//------------------------------// // Chp. 5 - Our Way // Story: Indomitable // by Slendy //------------------------------// A/N: I just wanted to say that it's awesome that so many of you like this story, I'm honestly surprised, thanks for reading and enjoy! Nrgh, everything feels a little sore. But it's not every day you fight a Nargacuga as a Lucario in My Little Pony. "Zen!" A surprised voice sounded "That's my name..." Blinking, I tore my gaze to the friendly Bat-Pony beside me, a look of hope in her eyes, as well as tears. I then asked with a raised brow. "What happened?" She took a moment to wipe her eyes. "Nothing, you just passed out one I pulled you inside, and... your wounds were... they..." I put a paw on her shoulder, seeing her flinch. "It was amazing though..." Her eyes lit up wondrously. "Y-Your body started to glow a pale blue with water droplets! And your worse wounds healed immediately! Even my own scrapes our gone!" Strange. I don't recall Luacrio knowing a move that heals him too, there's Heal Pulse but I haven't unlocked that yet, did it affect me too in this world? It explains why her own injury had recovered so quickly, "I have no idea, then again, I can't list all of Lucario's abilities off the bat," I elaborated, grinning. "My recovery aside, thanks for the bandages though." Yui nodded with a soft smile. "I'm just glad you're okay." Again, I felt weird, but I'm usually always odd when people really care for me. Turning around, I took in the impressive room that sat before us, a far cry from the catacombs It was a medium-sized library, everything looked a little dusty but remained furrowly intact. To my eyes sat rows of colorful and bleak covers, a medium-sized table sat in the middle where a few stacks sat between old pages and dried up ink-pots. A balcony skimmed the top half of the shelves, a small ladder leading up but was toppled over and piled with literature also. Despite the messy state, the back sat a large throne, decorated with wood and worn leather and velvet that something had taken a few bites out of. "The place used to be a throne room? Interesting renovation." I pointed out, Yui already inspecting the walls of knowledge with keen interest, I got up, rubbing my tender bandages as I too decided to take a nosy at the books, despite being unable to read a single letter. "So, what is it you're looking for?" "All of this!" Yui exclaimed brightly. "I needed proof that such a place existed, and since the way is clear other ponies can take extra precaution to retrieve the rest!" The treasure hunter explained, smirking devilishly. "Doesn't mean we can't... sign, a few books out for ourselves." That made me chuckle. "A treasure hunter at your core..." It's kind of cute if I'm honest... She gave a hum in agreement then went back to gasping and happily humming like a child, examining the literature as I sat down on the rugged carpet, deciding to get some work done while we were trapped in here thanks to Nargacuga. Retrieving a small bowl and a rounded stone I used to gride up the materials I needed. Picking out a batch of Daisies and Butterfly Weed roots I broke them up and focused on meshing them into a new, hopefully, more refined paste once I added some honey, the sweet scent attracting a new pair of watchful eyes as I silently worked, though a playful smile crossed my lips. This lacked proper care, as I'd need to prepare the herbs a little more before mixing but this was emergency medication if needed. "Find all the books you needed?" I inquired, seeing the Bat-Pony jump then quickly turn to continue her work "N-Not yet! Keep up the good work." Hmm, aye, sir I was just about done with my work, having made enough to do a major wound or two, while not a perfect remedy it still did the trick. By then, Yui looked ready herself. Question was, how were we getting out if not past Nargacuga? I frowned, I need some input... "Hey, Yui! Need some advice on taking down--" Her wing pushed to my muzzle "Z-Zen, over there," Her hoof jabbed in the direction of the throne... which was no longer vacant. Sat comfortably was another pony, white fur coated it, with long, golden locks for 'Her' mane and tail, with two long locks falling to the sides of her face, she also had a prominent cow-lick. But what held my gaze moreover, was not only the vortex-like charm around her neck but the golden cloth that covered her eyes and seemed to flow elegantly in the air. "We meet again, Zen." Her voice was very motherly, and her aura... it felt like heat from the sun With a blunt gaze, I moved a step forward. Focusing, I used aura to project my thoughts onto both mares. "So, who are you?" Her smile didn't waver. "I understand you feel uneasy, but I do mean you no harm, my name is Trinity, Goddes of Virtue." . . . Oh "WAIT WHAT!?" "WAIT WHAT!?" Both of us blurted out, earning a soft chuckle from Trinity This... this is, a, um, I... haven't got an elegant response. I mean... wow, it's... yeah, wow. Rubbing my ears I tried to keep myself composed. "S-Sorry, I... I need a minute." "I second that," Yui squeaked out as I fell into deep contemplation Okay. So there's a Goddess, as in, the very entities people either believed or refused to believe in sitting before us as a pony. But the name, 'Trinity', I don't recall a Goddess named that, or is this stretching past the standard knowledge humanity has? She could also be an enemy masking themselves as a good guy, but that's without evidence too. Hrm, this is alot to take in. She offered a welcoming smile, "Your distrust is not misplaced. That is usually how most would react given your situation, and it's not everyday one meets a divine being so your reactions are also understandable. It isn't often I see those outside my circle," She continued, raising a hoof to me. "I do apologize for your less-than preferable summon, or the fact you hadn't been given a choice," Her smile fell a little. "I wish I could have asked you but my time was so scarce, even as we commune now my time is very short." That perked my ears and eyes. "It was you..." The one I passed before everything went fuzzy and distorted! Trinity bowed her head, the last thing I'd ever expect a God to do. "I cannot undo my work, all I can is offer my guidance, and my most sincerest apologizes Zen." She was even apologizing right off the bat... wow Despite the situation, I didn't need a look from Yui to invoke my response. I bashfully rubbed my nape. "I-It's fine... honestly just seeing a Goddes has me a little shellshocked, and... even one bowing to me," Her head rose, a curious expression across her lips. I grinned confidently. "Hey, I actually had a blast, despite running into monsters from Monster Hunter, I'll certainly have some stories to share back home, right? So no harm no foul." Finally, her smile returned and it had me feeling all fuzzy inside. I made a Goddes smile, eeeee~! "Hmm, you are quite the character, aren't you?" Trinity mused, then hopped off the chair, trotting down to us. Her golden cloth rose a little. "You need not bow, Yui, I may be a deity but I always disliked having those before me bow, it can be so embarrassing..." Was the Goddes... bashful? Seriously? My eyes then locked to the nervous mare beside me. "You were bowing -- Wait, is that why you didn't stop jabbing my side?" Her eyes glanced between us. "N-No, maybe, yes, w-what else was I supposed to do!?" I rolled my eyes. "Uh, ever heard of 'respect is earned not given'? Sure she's a Goddess but that doesn't automatically earn my respect, though all that stuff a minute ago definitely earned it tenfold," I countered Yui rolled her eyes. "I can't tell if you're acting realistic or idiotic." My eyes widened with my toothy smile. "I'm a Lucario your argument is invalid." "What does that even mean!?" Her hooves waved angrily I went to argue again but we both paused and blinked like fish at the sight of the powerful being softly laughing, covering her mouth with part of her cloth. "S-Sorry, I-I just haven't seen such antics i-in so l-long, hehehe -- no, stop laughing, stop laughing you're a G-Goddess, ahh!" She was just as weird as us... Now we couldn't contain our laughter at her bumbling mess, and that only made her worse. "You're not h-h-helping~!" "Neither are you, what the hell!?" I chuckled ~---~ After a minute or so the calm down, we got back on track. "Well, since I am the one who brought you to this world, I'll answer some of your questions if that will suffice?" Me and Yui shared a concise nod, and so I finally, after all this time got my chance at some golden information. "I'll ask the obvious, why am I here?" Trinity nodded. "This world, as you may know, has had more than one visitor from another world all across their timeline, dating back as far as Grogar's rein, while some were purposefully summoned, others were exposed to rifts in space and time, this is a common anomaly across the Multiverse as no Universe is ever completely stable," Trinity explained as I sat down with my legs crossed "Well that's good, I'd hate to be told 'oh, you're the fabled hero of this world, and yadda-yadda-yadda'," I mused, with Trinity agreeing with me, sitting down herself alongside Yui who was taking notes for us "It definitely lines up with your explanation of how you got here, you were chosen by Trinity, but for what in particular?" Yui asked away "Temporal Rifts typically form due to a disturbance to the flow of time in a Universe, sometimes there are entities within that world that cause them but not of their own accord, I'll give you a hint, it's the latter." Trinity smiled knowingly, my brow furrowed Together, me and Yui gasped. "Discord!" "Discord!" Her solemn sigh was all too clear a picture. "While Discord's intentions can be seen as villainous, his methods unorthodox, misguided, and even dangerous, his presence in this world is paramount, without him, the balance of this world would collapse, the downside, his chaotic magic tends to disturb time, especially when he drags others from worlds in an attempt to speed along his imprisonment," Trinity's explanation lined up with what I've seen in fandoms, I could imagine my presence is causing that same problem now, aw well. "Anyway, as for your question, Yui, it is due to the Rifts' new manifestations." "Come again?" I blinked, not particularly liking where this was going. I feel responsible for something "As you've seen, this 'Barroth' and 'Nargacuga' are manifestations of monsters from a game of your homeworld, the rifts have started to manifest themselves in these forms due to your arrival, I had intended on your involvement to simply return order until Discord's eventual escape and reformation, as to keep said rifts from completely derailing the timeline, however, they too have began to fight against my plans, this is why I had no time to explain until now." That was bad, very bad "Wait, if I do get involved in events, won't that only mess this world up more-so?" Now for the prime question of them all Trinity finally relaxed. "No, what you know of this world and where you are now are completely divergent paths, their events line up, but any exterior interference won't cause any parallels if that's your concern?" I nodded, with Trinity smiling softly. "I made the right choice with you." Yui then groaned. "Great... so Discord 'HAS' to be free to help balance things out... forgive me if I'm not one hundred percent on that." To offer my aid I patted her shoulder, holding a thumb up "Won't be too bad, I promise," That atleast assured her "Thanks, moving on, why is Zen this... Pokemon? Wasn't he human before? Why not a pony or something similar?" That was a good question, wonder why that never occurred to me? I've been alone for too long "That's simple, in order to combat these new formations you needed two things, one, that Ruby you wear is what seals the rift manifestations, you probably haven't realized it, but when you defeated that Barroth red wisps flew into the crystal, containing that rift," Noooow the crystal makes sense! Here I thought she just chose my favorite color and gem as an apology gift "I have a magic keystone? ...Cool." I approved with a thumbs up to her "Your favorite color is red, so I knew you would," Again I gawked, Trinity giggled, then put her hooves together. "As for your body, something akin to this world's ether was required for your body to exist here, and so, I gave you the form of a powerful creature with the capable abilities to combat these rifts, while making sure you would like it." "I most certainly do, though I miss not being able to speak properly, but aura thoughts are a good substitute." Shrugging, I had gotten used to communicating with Yui this way that I hadn't really been affected too much. Then I sighed fakely. "A shame, my talents in singing will now be lost to me... I feel... so weak..." The Bat-Pony's ears perked up, "You sing?" Yui seemed interested, but I gave her my reply "Lucario." She blushed sheepishly "Oh, right, sorry..." Scribbling down a new note, she flicked the quill toward Trinity. "Continue." She nodded, cloth dancing around to motion my way. "Right, I suppose my final explanation would be... why I chose you?" Now I was full of nerves. I know I joked of the whole 'hero' thing, but this generally had my curiosity, why did she choose me? Did I resonate with this world better than some? My, ahem, 'Kindness' she spoke of? Or was it simple by chance, that I happened to be her only option or that I was just some lucky stranger? All of this made it harder to come to terms with overall. Am I... really the right choice...? Can I really be trusted with this responsibility? Neither I think noticed, but my right paw was trembling... just like... back then... No, stop thinking about that! It wasn't... "There were many that say my methods of handling the role of a deity are both unprofessional and a breach of 'traditions' we have," Her hoof was raised to her concealed eyes. "With a single look into my eyes I can completely reshape a person's virtue, be it moral compass or their very life, I could pave it all, without them, I can see a person's virtue either way, how they'll grow, their experiences, even how they'll die..." Her smile remained but an aura of sorrow washed over me. "I'm one of the few Gods that understands that price of our omnipotence, the heartache that coils into a deep, empty pit, that is why many Gods are scorned by mortals for their heartless acts, when in reality..." Her head lifted to us, to me. "We've simply suffered a fate we'd neither wish on others or to endure sometimes... some, just lock it all away." Why did that feel... like her aura was wrapping around my own...? "Trinity, I'm... sorry to hear that." Yui apologized, earning a soft pat on the head from the Goddess "You are very kind under that adventurous spirit, it suits you," Trinity praised, then turned her head toward me. "So while Gods may see my actions as unorthodox, those I have met, and others who I've guided down their paths I have never once regretted my actions, nor have I forcibly altered their fates, hence the cloth," Her hoof pressed to her chest. "I may hold such power, but I'd never use it to strip someone of their right to live, I merely watch over them, become a guide to their lives, and offer a hand if need be." "Then... what about... me?" My question was immediately answered, doubt laced my voice that Yui tilted her head at since Trinity was the only one to understand my Poke-Speech "You were the first person I met in that colorful town, your aura wasn't completely pure, but your actions through life, despite the shaken road you've made, you were content, you offered aid to those before your own needs, cared for your friends and family, and when I met you, you were smiling." Trinity left me in silence. "Why would I need any other reason?" My eyes wavered, trying to hold it together. I've been alone for over two months, only for a few days have I met Yui and she's been an irreplaceable friend, and now I'm sitting in some dungeon with a monster prowling outside while talking with a Goddess. What the hell is my life right now? How long have I waited for someone to say... 'they need me', again? "I'll do it," I lifted my head proudly. "I'll close the rifts, whatever form they take, be it a Brute, Flying, Fanged Wyverns, or even Elder Dragons, I won't hesitate." I meant it, even if it sounded like quite a cliche, I had already made a splash in this world, time to follow through with it Trinity seemed pleased by this, though I didn't quite catch any expression from Yui. Trinity returned from the throne, trotting down with a few items suspended around her cloth, "Before I leave, here's something for you both, after all, you both did clear quite the trails to get here," That mirthless expression perked us up "Treasure from a Goddess~!" Yui squealed with bright lilac eyes, her tail was even wagging This made the Goddess hold in a laugh. "I can already hear Death berating me once I return..." Holy hell she said that so casually... "I do hope these will aid you both on your paths, wherever they may lead." Yui was first, unfolding her cloth she revealed a set of tools I'd expect for a treasure hunter. New silver bracers attached themselves to her legs, alongside a black choker necklace. A brand new compass housed in a black box, a map of Equestria and beyond. She was enraptured in bliss, twirling to show off her new style. "Thank you so much, Miss Trinity~!" She smiled warmly, "Hmm, I'm glad you approve, that armor is made of a precious metal an old friend offered me, Argium, lightest metal known-to-man, but with the hardness of Chromium." Trinity soon turned to me, unfolding the last of her golden veil to reveal a hardback book The cover was marron with gold lettering in... Japanese, even English beneath it! "I-I can read this! Awesome!" Yui just looked like a fish when she read over the chicken scratch "Now I understand how you feel..." While I flicked through the pages, Trinity advised me on the contents. "A listing of a number of Lucario's abilities, ones that require... TMs? And similar recorded skills, while learning them yourself may take some time I doubt this would be an issue with you," I shook my head rapidly, smiling with each entry. "Practise is a merit of wisdom, I included a number of of those books you gathered in the translations to save you some trouble." "Thank you, Trinity, for everything..." I bowed my head, feeling a little guilty. "I wish I could repay you better... but I suppose closing those rifts will be my promise to you." She seemed happy with that answer. "If you two ever need me, hold onto that ruby and say my name, I may be unable to answer though, the work of a Goddess of my title comes with many workloads." "I understand, no abuse of power and all that." I replied, seeing her body beginning to flicker a little with those familiar motes of light. Her aura was starting to fade away. I almost wanted to reach out to stop her. "Goodbye, Trinity." Her head shook slowly. "No need for 'Goodbyes', our virtues will cross again someday." In a flash of dazzling lights her aura left this world enveloped in a warm radiance ~---~ Now stood only a single challenge. "How do we fight this thing?" Yui inquired sternly, sitting down before her simplistic drawing of the previous chamber. I tapped a claw to my chin, processing through the memories of this monster quickly, I'll say this, atleast it isn't a Yian Garuga "Narga focuses on quick, precise attacks, and can strike from any point of its body, mainly its bladed wings and its spiked tail. Its head can be used for biting. Its bladed wings will almost certainly tear you in half. Its tail tip is extremely dangerous since it seems to be enraged it'll flick those spines out like daggers. Nargacuga also has extremely strong muscles that let it jump long distances and tall heights at high speed." Breaking down the fight I chuckled. "He's nature's best assassin, good thing he isn't a Blinking Narga otherwise we'd have to deal with teleportation, somehow, and poison." We had our preparations, all we needed to do was take down this manifestation. I've beaten Nargacuga plenty of times, although I had a longsword last time, and I was having second thoughts, my first was... 'Ow'. "Guess this is it, you ready?" My inquiry met silence, I turned around and saw Yui spacing out. "You there, Space Cadet?" "U-uh, um, huh?" My lips pressed into a thin line, Yui smiled weakly. "S-Sorry, I... after what it's done to both of us, I'm just a little nervous," Her wing waved out quickly. "Don't get me wrong, I'm more than capable given past ventures into traps, dangers, and the occasional hydra, but this is... unlike any of those." My brow raised, "Why's this different?" Now she was slumped, looking down at her hooves. "I... have someone I want to protect." I wasn't expecting that. Rubbing my cheeks to clear the heat, I placed a paw on her shoulder. "You've gotten us this far, I've just been doing the heavy lifting, I'm more of a hands-on kind of guy, you actually use your head in these situations, so I'm sure you'll come up with a plan as I distract Nargacuga." My pep-talk raised her spirits, but her aura was still sorrowful, was there more to this? "Can I count on you?" Not a moment of hesitation, that confidence had sky-rocketed. "I've got your back, Zen." I held my fist out, smiling with confidence I stole from the spiritful Bat-Pony. "Then let the Sapphire Star light our way!" That brought a small red hue to my cheeks Her own cheeks were pink but we both totally had a bit of chuunibyou in us, "And let no pony block our path!" Her wing curled and bumped to my fist. To Be Continued...