That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp


"Wait here big guy" Celestia said to Alan as she walked to the center of the corridor they were in. "Listen here, you two. You seen nothing. Or the one thing you wont be seeing is daylight. Am I clear?

"Yes Princess!" Shining and the random guard said as they ran out of the corridor.

"Now where were we?" Celestia said with a low seductive tone with bedroom eyes. She walked into her room grazing her damp tail along Alan's chin.

"Oh we were still on yellow" Alan chuckled but became very flushed as Celestia poofed on some revealing lingerie.

"What's wrong Alan? Everything you've ever 'dreamed' of?" Celestia was very amused with his body language

"Wha-h-how?" Alan stammered as his jeans grew tighter than they already were

"You know my sister can see into people's dreams right? One morning at breakfast, she described one of your dreams in great detail. Apparently, you wanna 'pound me harder than a gas pedal, untill you empty your fuel tank' hm? That sound familiar?" Celestia was finally about to sleep with someone after nearly 300 years and someone she wanted to possibly marry.

"That's it. You think you're the dom? Ill show you!" Alan said as he jumped on Celestia and pinned her to the bed. She responded by giggling like a schoolgirl and wrapping her legs around Alan, embracing him.

"You ready for a wild ride?" Alan said softly enought to send chills down Celestia's spine.

They carried on through the night as most would have expected them to

~The next morning~

'What the hell happened last night? Where am I this isn't my house.' He looked to his side to see a sleeping Celestia. He then realized he was naked. "holy shit..." Alan said to himself as last night replayed in his head. Loud enough to wake Celestia though

"Morning big guy. How was *yaaaawwwn* how was last night?" Celestia said with still tired eyes

"It was amazing. But we dating or just fuck buddies? Cos im getting mixed messages." Alan said somewhat perplexed

"What do you want it to be?" Celestia asked

"Let's go grab a bite at my house" Alan said walking out of her chambers. Seeing a maid pony washing Black Betty, when she become very flushed "heya." Alan said with a smile and a wave

"You realize you're naked with morning wood right?" Celestia said stiffling a laugh

"Huh? OH MY GOD! Miss I'm so sorry Alan said covering himself and closing the door

"I have no idea how you don't realize when that thing is out. You might be on par with some stallions even. And you stand on two." Celestia chuckled

"Hey alright, thats the first time since I've been here other than showering that I've been fully nude. Cut me some slack." Alan said as he put his clothes on.

"Anyway let's go get something to eat." Celestia said

"Morning sister" Luna said as she walked out of the neighboring chambers.

"Goodmorning Luna. How was your night?"

"Wellll, I heard a few bangs on the wall and a few little squeals but other than that. Just splendid." Luna teased

Celestia flushed very pink. "Alan let's just get in the car"

"Hey you two. Enjoy your exciting night?" Black Betty teased as Alan got in after Celestia.

"Shut up and start up." Alan said

Celestia grabbed Alan's hand and teleported them and Betty onto the road to Ponyville.

"Can you give me a fucking warning before you do that?" Betty complained

"Oops sorry!" Celestia said apologetically

"Hold on to somethin" Alan said as he floored it

At Alan's

They pulled into the garage and everyone had something to say. Verona had simething quite important to say though.

"Lyra came back here with a bat and I think she was contemplating bashing a few of our fenders. Good Ol' big Blackout here scared the shit out of her."

"He's scary when he yells." Mia spoke with the cutest voice ever. Almost an par with Fluttershy

"MIA YOU JUST SPOKE!" Alan yelled happily

"I did? I-I DID!!" Mia said

"Well thats awesome I'll take you for a drive later. Until then. You five have behaved so well since you came to life. Go on and go for a cruise. All of yous. Y'all earned it" Alan said to his cars

"Let's go grab a bite" Celestia said

They walked to the kitchen and Alan began to make himself a salad. "You want anything?" Alan asked

"I'll have what you're having" she said

"Minus the bacon bits i assume?" Alan asked knowing ponies dislike meat

"Extra please. Meat is high in protein." She said

"Didn't you get enough protein lastnight?" Alan chuckled.

"Yeah but I haven't had bacon in a while. And I never tried it with salad. She said

"Whatever you say Sunbutt" Alan sing songed

*time skip to after they eat.

"So I'd like for us to be a couple, but there's two conditions. We get a love test from that 'Candace' lady and you stay here everynight instead of your castle. That ok with you?" Alan asked

"Very ok! Very very ok with me." Celestia said

"Well I guess I'll show you around my house and all my technology you can be amazed by. Heheh" Alan said

As the day went on Celestia and Alan sat down to watch some of his go pro footage from Earth driving around.

"What's that high pitch sound? Celestia asked

"Oh those are sirens to alert people to pull over." Alan said

"Why are you driving away from them?" Celestia asked

"Because I was going too fast and it's against the law. If I get caught i would've had to pay a fine or have my car taken away to the impound." Alan said

"Oh so you're a little rule breaker?" Celestia teased

"You can arrest me anytime" Alan cooed before leaning in to give Celestia a deep kiss that ended up with Alan overtop Celestia the kiss lasted a long time

*POOF* "Hey Alan that Jack guy is pretty cool actually he owns a car with a thing called a Ro.......tary.......Celestia?" Twilight nearly passed out. Her faced flushed a deep red and she dropped her pencil and note pad

"Alan was just, uh....showing me how humans wrestled." Celestia tried desperately to cover her actions

"Yeah this is called a pin" Alan said

"Yeah and that's called a boner." She said pointing to his friend with her pencil "I'll leave you two be. Don't be too loud as Lyra smashed out your bedroom window with a bat" Twilight said as she started walking towards the door. "And dont worry i already have someone coming to fix it tomorrow."

Once Twilight walked out Alan Queued up Seether's cover of Careless Whisper over his home stereo

"Where were we?" Alan unzipped his jeans