Amereep's Anthology of Flashfics

by Amereep

I'm Flying Without Wings

There's good reason why you shouldn't stick your nose in things, curiosity kills the cat after all, and the killer is using that cat's intestines as a fiddle for me to dance to.

I felt this coming. Like a yak-in-the-box, I anticipated this oncoming approach, but this sicko found a way to smash my reality to pieces.

I could've saved this mare, could've had her live another day to enjoy a dip in the bathtub instead of sprawling in a pool of her own blood.

Now I have a corpse, and I'm no closer at finding who this scumbag is. I'm not going to rest until I hunt them down and make them pay for what they've done.

You might assume that I'm sticking my nose in things that don't involve me. I can assure you, they brought me into this, and I'm going to find out who killed me.