My immortal phoenix.

by Lieral

Chapter 37- Reflection

The long-awaited Christmas time was finally getting closer and closer, and the whole town seemed to get a small piece of the spirit of Christmas. The streets shone white bright colors of red, green and gold. Many houses now decorated their gardens with reindeers, Santa's helpers and, of course, the beautiful natural snow that comes with it.

In Twilight's apartment, there was no doubt that the Christmas time was one of the favorites of the year, even for a newcomer like Sunset Shimmer.

"What about a little more lamps?" Spike asked as he and Twilight kept staring at the Christmas tree with a hand (and a paw) on their chins and a very thoughtful expression.

"No, I don't think so," Twilight said. "I already programmed the lamps to glow with the music, but I think we need to find the perfect balance between the snow angels and each of every ball's color scheme," Both of them turned their head to the left at the exact same time, bringing Sunset Shimmer at the verge of laughter at the extremely cute scene.

"Or," The red-haired dared to cut the mood. "We could finish the tree we started 12 hours ago and put the star on top of it,"

"NEVER!" Both Twilight and Spike yelled, which makes one of their neighbors to hit the wall of their apartment for the fourth time today, but both of them completely ignored it. "The star is the final piece to be put," Spike said with a very determinate expression.

"And ONLY after every single other aspect of the tree is perfectly balanced and creates the necessary harmony for the entire house, otherwise Santa won't like it," Both of them nodded at once.

"Right," Sunset smiled. "I'll keep that in mind," She walked toward the pair and put a hand on each of her girlfriend's shoulders. "However, if you keep looking at this tree and basically boiling your brain to force the muses of the Greek mythology to magically give you the inspiration necessary for the perfect tree, you will stay here for quite a few days, and if you rest that brain of yours, you can start anew just an hour for now,”

“C’mon Sunset,” Twilight rolled her eyes. “My family is really competitive when it comes to festive occasions. Last year Shining Armor makes the lights in his tree for us to be able to play tic tac toe. I really need him to see that I can program it to play according to the music while also show all Harry Potter Christmas chapters in the order they appear in the books,"

“Okay, I’ll totally not ask for how long had you been planning this, but I will ask why is it so important for it to also be completely symmetric with a total of 888 ornaments in total?"

“Because every year all my family celebrates in a single place, and this is the first time since I left my parent’s house that it will happen in my apartment with all my friends and my first and only girlfriend,” She held Sunset’s shirt and brought her closer until their noses touched, but Twilight’s expression was absolutely not romantic in the slightest, she was basically breathing fire with sheer determination. “THIS. HAS. AND WILL. BE. PERFECT!”

"Okay, okay, I got the picture," Sunset sighed. "But that girlfriend of yours is now asking you to stop just a little bit," She put both her hands on Twilight's shoulders. "So they can have just some time for themselves and their talking dog without boiling three brains. Isn't that nice?"

Twilight looked down. "Not fair Sunset,"

"I know," Sunset let go of Twilight. "But that's why I'm saying we will come back to your project later, maybe with even more ideas to make the very perfect tree," She smiled sweetly bringing a sigh out of Twilight.

"Okay, you won this round. But we will watch Christmas movies. I think we can get something out of it,"

"Sounds fair," Sunset walked toward the kitchen. "I'll take a drink for us, pick the movie you want,"

"Okay," Twilight went to the couch with Spike by her side.

"There was a time only your brother and I could take you out of your panic attacks," He looked back with a smile. "But our new girl certainly does a good job,"

"I was not having a panic attack," Twilight interjected.

"I know, but she clearly is something else, isn't she?"

Twilight played with her hair blushing a little. "Yes, she is,"

Spike stopped on the couch and sat down satisfied. "And what will we be watching?"

"I don't know," Twilight searched through her playlist. "I want a Christmas movie, but which one?"

"I still haven't seen Beauty and the Beast The Enchanted Christmas," Sunset walked back and gave Twilight a can. "Could we watch this one?"

"Of course," Twilight took her can. "Whatever you want,"

They sat down and watched the movie together.

After forty-five minutes and a few beers later Twilight was using her right arm to hug Sunset's neck while pointing at the TV and laughing. "I love This part,"

"I can see," Sunset smiled as she petted Spike's head on top of her right thigh. "But I'm not sure you should be laughing in a sad scene like this one,"

"Don't worry with that," Twilight leaned her head against Sunset's left shoulder and took a deep breath. "I love it anyway," She slowly closed her eyes and soon her breathing stabilize and it was clear that she slept.

"I can see that too," Sunset smiled and gave a small peck on her girlfriend's cheek. "And I love you too," She leaned her head against hers while gently caressing her hair. She gave a deep breath and closed her eyes as she petted Spike and Twilight while feeling extremely at peace.

"How long do you think you can keep that?" An oddly familiar voice asked.

Sunset opened her eyes to see a woman in front of her eyes. She has an orange skin and a fiery hair with familiar white and old clothes, and that was looking at her with cold empty eyes.

Sunset sighed.

"As soon as I get rid of two of you, another one comes," She looked at her reflection that stared her down with her arms firmly crossed. "At least you're as big as I am. So, who are you my new hallucination?"

The other Sunset sighed. "Yes, I guess I can be defined as a hallucination. I am you. That is all,"

"Really?" Sunset turned her gaze at the ceiling. "And what do you want?"

"I want to know how long you will you keep playing that stupid game with her,"

"Stupid game?" Sunset felt her temple trembling. "I am not playing with Twilight. I love her, and I want to stay with her. Is that a problem for you?"

The other Sunset scratched her hair and sighed. "I am not talking about it," She looked into Sunset's eyes with her dead ones. "I am just saying that even if you give her your time, your love and your affection, in the end, you will be the one falling in pieces, alone and with memories you want to forget,"

"I know why you're worried," Sunset held Twilight's hand and watched as she smiled. "We lived in the dark for so long, and now that we finally found this blazing light, when the time comes and I turn back to the darkness I belong, I will wish I never had witnessed the light in first place. But that's a decision I already made, and I will not change anything,"

Both Sunset's glared at each other for a few seconds. In the meantime both Spike and Twilight adjusted their position so they could lie more onto Sunset. The other Sunset walked toward Twilight and gently take a strand of hair that had fallen on her eyes and put it behind her ear.

"That's not what I am talking about," She stood up again and looked at the real one. "We had been in the light once and we fell back into the darkness, but we kept going on like we ever did. I know we're ready for that. But what if you drag her to the darkness with you?"

For some reason Twilight grimace as Sunset stayed quiet.

"You know how she is. She love us more than we can measure," The other Sunset put a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "She would do anything for us, but in the end…"

"But in the end we are just monsters that had been afraid of the humanity for so long," Sunset finished her phrase and locked her eyes on her other self. "She will not fall in the darkness with me, because I would set the darkness ablaze for her,"

A full minute of silence followed her words. A minute where absolutely nothing happened. The sound of the fire does not exist nor the music of the movie. Both of them looked at each other during the whole time, challenge the other to say something. But the only answer came when Twilight hugged Sunset and smiled sweetly as she does so.

The other Sunset looked at her and smiled sadly. "She is worthy of setting the darkness ablaze, isn't she?"

Sunset hugged Twilight and looking at her reflection she said. "Yes, she is,"

"I see," The other Sunset slowly faded away. "Good luck for both of us,"

Sunset kept staring the point where she had disappeared with eyes as empty as the ones that had just faded away, but a smile was still on her face.

"I love you Sunset," Twilight murmured in her sleep.

"I love you too," Sunset kissed her forehead and closed her eyes. Maybe a good rest is not a bad idea.