That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

This is a chapter

"Ma'am a week has passed and her wound is healing at a slow pace" Nurse Redheart said to Bon Bon

"Well figure something out or you'll hear it from my lawyer!" Bon Bon said on her way out

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Hello welcome to the residence of Celestia and Ala-.......Bon Bon? Lemme guess. You heard about Lyra? Right?"

"Yeah, I did.....and I'm not saying that what she did was right, but please. Just give her a chance to apologize and just go talk to her. She really did love you." Bon Bon pleaded

"You can't bend my feelings. Princess Cadence, the literal fucking princess of love. Did a test of our love. I was in love, she just wanted to give human dick a test. So don't feed me that shit." Alan was starting to get annoyed

"I was unaware of that part. She said you just dumped her and started talking to somepony else." Bon Bon said

"Alan honey, who's at the door. They arent bothering you are they?" Celestia said as she came over and plopped her head on Alan's shoulder.

"WAIT YOU'RE WITH THE PRINCESS?" Bon Bon yelled shocked.

"Heheheh, you haven't heard yet? It's been 2 months. Lyra didn't mention it was the princess? I'm shocked" Alan was shocked.

"You do realize Alan that she absolutely hates me right now. She probably didn't want to mention my name." Celestia laughed a little

"Good point. *YAAAAWWWWN~~* Fuck it. Let's go pay little green a visit. Let's take Blackout." Alan said taking his shirt off and heading upstairs for a quick shower

"He's gonna take a quickie and we'll be over to the hospital." Celestia said with a smile. Bon Bon turned very red. "BY QUICKIE I MEANT A SHOWER!" She quickly corrected herself

"Thank you for correcting yourself. I was greatly confused for a moment" Bon Bon said shaking her head. "Listen Princess, I'm not saying what she did was right. Could you please, cut her a little slack?"

"Hun, I'm sorry but if I do it wouldn't be fair. She literally tried killing us. A human, living machines, and a princess. 2 new species and royalty. That's attempted murder." Celestia hung her head. "That's punishable by death. Or life in the dungeon. Eitherway, she's not gonna be a free pony ever again."

"I, see. That's understandable." Bon Bon hung her head

"If there was a different punishment I would go with it. I can't though. Because if any other ponies try the same thing they would bring up unfair treatment. I'd be in deep trouble." Celestia sympathized

"It's fine....I just don't really have anyone else than Lyra. She's like my sister" Bon Bon started to sulk

"My sister did awful horrible things too. She paid for her crimes." Celestia said "Lyra does too. I will not give her the death penalty, if that makes you feel any better."

"I guess it kinda does. Aslong as I can still see her." Bon Bon looked up

"So I take it we're giving her a ride?" Alan said as he was walking down the steps with his beard gone. (ffs Alan put a shirt on)

"Well seeing as Lyra lied to her and she had nothing to do with it, I dont see a problem with giving her a ride." Celestia stated

"Fair point." Alan walked around to the garage door and put his code in. The door opened " 'ello'ello'ello it's time for a black out ain't it mate?" Alan said in a very English accent.

"Let us depart then and black out the sky" Blackout replied in the same accent.

"Y'all can go wherever you wanna go. Go bug Ashley if ya want. She might give you a bath if she's feeling nice." Alan said to his other cars as they started and headed straight to Ashley's. "Let's head out." Alan pressed the start putton on the dash and gave the engine a few revs

"So this is a truck?" Bon Bon asked

"That's right. You haven't been in one before have you?" Alan asked

"I'm a breed between the viper and Ram basically. I have a V10 engine, the same engine nightmare has. Only exception is his is twin turbo'd so it uses the exhaust gases to spin a turbine which forces more air and boost into the engine." Blackout explained

"That was pretty spot on" Celestia said. "Basically this is a 4,000+ pound self drawn carriage thays capable of around 200 miles per hour."

"Yeah Mom explains it better" Blackout said

"And off we go!" Alan said as he dumped the clutch

At the hospital

"Why are you always causing people to be in here?" The secretary behind the desk stated blandly

"Why are you always so bland and boring? Like for christ's sake smile for once" Alan retaliated

"We are here to see Lyra Heartstrings." Bon Bon said

"He can't go with as he's the one who injured her" the secretary said.

"Yes he can, he's my boyfriend for my sake" Celestia said joining the conversation as she walked in.

"O-oh my. That's my bad princess. Here right this way you three" the secretary put on an obviously forced smile and guided them

At Jacks.

Jack was working on fixing a boost leak in his Fc3s RX-7 with Rooftops By Marshmello on his garage speakers


"Sup you big redhead nerd" A pony said from behind him laying on the hood of his Jzx100 chaser

"Oh, sup Twilight. Alan not with ye? That's certainly a change ain't?" Jack said

"Yeah, I just thought I could get to know you better, you're pretty cool" Twilight said hanging her head awkwardly

*Rooftops ended and Silence By Marshmello queued up*

"Well I'm okay with that, can ye grab me a hose clamp from the shelf over there?" Jack asked

"Sure thing" Twilight said as she levitated a hose clamp over to him

"All right. That new line is in so no more boost leak. I hope." Jack said as he walked over and opened the garage door" he got in the old Mazda and turned the key.

*Wirwirwirwirwir *click*

"Come on ol' girl" Jack said as he pumped the gas pedal. Trying again.



The car had a funny idle

"So that's what a rotary sounds like in comparison to a piston engine."

"So what's up with your interest cars? No other pony here likes cars very much." Jack questioned

"I just think they're interesting and those who find interest in them tend to have a type of charm that i like" Twilight said

"Well wanna give rotaries a try? This one here is my sunday driver. Its ment to have a comfy ride and it's not too fast." He got out and held the door for Twilight and let her in

"My my, what a gentlecolt" Twilight blushed slightly

Back to Alan

"So that's it? She's getting life of doing chores around the castle?" Alan asked

"I just don't think she belongs in the dungeons and she doesn't deserve death. So i went with a more humiliating punishment. Celestia said pleased with her decision

"Fine by me. Aslong as it's a life punishment I'm happy." Alan said happy with himself

"So....Lyra paid all rent and i don't have a job. Could I crash with you guy's until I find a job?" Bon Bon asked with no eye contact as she was embarrassed.

"I don't see a problem with it" Alan said

"Neither do I" Celestia said

"You two are too kind" Bon Bon said with a happy grin

Later in the day Alan, Celestia, and Bon Bon had dinner together and Bon Bon was welcomed into the house with open arms

To Jack and Twi

"I used to go up here to watch the sunset when I was a filly. I'd go up here to get away from other ponies and be alone with my thoughts" Twilight said with a smile and tired eyes

"It really is a beautiful sunset. I don't think i mind staying here. It's ni-....oh?" Jack felt a head on his shoulder.

"Sorry...I'm *YYAAAWwwwwwnnnn* I'm a bit sleepy." Twilight said

"Well let's stay here. These arent racing seats. They recline and are soft." He reclined his seat and Twilight layed her head on his lap.

"You know. You are really nice. You're also caring. You're very handsome too" Twilight muttered as she drifted into sleep.

"Handsome?" Jack asked with his face turning red as a cherry.

He just continued to watch the sunset and eventually fell asleep to the light ticking from the engine cooling down and the soft snores from Twilight.