//------------------------------// // To be Like a Phoenix // Story: The Mechanist // by OceanBytez //------------------------------// I awake slowly with a dull throbbing in my rear legs... Ohhh right... In my grogginess, I nearly forgot everything that has happened. My eyes open slowly to reveal a pony made cave of sorts. I am still numb which I can only assume are the effects of whatever I consumed before. My memory of the battle and the following events seem a bit foggy still. The cave was not very big. Just a circular room with a small opening. A chilling wind was kept at bay by the narrow opening revealing the snow outside. I lay against the wall near a makeshift table hewn from the very stone that makes up the walls. There are various pieces of machinery strewn around the makeshift room. I lay on a pile of hay with one pile of hay on the opposite side of the room. The hay scratched lightly against my coat making me shudder from the itchiness of it all. Various books in multiple languages lay stacked, spines facing the center of the room, on the other side of the makeshift table. The entire room seems like it was a hideout of sorts. It is too surreal and I almost think this must be some sort of bad dream. biting my lip just proves that it is all too real. The overall temperature was very cold compared to before. I thought it was fairly bizarre to have such a wild swing in temperatures. I shook lightly trying to stay warm. The room was surprisingly bare. No decorations and nothing that was not absolutely necessary for whatever function this room served. I was utterly confused as to how I got here. I begin hearing hoofsteps on the harsh stone outside slowly getting louder. Whoever it was they obviously knew I was alive otherwise, they never would have brought me here. I was calm and excepting of my fate at this point. Life seemed a bit unfair to me now. A weary light blue unicorn in a dark Cloak enters the room. His cloak was covered in frost from the chilling winds outside and, seemed as if he has been in the elements for a long time. He gently empties the contents of his saddlebag, hidden cleverly under his cloak, onto the table before lowing the hood. As soon as he drops the hood he realizes I am awake and speaks. "Glad to see you are awake. I was not sure that I could save you. Even my magic has limits." He gestures toward my various injuries for me to inspect. He was not wrong. I was covered in various cuts and bruises. My fur was burned off entirely in some spots while other spots only singed somewhat. I was, of course, still missing my rear legs, unfortunately. I had hoped that the last part was just a dream or my imagination. I was still very weak overall but certainly, much better off than dead. Even so, I could not help but envy him. My business is done. I cannot travel with only 2 front legs. Sure I could hire employees but, I made my business so I could travel. Not let other ponies do the hoof work for me. I contemplated what to say but, could not come up with anything as my mind processed what had happened. It was all so sudden. I never really had a moment to accept anything or even work through it. I was simply in survival mode after I was hurt. Now waves upon waves of emotion flooded me. Tears wetting my eyes as my dreams of seeing the world seemed infinitely beyond my reach. I could not afford to hire other ponies to transport me around the world and honestly, it means less that way anyway. I wanted to March to every sight of wonder with my own four hooves. Those dreams have been brutally dashed now and I have no idea what to do now with my life plans shattered. "You should not worry so much. It is bad for your health you know." The strange unicorn looked at me as he spoke. He continued as he started working on something. I could not see it though since his work was on the table. "Just because you lose something... does not mean it is not replaceable." I give him the most sarcastic look I could possibly hope to give him. "What could replace my legs!? I am going to be a cripple for the rest of my life and you expect me to be ok with that!" I nearly shout though I did not mean to. Negative emotions just pour from every fibre of my being. I can feel everything but happiness. He does not even look at me. He almost ignores my outburst but, he at least addresses my statement. "Well, not exactly, but I can give you something to replace what was lost. You do not know who I am, obviously, or you would probably have crawled out the hole by now. I am the Mechanist. Former arch mage of the Celestial Court, outcast, and cruel corrupt wielder of dark magic... or so say." He finishes with a sarcastic tone at that last bit. Maybe a bit of malice mixed it. His face twisted with mixed emotions as if he remembered better days of his past before remembering the worse ones. I contemplate what exactly he meant by revealing his 'identity' of sorts. His name felt more like a title though, admittedly I had never heard of him. What I do know is that an Arch Mage is a high honor. They are the most powerful and knowledgeable of all Celestia's magi. Star Swirl the bearded was the first Arch Mage and created the magi order. Every Arch Mage since has either been worshiped or, on the rare instance their studies corrupted their minds to insanity, were hated and hunted like animals. They are very powerful beings. I do not fully believe that he is one if I am truly honest to myself. He looks young and does not seem too terribly powerful. I stare at him questionably "Really? What kind of name is the Mechanist anyway? You do not look like a powerful mage at all. Definitely not an Arch Mage." I almost sound confident before changing my tone to be friendlier. I would not want to offend my host who literally saved my life... some amount of time ago... I realize I have lost track of time during my unconsciousness. He does not seem offended thankfully. He takes a while before he responds. It is almost as if he is calculating a move in some sort of game except the game is our conversation. "Well, If I was an exiled Arch Mage would I want you to know that so easily? Perhaps my looks do not betray my age. Perhaps an Arch Mage is just a unicorn like any other, except with much more magic and knowledge at his or her disposal. We do not look any different from the average unicorn except fancy clothing while working for the Celestial Court. That time for me has long since past. Now, I, do not wear flashy clothing for I have no need for it. I simply continue my research until the end of my days." He seems solemn at the last part. His whole speech is well-spoken and hints at a much greater age than his looks imply though, now, I have no way of discerning the truth. I am troubled by my inability to read him effectively. "What about your name..." I continue cautiously now. I at least want his name. Who wants a total stranger who is shrouded in deception to be their caretaker. I really did not want a caretaker at all but, I should at least know their name if I am forced to have one. "You never told me your name. The Mechanist is not a name. It sounds like a title if I had to guess. What is the story?" I hope that, with a genuine demeanor, he will give me at least part of the truth. I still brace myself for disappointment regardless of my hopes. My expectation was only partly fulfilled. He looks at me before explaining vaguely what sounds like the truth though I have no way to prove it right now. "Well, the Mechanist is a title. I was the Arch Mage a while ago during a war against the changelings. I got my name from my work. I used various magics to create fake limbs that worked like, or better than, the old ones that were lost for my soldiers. I saved lives." He seemed upset, maybe even angry, while talking about a small portion of his past. Him revealing his skills was good though as it was exactly the kind of help I needed. He continues "Not everyone understands these kinds of things. Magic is a strange beast. There is no good or bad. There are only tools for us magi to use. I used many tools for my art. Some..." He seems especially frustrated at this part. "Some... that are even forbidden... Nobody understands that magics can be mixed and used for good in the right hooves." I wonder what he meant by mixing forbidden magics. I was only an earth pony after all. I never studied magic because I could never hope to use it. The magic I supposedly owned, in the form of strength and skill with plants, had come to me naturally without study. Even pegasi learned to fly and shape weather eventually even without a teacher. Only unicorns had to study their art to unlock their greatest potential. He was right. I could never understand him. We sat in silence after the tense moment. He seemed to calm very quickly. The pain started to get worse but he noticed and gave me another vial. After drinking it I felt woozy but, the pain was more a dull ache again. I was grateful to have someone taking care of my grievous injuries like this. I would not mind paying him a small fortune for his service. Hours seem to pass. He focuses and uses his magic twice. It was so powerful that pressure seemed to fill the room. I was concerned at first but over time it slowly receded. Strangely enough, even with such a powerful spell, nothing noticeable happened. He used his magic many more times but none compared to the pressurized spells he previously used. Suddenly he interrupts the monotony "Well I am done! Do you want to see them?" He removes two strange objects. I had noticed many metal parts around the room disappear over time but, I never realized this was where he was putting the. I inspect closer to see some kind of makeshift legs. It was honestly little more than eight rods connected to some kind of joint. The lower legs were thicker than usual and both limbs had some strange crystal fixed in them. They were large and slowly faded in and out with a bright purple glow. I honestly feel very unsure about this whole thing. I had hoped he would carry back to town. Now make some kind of improvised solution for a cripple in the wilderness. This seemed like insanity... Then I remembered his earlier statement about being an exiled Arch Mage. Was he serious about exile? Could he really not travel Equestria freely? What did he do that was so horrible. Banishment is only reserved for the vilest of murderers and horrible dictators. Nopony has been publicly banished in decades. I curiously ask him about the 'legs' he is offering me. "These are legs right? How do they work? Do you expect me to wear these. I am not so certain this will work." He seemed offended at my last statement but carried on. "Well, they are your legs so I would refrain from insulting them. It is the best I can do in this wilderness. They work through a mixture of magics. The main three are a modified form of manadite, life-force magic, and a form of transmutational melding magic. You won't 'wear' these as the last bit is the magic I use to permanently fix them to you as if they were your own." I am confused as I have heard of none of these magic types. Admittedly I am no mage of course and have never studied the art but there are a hand full of magics that are universally known. None of these magics fit into that category. I ask curiously "so what exactly are these magics? What do they do? Pardon my ignorance but, I am no mage." He seems to sway his head to and fro as he motions with one hoof. I would imagine him pointing to a board of some kind if he had one but, all I have to look at is air. "For starters, manadite is the easiest. The original manadite spell was made by Star Swirl and commissioned by Celestia herself. It is essentially condensing pure magic into a solid persistent substance that can store, and conduct, magic. There are various forms of it that vary greatly in storage efficiency and volatility but, mine is a custom spell that focuses on stability. This crystal will not release magic no matter what. It also stores an insane amount meaning the endurance for the legs may be very good." He seems to pause as he finishes the first subject. He continues onto the next seamlessly enough though "Life-force magic... I will admit that you know of it as death magic. That derogatory term comes from vile amateurs like that bandit who attacked your cart. They absorb life-force from themselves or others and condense it into pure destructive magical energy. How I use it is projecting my own life-force unto others to provide a healing effect. It is not malicious in the slightest. Dark magi just warped the art into something dark." Once again that pause. It is almost as if he were simulating flipping a page. It is rather astonishing how much of an encyclopedia he can be. I start to believe in his 'Arch Mage' story. "Lastly, transmutation and melding magic. they are two separate arts I combined into one. Essentially I can meld any material into any other material and introduce a gradual change. In this case your body and these replacement legs." "fake legs you mean" I jar into his explanation. He gives me a frustrated look before continuing "Ok, fake legs, if you will. I can literally combine them with your body seamlessly. You will even have feeling so long as the crystals can power the enchantments. They will work just like your old legs. I promise." He looks at me genuinely. I question this whole situation but, it is not like I have much choice. I need legs. I will take what I can get so long as it is not missing my two rear legs for the rest of my life. "Fine" I say with a defeated look. "I will take the legs. Will they work?" "certainly but..." I am not so sure I like the pause and his strategically placed 'but'. I listen carefully now. "There is one last thing. Applying the legs is going to hurt... a lot. Using melding magic on living things is considered a crime because of it. This is, of course, to give you the ability to walk again. I just need your permission to continue. I would sedate you but, the cocktail I gave you when I brought you here would not work. You need to be awake so I know that the legs are functioning properly." He looks as if he doubts me somehow. He seems unsure but, at the same time still determined to do his part. I am not afraid of pain but, I have not quickly forgotten the agony that was the hell of losing my legs. It was awful. I contemplated the implications of what he had to say. I likely sat here for an hour before I spoke. "Are you SURE this can work? If I am going to suffer I must know it will work." He responds quickly and confidently. "Certainly, and if it does not you will be there to let me know. Once they are fully fused to you I should be able to make minor corrections within seconds. This means the worst is actually attaching them. The corrections will be brief and much less severe." This sounds... ok... I really want to walk again but, I really do not want to be in more pain. I am still numb from earlier so I factor this into my decision. Perhaps it will not hurt as bad as he claims. I look at him with eyes full of wary trust. "I'll do it. Just get it over with." Hopefully, I do not end up regretting this.