//------------------------------// // 5. A Trying Torrent // Story: Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof // by Staleprate //------------------------------// Catching up, as it turned out, wasn’t nearly as difficult as Guntram thought it would be. Whereas the more slender Fleidgling began tiring after the first few minutes of flight against the harsh sea wind, Guntram had always kept himself in peak physical form, a model griffon soldier. Even with all his equipment, in addition to the large sack of idols, he knew he could keep this up for some time. “Herr Hauptgreif,” Guntram shouted over the wind as he closed the distance. “Perhaps you might fare better if you dropped your musket?” Fleidgling looked down. As the Korporal said, he was clutching the gun tight to his chest. “Why did I even bring this?” he muttered to himself, and let go, watching as it dropped, hundreds of meters below. The musket landed in the water hard, the sound drowned under the rumblings of the waves. Its rigid body held strong as the sea poured made its home in any openings, any old scratches or etchings it could find, thrashing the piece mercilessly to and fro. Before long it had been swallowed whole by the waves. That was the last that any griffon would ever see of it. The thought that he might suffer the same fate unnerved Fleidgling, but at the same time drove him to keep pushing on. Fleidgling squinted and looked to the mainland again. Just a few kilometers away. He was quite out of his element here. Years of drill exemptions from his position were working their way up from his wingtips. Flap Flap Flap. It was a dull ache, for now. Fleidgling soon became aware of something else: it was becoming increasingly difficult to stay level. Guntram called it out. “Downdraft!” Noticing his officer’s struggle, Guntram used his strength to push on in front of and just to the left of Fleidgling, to counteract the downwards forces. “Keep going straight, sir! We should be through before long.” “G-Guntram! Do- phew -do you t-think there’s an updraft just ahead?” The ache was warming into a heavy throb. He couldn’t get enough air, yet each breath sent a dry pain into the officer’s lungs and through his bones. Guntram could see where things were headed. He slowed down, until he was just in front of Fleidgling. “Just grab onto me and hold on tight, Hauptgreif!” “I-I think I can make it!” Fleidgling said, not wanting to give in. “Grab! And! Hold!” The Korporal shouted, turning his head to face Fleidgling directly. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” Fleidgling raised his wings for one last push, and lunged forwards, clawing his way up Guntram until he felt secure, hugging him around the belly. Guntram breathed a sigh of relief when he felt Fleidgling climb onto him. In training, they told him that the things they were preparing him for simply could never be expected. He hadn’t quite understood then, but went along with it anyways. But now, as he carried his gun, a sack of ten thousand Idols, his officer, and himself through the night, he finally thought he understood. The rest of the flight passed almost peacefully, as they escaped the downdraft, and finally touched down in a seaside plain beside Thymíaustadt. Fleidgling was still riding the back of the Korporal, not daring to open his eyes even as they were now still. “Herr… Hauptgreif...” Guntram managed between breaths. “We are here. Back on the mainland.” “We are?” He timidly revealed an eye to peek out at their surroundings. He could make out rolling forms of green grass, the distant city. “Aha, we are!” Fleidgling opened his other eye and got up, jumping off Guntram. “Woah!” His front legs gave in the moment they hit the ground and his upper body followed, slamming his beak directly into the dirt. Guntram immediately swiveled around with worry, about to pull him back up. “Hauptgreif, are you alright? I-” “I’m fine. Just a little… tired is all.” Fleidgling panted,taking a moment to regain his bearings. After a moment, he finally pushed himself back up with a grunt, wiping his uniform and feathers in an attempt to preserve what dignity he had left. Guntram couldn’t help but chuckle in spite of the situation. As Fleidgling took the time to preen, Guntram looked around at their surroundings. “So, mein Herr, what comes now?” Fleidgling paused, looking up from his feathers to laugh nervously. “Good question.” “It would be impractical to stay here, either in the city or in the outback.” “Indeed, Guntram. Not only are we traitors to the Imperial Army, but we still have other enemies as well. “But where are we to go then? That status renders half of the continent inaccessible! Neither Wingbardy nor Aquileia or any other secessionist territories would welcome us either.” Fleidgling gazed at the landscape around them. “We’re not safe in any lands held by, or formerly held by the Empire. The Riverlands?” he announced, but immediately shook his head. “No, they don’t like our kind there, not at all. Not to mention how uncomfortable life on the southeastern coasts would be. Similar problem in the north. Gah, why did the Empire have to be so big?” “Somewhere in Zebrica, perhaps?” Guntram tried to help. “Mm, no, most of that continent is too dangerous or just plain odd, for my taste. What place is unprejudiced against Griffons and also unaffected by the Empire?” Fleidgling paced back and forth as dozens of locations, cities, nations, ran through his mind. But one in particular stuck with him. “Not too strange, hostile, or a history with the Empire... Equestria!” “Not to worry, Guntram.” He beamed. “I know just where we can go! We’ll find our way to New Mareland, and from there, it’ll be an easy ride to Equestria! We won’t have to worry about hiding our pasts, griffons looking for revenge, or extradition! It’s the perfect destination!” “How will we get to New Mareland?” “We have wings, we have paws! That’s how.” Fleidgling laughed as he displayed his limbs. “With all due respect Herr Hauptgreif, will it not be difficult, traversing all that terrain, crossing those borders, avoiding any hostiles? Perhaps there is a simpler option?” “Ah, Guntram. I’m sure that with my skills, my expertise and my bravery we will have little to fear.” Fleidgling draped a wing over the back over the still somewhat uncertain Korporal. “Das Leben ist ein Ponyhof.”