//------------------------------// // B.B.F.B.F.F // Story: Repercussions // by vortex123 //------------------------------// Shining Armor's POV "Sir, it's almost time for you to address the civilians." I heard one of my subordinates say. I grunt in acknowledgement. Makings sure my armor is presentable, I make my way outside. Instead of the hushed murmurs that normally comes with announcements like this, I'm greeted by deafening silence. Nopony made a noise, nor did any of them make any sudden movements. All of them were tense, most likely ready to run at a moments notice. I also couldn't help but feel like this wasn't everypony in the city. Some probably stayed home, not wanting to risk coming here. Their faces reminded me of how the crystal ponies looked when they saw Sombra. The crystal ponies……Cadance had made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with me the last time we talked. And the crystal heart didn't let me enter the crystal empire when I tried to go to her. "Not even Sombra killed without being corrupted by dark magic." Cadance had said with a glare. "What's that say about you?" That did sting, but I didn't let it show. "Citizens of Equestra, can I have your attention?" I requested, though it was probably unnecessary, if their expressions were anything to go by. "I understand that, given the circumstances, you all have reservations about the change in leadership. But I assure you, we did what we did for the future of Equestra." THAT got a reaction from them, and it was far from pleasant, though they still said nothing. "That doesn't mean that I'm blind to the tragedy that befell you all." Spike's POV 'He truly has no shame.' I think with a scowl. Twilight and I had came to Canterlot to get the books in her library tower. The reason why is because without the Royal blessing anymore, it's entirely possible that the tower and everything in it could potentially be repossessed. Luckily for us, my fire breath can teleport all the books to Golden Oaks. Though something told me that Twilight wasn't telling me everything. "Spike." Twilight called, gaining my attention. "We're almost there." She said, as she trotted a little faster. And true to her word, we were in front of the tower before too long. Entering, Twilight used her magic to put every book in here into one big pile, I also noticed she made another pile of various things. Nodding towards me, I got the message, and sent all the books to the Golden Oaks Library. Putting the remaining pile in the saddle bags she brought, we left the tower, and Twilight teleports us away. But instead of arriving at the train station, we ended up somewhere else in Canterlot, somewhere close enough to just barely hear that traitor. "So know that while those slain in that coup will be missed, they will be honored as pony kind raises in the world. I'm sorry tha-" I didn't hear the rest of the sentence, I stopped listening as soon as I heard "I'm sorry". ''I'm sorry'? 'I'M SORRY'!? He killed so, so many ponies, and he has the gall to say 'I'm sorry'!?' I think as I start to see red. I think about the friends we've lost, and the mare I loved, who I'll never get to tell my feelings for her. I'm broken out of my thoughts when I feel something wrap around me. Looking at the cause, I see that Twilight had wrapped her wing around me, with her giving me a look of understanding. That's right…despite that traitor's actions, I hadn't lost all of my friends. I had my best friend right beside me, and Faust help anypony who tries to take her from me. She's my sister, and my best friend… … My sister and best friend. … Mine “Come on, let’s hurry up. My B.B.F.B.F.F just got absolute control over the military, so the “guards” should be just as bad in spotting intruders as they were the last time we were here.” Twi says, breaking me out of…whatever that was. ”’B.B.F.B.F.F’?” I asked in confusion. “Big brother former best friend forever.” She clarified before walking through a door, with me close behind. She casts a shield around us. “Noise canceling spell. Nopony can hear us with this around us, but we can hear noise outside it.” She explained with a sigh. “Twilight.” I say in concern. “I’m right here if you need to vent.” She nods, then starts to sing. “When I was just a filly, I thought it was rather silly, to think he would ever hurt me. But now I see, I had too much faith in that pony.” She looks down, tears in her eyes as her ears drop. My big brother, he was my best friend forever. “Who could blame you, to have faith in him. His betrayal wasn’t on a whim.” I put my hand on her back. She whips her head to me as her ears shoot up. “My point exactly, this wasn’t out the blue! He killed so many ponies, no matter who.” The tears began to flow as she looks down again, her ears dropping once again. “How was this not out the blue?” I make her look at me, giving her a firm look. “What has he done in the past that’d make you think this would be something he’d do?” I give her a more gentle look. She huffed and lightly pushed me away. “Each and every time he made his case, rage would be seen on his face. His words would sometimes be laced with venom, seeing the route we chose to take as dumb.” She gained an angry look, her voice getting quieter and angrier, her ears now pointing backwards. My big brother, he was my best friend forever. “But he still chose diplomacy. What would make you think he would strike innocent ponies with no mercy?“ I raised a brow. “I understand you feel responsible, as I’m sure the other princesses do too. But you tried everything you could possibly do.” I gave her a sad smile. “No I didn’t, at least not yet. There’s still one thing I can do, on that you can bet.” She suddenly gained a determined look, magically wiping away her tears, her ears now pointing up again. "Huh?" I gave a confused look. "Spike, do you know where we are?" She asked. I take a look around, and now that I've done so, this place looked vaguely familiar. "It's Starswirl the Bearded's wing in the Canterlot archives, we came here when I was panicking about the future, remember?" "Now that you mention it, yeah." I say with a surprised tone and look, which turned into confusion. "Why are we here? The only spell I remember from here is that 5-second-one-use one, and you've already used it." "We only searched for one night, and you and I were both sleep deprived. Now that we're well rested (as well as we can currently be anyway), and we have much more time to work with, we should be able to figure something better out. Starswirl was a great sorcerer, one of the (if not THE) best sorcerer in pony history, but he was limited by his time. With all we know about magic now, and all of his research on time magic at our disposal, we might be able to fix this." She said with a frown. "Are you sure we can do that?" I asked, doubtful. "I've fixed one of his spells once before, I don't see why I can't do it again." Twilight said with a smirk, determination in her eyes. "After all, it was thanks to my friends that I was able to do so." She turned to me, and preceded to nuzzle me. "And with you by my side, there's nothing I can't do." "I'm not going anywhere Twi, I'm your number one assistant after all, you can count on me." I say with a smile. "Never doubted it for a second. Now come on, we've got a lot of research to do." She said, heading towards the first of many bookshelves, with me right behind her.