//------------------------------// // Remaking this series! // Story: My Little Pony: Ren's Adventures In Equestria // by MaxTV1234 //------------------------------// Hey guys, this is MaxTV1234 here. I want to let you all know that I'm planning on remaking this fanfic from the scratch-up. So far with this story is quite well, but then I started to take way too long and at the start of Season 3, it's just making things more weird out, especially when I added Sarah. It was going well, but right now things are just going so weird that I can't seem to explain much of the plot anymore. I want to try to become the best writer this world has ever seen and I strive to make things better. When I read fanfics, I was inspired but I felt like I was rushing things and wasn't making it any good. Plus also, I also didn't know if using every episode was something, but hey, maybe not every episode but of original chapters I would make. Though, to be honest, I'm still deciding. I hope you all understand this, and I'm sorry if I disappointed you all. My love for this was starting to get dry out and because of College, I couldn't stay focus and I've been experiencing some...depressing things. Mainly, I just wanted to write fanfics to escape my life but now I started loving this and so on, that's why I want to try and make things better. I want to thank you all for sticking up for me, and I hope you all soon see what I have in store for my remake of this series. I'm still an amateur writer, so I know I'll keep practicing my skills, and I want to thank you for encouraging me to this end. Also, PikachuSkittty, you can continue using my OC's in your spin-off since you've seem to go this, though if I had to say that you still need some practice, but I know you'll be a successful writer too like you all. I first began writing fanfics to escape my problems with my family and people and to run away from my fears, but now, I want to try again and strive to do better. I'm going to become a writer / editor, and I won't let you all down. Thank you all and don't worry, it's not like I'm canceling this series or anything, remaking it. Though, I guess in this old version that it would be considered 'cancel' and it feels wrong to leave you all in the last chapter in a cliffhanger. Huh, guess I suck at that, huh? Oh well...I hope you all would wait one day. Until then, this is MaxTV1234 signing off.