Seizing The Stars (phase one)

by keithsterling

Chapter 1

Alysia carefully makes her way through the connecting corridors of the Citadel Class Space Station, known as 'The Infinity Palace 'in the Infinity Star Sector of Celestial Alicorn Space. She and forty Terran Ponies of various species made it through the intense Space Force training of Principality of Dream Valley to be allowed to go into space aboard 'The Cardinal' Imperator Alicorn designed patrol class warship to be transported to Infinity Star Sector. She and the forty Terran Ponyauts will be the first Terran Ponies to every visit and work at 'The Infinity Palace.'

As Alysia walks through a long, tough transparent corridor, she pauses for a moment to watch an Imperator Alicorn Jumpship transport a newly build Bastion class Space Station. Being sent to the Milky Way Star Sector to claim it as a Protectorate of the Infinity Star Sector and Empress Galaxy Cosmos, the ruler of the Celestial Alicorns. After watching a Jumpship creates a wormhole and disappears into it. Alysia continues down the corridor; she reaches the turbo lift. And a moment later, she takes the turbo lift to officer's wing on the second floor of Living area module of the Citadel Class Space Station. She walks down the corridor to one of the many Officers Quarters on the floor until she reaches her living quarters.

As she approaches the door, it whooshes open, and Alysia walks into a spacious living area divided into two bedrooms, a large living room and large study with connecting holographic crystal data cube library. She passes through the living room and sticks her head into the large study sitting behind a desk looking at several reports from the other star sectors. Wearing a navy blue form-fitting space suit with white edges was her Grandfather Emperor Justice Silverlight.

"I am home, Grandpa," Alysia said friendly as Justice set the reports down on the desk and gestures his grandchild to enter and sit down.

"Are you able to find your way around the space station yet, Granddaughter?" Justice inquiry as he removes a pair of reading glasses from his snout and watches his granddaughter sits down on the chair in front of him.

"Yes, Grandpa," Alysia answers as Justice remembers something.

"Oh, Alysia, go take a quick sonic shower and put on your best dress and Princess's regalia," Justice said as Alysia blinks with surprise at her grandfather's request for her.

"Of course, Grandpa, but why?" Alysia asked a bit puzzled as she scratches her head with her hand.

"Great Grandmother was finally able to free up time to meet you, Alysia," Justice explains as Alysia breath catches in her throat with that; she's quickly headed to her room to take a sonic shower.

A few hours later, waiting outside, Alysia's room was Justice wearing his Solar Empire dress uniform with black dress boots. Soon the door to Alysia's bedroom, whoosh open and out steps Alysia wearing a finely made blue violet-colored slightly below the knee length dress with white ankle strap flat sandals on her lavender-colored slender and smooth bare feet. To round out her outfit, she's wearing her Princess regalia, Justice's face brightens upon laying his eyes on his granddaughter.

Alysia nods her head, allowing her grandfather to do a thorough inspection of her. She can't help but chuckle as he asks her to sits down on the sofa, at which time he unbuckled both her sandals and remove them to inspect her feet. Usually, her grandfather is not this thorough with her. Still, she knows the mare she going to meet for the first time is her grandfather's great grandmother, and he wants her to make the best impression of a half Terran Alicorn. With the inspection is done, Justice washes and dries his hands before slipping on a pair of white gloves. At the same time, Alysia re-buckles her sandals on her feet. Justice presents his forearm to his granddaughter. She politely curtsies to him before placing the flat of her hand on his forearm to walk her to the throne room/command center of the station.

At the entrance to the Command Center/ Throne Room Justice kisses and tells his granddaughter that she must walk in by herself as the Empress has asked. She shakes her head and walks through the portal into the room. The Command Center/ Throne Room is' a huge area filled with view screens and monitor screens. Various space station functions are monitored here and change continuously over time. Standing toward the back of the room was a captivating, ageless, light blue Celestial Alicorn mare with an imperial red mane and tail. Her elegant athletic 6ft 12in figure was encased in a yellow-green colored below the knee length dress with the knee-high boots of her spacesuit on her bare feet.

Resting on her back were the most beautiful jeweled bio-mechanical feathery bird wings of her species. Her emerald green eyes look toward the nervous half Terran Alicorn mare walking gracefully toward her. Sitting on her head behind her horn was a jeweled imperial tiara. This Celestial Alicorn mare was Empress Galaxy Cosmos, the All-Mother of the Celestial Alicorn species and supreme ruler.

She puts her arms behind her back and walks with confidence toward the frozen young Terran half Alicorn mare in the center of the room. She walks around the frozen mare a few times, looking her over, taking every detail in about this young mare that stands before her.

"I must say your highness. I can sense that royal and noble bearing that a hallmark of my family." Galaxy comments a bit upset that Alysia willn't reply to her.

"Your Highness, I can sure you that I don't bite, well not recently." Galaxy said joking, trying to get a laugh out of Alysia, suddenly Galaxy's face harden.

"Great Grandson! Get in here right now and take this granddaughter of your out of my sight!" Galaxy voice bellows as Justice ran inside.

"If this Terran half Alicorn Mare was the reason you married that Princess. By the first star, I want you to dissolve that marriage, and I am going to forbid you from ever returning to that mare of your Great Grandson!" Galaxy said ruthlessly as it snaps Alysia out of her frozen state.

"NO! don't take my grandpa away from grandma! She the happiest went he around!" Alysia screams sad as she quickly composes herself and assumes her royal persona surprising the two Celestial Alicorns.

"Please forgive me, Your Imperial Majesty. I was overwhelmed with the power you were giving off. I rarely do meet and greets as my father and my aunts handle that part of the job. (Curtsies) My name is Solar Princess Alysia Ara Silverlight. Granddaughter of Empress Celestia Silverlight and Emperor Justice Silverlight. Please don't take my grandpa away from my grandma; without my grandpa, grandma will become sad. I can allow that to happen; they are both precious to me." Alysia said, loving as Galaxy turn to face Alysia hiding the smile on her snout with her hand.

"If you hug me, your highness. I will allow your grandpa to return to your grandma anytime he likes." Galaxy said diplomatically as Alysia walks up to Galaxy and hugs her.

Sometime later back in the large study of their living quarters, Justice continues to align the Hyper wave pulse communicator with the Old Grand Royal Palace in the Solar Empire on the Planet of Sol. Slowly the holographic head of Empress Celestia Silverlight spring to life in front of him, seeing his beloved wife's smiling face quickly lifts his spirits.

"Hello, beloved. How did the first meeting for our granddaughter go with your Great Grandmother, the Empress?" Celestia inquiry as Justice forced a smile on his lips.

"Good, my beloved."Justice answers as a dubious expression appeared on Celestia's face.

"You are lying to me, Justice. Like you, I can read you like a book." Celestia said bluntly as Justice cracked a real smile before breaking down and laughing.

"Oh, Justice, sometimes you can be very spiteful. For that trick next time you are back on the Planet. You are going to rub my feet for an hour. I'll make sure my feet are suitably smelly for you." Celestia said hotly snorted at him as Justice's stomach knots with that thought.

"But getting back to our granddaughter first meet, Tell me what happen?" Celestia asks as Justice started to explain what happens at the meet with his Great Grandmother to her.

(A few moments later)

"I see Justice, well it is true that Alysia doesn't handle meets and greets like Aurora, Somnus and Blueberry do. But hard to believe she froze like that. Our granddaughter has a lot of confidence went it come to being royalty so that Great Grandmother is powerful being to do that to our granddaughter, I have request, Justice." Celestia comments as Justice's eye blink with surprise.

"Yes?" Justice answers

"Can you set-up a meeting for me with your Great Grandmother. I would like to know why it happened to our granddaughter." Celestia ask as Justice's jaw dropped.

"She can contact you went she finish her court today, Celestia." Justice explains as Celestia shook her head no.

"In person." Celestia comments as Justice's breathe catches in his throat.

"In person? Celestia. You know my Great Grandmother never leave 'the Infinity Palace'. Unless it state of emergency which mean 'IAS Limitless' her command class warship is dispatch with the Royal Battle Fleet." Justice explains as Celestia shook her head.

"I know Justice; a few months ago I reapplied to intense Space Force training. The First time I tried I failed. It was kind of point of pride to me that I didn't make it through the training. But this time I passed with the highest scores of any pony or Alicorn on Sol. I been earmarked to command the next shuttle mission to space station went it come fully operational. I also know that patrol class warship will be bringing key personnel from Infinity Star Sector for the station. In next few day I'll go talk to your grandmother see if she can get me aboard the patrol ship to transport me to 'the Infinity Palace'." Celestia explains as Justice shook his head.

"All right Celestia. Let me call you back after I talk to my Great Grandmother about meeting you." Justice explains as he stops transmitting from the Hyper wave communicator.

It 365th Space cycle later as a Royal Long-range shuttlecraft glide into landing bay one of 'The Infinity Palace' aboard the shuttle was Empress Celestia Silverlight the Ruler of the Solar Empire. After Justice told his Great Grandmother that Celestia want to meet her, she agreed to the meeting on one condition. His wife must work at 'The Infinity Palace' for 2 1/2 space cycles before she allow her to meet her in person. Celestia agreed to the condition put forth by Empress Galaxy Cosmos. In the docking bay waiting at the foot of the rolling staircase were Royal Shogun Justice Silverlight and Royal Shogun in-training Alysia Silverlight.

Slowly the hatch opens and out steps Empress Celestia Silverlight wearing light pink form-fitting space suit with white edges and knee-high boots on her plushy bare feet. Upon laying her light gray magenta-colored eyes on her husband and Granddaughter, a smile form on her snout. She quickens her pace to reach them so she can embrace her family. After kissing his wife Justice asked Alysia to show her grandma to their quarters as she will be living with them for the time she work here at the station.

"There are three periods you must remember, Grandma." Alysia said as the two of them ride the turbo lift up to the officers' wing.

"Those are Granddaughter?" Celestia asked

"Awaking periods, Rest periods and Sleep periods." Alysia said as two of them get off the turbo lift on officer deck.

"Awaking Period?" Celestia said

"Awaking Period is normally 12 Space Cycles that you will be at your job here at the station. You can short that to 8 Space Cycles if you wish. Anytime during those space cycles you may take 8-10 Space Cycles rest period to eat or just rest. Grandpa has designated 9th evening Space Cycles as begin of the Sleep Periods. So we try to eat dinner together at 4th evening Space Cycles breakfast is served at 7th morning Space Cycles every day." Alysia explains as Celestia was dumbfounded with her granddaughter's extensive knowledge of Imperator Alicorn military protocol.

"Granddaughter, how do you know all this?" Celestia inquiry as she leads her through the officer's quarters large living room toward the second bedroom, which she's be sharing with her husband as they are married.

"Military Etiquette is part of my training, Grandma." Alysia comment as she passes her hand in front of a camera in the wall to call up a holographic keyboard and control panel. Celestia watches in amazement as her granddaughter's fingers glide effortless over the holo keyboard.

Slowly two large doors in the floor next to her grandfather's bed slide open revealing a hole from that hole raises mattress and spring set. Once at floor level the two doors close and the bed rest on top of it. Alysia gestures her grandmother to lay down on the bed, so she can adjust the firmness for her. After a few more adjustment her grandmother signals the firmness is perfect for her.

Once done Alysia passes her hand in front of the camera once again deactivating the holographic keyboard and control panel. Next she walks over to a machine recessed in the wall with display screen with few button presses on the screen. White bedding appear in the recess under the screen. She picks it up and asks her grandmother to help her make the bed. Once done Alysia walks back over to the same machine and open small door on the machine to retrieve a small gun. Celestia didn't object went her granddaughter proceeded to remove one of her boot from her long, wide, thick and plush foot.

She held down the trigger of the small gun it projected a solid red line on her foot. Slowly she ran the red line down top of her foot till she reaches her toes. From her toes she ran the red line along the bottom of the foot till she reaches the heel and released the trigger. Once the trigger was released several numbers appear on the small screen on top the gun. She enters the numbers into the machine, before putting the gun back in place. A moment later a pair of light pink slippers appeared in the recess. She picks them up and set them on the floor beside her grandmother's bed.

"I missed you Grandma. It's wonderful you decided to come to 'The Infinity Palace' to live with me and Grandpa. For little a while" Alysia said loving as she hugged her grandmother.

"I missed you to grandchild (wiping a tear-off Alysia's cheek with her finger) Now why is my grandchild crying like that. All this is only possible because a teenage filly trust her heart on Sol, long ago." Celestia said loving as bell rings on Alysia's MCV rings reminding her if she doesn't leave now, she going to be late for her next shift.

Celestia watched as her granddaughter leaves the officer's quarters before proceeding to remove her other boot and slip on the slippers Alysia made for her as a sign that she home with her family in a strange new place.

"Come out of hiding, Justice. I sense your presence the moment you enter the quarters. Being away from you has not dull my senses. You said yourself because you are my mate. I will always be able to sense you." Celestia comment as Justice appear before Celestia and kiss her on her lips.

"Anyway, Justice can Alysia sense your presence like me?" Celestia inquiry as she returns the kiss.

"She can, but I mask my presence went she around. I want her to sense the presence of the other Celestial Alicorn around here and not just me. That one of the basic skills she needs to master. All classes of imperator warships can cloak themselves during space combat. If she can't sense the other shogun went he/she is hiding their ship, she defeated and her life is over." Justice explains as Celestia's eyes widen with alarm.

"But she our grandchild, how can you let her die like that?" Celestia said her voice breaking as tears runs down her cheeks.

"To put your mind at ease, Celestia. I have to will, myself to stay mask went Alysia is around. She can sense the presence of other Celestial Alicorns better than a pure Celestial Alicorn can. I am quite proud of that granddaughter of ours." Justice said with pride in his voice.

"Still, hearing that, it doesn't keep me from worrying about her." Celestia said, worried as Justice hugged her.

"You wouldn't be her grandmother if you didn't worry about her, Celestia." Justice said, caring.

"But trust me, she good, very good." Justice said, trying to ease his wife's mind about their grandchild.

"All right, I will trust you." Celestia said somewhat at ease.