Power Rangers: Sky Strike

by The Bricklayer

1: Ranger Red

The platform was next to empty, except all for a few. One last train for the night was coming, with several ponies quite pleased to get home to their families after long and exhausting days.

A whistle echoed out through the valley, and the sound of a train thundered through the mountains filtering down to the station platform.

Then, a light in the distance. They could see it coming closer, and finally but slowly and surely the train pulled to a halt. Brakes screeched out, sparks flying before a blast of steam covered the platform. Then, the doors opened, and a scream cut through the chilly late-night air. A body thudded to the station floor, as magma monsters filtered out from the train cars.

Blades were drawn from the monsters and they quickly filtered out into the station platform ready to cut down any who stood in their way. But it was not to be, as several teal green magic blasts peppered their way, the bug-like creatures chittering in confusion. 

Fast-paced techno music was audible, along with the sound of hoof steps. A figure stepped into view, lights casting a silhouette across the darkened platform. A voice said: “Take off, wings rise!”

A bright red glow covered the platform, accompanied by a bird’s shriek. The monsters had to shield their eyes to avoid being blinded. A warrior stepped into view, red and white with a black opaque visor hiding their face.

“Look, it’s one of the PR!” someone called.

“What, public relations?” a second asked, and the first replied.

“No, dummy. The Power Rangers!”

A sword was drawn, and in a swift motion and a green flash, several of the bug creatures fell to the ground. Now spurred into action, the battle began as the crowds scattered to safety. The sound of blades ringing out was heard, the red figure ducking low to avoid a slash. The red warrior knocked one of the bugs to the ground with a leg sweep before flipping behind another. One saber strike later, and the creature was history. 

Leaping forwards, the red-hued warrior summoned a gauntlet and a beak of energy formed around their fist. Striking swift and true, the warrior plowed through a series of the bug creatures. She swung around and took down another with a neck chop before another fell to a punch to the head. 

Sliding along the ground, the red warrior charged her sword before crying out: “Burning Reign!” taking down a squadron of the bug beasts with a flash of flame. 

A soft clap was heard accompanied by metallic footsteps. “Most impressive, you played pest controller.”

The voice was polite but somewhat condescending at the same time. Lighting up a smoke, a metallic man stepped into view. He drew a blade of his own as he tossed the spent cigarette inside. 

“You know that’s a bad habit right?” the red warrior asked, her helm themed after a hawk or falcon. 

“Oh yes, they do tell me to stop,” the metal man returned. “But alas, like most bad habits it’s hard to give up.”

“I suppose you’ll tell me your next bad habit is killing hapless Rangers right?” the red warrior snarked locking blades with her opponent. 

“Perhaps,” the robot answered politely with a soft sad sigh. “But bad habits are just that, bad habits.”

The battle continued, blades being met again and again. Neither side seemed to gain an edge. This was, of course, right up until the robot villain shifted parts, and missile racks came into view. He fired and the Red Ranger spun in mid-air to avoid several missile explosions all around her. Others, well, they managed to lock onto her. She teleported behind her foe in hopes of catching him in the blast. Indeed, the missiles swerved right around, but their intended target just raised a shield to protect himself from the explosion. The Red Ranger swore under her breath.

Grabbing the Red by the neck, the robot tossed her into and through the ticket booth. The battle spilled into the train station. The robot’s sword glowed and an arc of blue energy was sent at his foe. The Red Ranger charged up her sword and called out: “Burning Reign!” once more.

Sending a flaming slash at her enemy, she met the arc in mid-air utterly decimating it. Equipping her gauntlet once more, the red surged forwards. Her opponent sighed, saying: “Utterly disappointing and frankly rather predictable.”

He grabbed her by the wrist and twisted. The red ranger screamed out in pain -her blade dropping to the floor with a clatter- before she was kicked in the stomach. She slid back along the tile floor, before drawing a pistol. Firing off several shots, she scored several to her foe’s chest.

The robot kicked her in the head, or tried to anyways as Red spun away. She ran, firing off more and more pistol shots which were deflected by her opponent’s blade. Rolling along the floor, she grabbed her sword once more and leaped forwards with a shout of: “Falconic Break!”

The blade glowed red with energy, the ‘eyes’ on its user’s helmet glowing a faint yellow. This looked to be the slash that settled matters once and for all. 

What’s that you say? It’s not to be? Well, you’d be exactly… right. The red’s opponent met the blade strike once again, before drawing back and ducking to avoid a wide slash. One of his arms changed to a laser cannon, and the Red Ranger had to backflip to avoid laser strikes. 

She blocked the next few with her sword. 

“I think we’ll call it a night for now, hmm? What do you say Red?” the robot asked. “You’ve already shown me what I want, and really you foiled my plot! There’s no need to continue this senseless violence. Besides…”

Red was barely standing, using her sword for support. “I can barely stand?” she answered. “I can still defeat you.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. But I don’t intend to test that little theory of yours, ta-ta for now. I hope to see you again soon!” the robot said with a polite smile before teleporting off in a flash of blue light.

Leaving the Red to exclaim a single, but simple enough word to sum it up: “Damn!”

Sunset groaned as she slipped into her bed that night, her whole body aching. She was going to need a long hot bath, like a really good one in the morning. Maybe breakfast in the bath. Yeah, she could easily do that with her magic. For now… sleep called.

Memories came to her that night. 

“So, ask me again, why am I here?” Sunset said. “Isn’t this, you know more of a Twilight thing?”

“Twilight is busy learning the magic of friendship,” Celestia stated, her long flowing dress trailing along the floor, her mane somehow blowing in a non-existent breeze. 

“I mean, so shouldn’t I be doing the exact same thing?” Sunset asked looking at the guards surrounding her. Gesturing to the nearest ones, she deadpanned: “I mean, tall, feathered and golden here isn’t just for show. I’m on parole remember? Turns out, taking a tome of ancient magic? Not good for your social status.”

“If I had my way, you’d be thrown in the dungeon,” Shining said poking her with his spear to move her forwards.

“See, real encouragement. Constantly having the threat of being punished does wonders in making you do good,” Sunset drawled. “Though if you ask me…”

“We’re not!” Shining said. 

“...As I said, if you ask me I’m not quite sure having him around is a good idea. Antagonizing the prisoner and all that,” Sunset went on still in complete deadpan. 

“Hey, I can still toss you back in the dungeon…” Shining said. 

“Well, lucky your marefriend had her way and decided I should be on house arrest instead of, say, in prison,” Sunset commented. “She’s fond of me, you know!”

“Not sure why…” Shining muttered.

“Shining, Sunset!” Celestia barked. “Both of you, behave yourselves. Sunset, do not antagonize my finest Captain. Shining, please treat Sunset with more respect.”

“I’ll give her respect when she has earned it,” Shining said. “Are we clear, Ma’am?”

“Are we clear Captain?” Celestia asked. Sunset swallowed, despite all these years Celestia somehow still carried that ability to make everyone feel like scolded foals and fillies. “Sunset is working to repay her debt to society, however I choose. Punishment of the highest degree will not encourage it. She is not a rapist, nor is she a killer. She is just a very troubled young mare. Understood?”

“Y-Yes M-Ma’am…” Shining swallowed. “Understood.”

Sunset almost smirked seeing her guard cowed. Almost, for a glare from Celestia stopped that thought dead in its tracks.

“So again, I ask why I’m here?” Sunset questioned as they rounded another corner. She was so tempted just to put her earbuds back in, and listen to some Wicked Young Mare. Again, a look from Celestia stopped that thought in its tracks.

“I believed you would like to see this,” Celestia said as they stepped inside a very large room, pillars on every side and busts of the Pillars of Equestria in every corner. “Our librarians have discovered some of Starswirl’s last notes, speaking of a beast of shadows and how he had to seal himself and the other Pillars away.”

“...you mean…?” Sunset gasped in shock as she saw mages draw ancient sigils and symbols on the floor and on the chamber walls.

“Yes, quite,” Celestia smiled now knowing her student was interested. “I believe we can retrieve them.”

“One question,” Shining had to ask. “What of this beast of shadows?”

“Yes, I was about to pose that question myself!” Sunset piped in. “What if you… Oh, I don’t know, accidentally summon this beast? The Pillars had to seal themselves away with it. That implies that they…”

“Couldn’t defeat it!” Shining finished for her.

“We have magical signatures of the Pillars, or at least Starswirl’s. I committed my old teacher’s signature to memory, just in case… Well, that’s neither here nor there,” Celestia said looking wistful at times long since past. “The point being, we can summon him here all by himself, and then he can help us summon his friends.”

“Interesting…” Shining said. “No no, that’s not the word for it. More like awesome! Simply awesome. We’re going to be in the presence of actual freakin’ Legends of Magic!”

He was nearly jumping around the chamber in sheer glee. Sunset pulled him away before he could knock over a truly ancient bust of Clover the Clever.

“Careful now,” the fiery-maned mare drawled. “I don’t think they heard your fanboying all the way on the other side of the continent.”

“Oh. Oh. Um… yes, right sorry. Restraint must be shown,” Shining said, quickly regaining his composure. Celestia hid a smile.

“I’m sorry, but did you just agree with me?” Sunset asked with a smile, raising an eyebrow. 

“I did no such thing!” Shining said a little too quickly to be actually believable. Everyone apparently knew it, given the smiles they were trying to hold back. Sunset snickered and she looked at Celestia who chortled a bit. Okay, yeah, truth be told Sunset would have been lying if she said she wasn’t excited herself. Starswirl the fucking Bearded. The stallion was an honest to Faust legend! During her days at Celestia’s Magic School, she’d heard so many stories about the warlock, she was nearly a fangirl. Okay, maybe not just nearly. She was a fangirl. 

Oh, if Celestia got him back, she’d have so many questions to ask. They’d all have questions. Though, Sunset thought with a sour expression cast upon her muzzle. She doubted Starswirl would even speak to a mare like her. Someone who went temporarily power hungry was probably not exactly someone whom he’d be interested in. Yeah, Sunset knew she’d messed up, and was everyday working to re-earn Celestia’s approval. Though quite honestly, Sunset doubted she ever would. Celestia’s love had its limits after all. The best Sunset could do was hope to be her friend again.

“We’re all ready on our end, Princess,” one of the archmages said. “Just awaiting your command.”

“Come on Starswirl, time to bring you home…” Celestia said sadly, but with a hopeful note in her voice as well. “I think you’ve waited long enough.”

She began to chant in a truly ancient language, one nobody had heard in a thousand years, perhaps far longer. Enochian, Sunset vaguely remembered. She knew a few basic words, but that was about it. The runes and sigils all around the room began to glow a bright gold, the same hue as Celestia’s magic. A low hum filled the room, and then a thunderclap as a bright flash of light filled the room. Sunset averted her eyes and was thrown back against a wall by a wave of sheer pure magic. Several other thuds followed her, confirming she was not the only one to lose her footing.

“Ooof, well that was a bitch and a half…” Sunset muttered as she picked herself off the dusty floor, dusting off her jacket. She then joked: “Anypony get the number of that chariot?”

That was then, this was now.

“Well, as all things go,” Sunset said as she soaked in her bath, laying back and letting the cool refreshing waters soothe her. A golem walked up, with a plate of fruit in hand. Bowing to its master, it rested the plate on the side of the tub. “Last night wasn’t a total waste. I kicked some Reverse Empire flank, and showed off how much of a hero I am. Yeah, I got this!”

Okay, truth be told Sunset wasn’t sure if she had this at all. There were only two Rangers, her and Shining and neither would be enough to take down the Reverse Empire. They could put out small fires here and there, but what if the Empire decided to go on the offensive? What then?

They needed three more Rangers. Three more people who had been hit by the Birdonic Waves -as Celestia called them, stupid name as it was- and three more people who could morph into Rangers. Granted, when the Empire came to call all of Equestria was hit by Birdonic Waves, but only a select few could actually harness it into a Ranger form.

And that… was the tricky bit, wasn’t it? “Well Sunny, you’re in one sticky wicket, aren’t you? Well, at least Celestia’s loosened your leash a little. I’m allowed to stay in Ponyville, I just can’t leave unless asked, such as to stop the Reverse Empire whenever they come to call.” the mare thought.

So the obvious question was… what did she do now? Well, okay, what she did now was just soak in her own personal heaven. A mare had to do what a mare had to do, right?


“Okay then, yeah everybody okay?” Shining asked. “Sign off!”

Several voices called out, and Shining nodded as he helped his Princess up. The smoke began to clear, and an elderly stallion with a truly fantastic beard was soon seen, with the most wonderful robes. Shining nearly dropped his sword.

“S-Starswirl…” Celestia whispered.

Starswirl groaning in pain, slowly opening his eyes. The last thing he remembered was… Oh, Stygian. Oh, the poor kid. He should have… Wait, where was he? Was… was this Canterlot? Wait, that voice! It couldn’t be! She sounded older, but it was! Celestia!

“So, I see you’ve all grown up,” Starswirl said before flicking her on the forehead. She had been naught but a teenager when he was sealed away, her and her sister. “Still doing dangerous stunts I see.”

“A-Anything to get you back…” Celestia said her eyes watery as she embraced her old teacher in a hug. “When you went missing, me and Luna…”

“You didn’t know we were to go missing. Neither did I for that matter. For even the very wise cannot see all ends. Oh, Celestia, you know these old bones…” Starswirl said half-heartedly. He looked around the room, where all the guards were bowing to the ancient legend. He spotted a young mare -her fur a bright striking shade of yellow- off to the side, suddenly looking rather shy and fiddling with her clothing. “I assume this is your student?”

“I’m… I’m not her student…” the mare mumbled.

“Oh, nonsense!” Starswirl scoffed. “You are a young enough pony, with Celestia and obviously very close to her. Therefore, I deduce you are her student! Tell me, young mare, what is your name?”

“S-Sunset…” the mare said in this small voice suddenly feeling like a little kid again. Starswirl chuckled, truly she was overcome by his greatness! 

“Go on, speak up, I did not hear your name,” Starswirl encouraged. “A great wizard such as I does not have time for foolishness. We are all friends here, no need to be shy.”

“Yeah, not sure if us being all friends here is an accurate enough statement…” Sunset said looking at Shining before speaking again. “Sunset. Sunset Shimmer. That’s my name.”

“It is a beautiful name,” Starswirl said. “I assume Celestia has taught you well?”

He eyed his old student with a critical gaze as if to say: ‘you better have passed on all I have taught you or I will take you over my knee.’

“I… yes, she did. But I’ve made mistakes, and I…”

“Enough self-pity. We all make mistakes,” Starswirl said. “So do all who live their lives. We are, after all, only mortals. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. Nobody is truly evil in my opinion, just… misguided. Or perhaps they were not evil by choice.”

“Always the teacher…” Celestia breathed. 

“You’re quite correct! Different time or no, I will always be a-” Starswirl started before the room began to glow once more. “Oh no…”

“What’s oh no?” Sunset asked nervously. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“I just remembered,” Starswirl said, summoning a staff to his side. “While I was trapped in this world between worlds, I was not alone.”

“S-Sure you weren’t,” Shining said motioning for his guard to prepare themselves. “You had your fellow Pillars.”

“Not just them,” Starswirl said the tip of his staff glowing with pure magical power. “Something else.”

“Got that right old man!” an armored figure said as he emerged from the gloom, bearing bright shining white armor, and shockingly blue reptilian skin. With a wave of his hand, the guards were thrown up against the wall. Celestia fired off a gold beam of magic before the figure raised his hand and grabbed the bolt before closing his hands around it. He threw his hand upwards and fired the beam up through the roof of the chamber, laughing all the while. “Honey, I’m hommmmmmmmmmeeeeee!”

“Who are you?” Sunset said readying her own magic, not that she was wondering if it would do much good. After all, if her former teacher couldn’t do anything, what could she do?

“Oh, pleased to make your acquaintance young miss,” the figure said, doing a mock bow. “My name is Count Radiguet, of the Reverse Empire! AKA your new master!”

“Yeah, well, we’re sending you home. Pack your bags!” Shining said as he drew his sword, motioning for Sunset to get behind him. “My name is Shining Armor of the Canterlot Royal Guard, and your ‘empire’ will not be tolerated here.”

“Oh lookee, a kid with a big mouth. Not much has changed in 6,000 years. Annnnnnnnnnd oh, Starswirl my old friend! Nice to see you up and around. I’m assuming the punk is your little descendent? He’s got that fire in him, that’s for sure.”

“You haven't changed, Radiguet. You're still picking on creatures smaller than yourself,” Starswirl said. He turned to explain to his rescuers. “You see, while I was trapped in limbo, I ran across this one. He and his empire had laid waste to the dimension. Time went much slower in there, so 6,000 years for him is piecemeal for us.”

“Exactly, it feels like barely yesterday I was locked away! Ten minutes out of the can, and I'm already listening to one of your lectures. Do you have any idea what it's like to be locked up in a stinking back dimension for 6,000 years? It's boring! Not to mention I had a Charley horse since god knows when!” Radiguet said. “But enough of that! I need to make a proper introduction! You want to know what the difference between a normal villain and me is right? Let me show you. It’s all about PRESENTATION!”

All across Equestria, a massive head was projected. Radiguet’s head, actually as the clouds turned a deep pitch black, lightning striking. “Greeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttings Equestria, I am your new ruler. My empire is vast, now including your land. Do not pass go, do not collect your 200 dollars! From this moment forth the world as you know it shall cease to exist. Welcome to my nightmare!”

Screams erupted across the kingdom, Radiguet laughing like a madman as he listened before dancing in place. Oh, it was music to his ears. Well, at least he was honest about his intentions, he wasn’t a corporate shyster! He had standards!

“Annnnnnnnnnnd now for you…” Radiguet cackled as he advanced upon Starswirl. He fired off a bolt of energy, but the wizard leaped in front of the blast, holding it back with his staff. The energy was continually fired and Starswirl continued to deflect it. In a fit of frustration, Radiguet changed into a far more monstrous form -it would certainly haunt Sunset’s dreams, that was for sure- and unleashed an energy wave. Starswirl was knocked to the floor as the wave went all throughout Equestria. 

Far and away in the hills and valleys of the hidden villages, a young kirin tended to her garden before she too was knocked to the ground by this wave. Her farm had been caught ablaze -not even by her this time!- and she looked to the sky asking: “Why me…?”

She failed to notice her wrist glowing with a distinct yellow hue…

Back in Canterlot, Starswirl and Celestia picked themselves off the floor, and launched Radiguet out through a wall and into the gardens.

“See now, that’s just rude,” Radiguet said as he resumed his normal form. “Sorry if you had to see my other half, by the way. I can’t control myself, beardo over there just made me so angry! Fighting mad, you see!”

He summoned his lightning and it wrapped around the two like a cage. “Oooooh, ponies in a cage. Just what I always wanted, must have been a good boy this year!” 

Sunset flew out of nowhere and kicked him square in the face, before flipping in front of her teacher. She snarked: “Yeah, I doubt that very much. The gift-givers don’t really take kindly to entrapment.”

“Oh look, a hero! My favorite!” Radiguet said.

“She really is your student…” Starswirl murmured to Celestia, who nodded.

“Sunset, get out of there!” Celestia shouted. “Save yourself!”

“Yeah, fat chance!” Sunset said, not noticing her wrist glowing a bright crimson color. “I failed you once teach, and I’m not failing you again!”

She round-house kicked Radiguet in the face, and then tried again only for Radiguet to grab her by the leg. She was swiftly thrown into the ground. “Heroes, always so… predictable,” Radiguet said. “Such a senseless waste of life, and to think I was going to take you as my concubine!”

He then had a duck to avoid a flying sword which boomeranged back into Shining’s grip. “Yeah, pretty sure polygamy has been outlawed since… oh, forever?” the stallion stated. “Come on then, let’s see you face a real soldier!”

“Oh, the knight in literal shining armor,” Radiguet said. “Men, always rushing to the rescue. How sexist!”

“I actually have to agree with him,” Sunset said as both Radiguet and Shining stared at her. “What, I was just saying! I could handle myself!”

“Let’s see about that, shall we?” Radiguet said as he charged up a ball of energy in his hands. “This is my Eiffel Tower. This is my Rachmaninoff's Third. My Pietà. I call it your destruction!”

Both Shining and Sunset just barely dodged the blast, their manes smoking and Shining’s helmet clattering to the floor. A huge tower on the Castle came crumbling down.

“Rats, and I was going to remodel that section,” Radiguet said.” “Turn it into my prison tower of doomy doom!”

“You shall not have my castle!” Celestia shouted.

“Oh, I think I will. Far be it from me to pass up perfectly good real-estate. Besides, it’s not like you’re going to have need of it soon. How do you plan to get out of that prison and stop me anyway?”

He was soon punched in the face by Sunset.

“Oooh, think you broke his nose,” Shining winced as he watched the monster stagger about.

“I hope I did,” Sunset snarled, tossing her flaming jacket aside. “This was my favorite jacket! And he ruined it!”

“So what you plan to do now?” Radiguet asked. “Kick me in the balls while you’re at it?”

“Don’t tempt me…” Sunset said before she noticed, and I mean finally noticed her glowing wrist. Shining noticed his wrist was glowing as well. They shared a look, and on a feeling flicked it. Twin bracers appeared on their wrists, fast-paced techno music coming from them. They resembled birds ready to take flight in a way. Sunset shared a confused look with Shining. “So… Uh, what? Do we just say something stupid? Like, hmmm… I don’t know, take off?”

Radiguet’s eyes widened, oh no. What had he created? He had to act, fast!

Then with a bright flash of light Sunset was transformed just as Radiguet shot an energy ball at her. Even as fireballs landed all around her, exploding behind her, Sunset felt a strange new power surge into her body. Shrugging, Shining said: “Take off!”

A bright blue flash, and he was covered in a similar uniform only seemingly themed after a swallow. Sunset had to stop herself from giggling, he looked so stupid. Then again, so did she! Oh, this was a fashion do not!

“Well, come on then!” Radiguet said. “You’re Power Rangers now, you’re supposed to stop me!”

Inwardly, he was seething. Of all the luck, Rangers, here! 

“How about you get lost, and go back to your own dimension?” Sunset said slashing forwards with her sword. “Oooh! Oooh, if you want to be a real villain, go with 11 items at the ten items or less counter! Now that is evil!”

“It is!” Radiguet said before he frowned, realizing something. “Wait, is that a serious suggestion or are you just mocking me?”

“Oh, I’d say 30% serious, 70% mock…” Sunset drawled as she struck again with Radiguet whirling out of the way. 

Shining leaped out of nowhere, calling: “Swallow Strike!” his blade charged with blue energy.

Radiguet was struck across the chest and he staggered back.

“Swallow Strike?” Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow under her helmet. “You know how ridiculous you sound right now, right?”

“We’re superheroes now right?” Shining asked as he ducked to avoid an energy blast from his foe.

“Mhmm, fair point,” Sunset said, punching Radiguet in the stomach with one gauntlet covered fist. She had called out: “Bird strike!”

“R-Really?” Radiguet criticized as he regained his bearings. “That’s the best you have?”

“You seem to be doubling over, so yeah I think it was pretty good.” Sunset snarked.

“Eh, I was talking more on the name!” Radiguet said throwing his hand out and flooring the two Rangers with an energy wave. Sunset was swift to recover and leaped forwards, her blade charged with red energy.

“Here, try this one then! Burning Reign!” Sunset yelled out her blade ablaze with flame. Radiguet staggered back before he thrust his hand upwards. Energy spikes erupted from the ground towards Sunset and Shining pulled her out of their path.

He rolled along the ground and pulled out a pistol, firing off several shots. Radiguet dodged them all with ease and whirled around to catch a sword strike from Sunset in his hand. He kicked her away with an evil laugh.  

“Okay a bit slow starting out of the gate but I’m getting it together,” he monologued sending Shining doubling over with a punch to the stomach. Perfect revenge for earlier. “You just caught me by surprise, that’s all. Power Rangers? Please. More like Power Pukes! You couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag! I meanwhile, am kicking all of your asses! I defeated your Princess, and your greatest warlock! What hope do you have!”

“For one!” came a voice and in came Princess Luna with a whole platoon of her Royal Guard. “They don’t talk as much!”

She looked at both  “Rest easy little Sun, and little Armor. I am here now.”

“So… there is a second…” Radiguet said before chastising himself with a comment of:  “Sister! I always forget about the sister!”

Then, he felt a great force pressing him into the ground, growing stronger with each passing moment.

“Gravity is such a harsh mistress, don’t you think?” Luna asked with a twinkle in her eye just as Celestia finally broke free.

Radiguet managed to cough out a defiant: “How?” even if he felt like his insides were being crushed to bean paste.

“Oh, I should have mentioned. Me and my sister share this special bond,” Celestia said her mane flickering like a fire. “The closer we are to each other, the stronger we get. Meaning I can now do… this!”

She opened her mouth wide and just as Luna released Radiguet he was besieged by a hot blast of streaming fire. With a snarl of: “Another time!” Radiguet teleported off.

“Another time indeed…” Celestia mused.

Now, under Luna’s moon, Sunset searched. She’d detected a faint energy signal just outside of Ponyville in the Everfree. Of course, it was the Everfree, it was always the Everfree. Why couldn’t it be the forest of puppies and kittens? Sunset loved puppies and kittens!

But nope, it wasn’t the White Tail Woods. It had to be the stinkin’ Everfree. Where nature seemed to have a mind of its own, so awash with magic and so awash with life energy. It was the one place in all of the Kingdom where nobody could control anything, not even bring the weather under heel.

Sunset, after the battle with Radiguet, was praised, she and Shining anointed the Kingdom’s new defenders against the Reverse Empire. They were symbols of hope, symbols of love and peace and symbols of… Well, symbols of how out of her depth Sunset truly was. She was a simple unicorn, not a goddamn superhero! She needed help. Hopefully, this trip would be worth it and another Ranger would be found. Of course, that question was who would live all the way out here? This deep in the forest, where wild things frolicked and earth and nature reclaimed the planet.

Green as far as the eyes could see, wilderness and undergrowth. Sunset knew she was being watched, something just out of her field of vision. Briefly, she saw it. Twin glowing yellow eyes. They vanished back into the undergrowth just as quickly as they had appeared.

Sunset shuddered, there was something… unnatural about those eyes. Of course, this whole forest was unnatural to some degree but those eyes? They were thinking, calculating. A dark intelligence belonged to their owner. All of her flight or fight senses were screaming out alarm bells. The quicker she was out of here, the better.

Her horn glowed, glowing steadily brighter with each passing moment. She was nearing the energy source. Her jaw dropped as she clambered over some rocks. In front of her was this truly massive falcon. Metallic in nature, and yet by the look in it’s truly ancient eyes it was as thinking and feeling as you or I. How… how had nobody noticed this?

“Who are you…?” Sunset asked as she ran a hand along the falcon’s beak. “Where did you come from?”

“An ancient kingdom. Long since forgotten,” a voice said and Sunset whirled around with sword in hand, and horn alight. The owner stepped into view, and Sunset couldn’t help herself. She gasped. It was a wolf. Except not really. He stood on two legs, and had this horn jutting out of his skull like a rhino. Twin swords were strapped to his back, one red and the other this unusual half-moon shape. But that wasn’t the most frightening part, oh no. Those were his eyes. They were this unnaturally gold shade seemingly permanently judging her. 

“It was only a matter of time, I suppose until this place was found.” the wolf sighed.

“Who are you?” Sunset said, her voice a-quiver with fear.

“An old wolf warrior, and guardian of this sanctum. This… paradise,” the wolf trailed off. Sadness and solemnity laced his voice. But protective at the same time, and quite willing to defend his territory. “Once I was a danger to this land, and now I guard it in repentance. Now, I ask, who are you? Do not lie, or I will cut you down where you stand!”

“Sunset Shimmer, Red Ranger,” Sunset said showing her Morpher as proof.

“So it’s time then,” the wolf warrior said a small smile on his face. Sunset shuddered, those teeth were way too sharp for her liking. “I saw the great blue idiot’s face, just as everyone else did. I knew it was only a matter of time before new Rangers arose to meet this threat.”

“New Rangers?” Sunset asked. “What are you…?” 

“Implying? Oh, you think you’re the first?” the wolf asked. “No, you hardly are. You’re just the latest in a long line of heroes. I sense a fire in you, that’s good!”

He struck and Sunset rose to meet his blade, the two clashing several times as their blades rang out in the gloom. Finally, the wolf relented, placing the red-hued sword deep in a rock.

“Good, you’ll do just fine I think!” the wolf said with another frightening smile. “The falcon, he wants you, you know. He wants you to take his power, use it to fight this new threat. His current form is weak, but transformed… Well, that’s another matter entirely isn’t it?”

“T-Transformed?” Sunset asked. “What? Why?”

“His powers have long since been used up, it’s all he can do to stay awake as it is. Please, take this,” the wolf said, handing over a rather unique bow. It resembled the falcon in many ways. “It contains his spirit!”

“I-If you say so…” Sunset whispered taking the bow with an element of caution. Then, right before her eyes the falcon transformed. No longer was he this massive animal, but a flying machine bearing his features. 

“Now, he is reborn. The red falcon will be forever by your side,” the wolf said. “The last great guardian of the Kingdom of Animaria is your partner now.”

Something struck a chord in Sunset’s mind. Animaria, but that was… No, it couldn’t be. This place, this forest it simply couldn’t be. And this wolf, his features, his weapon… No. No way.

“It is exactly what you think,” the wolf said. “And I am exactly who you think I am. Zen-Aku, Duke Org and now the guardian of the wilds. Now go forth, and protect your Kingdom, Ranger Red!”

With that, he snapped his fingers and Sunset found herself in her bed. Could it all have been just a dream? No, it couldn’t have been, she mused as she spied the Falcon Summoner on her bedside table. Far and away, Zen-Aku ventured into the forest, and into a great temple where a woman in white lay. Running a finger through her hair, Zen-Aku said: “As always, I am at your service… Princess.”