
by RedundantRedundancy

Chapter 1

Octavia sat alone in the hideout, waiting for Blazing Fire. Like him, she had been taught the ways of the assassin. Working in the shadows to serve the light. Her life as a musician was long gone, she had decided it was a dull life, and she had wanted to become part of something worthwhile. Helping the innocent was an idea, so she joined Blazing Fire. Life as an assassin was difficult, everyday, she had to train and improve her skills.

Her deep thinking was interrupted by the door opening. Her mentor, Blazing Fire entered, he had just returned after a mission to assassinate a corrupted official.

“How did it go?” Octavia asked. Blazing Fire just grinned, giving her the answer she needed. After she had joined him in his quest as an assassin two years ago, she had enjoyed the adventure. Loving the thrill of jumping from rooftop to rooftop. She had also made many kills, proving her skill to Blazing Fire, impressing him.

The next day, the two assassins were sent a letter from Princess Celestia herself, telling them that she needed to see them as soon as possible. The two were surprised to receive as letter from her after so long. They went mobile right away. They packed up all of their belongings and left the hideout. The next train out of Manehatten was due to leave in 20 minutes.

The rooftops provided a good shortcut.

The two assassins sat on the train. They had taken off their assassin robes, making them look like a normal couple leaving the city for some reason others knew nothing about. Blazing Fire looked out the window, taking in the scenery of the beautiful land of Equestria as the train went along, running towards Canterlot. He wondered why the princess would summon them. There was a reason behind everything, some bring good, while others, hide an ugly truth. He hoped is was nothing bad. But then again, being an assassin always brings bad things to them.

Blazing Fire saw the imposing skyline of Canterlot on the horizon. Much had changed, new towering buildings had been built. Their spires seemingly touched the sky. But above them all, standing proud in its grandeur was Canterlot Castle. Home of Princesses Celestia and Luna. The two bearers of Day and Night. Rulers of Equestria.

Canterlot Castle stood proudly before them. The assassins approached the guard posted at the main gate.

“We are here under Princess Celestia's orders.” Blazing Fire said.

“Identify yourselves.” the guard replied in a monotone voice.

“I am Blazing Fire and this is Octavia.” Blazing Fire replied.

The guard let them in upon hearing the names. He had been informed that these two would arrive soon.

The assassins entered the castle. Upon entering, they were greeted by none other than Princess Celestia herself.

“Hello, Blazing Fire. It has been a long time.” the princess said. The two bowed, showing respect to the alicorn in front of them. The princess led them to the throne room, hoping to talk to them in private.

“I summoned you here to give you an offer,” Celestia said, “I see there are only two of you. Blazing Fire, why not expand this brotherhood of yours?” the princess said. The number of assassins had to grow. They needed allies. Two cannot simply match enemies with enormous influence.

“I know, it's been an obligation I seem to be always forgetting.” Blazing Fire replied. He knew Ezio was counting on him to extend the reaches of this Brotherhood, an important task given to him. More ponies had to join.

“There is one stallion who would join you,” Celestia continued, “though you must watch out, he is just as stealthy as you are.” the princess warned.

“How could that be?” Octavia asked, wondering what sort of pony this could be.

“Nopony knows, all they see is a dark figure flying in the sky.” the princess replied. It seemed that this mysterious pony was a pegasus. If he was going around killing the innocent, Blazing Fire would have to put a stop to that.

Everything else was given to them. Apparently, there seemed to be a group of ponies trying to hunt them down. They were led by an unknown figure who goes by the name: Hunter. Blazing Fire was not sure if this was the pony's real name or not, but he knew he had just made new enemies. Relentless ones who would kill just to get what they wanted.

They left Canterlot Castle, knowing what they needed to know. It was time to recruit new members.

“Octavia, we have to part ways for now. Look for those who will join us, I will look for this pegasus Celestia spoke of, and I will meet you in Ponyville.” Blazing Fire ordered. The gray mare nodded and went into the depths of Canterlot's busy crowds. Blazing Fire had work to do.

First, he went into a tavern, as there were plenty of rumors there. Some of those rumors might give him leads as to who this mysterious pegasus is. He sat down on the bar and talked to the barpony.

“Hey, I've heard rumors of a dark figure flying in the sky.” Blazing Fire said, hoping to get the information he needed.

“Ah. That one's been around for a year friend,” the barpony replied, “he's usually seen flying around the Everfree forest, they say he's tryin' to hide or somethin'” Blazing Fire nodded, he now had information that could lead to the discovery of this pegasus. After a few more minutes of searching for information, he finally left the bar. The sources said that this pegasus had suffered a freak accident, leaving him to be severely damaged. Others argued that he was an experiment gone wrong.

Blazing Fire knew that he had to go to one destination: Ponyville. There might be leads on how to find the pegasus there. Also, it was gonna make things a whole lot easier for the assassin. It was time to go hunting...