That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

The Explanation

Alan awoke to see a very beautiful mare by his side. White coat and a frizzled Celestial mane. "Morning sleeping beauty" Alan said as he booped her snoot.

"Well good morning my big man. How about we go get some breakfast? She said before giving Alan a quick peck.

Alan got outta bed and before he even reached his dresser *POOF* He was dressed

"Well that's convenient!" He mused.

"So is the fact I can poof up breakfast too if I want." She giggled "but I wanna see what earth food you might have"

"Well I was thinking about having some Froot Loops. It's an earth cereal. Alan said as he walked out of his bedroom

"Well after lastnight im also interested in some earth music." Celestia said putting a hoof to her chin

"Well I have a bit of every genre on earth. What kind of music do ya like?" Alan asked as he grabbed two bowls out of a cupboard and pouring some froot loops in both

"I like a bit of classical but I do enjoy a bit of Dj P0n3's music and I enjoy the country that Applejack listens to." Celestia said as Alan poured milk into her and his bowl

"I got a couple songs if you like country, but if you like P0n3 I have all her music since I work for her." Alan said "but real quick open up" He brought a spoon full of froot loops and milk up to Celestia's mouth.

"Those are incredible! I can use levitation to eat though."Celestia chuckled.

"I was just tryna be sweet y'know?" Alan pouted slightly.

"Awww poor baby." Celestia said sarcastically. "Lets eat. Because i wanna go for a ride in the Demon. I heard from Rainbow it's quite the ride."

"Yeah, Pfft she nearly pissed herself" Alan laughed

~after breakfast~

"Well, will you fit in Verona?" Alan asked as he unlocked the door to his garage

"I can shrink myself down slightly. So it shouldnt be a problem." Celestia said

"Wake up Verona. Royalty wanna ride shotgun." Alan said opening her door

"Hey Al I got ya." Verona said as she started her engine and gave it a few revs.

"Wow, I can feel that in my heart." Celestia said.

"That's straight pipe baby!" Alan chuckled

Celestia shrunk herself by about 15% so she could fit in the car. "So Verona, how fast do you go?" Celestia asked her

"The fastest I've gone is about 201mph" Verona said with joy

"She launches like a crazy bitch though" Alan laughed "Ain't that right girl?" Alan patted the dash.

"Yes, I go 0-60mph in 2.9 seconds" Verona stated also very proudly.

"Well let's get rollin'" Alan said "Where do ya wanna go? The playground or Evac road?"

"Playground, I wanna see how you 'send' it" Celestia said with enthusiasm

"Well lets get'er goin" Alan shouted as he hit the gas

~Ashley's house~

"So yer' tellin' me this hunk of 'Mopar' has more power than 1000 horses?" Applejack asked as he looked into the engine bay of Ashley's 1970 charger

"Yup, and the front end lifts with all the power goin' to those rear slicks" Ashley stated proudly

"Hun, if they're called slicks why are they the grippiest you can get?" Applejack asked a very solid question

"I never thought about that.......Nonono i can't think that hard. I might pop a vessel." Ashley laughed

"How is Alan?" Applejack asked

"Y'know what, I don't know. I might go pay him a visit" She said as she. Dropped what she was doing and started walking towards Snowcat.

"Lemme come too!" Applejack yelled over the straight piped hemi

~At Alan's House~

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"He's not home. Oh hey AJ!" Twilight said standing in her doorway eating an apple

"Where is he?" Ashley asked somewhat worried

"Probably off banging the Princess somewhere" Twilight said sounding very annoyed with a blank look on her face.

Both Ashley and Applejack didn't know how to respond

"Wait sugarcube. What are you talking about, I thought him and Lyra were a thing." Applejack asked her friend desperate for an answer

"Long story short, Cadence did a Love Test on Lyra and Alan. Alan had actual feelings while Lyra was only trying to get in his pants. So Celestia invited him to her chambers to drop this news on him. I guess either he or she admitted feelings. I caught him on top of her with a hard on, in his living room yesterday." Twilight said very bitterly "That's the only explanation i can give."

"So you're telling me Alan is dating a Princess?" Ashley asked.

"Yup, and i talked to Candace already. There's very strong romantic feeling between them both....." Twilight said

"Well I'm happy for them!" Applejack said



The unmistakable sound of the straight pipe supercharged Dodge Demon could be heard coming from the edge of town

"Speak of the devil" Twilight said

"Hey Al wassup? Ashley asked

"Not much. Just showing the Princess what nearly 2gs feels like" Alan chuckled removing his Aviators, when a certain mare shoved her head past him and out his window. Revealing a frizzy maned Celestia

"You guys have got to try that. It is simply the mosf exhilarating thing anypony could ever experience!" Celestia said trying to hide the fact her Adrenaline was pumping harder than the fuel pump at wide open throttle.

"Wow." Was all Applejack could say as the two drove towards Alan's garage. "I never seen Celestia so energetic over something" Applejack said

"Well she's also more than 1000 years old and has probably never gone more than 80 miles per-hour. That car reaches it in under 5 seconds and reaches 120 miles per in about 10 seconds. It can travel a quarter mile in 9 to 11 seconds. So in theory it can travel 4 miles in roughly two and a half minutes." Applejack and Ashley looked at the purple pony with a shocked expression.

"What?!" Twilight asked

From a distance a certain jealous pony was keeping a close eye on the two houses in that area of town. Waiting for her time to strike