Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The Grand Galloping Gala part 3

Chapter 24

I walked into the ballroom and glanced around. No Twilight, but I did see Peter in the corner. He had that guitar in front of him and looked to be playing it.

On the dance floor was the Captain and my mom. The Captain still looked bored. Poor guy.

I looked back over to Peter, still playing his guitar. I began to make my way over to him. As I neared, I heard the My little pony: Friendship is magic theme song. Just the tone, he wasn't singing.

"How many songs can you play on that thing?" I asked, a smile on my face.

Peter looked up and chuckled, "More songs than you know."

I chuckled and looked around, "So, what happened to doing pranks?"

He shrugged, "Got bored. It's actually funner to play the guitar."

I nodded, "I wish I could play an instrument. I suck at it, along with most things."

He laughed and put down the guitar, "Well, if you want. I could teach you sometime after the Gala."

I held out my hoof, "Thanks Peter."

He slammed his hoof into mine, "No problem dude."


Greg walked over to Pinkie Pie, a large grin on his face.

Pinkie Pie was wearing a very festive and pinkish dress. With candy images over it. To Greg, it looks awesome.

"Yo Pie, think you could help me with something?" He said in his relaxed, high voice.

Pinkie Pie spun around, "Hey Haze, I haven't seen you in a long long time. Like three days I think. Ow ow, I LOVE your suit. It looks super awesome. Where's your dog friend, he is so cool."

Greg smiled, his head spinning from her talking speed and the marijuana, "Wow, to fast for me. I need your help making this party cooler and more exciting."

She began to bounce in place, a smile that seemed impossibly big on her face, "That's easy! All we need to do is get the music going, and get the ponies dancing. Ow ow, the pony pokie would be the best song to play, just like last year."

Greg laughed, "I have a better idea." He pulled a bottle of vodka and a blunt out of his saddlebag. "How do you feel about being a crazy bitch tonight?"

Her smile never faded, "That sounds super duper. What do I need to do?"

He plopped the blunt in her mouth and lit it, "Puff that and then drink this." He put the bottle next to her.

She nodded excitedly.

Greg grinned, this was going to be awesome.


Twilight looked at me, a smile on her face, "So hows your night going Lance?"

I shrugged, "Great so far. How about yours?"

She held up her hoof with the engagement bracelet on it, "The best night of my life." She reached out and took my hoof in hers, "I love you Lance."

I pulled her into a hug, "I love you too Twi."

As I hugged her, I saw Greg and Pinkie Pie. I looked away but then looked back, a feeling of worry in my gut. What is she drinking?!

I looked closer and gasped. Damn it Greg! You just doomed us all!

Pinkie Pie was gulping down a full bottle of vodka. One of the strongest and fastest acting drinks out there. What will that do to a pony like Pinkie? I don't think I want to know.


Greg began to step back, a smile on his face.

Pinkie Pie had just finished the blunt and the vodka. She was now shaking up and down, extremely fast.

Now that he thinks about it, this may not have been a good idea.

Pinkie Pie insistently stopped shaking up and down and stood still.

Maybe it didn't have the effect he had thought it would.

She shoot towards the stage, faster than was thought possible. She knocked Octavia out of the way and grabbed her cello, and yelled out at the top of her lungs, "Come on everypony. Lets party."

She began to slam her hoofs into the cello, breaking it in half. Before it hit the ground, she jumped up on the piano. She started jumping up and down on it, cracking it with every hit.

Greg started backing away and towards the exit. Things were starting to get a little to crazy and better to leave early.

As he backed away, he bumped into somepony. "Sorry, but I must..."

Lance stood there, a stern look on his face, "Greg, do you know what you've done?"

Greg shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just leaving."

Lance shook his head, "No, I saw what you did. Gave Pinkie Pie vodka and a blunt."

Greg just laughed, "Its awesome dude. But I really have to leave."

The sounds of destruction and the laughs of a crazy pony could be heard behind him.

Lance raised an eyebrow, "What? Can't handle your creation?"

Greg nodded, "Exactly. Now I'm out of here, peace." He began to walk around Lance, but a hoof caught him by the neck of his suit.

"Oh no. Your staying here and clean up your mess."

Greg smirked, "Make me." His horn glowed and he disappeared in a cloud of green smoke and light.

He blinked to see his room. It actually worked. Its a good thing he had borrowed those spell books from Twilight.

Weedy jumped up on his leg, barking happily.

Greg looked down and laughed, "Man Weedy, tonight was crazy."

Weedy grinned and pointed to Greg's saddlebag.

Greg chuckled and pulled out a blunt for Weedy, "You little bastard, always wanting my blunts."

Weedy smirked and puffed on his blunt.


I shook my head. Damn it Greg! Thanks to you, Pinkie Pie went on a crazy drunken rampage. Destroy most of the ballroom. It was worst than what happened on the show.

The Gala had been cut short, mostly since all the ponies ran out, fearing their lives. The only ones still here was me, Twilight, Frederic, Luna, Princess Celestia, and a passed out Pinkie Pie.

I stood looking at the destroyed ballroom. The statue was destroyed, the stage was a wreck, all the tables was broken, food scattered every where, everything that hadn't been nailed to the floor was thrown and broken, and lastly, all the windows were broken.

I have to admit, she did more damage than I though she could have done. I'm surprised this building is still standing.

Frederic looked over the room and sighed, "Please, next time don't give her alcohol."

I looked at him, "I didn't give it to her, it was Greg."

Princess Celestia chuckled, "Well, I wanted this year to be different. I guess I got it, even if this isn't what I meant."

I laughed, "You brought bronies to the Gala. You should be lucky there still is a Palace."

Twilight looked over at Princess Celestia, "I'm so sorry Princess. I didn't...."

Princess Celestia held up a hoof, "It's okay Twilight Sparkle. I had a feeling this may happen." She pointed to the door that lead to the courtyard. "I want everypony to leave. Its going to take the clean up crew all night to fix everything."

I nodded, "Yes Princess." Me and Twilight walked towards the door. I don't know about her, but I need a nice long night of rest.


Captain Barehoof stood next to the mare named Dana, looking at the Palace.

Dana looked around the area then at him, "Well, that was unexpected."

The Captain nodded, "It certainly was. I should have stayed, but you drug me out."

Dana chuckled, "Sorry about that. I kinda freak out in moments of panic."

He waved her off, "It's fine. I'll help you with your son tomorrow."

She nodded, "I'll be outside the gate first thing in the morning. I want you to be out here early and ready to help."

She's very demanding isn't she? "I'll do my best. Now, head home. The Gala's over and I intend to sleep the rest of the night away."

She shrugged, "Fine." She turned and walked out the gate.

The Captain sighed and headed for the barrack's, loosening his neck tie along the way.


I flopped down in bed, letting out a relaxed breath.

Twilight climbed in next to me, and I put my hoofs over her. She slowly relaxed into me, and laid her head on my chest.

I closed my eyes and let the darkness around me take me and push me into a restful and peaceful slumber.