//------------------------------// // 7. The Golden Advisor // Story: EqG Tales: G.L.O.W. Edition // by Brian Sheil //------------------------------// On their way home from the movies, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer talked about something going on at school recently. “Are you sure about what’s happening in the school paper?” Sunset wondered. “I’m sure of it, Sunset.” Rainbow replied. “Somebody posted an advice column under the name ‘Golden Advisor’.” “Golden Advisor. I hope it’s nothing like this Anon-a-Miss stuff that plagued me.” “I don’t think so. This is an advice column. And, it gives good advice, believe it or not.” They soon saw Rarity and another woman at an outdoor cafe table. This woman has wavy brown hair, and wearing glasses. She has on a glittery gold short sleeve top and a bright yellow skirt and white shoes. “Looks like Rarity has a new friend.” Dash said. “Probably to help her know about this town.” Sunset’s eyes widened from the look of this woman. “Rainbow, I think that’s Ashley Cartier.” “Ashley Cartier?” Dash blurted. “Are you sure?” Rarity soon saw Rainbow and Sunset. “Hello, darlings. Care to join us?” The two friends nodded and went to join Rarity and her new companion. “Hello, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer.” Ashley greeted. “Rarity told me so much about you.” “Really?” Rainbow blurted. “I didn’t know that we’re that well known to folks outside of town.” “So, what brings you to town, Ashley?” Sunset wondered. Rarity looked like she was in shock. “You know of Miss Cartier?” “Who doesn’t. Especially when she wears anything golden. I see that when I watch classic GLOW matches online.” “Of course.” Dash realized. “In tag team battles, you mostly team up with Tina Ferrari. Right?” “That is correct.” Ashley answered. “As to my visit, I was invited to add an advice column to your school’s newspaper.” “You mean, you’re the Golden Advisor?” “Yes indeed, Dash.” Rarity responded. “Her advice is very helpful.” “As long as nobody has dirty fantasies in mind.” Sunset added. Ashley was surprised to hear that. “How did you know that?” “I’ve seen some clips of ‘Dear Ashley’. There’s always some pervert with crazy ideas for you.” “I guess that’s true. But, I just push that aside.” The girls felt relief, knowing Ashley doesn’t fall for that stuff. Monday, Sunset and Rarity meet for lunch. “Anymore news from Ashley?” Sunset asked as she got out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “Yes, darling.” Rarity answered. “She is reinforcing her own advice column with a warning. That no perverted letters will be printed.” Raising a small carton of milk, Sunset raised a toast. “Here’s to more success to Ashley.” “Cheers.” Rarity chirped as she raised her own milk carton.