The Strange Case Of Pinkie Pie and Her New Best Friend

by Blacketh

Chapter One

Rarity, from her first words and first steps, was destined to become a charming and admired pony.

She was simply the epitome of graceful – with her perfection and mannerisms being subject to much indecisiveness; however she was still mostly of good words

In reality, she was a mare of many words: kind, generous albeit certainly dramatic, which nevertheless still gave her a well-known respect among the community. She took her time for others' sake, she donated her valuables to others, and she made sure to keep her head up high for all of Ponyville to admire.

Simply put, she was loved along with the most adored mares in Ponyville; her own personal connection with the Princess of Friendship gave Rarity her own pedestal to stand highly on.

She spent the bulk of her time with her best friends, who equally had much of the respect of all of Ponyville. They did everything together; from hunting for jewels, to taming animals, to bucking apples (which Rarity simply detests, yet refuses to say). It was a trait which many people yearned for – a singular bond of friendship which remains so strong.

These bonds of friendships overlapped strongly, but none were so strong as between Applejack and Rarity.

It was unexplainable to most of the community why a simple pony like Applejack would constantly spend her time away with a luxurious pony like Rarity; their personalities clashed like two stallions in an intense brawl against one another.

It wasn't that Applejack was disliked or reckless – in fact, Ponyville's respect of Applejack was on par with Princess Twilight herself – yet the noticeable differences between the two from the outside, and the harmonious relationship they had together on the inside, was a mystery to the town, even to both mares themselves.

So, as was the daily routine, mares were lounging together in the Ponyville Day Spa. As per usual, Rarity had asked for the highest service treatment, and so both ponies were living the luxuries as they cooled down in the pool.

However, there was something unusual with Applejack. Rarity usually was the one to strike up a conversation, yet Applejack was strikingly quiet, as if she were contemplating a deep thought. Rarity smiled it off for the first few minutes, but the lack of further attention towards her was slowly becoming a nuisance.

"Applejack, Dearie is something the matter?" Rarity couldn't help it anymore, "You have been acting very strangely."

"Huh?" Applejack lurched back for a moment, before regaining her posture and looking up back to Rarity, "I'm fine Rarity – I'm just thinkin' about yesterday..."

Rarity's eyes locked right on hers, as if expectingly waiting for Applejack to narrate a story. Rarity knew Applejack wasn't much for stories, but Rarity also knew Applejack wasn't much for emotions either – and Rarity had never seen Applejack look so distant before.

"I'm not much of a gossip pony," Applejack quickly said, as if trying to get out of the conversation.

"Don't be silly Applejack," Rarity pressured, "This is clearly a big deal, and I care about you."

Applejack opened her mouth, and then closed it quickly thereafter. It was a known fact that against Rarity was a hopeless case, since she was by far the most persistent pony in all Equestria, and that she will always get to the bottom of anything, no matter how suppressed it was.

Applejack huffed in exasperation, yet Rarity could sense the hint of relief, as Appljack began to nestle into a more comfortable position. Rarity was secretly delighted – she hadn’t had the chance to hear one of Applejack’s stories in a very long time.

Applejack took a large breath before speaking, “So, it was like three in the mornin’, and I was sleepin’ in the barn from all the apple buckin’ last night. I was dreamin’ like a newborn filly about-” Applejack paused, “Anyways, then some ponies started bangin’ on our door. I opened the door as quickly as I could, and it was Diamond Tiara! She was ramblin’ and frettin’ about Apple Bloom being hurt and about some massive ruckus happenin’. I didn’t believe her one bit at first – Apple Bloom told me enough times about her bullyin’. I was about to tell her it ain’t funny, but then Twilight teleported right next to us!”

Applejack paused to look over. Rarity was completely enamoured by the story, "Well? Go on then?”

As was asked for, Applejack continued, “She was ramblin' even more than usual about somepony being hurt, and then she teleported me and Diamond Tiara next to Pinkie's house. I was dazed, so I rolled my head around and all that, and that’s when I see Fluttershy kneelin’ on the floor. I couldn’t see what was goin' on at all, so I trotted next to where she was sittin' and that's when I-- I see...Apple Bloom."

Rarity looked like she could jump out of the pool any second in anticipation. "What happened dearie? Is Apple Bloom alright?"

“Apple Bloom was on the floor; she was grazed all over, and some of her hair was yanked out. Fluttershy was healin’ some of her wounds… she looked more traumatised than hurt though. Twilight told me what happened afterwards: apparently Apple Bloom was out at 3am for who knows why, and somepony tried to kidnap her! Fluttershy was the only one who saw her, since she yanked my Apple Bloom away from that monster!”

Rarity put her hooves up to cover her mouth in shock.

“Oh, Applejack! I’m so sorry!” Rarity put a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder, "but pray tell, surely you asked Fluttershy what that monster looked like?”

“I did,” Applejack replied, "But she couldn’t describe them, except for her shadow! The nerve of her, forgettin' who nearly kidnapped my Apple Bloom."

“Oh bother,” Rarity replied, “She's probably trying to repress the monstrosity of that evil thing!”

“That wasn’t what mostly affected me though,” Applejack said, before her expression suddenly fell back into deep thought. She started to speak in a hushed whisper, “When I looked at Fluttershy, and I mean really looked at Fluttershy... she looked furious! As if she was doin' The Stare or whatever without realisin’. To be honest, I’ve never seen her look so... angry before. So did Pinkie Pie! she couldn’t even look at what that monster did!”

“I’ve never seen you so emotional before either,” Rarity remarked, noting her friend's heavier breathing, "Maybe that monster has that effect on anypony”

Applejack turned her focus away to the window, which sustained a massive crack halfway, “Maybe."

The room fell back into its silence. From the way that Applejack’s body tensed under the water, it was clear she was back into her own thoughts. Rarity was in her own mind too – Who was that monster? Ponyville had never had such civil unrest before – they hadn’t seen a kidnapping in years!

Deep inside her heart, she knew that she had to do something. Nopony should get away with such a crime!

“Tell me Applejack,” Rarity asked, “did Fluttershy note where that hideous thing ran off to?”


Applejack looked as if she couldn’t tense further

Clockworks began to spin. Rarity wanted nothing but to help her friend – but who would know who this fiend would be?

Pinkie Pie

“Aha!” Rarity exclaimed as she jumped up, causing Applejack to nearly spill her drink. “I know exactly who would know the culprit!”

It was common knowledge that Pinkie Pie was the most interconnected pony in all of Ponyville, not to mention that she becomes friends with every single pony that crossed paths with her. She was the epitome of friendship – aside from Twilight of course – so it only made sense that she would have any clue.

Rarity was determined. She was going to find out who this mare was, and save Ponyville, no matter how dangerous or difficult it may be.

After all, who can escape from Detective Rarity