I said.

"I know. Don't vorry about it, Talion. You vill be able to join your brother over seas soon. Just try to make it here on time from now on. Ja?" He told me.

"I will. Thank you Lorentz." I said.

He walked over to his desk and took a seat.
"After your procedure today ve shall begin zhe first stages of treatment to prepare you for your transformation.
I must say, I am rather suprised zhat you have been completely calm and more zhan villing to commit your life to "Project: Wraith." Lorentz told me.

"I am willing to do and give whatever it takes to save lives, Lorentz. Even sacrificing my own life." I told him.

"Interesting... Zhat iz actually one of zhe reasons vhy I vanted to speak vith you before your procedure." He told me as he pulled out a notebook and pen.
"Vhy are you so villing to give everything for others, Talion?" He asked.

"Does it matter, Lorentz?" I asked.

"It does to me." He replied.

I leaned back in my chair as I let out a sigh.
"I don't know. All I want to do is save others. That's all."

Lorentz chuckled and shook his head.
"Now ve both know zhat iz not entirely true."

"Look, what difference does it make? I'm willing and commited to go through this project. What more do you want?" I asked defensively.

Lorentz removed his glasses.
"Vhat I vant iz to know vhy, Talion. You vill be giving up your entire life vith no hope of returning. Yet I have not seen any kind of uncertainty or concern from you."

"Because I do not care what happens to me! As long as there is a chance, just a chance that I can save everyone from needlessly dying in this war, then whatever happens to me is inconsequential." I told him.

"No one iz zhat dedicated to saving others, Talion." Lorentz stated.

"Well I am! I am willing to do whatever it takes to prevent families from being torn apart from loss like mine was." I told him.

"Like, your family was?" He asked, making me realize what I had let slip out.

"Look, Lorentz, I just-"
Lorentz cut me off before I could change the subject.
"Talion, I understand zhat zhis iz a very difficult zhing for you to discuss. And I'm not asking you to tell me everything about your family. I just vish to understand your reasonings for vanting to help people so much."

"How could you possibly understand me, Lorentz?" I asked him.

"Because, Talion, I too have experienced loss from zhe war." He told me.

I huffed and shook my head. I wasn't about to let him try to relate to me in an attempt to get me to tell my story.

"I'd be surprised if you hadn't. So who did you lose, humm? A brother, a cousin, a father? Who?" I asked him.

Lorentz stared at me with a blank expression for a moment before answering.
"My vife, son and daughters"

I instantly felt ashamed of my behavior.
"Lorentz, I'm sorry. I didn't know-"
Lorentz stopped me by raising a hand.
"No, it's alright. You didn't know and I don't blame you for the vay you feel. Vhat's done is done and ve cannot change it. But ve can certainly learn from our past mistakes."

"Did you ever get over it?" I asked him.

He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.
"I have not had to... I don't zhink zhat anyone vealy does... Ve just learn to live vith it."
"What about you, Talion?" He asked.

~Why do you fight?... What do you fight for?~

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"There are many things everyone wishes they could change in their pasts. But for me, the only thing I wish I could change is that I had gone to war with my father." Lorentz started taking notes as I explained.
"When I was young my father and many other men like him went to fight in the war to end all wars. Over forty million men women and children, including my father, lost their lives because of it, yet the war ended nothing. But it changed the world forever...
My father's death tore my family apart, as well as many countless others."
I leaned forward against the desk.
"And now war has come upon us again and I know this one will be far more worse than the last. Many more lives will suffer for this war. But by my life, I will not allow that to happen... Never again.
I was to young to fight in the war then. So I will be damned if I am too old to fight now."
I leaned back into my chair again.
"What I'm doing, isn't about me, Lorentz. It's about those who are putting their lives on the line for their country, family and freedom. I have no right to do any less. So I'm doing this for them.
War destroyed my life, Lorentz. So I give it freely that other's might have the life that I was denied. No matter where they come from and what they've done or which side they chose or were forced on...
The Lord commands us to love our neighbors and pray for those who persecute us. I think that America has forgotten that. But I haven't.
So there for; I will fight. I will endure and I will sacrifice everything, as if the very issue of this whole conflict depended on me. And me alone." I finished.
"So there you have it... Now you know."

For a few moments, Lorentz said nothing as he leaned back into his chair and put a hand to his chin.
"I think finally I understand you, Talion." He said.
We both shared a moment of silence until Lorentz spoke again.
"Vell zhank you for telling me your story, Talion. And do not vorry. Zhis vill not effect your place in "Project: Wraith."

"Then why did you need to know?" I asked him.

"I can tell a lot about a person's character, Talion. I needed to understand who you vere, hidden underneath." He answered.

I was a little stunned.
"Wait, wait. This was a test? For what? I thought that I had already passed all the tests to be accepted into this project."

"You have. But I needed to determine zhe state of your mind vith zhis final test, to insure zhat you are fit for the next stage and zhe information zhat comes vith it. So congratulations, Talion. You are ready." He told me with a big smile.

I was a little confused.
"But why?"I asked him.

Lorentz chuckled.
"Zhe vorld iz in short supply of good men, Talion. Most simply choose not to fight, vhile others are already doing so. I do not need a vengeful seeking soldier out for blood in zhis project. Vhat I need iz someone who can see zhe bigger picture in zhis war. Who understands zhe value of life and knows vhat it means to be and treat others human."

"Then, why me, Lorentz?" I asked.

He laughed for the first time I've heard from him.
"Because, Talion, you do understand zhe value of life. And you've jumped." He motioned with his hand towards my wrist.
"You believe so strongly zhat all men are created equal under God and are vorth your own life to save. No matter vhat zhey've done or vhich banner zhey march under. Zhat is vhy I chose you, Talion. Because you are not just a good man. But a great one." He finished, leaving me a little speechless.

"I'm not a great man, Lorentz. I'm just a soldier fighting for something different." I told him.

"That difference is vhat makes you great. Make no mistake, Talion, I myself too have done terrible things in my past zhat have cost me those I held closest. I do understand you." He told me.

"What happened?" I asked him.


He leaned back and sighed again.
"I vas like you once... At one time I held you're beliefs and faith. I too only vanted to save lives and fight for peace... Zhat's all I vanted."

"What changed?" I asked him.

He looked down in shame.
"I believed in a lie... Zhat not everyone iz vorth saving. Zhat not all men can be saved." He answered and looked back up to me.
"Don't become like me, Talion. Don't lose your faith and believe zhe old lie... No life is vorth less than another's."

"I won't, Lorentz." I said.

He looked me in the eyes with complete determination.
"You must promise me, Talion. Promise me zhat you vill alvays fight for peace and to save lives. Alvays."

I smiled at him and noded.
"I promise, Lorentz... Always."


He smiled and relaxed back into his chair.
"Zhank you, Talion... Now," He stood up and picked up his documents.
"I zhink ve have lingered here long enough. Let's head on over to zhe medical vard for your procedure. Zhen after zhat, ve can begin zhe first stages of your transformation."

I stood up and turned to open the door for Lorentz and I.
"So, how will we know if this super soldier project even works?" I asked him.

He explained as we both made our way through the hallway.
"Vell, vith all zhe tests complete and if everything comes out in order, all should be vell and ve should start seeing results. Although ve can't be certain of zhe effects zhe change vill have on you, ve believe zhe project vill be a success zhis time."

I paused.
"Wait. This time? I thought you told me I was the first subject of this experiment.

"Of zhis experiment, yes. Of zhe project, no." He began explaining.

"There were others that you tested?" I asked him a bit shocked.

"Yes and no. Zhere vere many others who vere tested under zhis project, but not by me. Not knowingly anyvay... You are my first true test subject." He answered.

"You mean, you didn't create this project?" I asked.

"Vell no. But I vas a part of it's beginning... Tell me, are you familiar vith zhe battle of Osoweic during zhe Great war?" He asked me.

"I'm afraid not." I replied.

"It vas a battle I fought in, back vhen I vas still a soldier in zhe Great War. I had already fought in many battles before, against zhe Russians and have seen much death and suffering. But it vas zhe battle of Osoweic vhere I learned zhe true meaning and difference between dead and alive."
He started as we walked into the lobby.
"Osoweic Fortress vas built in zhe Nineteenth Century by zhe Russian Empire; in vhat is today known as North Eastern Poland, to defend against Germany.
During zhe war, Osoweic vas heavily contested by Russian defenders and us German attackers.
Ve made our first attack on Osoweic in September; 1914, using large calibre artillery guns, bombarding zhe fortress for six days. After extensive shelling, ve confidently launched an attack on zhe fortress.
However, Russian artillery and infantry counterattacks forced us back vith a quick vithdrawal."
Lorentz paused as we both entered an elevator. He pressed level B-2 and continued his history lesson.
"A second attack vas attempted in February to March; 1915. Ve vere again optimistic because of our new, heavy 1420mm calibre "Big Bertha" cannons.
Ve bombed zhe fortress vith intensity from zhe ground and air; vhich our commanders persumed vould cause a quick surrender from zhe Russians defending it. But zhe Russian command also had a similar notion, in order zhat Osoweic be held just forty-eight hours after evacuation."

The elevator doors opened up to reveal a small open room that went into a long hallway that curved inward in both directions.
The hallway wall in front of us had many windows to reveal a very large cylinder room that went down ten levels. We were also able to see our destination on the other side of the room. But before I turned away, I saw a shadowy figure watching me from across the room.

~Where are you going?~

"Zhis vay, Talion." Lorentz called, pulling my attention away for a moment. When I looked back across the room, the figure was gone.

"Something vrong, Talion?" Lorentz asked.

I shook my head.
"No. Please continue." I said.

"Remarkable, even vith massive damage to zhe fortress and high Russian casualties, zhe defenders held Osoweic for months and forced us to again pull back.
It vas in early July; 1915, vhen ve became under zhe command of field martial Paul Von Hindenberg, who began a new offensive attack."
Lorentz looked uneasy and almost ashamed by what he was going to say next.
"It vas a... special secret experimental project zhat vas authorized by Kaiser Wilhelm, himself.
Hindenberg had brought vith him a new type of poison gas zhat ve vould use to achieve victory against zhe Russian defenders. Ve knew zhey had no gas masks to defend against zhe gas. Even if zhey did, it vouldn't have protected zhem. But at zhe time, neither us nor zhe Russians knew zhat.

I listened intently to Lorentz as he told the next parts.

Thirty heavy artillery and thirty gas batterys vere brought vithin range, and vith zhe vind in our favor; zhe gas vas launched at Osoweic on August sixth."
Lorentz again paused and rubbed his face for a second before continuing.
"Along vith zhe artillery bombardment, a dark green smog of chlorine and bromine moved towards zhe Russian positions. At least, zhat vas vhat vhey told us ve vere unleashing...
Zhe grass turned black and zhe tree leaves turned yellow. Zhe Russian guns and shells, made vith copper, became covered in a green layer of chlorine oxide. It vas almost as if zhe gas vas vithering away everything it touched.
Zhe Russian ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth vere all but annihilated in zhe gas coverage.
Once zhe gas had cleared, fourteen of our battalions numbering around seven-thousand, moved in; to capture zhe burnt trenches. But as ve approached zhe positions ve encountered something... strange... Something unnatural..."

Lorentz had to pause as we entered the medical ward.
After passing through the double door entrance, we were greeted by long wide hallway with many rooms on either side. A few doctors and nurses were walking around; going on about their daily tasks.

"Mr. Drust?" A young female nurse called me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Right this way please." She said.

The nurse led us to a small doctors office.

"Please, take a seat. Dr. Anna Aura will be with you shortly." She told me before leaving.

I paused suddenly and turned to watch the nurse leave.

"You alright, Talion?" He asked.

"Ya, it's just that name sounded familiar some how." I told Lorentz and took a seat on a chair while he chose to stand for a bit.
"So, what did you encounter, Lorentz... What did you see?" I asked him.

Lorentz looked down and closed his eyes.
"Dead men, Talion. Dead men fighting again...
Remaining soldiers of zhe Russian eighth and thirteenth companies, who had come into contact vith zhe poison gas, counterattacked our forces vith all zhey had left.
Zhe Russians soldiers had chemical burns on zheir faces vith zheir bodies wrapped up in rags, spitting out pieces of zheir lungs.
Zhe sight vas... so horrific and terrifying zhat ve vent into a panic and attempted to retreat back to our own positions as zhe Russians gunned us down vith zheir rifles and artillery.
I myself vas shot during zhe retreat."
Lorentz paused to show me a bullet scar on his shoulder. He sighed and looked back to me.
"Zhose of us who survived and made it back attempted to return fire to stop zhe charge. But our shock and fear became dread in realization zhat zhe dead Russian soldiers did not stop. Zhey simply charged on; even as zhey vere ment by a barrage of bullets and fire, ve couldn't stop zhem... And zhere vas no more zhan a hundred of zhem."

"Then how did you defeat them?" I asked him.

"I'm not entirely sure zhat ve did." Lorentz replied.
"At zhe end of zhe battle, all of zhe Russian soldiers just seemed to collapse and die... again.
Vhat vas more disturbing zhough vas zhe look in zheir eyes. It vas almost as if zhe vere still alive... Staring at us and asking; Vhy?"
Lorentz took a seat on another chair as he signed.
"I asked myself zhat same question too... I vas one of zhe soldiers who unleashed zhe gas on Osoweic...I vas one who gave zhem a fate vorse zhan death."

I leaned back and took a moment to digest this new information.
"And that gas. What was it truly?" I asked him.

"Vhy, zhe project, Talion." He answered.

"The project? "Project: Wraith?" I asked a little shocked.

"Ja... Osoweic vas zhe first failed field test of "Project: Vraith." He answered.
"Zhe project vas original an idea for improving zhe common soldier; created by Clara Immerwahr, Dr. James Franck, Wilhelm Wundt and Dr. Fritz Haber."

"How did they even come up with the idea for the project?" I asked him.

"Believe it or not, zhey veren't zhe ones who did." Lorentz replied.

That caught me by surprise.
"Wha- Okay, hold on. If you didn't invent the project or those four scientists; then who did?"

Lorentz chuckled.
"Zhe idea did not simply come from just one man or even a handfull, Talion. But hundreds of thousands, even millions across the course of centuries, all over zhe vorld."

"Who has shared in this idea, Lorentz?" I asked him.

Lorentz laughed again.
"I zhink zhe proper question to ask iz; Who hasn't? Who hasn't zhought of zhe idea of immortality?"
He leaned foward and returned to his seriousness.
"For centuries, mankind has looked for immortality. From the heavens above, the Earth beneath and the waters below. Through religions of false gods, demons and idols, to black magics and sacrifices. Nation's throughout time have saught out vays to escape deaths cold embrace.
From ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Turkey, Persia, Mongolia, China, Japan, India and Indonesia. To Siberia, Ukraine, Polska, Germaine, France, Italy, Sicily, Portugal, England, Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia. Even across zhe sea in zhe Americas before Christopher Columbus.
Zhe Astec, Mayans, Sioux and zhe Iroquois. "Project: Vraith", it's idea is as old as zhe dawning of man, Talion. It just vasn't known by zhat name."

I was at a loss for words at learning this.
"Then how? How is that possible? If the project has existed since the stone age, how is it able to be accomplished now?" I asked him.

"Vhy, through the means of technological advances, Talion." Lorentz started to explain.
"Zhe people of ancient times believed zhat immortality vas an achievement zhey could reach by either sacrifices, objects of power or fountains of youth. One of zhe most popular vays vas zhe idea of bringing someone back from zhe dead. Zhere have been many failed attempts like zhose done to regain vhat Adam and Eve gave up.
You see, zhe zhing zhey all had in common vas zhat zhey all believed zhis vorld ve inhabit is just a surface. Zhat zhere is another deeper level. An unobservable plain of existence."

"The afterlife? And they all believed that they could gain access to it without dying?" I asked him.

"Most did. Ancient religions believed zhat passages to zhe undervorld vere physical locations on Earth. Thus many had built zheir temples and other places of worship in key locations vhere zhey believed vere gatevays or portals to zhe next life.
Like Stonehenge for instance." He told me.

"Huh. They must have been really foolish to believe all that." I remarked.

"Perhaps. Or perhaps not. Quantum physics affirms not just one dimension, but several exist. A few of zhe old religions somehow knew zhis. Even today. Some may have discovered how to gain limited access to zhem.
But vhat all zhese religions and cults failed to understand is zhat zhere is only one vay a man can travel. Once death has you, only God can deliver you from it. Othervise zhis existence goes only one vay. You live and you die once. And only once in zhis life." Lorentz explained.

"If all of that's true, Lorentz; then what makes this project any different from what other false beliefs have attempted to accomplish? " I asked.

He chuckled.
"Because ve are not attempting to find and gain access to a gate, Talion. But to create one."

"What now?" I asked in confusion.

He started to use his hands to help demonstrate.
"Unlike other's past failed attempts, ve have learned zhat it iz possible to create a gate through an already existing link vith zhe soul instead of one vithout. In a sense, ve are actually building a bridge vith zhe soul.
Vhat I am saying iz, ve have discovered a vay for man to be able to freely cross in and out between dimensions from zhe realms of life and death."

"So basically, immortality?" I asked him.

"In a manner of speaking, yes. But much more zhan zhat is gained." Lorentz replied.

"What more?" I asked him.

He smiled at me and stood up.
"I'm afraid zhe answer to zhat question vill have to vait until later, Talion."

Just as I was about to ask why, a knock on the door drew our attention away from the topic.
The door was opened by a young woman in a doctor's coat, who looked to be in her early thirties and car

"Good morning Talion. I'm Dr. Anna Aura." She introduced herself.

"Good morning doctor." I greeted her and shook her hand.

She looked over to Lorentz.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No. I vas just about to head over to zhe labs anyvay. Ve're late as it iz vith today's tests. So I'll let you two get started." He said to Anna before turning back to me.
"I apologize for having to cut zhe story short."

"Hey, that's alright. You can tell me the rest over a drink." I told him.

"Sounds like a plan. But uh, you vill be buying zhe first drink." He told me.

I chuckled.
"Me? If anything, you should pay for all the drinks. Heck, you could even buy the whole bar!"

Lorentz laughed.
"If I did, every guard vorking here might expect some discounts on bear prices. Especially James!"

"Ya. God knows he needs a drink right about now." I joked.

Lorentz reached over and shook my hand.
"James will come over to bring you down vhen you are cleared up here."

I chuckled at the mention of James.
"Yep. Still doing an interns job.
Thank you for the history lesson, Lorentz."

"Zhank you for listening. I do certainly hope ve can continue zhis discussion in zhe future. In zhe mean time, I'll see you up ahead." He replied and made his way over to the door.

"Me too, Lorentz. See you soon." I said.

Just as he was about to leave, he turned back and reached over to hand me something.
"Oh and I think you dropped this back near the lake during the fight." He said with a completely different sounding voice and accent.

"Lake?" I asked him as he placed a set of dog tags in my hands.

Aden B.
123 - 45 - 6789

I looked back up and saw Lorentz just stepping out of the room.
"Wait. What's going on here? Lorentz! Lorentz wait!" I shouted to him but he kept going.

Something was wrong. I stood up and was about to pursue Lorentz when Anna stepped in front of me.
"Time to wake up, Talion." She said and shined a small flashlight in my eyes.

"Wait, stop! Turn off the light! Lorentz! " I shouted and rubbed my eyes from the blinding bright light.

"What are you talking about? Talion, what's wrong?"

I quickly sat up and looked around at my surroundings.

"Talion, what's wrong?" Anya asked again in concern as she lowered her head in front of me.

"Wha- I-I- Where?"
I looked around and found myself lying next to Anya. We were both sitting in a small clearing overlooking the mountains. The sun was shining brightly over the land as it climbed over the mountain tops.

"Talion, breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four. Repeat." Anya instructed me calmly.

I breathed in and exhaled a few times to calm myself down before speaking.
"I'm fine, Anya. It was just a dream... Only a dream."

Anya rubbed her head against me.
"I know Talion. Just relax. I'm here for you."

"Thank you." I told her and rubbed her head in return.

Anya held me close for a bit longer before pulling away.
"What did you dream of?" She asked me.

I looked down at the my brother's dog tags in my hands for a moment before I then closed my eyes and let out a long sigh.
"Days of long ago."