//------------------------------// // Mission 1 // Story: Pinkie Pie and Laughter // by PinkiePieisbestponya+100 //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie and Laughter Summary: Pinkie Pie gives her thoughts on laughter, and cheers somepony up. The OC is a light brown earth pony with a dark brown and straight mane and tail. She is the same age as the Mane 6 but the size of Applebloom. She is bookish and shy. She wears glasses when reading. She constantly has a small frown on her face...But, can Pinkie pie change that? “Hahahahaha!” Pinkie Pie laughed at the scene before her. The prank she just pulled with Rainbow Dash was hilarious. “Hi! I’m Pinkamina Diane Pie. Pinkie Pie for short! I love to laugh. To me, laughter is the greatest medicine in the whole wide WORLD! I’m quite a silly pony, and love to see my friends laugh as well. Me and Rainbow Dash just love to pull pranks, and –“Pinkie Pie was cut off. The pony that was on the receiving end of the prank had struggled to sit up, covered in dirt, and as tears welled up in her eyes she raised them slowly and met Pinkie’s eyes. The other pony looked away from embarrassment, got up, and fled. Pinkie Pie’s happy feeling left her as she watched the pony flee. Her eyes became sad, and her mouth turned down in a tiny frown. “Wait!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she dashed after the retreating pony. Soon, she caught up with the pony. “What are you going to do to me now, Pinkie?” Pinkie Pie frowned. “I – I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. Something went wrong with our prank it seems…” Pinkie Pie hung her head. The other pony just continued to cry and then shot Pinkie Pie a look of anger as she ran off again. “Hey! Wait! Why are you running away again?!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she ran after the pony again! “Go away! I don’t need you to help me after that mean prank you pulled!” yelled the other pony over her shoulder. “But I told you it was an accident didn’t I?” Pinkie Pie yelled. She stopped and hung her head. She needed to rest. Maybe she can try to apologize and help that pony tomorrow. “Gee…That pony must be really upset with me.” She frowned as she walked home to Sugar cube Corner as the sun set over Ponyville. Slowly, a gigantic smile spread over her face. “That’s it!” she yelled. “I’ll cheer her up! That pony won’t be mad at me if I make her have a laughing fit after I apologize to her again.” She giggled as she bounced back home to Sugar Cube Corner to plan for tomorrow. The next day… ‘There she is!’ Pinkie Pie thought as she increased her bouncing speed and her smile widened as she went towards the pony from yesterday. “Hey there!” Pinkie Pie yelled cheerfully as the pony, shocked, whipped around to see who called her. “Oh…It’s you…Did you need something?” The pony said with a frown on her face. “Well, I just wanted to apologize again for yesterday. Are you okay, now?” Pinkie Pie said with a cheerful smile on her face. The pony, taken aback, stammered, “O-oh…I’m fine now. You didn’t have to worry. And, don’t worry, I’m not mad at you anymore.” The pony said as she started to trot off and go about her daily business. “Wait! Are you sure you’re not mad at me? I mean…You seemed really upset yesterday.” Pinkie Pie asked as she caught up to the retreating pony. Pinkie Pie could tell she was still upset about it from the emotion that her eyes had held. “Yeah, I’m sure. Did you need something else?” The pony asked with indifference. “I can tell that you’re still upset from yesterday. I’ll make it up to you by giving you the best thing in the whole world! It’s going to be an ‘I’m sorry’ present from me to you. I can’t tell you what it is, though. It’s a secret.” Pinkie Pie giggled. The other pony tried to hide her curiosity but failed. “Oh…You don’t have to give me a present. I don’t hold yesterday’s prank against you or anything…But…What is it anyway? The pony asked, slight excitement shining in her eyes. Pinkie Pie laughed. “Weren’t you listening, silly, I can’t tell you yet!” Pinkie Pie smiled at the other pony. The other pony’s lips twitched upwards as she thanked Pinkie Pie and left. “Thank you again for the apology. I’ll see you later!” The other pony called over her shoulder as she again resumed her daily activities. “Alright! See you later!” Pinkie Pie yelled, waving to the retreating figure. When she disappeared from eyesight Pinkie Pie smiled widely and whispered to herself, “All right! Time for Plan A!” She nearly shook with excitement as she bounced off to get everything ready. Pinkie Pie was all ready. She was dressed in a ridiculous costume sure to get a laugh. She was dressed as a clown and dragged behind her a big bag filled with props. She found the pony sitting on a bench reading a book. Her mouth was pulled down in a tiny frown, too big of a frown for Pinkie Pie, as she concentrated on reading her book. “Hey there!” Pinkie Pie yelled again, startling the pony reading in front of her. The other pony fought to keep a straight face. A face that was soon riddled with confusion as she had turned and saw Pinkie Pie in that hilarious clown costume. “Why are you dressed like that, Pinkie?” The pony questioned when she had recovered from the initial shock. “I’m here to give you your present.” Pinkie Pie giggled. The pony, confused, asked,” But, how will you give me my present by just dressing up like that?” Pinkie Pie laughed again. “I told you your present was going to be the best thing in the whole world!” After a pause, and a confused look from the other pony, Pinkie Pie yelled, “LAUGHER!” Pinkie Pie pulled a party popper, which released confetti everywhere. The pony wasn’t able to respond as she was dragged to a shady tree and asked to sit down. “Come on! Sit! Sit! You better close that book as well!” Pinkie Pie giggled while bouncing around excitedly. The other pony complied by sitting down on the soft grass and placing her book, cover up, on the grass beside her. “Let’s BEGIN!” Pinkie Pie yelled as the other pony clapped politely. First up was Pinkie Pie’s juggling routine with twenty colorful balls as she stood on her hind legs. After juggling for a while, she comically missed them all after slipping on a banana peel. The other pony’s lips shot skyward and a small giggle escaped her. “There you go! That’s the reaction I’ve been waiting for!” Pinkie Pie smiled as she got back up to her hooves to continue. The other pony blushed. She didn’t like smiling or laughing in public…It embarrassed her. But that thought quickly left her as she found herself anticipating what would come next. Next up was Pinkie’s balancing ball act. She pretended to have trouble balancing on top of the ball, but then she really did fall, her body sliding down the front of the ball, her hind legs splayed awkwardly in the air and her rainbow wig slipping off her head. She smiled as the other pony’s laughter was louder and longer this time. Pinkie Pie got up, brushed herself off, and continued on with the show. Her acts continued until the other pony was laughing so hard that she had fallen on her back and tears spilled from her eyes. The other pony laughed so hard that, to Pinkie Pie, it lasted an eternity, when in reality it only lasted about five minutes. Pinkie Pie smiled proudly and giggled, glad that she was able to cheer up the other pony up. The other pony’s laughter was reduced to small giggles as she sat up with difficulty, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Ohhh! My tummy hurts!” she laughed. “I haven’t laughed that hard in years!” she said as her laughter subsided. “Well,” Pinkie Pie laughed happily, “Did you enjoy your present?” She asked. The other pony beamed at her and giggled, as Pinkie Pie helped her up. “Yes! I haven’t had such fun since…I don’t know when!” She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. The two laughed together as they looked down and saw that pinkie Pie’s make – up had been smeared, and her costume and body was covered in dirt and grass stains. As the sun set Pinkie Pie invited her to Pinkie’s next party, and waved goodbye to her new friend. “Bye! Thank you!” The pony called back, smiling, as she left for home. When she was out of eyesight, Pinkie Pie smiled contently and bounced off to get some rest at Sugar Cube Corner. The End