//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Daring Do and the Temple of the Split Minds // Story: Dreams Don't Always Come as you Expected // by Mister E-Nonymous //------------------------------// Chapter 9: Daring Do and the Temple of the Split Minds (Pinkie Pie's Point of View) We all got on a train that leads to Galloping Gorge. Applejack thought it might help if we brought Winona to help follow Alex's scent. That was actually a smart idea, since dogs can follow the scent of anypony. We then came across a house, but this wasn't just any house. It was the house of A.K. Yearling, also known as Daring Do. "Winona, are ya sure this is where Alex is?" asked Applejack. Winona barked and Fluttershy said, "She says that this is where her scent leads." "But who's house is this?" asked Apple Bloom. "Actually," said Twilight. She then giggled nervously. "This wasn't the first time the six of us been to this place." "It wasn't?" asked the three fillies and Danny. "This place... is the house of A.K. Yearling," said Rainbow Dash. "A.K. Yearling?!" asked Danny. "As in the author of the Daring Do series?" "Yes," said Twilight. "This is where she lives." Then Twilight walked over to the door, and knocked. "Miss Yearling! Are you in?! We need to speak with you about something!" The door slowly opened, making a creaking noise. Then we all walked in, and saw that the house was organized. And there was nopony here. "Perhaps she's doing some book signing somewhere," said Danny. "Actually," said Rainbow Dash. "Remember that day when we said we were going to see if we could help A.K. Yearling write her next book?" "Yeah," said Danny. "Why?" "Well," said Rainbow Dash. "The events of each story... really happened," I said, then chuckled nervously while I was rubbing the back of my head. "What?!" asked the CMC and Danny. "Are you saying that the story was based on true events?!" asked Danny. "Down to the wire," said Rainbow Dash. "And A.K. Yearling..." "Is the main character of the story," Rarity finished for Dashie. "What?!" asked the four foals. "Then, where is she?" asked Scootaloo. "And where's Alex?" "Hey, everypony!" said Applejack. "Take a look at this!" Then we all walked to where Applejack was and saw a typewriter. There was a single piece of paper with the title, "Daring Do and the Temple of the Split Minds." "Temple of the Split Minds?" asked Twilight. "What has Alex gotten herself into?" Then she looked at an open page of places that Daring Do has discovered, and what hasn't. The ones that she has discovered are crossed off on the places where they weren't discovered. Then Twilight opened a book that has been bookmarked and then Twilight read out loud, "The legend of the Temple of the Split Minds goes back centuries. There have been other worldly creatures accidentally sent to this world, with their minds changing, making them forget about their previous life, or, if they have their genders swapped, not have their habits of being their original genders anymore. Many of them have tried finding the temple, but all were too late because they didn't have the map. Some say that the map was lost in the land of the zebra kind. Legend says that one zebra will come to Equestria, and help a struggling soul get his/her mind consciousness back to normal before he/she is lost." "You don't think that zebra is Zecora, do you?" asked Apple Bloom. "That... actually makes sense," said Twilight. "She must've had the map. She must've given it to Alex to help her." "And she must've come here to search for the temple, but she needs an archaeologist to help," said Rainbow Dash. "Daring Do must've came across her, and decided to help Alex to find the temple before it's too late." "But that leaves one question," said Sweetie Belle. "Where are they?" "Winona," Applejack. "Find Alex. And use her newest scent." Winona barked, and started smelling around for Alex. They came up the stairs, and walked into one room, and then went over to a hammock. Winona smelled it, and then she led us out the house. We continued following her. "I just hope that Alex isn't in any danger," I said. "She needs all the help she can get." (Alex's Point of View) Daring Do and I just went through a huge area of snakes. Daring Do and I got out of there to a field. "Well, that wasn't so bad," said Daring Do. "We're just lucky those snakes weren't poisonous. How are you doing, kid?" "Ew ew ew ew ew! Snakes are so slimy!" I said. Then I went wide eyed and shook my head. "Oh, no! Not that, too! I used to love snakes! Now, I'm finding them slimy and disgusting!" "Don't worry, kid," said Daring Do. "We'll get to that temple and get your mind fixed in no time." She then started walking towards somewhere, reading the map. I followed her. Ten minutes of walking later, we were almost there. We then came across a swamp. I usually found swamps like this fun to play with, but now... "Oh, gross!" I said, uncontrollably. "I hate swampy places! They're so gross and smelly!" Then I went wide-eyed. "NO!! I used to love swampy areas! I... I can't stand this. My mind is going under." I then started crying. Then I felt Daring Do hug me, and I looked up at her. "Everything's going to be okay, kid," said Daring Do. "I'll get you through this." She then picked me up and started flapping her wings, and we flew across the swamp. The smell of this place was really smelly, and was revolting. Well, I would've put this smell into a stink bomb. I would find that amusing, but because of these stupid girl thoughts, I'm starting to think of something like that would be stupid for me to think of. We made it across the swamp. But then I heard something. I looked towards the sound where the sound was coming from. I then said, "Miss Do, I think I heard something." When we got across the mucky swamp, she turned to face towards where I heard the noise. She then said, "It's probably just a fox. Don't worry. They're more afraid of us than we are of them." "Okay," I said. "I think I'm starting to lose it. I'm starting to lose my interest in foxes. They used to be my favorite animal. But now... I'm starting to think they aren't so cool. I don't even know what's cool anymore. I'm starting to think... nothing but... girly things. I don't want this! I want my normal life back! My mind is slipping from boy to girl thoughts!" "It's going to be okay, kid," said Daring Do. "We'll get you to that temple, and get you to the treasure so you'll be able to think normal thoughts again." I started sniffing. I couldn't think of anything boys would do. Nothing. I'm slipping. I think my mind is starting to forget about my thoughts on being a boy. My old interests are replaced with girl interests. Makeup, dressing up, girly magazines, ballet, dreams of being a princess, playing with dolls. It's all I can think of. I want my life back! We then came across the temple. When we go inside, I'm finally going to think boy things again when I get to that treasure. We walked in and saw a bunch of things you'd find in old temples. I even saw some spiders. But now I don't remember if I liked spiders or not. But right now, I'm afraid of spiders. "Gross," I said out loud. "Spiders!" "Spiders?" asked Daring Do. Then she started shivering. "Okay, listen kid, I'm freaked out by spiders as well. Let's just get more into the temple, and get to that treasure." "Or," came another voice. "You can just stop right there and have us take the treasure." We turned around and saw four Earth Ponies. One was brown with a five o'clock shadow, was wearing a white, barely gray shirt, and has a red ascot with white polka dots. And his Cutie Mark was a golden skull with one eye hole red and the other one mustard yellow. "The treasure is ours. Thank you for leading us to the treasure." "Caballeron!" said Daring Do. "Your arch nemesis in treasure finding I'm guessing?" I asked. "Yeah," said Daring Do. "We're not letting you take the treasure! This filly's mind is at stake!" "Yeah, right," said Caballeron. "Nice story. But you're not going to take away my chances of being rich. Get them!" Then his goons charged at us. We were tackled, and then we were tied up. Then they took us over a suspension bridge, and tied us over the edge. "See you later when we get rich," said Caballeron. They then headed back to the temple. "I won't let you take that treasure away!" said Daring Do. I then started crying. "Don't worry kid. We'll get that treasure before Caballeron and his goons get it." "It's not that," I said, crying. "It's that I'm never going to think what I usually think of again. The old me is nearly gone." "Oh, you poor thing," said Daring Do. "You shouldn't have to suffer like this. I won't let this happen." I was still crying. There was nothing left for me to do. My male thoughts were nothing but a nearly forgotten memory. I don't have a way to get my male thoughts back anymore. I was starting to go from Alexander to Alexia in just moments. In fact, I can't remember all of the things I did as a boy. I was doomed. (Pinkie Pie's Point of View) We followed Winona to an old temple. We saw four male Earth Ponies heading in. "Who is that?" asked Danny. "Dr. Caballeron," said Rainbow Dash. "He's Daring Do's arch nemesis in the archaeological world." "Now that we gotten rid of Daring Do and her pesky little friend," we over heard Dr. Caballeron say, "the hidden treasure of this temple will be ours!" We all gasped at what he just said. "Now, let's go inside and get that treasure! We are going to be so rich!" They headed inside. "We gotta do something!" said Apple Bloom. "What do we do?" "Alright," said Twilight. "Pinkie, Dash, Fluttershy, you three go find Alex and Daring Do." "What about us?" asked Apple Bloom. "What can we do?" "You kids stay here and lookout while the rest of us go into the temple, and see what Caballeron is stealing," said Twilight. "Aww," said Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Danny. "Let's go," said Twilight. She, Rarity and Applejack headed into the temple, while Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Winona and I went to find Daring Do and Alex. We followed Winona to where Alex's scent was. But then I heard something. "Wait!" I said. "What is it, Pinkie?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Is something the matter?" asked Fluttershy. "Listen," I said. I could tell that my friends heard something. It was the sound of a foal crying. I knew that voice. It was Alex. "It's Alex!" Then we ran towards the sound, and then we saw a suspension bridge with Daring Do and Alex tied up below it. "ALEX!!" I shouted. They then turned their heads towards us. "MOM!" Alex shouted. "Hang on, you two," said Rainbow Dash. "We're coming!" Then Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy started flying, and then they grabbed Alex and Daring Do, untying them from the suspension bridge, and taking them towards me and Winona. Then we untied them. I then grabbed Alex and hugged her tightly. "I was so worried about you, Alex!" I said, crying. "Don't ever do that again without letting me know!" "But I don't think you would've let me go if I did," Alex said. "This is my only chance of getting my mind back to normal. I can't give up on this." We then went to look over where the temple was. We then said, "Well, if this is your only chance, then we're going to help you." "Yeah," said Rainbow Dash. "If you don't want those girl thoughts overtaking your boy thoughts, then we aren't going to stop until you're back to normal." "R-really?" asked Alex. "Yes," I said. "Now, let's go fix your mind before it goes completely broke." Then I grabbed her by her scruff, and we all went back to the temple. Daring Do then said, "You all want this for the kid, don'tcha?" "She used to be a boy, and those memories are a part of who she is," said Rainbow Dash. "I wouldn't know what to do if my memories were replaced by something like that." "I understand," said Daring Do. "Now, let's get in there." We went in and saw the others being cornered by Caballeron and his gang. "You all thought that you could stop me and my boys from getting rich?!" asked Caballeron. "I'm not going to stop until I have that treasure!" "Not if we have something to do with it!" said Daring Do. We then rushed over and helped our friends. And I could've sworn that the other kids came in to join in the fight. "They brought fillies to a fight?!" asked Dr. Caballeron. "You've got to be kidding me! Get them!" Then the henchponies were about to get the kids, but Twilight and the others took them down. Applejack used her lasso and tied them up. "Nopony messes with mah little sis and her friends," said Applejack. Then she and Rarity grabbed Caballeron and pinned him to the wall. "Pinkie," said Twilight. "Take Alex, Rainbow Dash, Daring Do and Danny towards where the treasure is. Whatever it is." I then nodded, and the five of us went towards where the treasure was. (Alex's Point of View) We walked through the temple, searching everywhere for whatever this treasure was. We finally found out some weird room. To me, it was spooky. The boy me would've thought it was cool, but because of these stupid girl thoughts, I was creeped out. "Maybe I should've just stayed home and played dress up with Pumpkin Cake," I thought to myself. Then I just heard my thoughts and shook my head. "NO! I can't think like that! I must think hard of what I usually enjoy when I was a boy! Think!" I tried really hard to think of something to do when I was a boy. I... couldn't think of anything. Rainbow Dash saw me and asked, "Are you alright, Alex?" They all stopped to look at me and I said, "I... I can't think of anything fun things I like to do as a boy. These stupid girl thoughts are taking over." Mom gasped and said, "We're running out of time!" She then grabbed me and we all headed into the room. "I thought we had until Tuesday for her mind to go under," said Daring Do. "It might be speeding up," said Danny. "She's losing it." Then we stopped at what looks like a huge pony's head made of stone. And it's eyes are two flames of different colors. One flame being green and the other one being pink. "HALT!" said a strange voice. It sounded like the voice was both male and female. "WHO DARES ENTER MY TEMPLE?!" Daring Do stepped up to the head and said, "Listen. We're not here for any trouble. But our young friends is losing her mind. She used to be a human boy and she got sent here, and her mind is starting to slip from the mind of a male to a female." "I SEE," said the voice. "SEND FORWARD THIS FILLY, AND I SHALL SEE INTO THIS YOUNG ONE'S SOUL." Then Mom pushed me forward. I was really scared. Not just of losing my mind, but this huge statue. Once mom finished pushing me, two lights came from the statue. One green and one pink. I then tried to run away, but I couldn't move. "Hey!" I shouted. "What's going on?! I can't move!" "DO NOT BE AFRAID, YOUNG ONE," said the voice. "I AM CHECKING YOUR SOUL." It took about ten seconds for it to see into my soul before he responded. "I HAVE SEEN YOUR SOUL. IT WOULD SEEM THAT YOUR MIND IS BEING REPLACED WITH NOTHING BUT GIRL THOUGHTS, MAKING YOU MENTALLY FEMALE. AND IT SEEMS THAT GIRL INSTINCTS ARE NEARLY COMPLETELY FILLED." "What?!" I asked. "Is there anyway for it to be stopped?!" "I DO HAVE ONE SOLUTION," said the voice. "BUT I WOULD NEED YOUR PERMISSION TO DO IT FIRST." "And that solution is?!" asked Mom. "FOR HER TO HAVE HER MALE MIND TO BE BACK IN HER MIND," said the voice, "SHE WILL HAVE TO HAVE A SPLIT MIND. AND BY HER CHOOSING, SHE WILL DECIDE WHETHER TO DO GIRL OR BOY THINGS. I HAVE SEEN THAT, EVEN AS A BOY, SHE HUNG OUT WITH GIRLS A FEW TIMES." "I... I guess I did hang out with Martha and her friends sometimes," I said. "But that was when I got separated from the others at the amusement park. And I they liked doing things that boys do. And I guess I did do somethings with the girls that they liked to do." "WHAT IS YOUR DECISION, YOUNG ONE?" asked the voice. I thought about it. "Should I do this? I'm not so sure. I was starting to lose my sanity and lost my old interests. But if I do do this, I'll be able to do boy things again by choice, but it also means that I also can choose to do girl things. I might be a tomcolt that can choose to do girl things, but only if I can hang out with girls that might be okay to hang out with." I then looked back at Mom, Rainbow Dash, Daring Do and Danny. They were smiling. It was my choice. Then I looked back up at the stone face and said, "I'll do it." "THEN YOU SHALL BE DUAL MINDED," said the voice. "NOW, YOU'LL FEEL A LOT OF ENERGY SURROUNDING YOU. WHEN YOU WAKE UP, YOU'LL BE BACK TO THINKING BOY THOUGHTS. NOW, HOLD STILL." Then a lot of green and pink energy started surrounding me. It was stinging me. "GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" I shouted. (Pinkie Pie's Point of View) I knew that sound. It was a cry of pain. Alex was being hurt. "Alex!" I shouted. I was about to grab her, but Daring Do and Rainbow Dash were holding me back. "Hey, let me go!" "Sorry, Pinkie," said Rainbow Dash. "We got to let Alex do this on her own. It's her choice." I was looking at Alex. But then all of the energy was absorbed into Alex when she was lifted off the ground. Then she fell and she was unconscious. Then we all ran over to her. I picked her up, and tried shaking her awake. "Alex? Alex! Wake up!" I said. "Wake up, Alex, please?!" My mane then went straight, and I pulled her into a hug, and started crying onto her body. "FOR BRINGING IN THIS FILLY TO SAVE HER MIND, YOU SHALL ALL BE REWARDED," said the voice. Then a huge door opened full of amulets and crowns. "EACH AMULET AND CROWN REPRESENTS ALL THE SOULS WHO LOST THEIR OLD LIFE TO THE LIFE THEY LIVED." "There must be at least hundreds of lost souls," said Danny. "EXACT AMOUNT, EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN," said the voice. "YOU HAVE AVENGED ALL OF THE SOULS WHO HAVE LOST THEIR MINDS TO THE MIND OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER. AND I WILL MAKE SURE THAT NO OTHER INNOCENT SOUL WILL LOSE THEIR MIND THE WAY THE OTHERS HAVE." Then a huge burst of energy headed from this room, and then outside. But I didn't care. I was hugging Alex, staying with her until she wakes up.