The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

Kings Vs Nexus


Max sat at the desk in the old admins workshop. Going over notes and research about abilities created and ideas of abilities. Some useful, some for just convenience, and some powerful ones. When he isn’t training either himself or his Kings he is usually here. 

Max put the papers down to look at a report next to him from one of his agents.

“ Nexus is growing bolder. While the War isn’t for quite sometime they haven’t slowed down. Gathering sentient beings to experiment on or expanding. We found they have destroyed over a hundred sentient worlds and a few dozens reflections in their wake. No signs of Vincent. Though those individuals the one known as Jericho has gathered now work for him. 

On another note we have the locations of a couple big compounds of theirs containing research on Void as well as different artifacts. We will continue to watch them.”

Max thought for a few minutes. Wondering what to do with this info. The Void is basically his now. With him being the Emperor after all. The Void Mother from what he knows so far stays in her own sector of Void. Very, very, very rarely ever leaves. Why would she. When she is stronger than any of Mother in any creation. 

Max got up and walked out of the shop. He knows what to do.

Time to strike.


Max stood in front of six individuals. Five of them wearing cloaks. The only exception being the knight Agamemnon. These were his Kings.

“What’s going Max?” The small cloaked individual said with a female voice. 

“He wouldn’t have called us here without a reason. Give him a chance to speak.” Agamemnon said. 

“That's alright my knight. We all know how she is. Isn’t that right Frisk?” Max said. 

Frisk removed her hood showing her blonde hair. “You know me Max.” Neutral Frisk said with a smile. She was a special kind of Frisk. 

“As for why we’re here. Nexus has been growing bolder. My troops found a couple compounds of theirs. I think it’s time to show them why I’m the Void Emperor and your My Kings.” Max said

“And Empress right hehe?” Frisk said opening one of her eyes. Revealed a red eye with a black sclera. 

Max sighed. ‘She’s going to be the death of me I just know.’ 

“I’ll stay here while you six target these areas. You’ll have objectives there. Show them who really rules The Void.” Max said.

They all nodded as Max opens portals for each of them. Each walking through their respective portal. 

But before Max could close them Frisk ran back in, jumped up to his height, kissed him real quick, and ran back to her portal winking at him as she disappeared through it. 

Max stood there for a few seconds…..that slowly became minutes.

“Sigh. She will definitely be the death of me one day.” Max said. Although he had a small smile on his face.


Agamemnon looked at the base in the distance. Taking note of the guards he sees. Nexus personal and Void beast alike. A bit surprised they tamed them. Although it’s most likely from the use of an artifact they acquired or even created. He took note of the base itself. It was a three story building, but only a fool would believe that. The hills surrounding it were all the same, man made, it went far, far deeper down. It’s metal, from what he could tell, was not of creation, but the Void, it gave a framilier sense of something they could not quite pin down. The guards Void weapons were all basic Void infused blades, one however did have a unique one. A Void Firearm. He knew they existed, but they were quite rare, and this one was a rifle to boot. That sniper would be a challenge, but not impossible . 

‘Hm. Let’s see. How to approach. If it was Max he would just stroll in there and kill everything as he walks by. The difference between him and those guards from what I sense is that great. No sign of Vincent so no major worries. Frisk stands the best chance not counting Max himself. Now though. How to proceed.’ Agamemnon thinks. He looks at the sniper. For a sniper he is surprised it hadn't spotted him yet. He’s a frickin seven foot tall knight in white armor for voids sake!?

Unless… He thought, eyeing the sniper. Something was wrong here. They were eyeing them, in the corner of their sightline, but why not set the alarms? Looking at the surrounding fields… Ah. Traps. Powerful void mines at that. His armor would hold, but a well timed explosion plus bullet from the sniper might crack his armor, and that was worrisome.

He looked at the sniper. Making him know he sees the traps. Even from here he sees him flinch. He takes a small step, and smirks as the sniper reacts accordingly. A bullet loudly shot towards him. Aiming at his head. Only for Agamemnon to cut it in halve mid air. He then quickly transverses the field dodging the traps as the bullet explodes. The sniper surprised from the action quickly fires a few more but Agamemnon learned the speed of the bullet already. They just keep missing as he then finds himself beyond the traps.

Once he was passed the traps, the melee foot soldiers and Void Beasts began their assault. While the Void beasts attacked without pattern or strategy, the soldiers used this chaos to try and deal in damage, but their weapons merely bounced off of Agamemnon’s Armor. He put his own sword away and just used their own blades to cut them down. He dropped them afterwards. They were just regular blades with void. The beast tried attacking him. They stood a better chance at  scratching his armor then the soldiers, but failed as well. He just kept walking. He heard a small whistling and snatched something in the air. A bullet. He looks to where it came from to see a hallway. But noticed two small spots on the wall to the left and at the end of the hall which goes left or right. Bullet marks. So he tried to ricochet the bullet. Clever. This isn’t your ordinary Nexus soldier.

The soldier vanished someplace, these upper three floors were largely food and ammunitions. Though, he did find one little trinket. A Void Stone, like the ones The Outsider uses.

“Hm. What’s this doing here? Max told us about Hollow and his stuff, but why do Nexus have this? Better take it, and find any information they might have.” He said as he stored it. He kept walking down the halls. He eventually came across an elevator. One might not blink much at first, but this was an express elevator. It had no business being in such a small building. He put his hand on the wall. It was active and going down. Well he knows where the sniper went now. He pulled open the doors and looked down. 

Arriving at the first negative floor, the size was… larger than he expected. It was easily fifty miles in all directions, and while the ceiling went a far way up, the room was divided by curtain walls, the smell of sanitation was clear, but Agamemnon could feel this was no medical bay. Slowly, they pulled back one of the curtains, and saw a man, right arm replaced by a twisted amalgamation of their own flesh and various metals, their legs morphing into something inhuman, eyes bandaged over, and their still human looking hand was hooked to something feeding an unknown liquid into their body. Their vital signs were reading one heart beat a minute, slow and barely alive.

Agamemnon looked over the files of this person that was next to them.

Subject #005L7K

Gender: Male

Subject has been fed via IV Serum 9, convergence from human to {REDACTED} is showing complete failure. Their body is rejecting the transformation and their mind has shut down entirely. Yet, their heart beats, ever slowly, but all results show negative. Project Eon Subject #005L7K will be terminated and recycled tomorrow afternoon

Agamemnon grips the files hard. He turns towards the one on the bed. “I’ll make it as painless as possible.” He holds one hand over them and another to the side. He is still new to these powers Max helped him acquire from that admin, but if he is right. Code appears in both hands. One hovers over the body as if scanning it while the over create a dagger. With just one use for it.

He stabs the body where the heart would be. He hears the heart stop as the machine gives a flatline. He watches the body and dagger disintegrate in front of him. He looks down the hall, and knows he isn’t done yet. There as to be at least one that can be helped. So he continues.

Many, so many were like the first, basically dead. There was one though, a child, so young, maybe four. She was a pale blue, skin glittered like snow in summer, hair black as the void itself. The same fluids were being injected into her.

Subject #932P0M

Gender: Female

Subject seems to have taken to Serum 9 extremely well, unexpectedly well. Her transformation from Dark Elf to {REDACTED} is nearing completion. She will be moved with the other Project Eon successes tomorrow morning at Primary Base. Her Codename is Lice.


“Project Eon...hope I can find some information about it somewhere here. Can’t unhook her from this without knowing if there are repercussions doing it. If I can find others like her here then I’ll try to get them all out. Max will want to know this. Frisk would probably try to adopt them. Heh. I best leave a few knights here just in case. That sniper is still in the building somewhere. Once I gather all the data I can and get her and other children out. I’m ripping this building apart.” Agamemnon said. Creating a few knights. Two with sword and shields and two with bows. He made sure they were strong. He looks at Lice one more time before heading off. 

He can’t help but wonder though. Just what are they planning?

He was at the next floor. Not sure what to find here. It was largely moore medical rooms, though these seemed… different. Opening the doors, he spotted indoor gardens with various plants from the void. His eyes wide as the multitude of rare void plants and herbs here. He only ever read about most of these plants.

He gazed around. Knowing that if the admin of plants was here he wouldn’t even to be dragged out. Some of these herbs can even be used to combat the special poisons some void beasts have. He’ll have to remember to have more knights gather the safe and properly plants and herbs. As he turns he stopped. He heard a noise...from this room.
“Ugh. Damn Milpocalitu-” At the doorway, stood… Cript. Agamemnon would recognize them anywhere, however, this one was different. Their hair was long, body weak, they even had glasses! Another C.R.I.P.T project. “... Oh god please tell me the guards just got an upgrade…” They prayed.

“No. I know you're a C.R.I.P.T, but much different. Who are you?” He asked. Although a seven foot tall knight that looks like it can eat you as a snack must have been intimidating. Because he thinks this one nears wet itself.

“Uh… C.R.I.P.T project AKFGT36890PL, but everyone calls me… Nerd…” They said hushly. “I was made solely for intelligence. No powers at all, just a brain that learns things faster than a quantum computer and can calculate damn near anything… Including my odds of surviving if you think I’m worthless…”

“While true. Brains are very important. So I’ll give you a choice.” He said.

“Good, good… So… what brings Agamemnon to this base?” Nerd asked, trying not to faint or soil themselves.

“I’m basically raiding this base. I’ve seen the floor above...and I’m not pleased.” He said leaking out some KI. Killer Intent.

They nervously laughed. “Yeah… They’ve been hammering hard on the quota for the Eon project…”

“Yes. This project. You will take to the main office and mainframe of this base, inform me if there are any other survivors like Lice, and where they store any artifacts of interest.” He said.

“Oh… That’s the issue. You see, Lice is the only current success on base and the success rate of Serum 9 is one in every two… thousand… The others are all already at Primary Base with Vincent and the Void Mother…”

“Fine, and the other request.” He said.

“Artifacts aren’t kept on base, at least not this one. This place is solely for Project Eon research, and Serum 9 production. Heck everyone who has a weapon here brought it with when they arrived. Mainframe is on the lowest level but is guarded by a… uhhh…. A Project Berzerk....”

“What is a Project Berserk?” Agamemnon asked. 

“Okay, so back in the Admin war, the Admin of Berzerkers was rivaled only by the Admin of war. The two were strong enough that they could easily destroy an entire cycle if they wanted. Roughly sixty-five thousand years ago Nexus found a remnant of the Admin of Berzerkers and tried to revive them from it. It failed but the byproducts, the Project Berserks, are still strong enough to crush Dark Monofilament and have a high Void resistance.”

Agamemnon thinks a bit. ‘Sounds pretty powerful. Don’t know how I’ll stack against it, but I need that info. Pretty sure the others will face something similar to this. I have to push onward.’ He looks at Nerd. “Very well. Lead me there. I’ll make sure any Nexus soldier doesn’t kill you for being a ‘traitor’.” He told him.

“Thanks… Can I pack some stuff then?” They asked.

“As you wish, but try not to cross me..” he let the threat hang. Just to make sure he won’t try anything.

Nodding, they made quick pace to Nerd’s room… if you could call it that. It was more like a small broom closet with a sleeping bag, lap top, Anime girl body pillow… and a few other things. Nerd pulled out a small cube like item, using it to scan the room as all their items were placed inside the small device. 

‘Wonder if he would reject a position on our side?’ Agamemnon thought as he saw the living conditions he had. “One more question. Is the one code named Lice stable to move or should she be given something first?” He asked.

“Yes, she can be moved but… Well, how much do you know about Project Eon so far?” Nerd asked as they moved through the floor. Agamemnon noticed a lack of… guards. Lack of lots of things really.

“Not much. Only that it’s turning the patient’s into something else, and that nearly all have failed and are better off dead.” He said. “Where are the guards? That couldn’t have been them all upstairs.”

“Heh… it was…” Nerd coughed. “Used to be a lot more but… after Vincent took over once Jericho turned out to be a traitor, it was… a massacre. They killed everyone who did not back Vincent was… killed, or worse… recycled…”

“Recycled? What does that mean?” He asked. They were nearing the opening to the next floor.

Nerd stopped walking for a bit, rubbing their neck, trying to speak but not finding words. They simply tapped on the walls. “How else do you think these places were built in the Void?”

Agamemnon was shocked. This place ...Max has to know this. 

“What’s worse is that they’re still alive in there… Forced to become Deletes, then melted down alive into the building and facility materials. Everything here from the floors, walls, cables, even the fucking toilets are made from.... So many people. I swear I hear them crying at night, it’s when this place is the quietest.”

“....I promise.” Agamemnon said with Nerd suddenly looking at him. “ I promise that once we’re done here. I’ll put them to rest.” 

Nerd gave an unsure nod. The next floor was storage of the serum 9. There was a lot of it here. “I find it so fascinating how alone, a lot of these Void herbs and plants are actually helpful… but when mixed, alter the person so much.”

Agamemnon looked around at all the serum. He created a few knights to take as much as they can. “My group will try to research this. Try to see if anything it does can be undone. How many floors are left?” He asked.

“Two. Next is… The Kennel, then the mainframe room.” Nerd said. “I don’t know what Vincent is going to do to all the Eon subjects… but I do know what Serum 9 is doing to them…” Nerd said, Agamemnon looking over to them. “They’re basically Void Conduits, but… something is still different compared to past attempts.”

“Probably gave up trying to make a full conduit? What’s the Kennels? It houses all the Void Beast?” He asked.

“Used to… One out of every two thousand Serum 9 subjects become these… Void Conduit like beings, 1,980 end up… like that up stairs… the rest…” Nerd shivered. “It reminds me of the Dream Project…”

“Max once mentioned something about that. Found and copied some notes about it. Even has one vial of the stuff locked away.” Agamemnon mentions.

“He WHAT?!” Nerd said, panic and anger in their voice. “Unless he has a death wish he should burn it all. That ‘Project’ was far, far worse than what is happening here, fuck that ‘project’ makes the Void Mother look like the vergin Marry!”

“He isn’t stupid. He already knows that stuff is extremely dangerous as an understatement. If he finds no other reason for holding it he will destroy it and the notes. He told us all that. Anything else on this floor?” He asked.

“No, just the serum 9. The completed batches anyway.”

“Okay.” They kept moving. When Agamemnon suddenly through his hand out and caught something in front of Nerd. He opens his hand. A bullet. “ well the sniper is in the area.”

“Holy shit!” Nerd yelped, falling back after seeing the bullet. “You didn’t tell me someone else was still alive?!”

“He’s been hiding. Probably thinks your a traitor. Although...he made the error of gives away his position.” He puts his hand on the ground. He focuses for a bit. “...there you are.” He flicks the bullet. He ritchotes a bit off walls and containers before it hits something and someone yelled out. “Left leg upper thigh. Won’t get far.” He sets out to finish it. 

“Yeah… he still will…” Nerd said, Agamemnon suddenly seeing a blur pass by them and down the elevator. “He’s a Speedster.”

“So that’s how he does it. Now that I know he’s finished. Because that blur was pretty slow compared to a few I know.” He said as they made their way.

“You don’t know much about Speedsters do you?”

“One of the ones I know is basically the Admin of Speed.” He said. 

“Then you should know they heal quick and I know for a fact he forced me into making him a few doses of the Velocity drugs….”

“Trust me. He won’t win.” He said as they enter the next floor.

The Kennels were filled with cages. Agamemnon saw that a lot of them were still filled with…. Grotesque mutations of former humans. All they did was roar and bash against the walls, those close enough to one another trying to kill each other through the bars.

“How were they able to tame the ones above? An Artifact?” He asked.

“The Void beasts above were… gifts… when Vincent began working for the Void Mother. These beasts are the unlucky Serum 9 subjects who didn’t end up basically dead or turn Conduit. Just mindless animal instinct.”

“Would you want me to have them sent back or put them down as painless as possible?” He asked.

“Honestly, I don’t know- Oh fuck…” Nerd said, he and Agamemnon looking at the largest cage here, busted open. “Oh shit…. Oh shit… oh shit…”

“The Berzerker?” He asked.

“No, that was Subject 449K0L… They were a Kryptonian…”

“Anything special I should know?” Agamemnon asked. 

“Oh you know, Sunlight makes the basically immortal, but the Serum 9 altered them so now they are basically immortal while in the void… which we are in…”

“The only one truly immortal is Cript. This Kryptonian will die like anything else. Presumably that he can’t be converted to our side at least.” He said.

“These subjects are pure animals, beastial instinct. Add that to a Kryptonian and-” Suddenly, Agamemnon was rammed right into the still filled cages, a cracking flesh man with void bleeding eyes having rammed them, their punches making dents in his armor. Small dents, but dents reguardless.

Agamemnon grabbed both arms as they powered against each other. Suddenly the horns on his helmet started charging a void blast before firing right in the mans face.

Roaring an inhuman sound, the Kryptonian’s eyes blasted a heated Void Shot, barely missing the eye visor on his helmet, but SLICING off his helmets horns before gut kicking them into the wall behind him. “Drain their Void!” Nerd yelled out from… someplace. Agamemnon could not tell.

Agamemnon pushes himself off the wall. He checks his helmet and armor. “Been a long time since someone done damage like this to my armor, but you won’t get any further.” He said looking right back at the kryptonian. “ I have something that will take care of you.”  Agamemnon put his right hand on his left side and waits for the kryptonian to attack.

It roared and flew at him with incredible speed. Before stopping. It looked down to see a spear suddenly impaling it. “This isn’t just a spear. It’s draining you of your Void, and it’s made of a special mineral from your world. You are strong, but it takes more than raw strength to kill me.” He said as he saw the life leave the kryptonian. When it was over he broke the spear off inside him. Leaving the spear head.  “ it’s over. Come out now.” He called to Nerd.

From someplace, Nerd came out, rushing up to Agamemnon.”That was impressive.” He said.

“ All that’s left is the sniper and the berserk. Then we’re at the mainframe.” He said. Walking towards the exit. ‘Will have to patch my armor when I get back. Maybe reforge it into something stronger. Wonder if the berserk can make me use “that”’. He thought.

As they arrive at the last floor, they saw the Speedster Sniper at the end of the hallway, rife tossed as he injected one of the Velocity drugs they had Nerd make, the syringe falling and hitting the ground where seven others all littered the floor. 

Agamemnon looked at the vials. Then glanced at Nerd to gauge his reaction. He was already in the elevator, pushing the UP button.

Suddenly, Agamemnon was upside down, smashed into the walls, then again tossed on the other side. He didn’t even see when the Speedster grabbed or moved him.

Agamemnon closed his eyes. ‘So he made himself this fast. Alright. Time to take it up a notch.’ He snapped his eyes open as he was covered in light. The speedster was confused. When the light faded. Agamemnon was standing upright. Although he changed his armor. No longer was it white, but a dark blue. The color was the only appearance change. So he didn’t think much and charged again.
Only for Agamemnon to grab his arm as he got close. “Your going to need to be much faster I’m afraid.” He said as he slammed a fist into the speedster’s gut. Making him hack up blood as he hit the wall and bounced around the room.

The Speedster forced themselves up, looking at the blood as they began radiating with a sudden explosion of Blue Lightning. The Blue Lightning quickly shifted to a red one as Agamemnon saw their wounds healing. They were making just their body move fast enough to heal themselves even faster than normal. Once it was over they zoomed out and around Agamemnon, the two now on opposite ends of the room.

He looked at the speedster. “So you can still move faster. Well to be honest in terms of raw power, rather that be strength, speed, or magic. I’m the weakest of the Kings. However. I have my own ways to keep up.” He said as walks towards the speedster. Who was confused for a bit on why he was moving so slow.

He blitzing around the room and Agamemnon for a few seconds before striking. Only for Agamemnon to grab his kick and throw him across the room. Before he recovered from the throw Agamemnon summoned a large guartlet and slammed him into another room.

Agamemnon watched as the Speedster made themselves get back up, laughing. “Weakest huh?” They said, spitting out more blood.

 “Everyone is weak in one way or another. You for example. Experience and durability. If you were as tough as you were fast you would have tanked those hits. Such is the cost for speed. It’s balanced out by a lack of defense. Like extraordinary power or defense lacks speed. There are exceptions though. Your not one of them.” He said. Replacing the gauntlet for a simple sword. “Especially since most of your speed is from drugs.”

“Hehehe. They boosted me enough… enough to make some backup.” Suddenly, Agamemnon was pushed back out of the room. Looking, countless time remnants of the Speedster were present. “Perks of Being a speedster, so long as there’s a single remnant, I’m not dead.”

Agamemnon looks around some more. “Another thing you lack. Planning ahead.” Agamemnon said with a look that sent chills down the speedsters spine. What did that mean?

“Your not the first opponent to try to outnumber me. I’ve faced many a foe in my life. Your just faster than most. You say I can’t kill you if one remnant remains. Then.”  Agamemnon said as blades started appearing around him. “I’ll just destroy every last one of them.” He grabs a sword and swings it. Revealing it as a chain sword. Moving fast enough over a quarter of the remnants were wiped before the other moved away. Agamemnon wasn’t finished. He threw a spear which multiplies in the air and speared more remnants. In less than two atto seconds over half of the remnants were gone. “We’re just getting started.” He said.

"No, it's over." The original said, as suddenly Agamemnon felt a push… from inside their own armor. An odd sensation flowed over them as they suddenly were outside their own armor, hitting the ground as the one who stole their armor stepped on their head. "Phasing through solid matter. Even vibrating so fast we look invisible." They said, suddenly countless more remnants appearing. Hidden no longer.

Agamemnon was silent for a few seconds. Then he chuckled. “Like I said. Planning ahead.” He said looking at the speedster. He was confused when he realized. He...he couldn’t move. Not even a millimeter. He couldn’t even uses the speed force to vibrate or anything. What...what’s going on?!

"What did you do, you bastard?!"

“ I intentionally told you of my weakness. Leading you to figure out my armor was a huge factor for me. I knew you would use your power to remove me from it. Thinking you would win. When in actuality you sealed your fate.” Agamemnon said getting up before putting his old white armor on while looking at the speedster still in his blue armor.

“You see only those I choose can wear it. When you put it on. It took a bit because of the method you used, but you are now frozen. As well as your remnants.” He said as he looked at all the frozen remnants.

“And now.” Agamemnon said as blades filled the room piecing every remnant in multiple areas. With Agamemnon himself stabbing the one in the armor. “And you can’t heal this one.” He said and he pulled the blade out. Blood pouring from the wound.

They all fell over dead, Agamemnon getting up and cleaning out their armor before putting it away. He calls out. “Come on out Nerd. It’s over.”

"3… 2… 1." Nerd's voice called out from an intercom, as suddenly there was an echoing thud… the Berzerk, Agamemnon remembered.

He turned to look at the Berzerk. It was about his size, muscles almost ripping out of their skin, which was an ash grey color, eyes were. Bright and deep blue, and it's attire was a haphazard torn jumpsuit. It had no hair, and when it saw Agamemnon, it roared, the building cracked from the volume and Agamemnon even had to try and block the sound from defining them.

Agamemnon looked on at the thing. Impressed by its power. “Your definitely strongly then the speedster. No wonder you guard the Mainframe.”

It didn't speak, but roared again as it charged. It was not as fast as the Speedster, but even though Agamemnon was braced for Impact, ready to block, it's strength went from impressive, to fearful, as it jammed it's arms Through his armor, grabbing his flesh and ripping out two of his ribs before punching him into the wall and several miles through the void tainted earth behind them. The dent in his armor was massive, and made moving a breathing difficult, on top of the acquired injury. And this was a failed by-product, Nerd had said.

Agamemnon breathed. He did a quick inspection of the wound. Even an idiot would tell you losing two ribs was bad. He looked down the tunnel his body made from the impact. Pretty deep. This thing was very strong. He couldn’t help but grin. It’s been a while since he was hurt this badly. He noticed the Berzerk was rushing him again. He grinned as he changed armors.

Nerd was watch from some cameras of the area and saw the Berzerk charge the hole it made with Agamemnon's body. A few seconds pass...when the Berzerk was launched out of the hole making its own tunnel in the earth. Surprised by this. He sees Agamemnon wall out of the hole with new armor. Blood Red. With two gauntlets on his arms like the one he used against the speedster.  

The Berzerk charged from its hole as Agamemnon went to meet the clash. They both struck and their fist collided. The shockwave not only shook the building but almost disabled the cameras.

Agamemnon and the Berzerk were in a tense, powerful stalemate, neither was able to push the other back or move so long as their fists gripped the others in an attempt to move the other away. That was, until Agamemnon began to feel pressure on their gauntlets, the Berzerk was actually BENDING their weapon. It was even stronger than they anticipated.

Agamemnon kicked upward kicking it in the chip. He pulled back his fist. “Come one!” He slugged the Berzerk with his right gauntlet  knocking it towards the wall then tackling it through more of the earth. After a few seconds he stopped and uppercuts the Berzerk hard enough he went through the void earth and was out in the void. Agamemnon jumped out the hole as the creature lands creating a crater not far from the hole.

The Berzerker jumped out, not a scratch on them as they landed a hit on Agamemnon's head, the helmet shattering on impact as their head took the rest of the blow. The impact sent him through several of the man-made hills. His jaw was broken, and teeth missing.

He pushes himself back up. Jumps out of the way of the Berzerk. When it turns towards him he was in a dark green armor wielding a bow. The string and arrow made of Void lighting. He released the arrow and it struck the Berzerk. The force sending it through a few hills as it roars in pain from the blast. 

Agamemnon lands on the ground. He sees it charging again. “Amusing.” He switches both the armor and bow. The armor now a silver armor and the weapon a huge one sided axe. He swings the axe colliding with the fist. The blade digging into the fist a bit.

This didn't stop the Berzerker however, who kept their momentum in their punch, bending the weapon and landing a hit, Agamemnon managed to tank it, but his axe would need repairs. He saw the Berzerker roar in pain, it's body actually growing larger. He then realized, Pain and injury make them stronger, angrier.

He brings out a better axe and they collide again. continued for about a minute. Agamemnon having to switch his axe four times. The Berzerk was now over a foot his height before he was slugged in his gut. He coughed up blood as he was sent back. He feet digging a trench. After nearly a mile he finally stopped. He saw it charging again so he charged another void blast on his helmets horns the blast sending the Berzerk back a dozen yards before it stopped and started pushing through the blast.

When it was close enough it grabbed the horns, broke them off, and stabbed them through the armor into his left lung and liver. It then reared back it’s right arm. It grew twice in size and glowed before it slammed it into Agamemnon. A mountain size dust cloud formed from the impact. 

It was about to move forward when it heard a noise.

“~Beepbeepbeep. Time is up. Armor is ready.~”  A little doll like creature was floating around. It disappeared before the Berzerk could kill it. It then heard footsteps. It looked towards the dust to see something walking towards it. It could barely make out the figure but knew it wanted to kill it. It roars and charges forward and slammed another charged fist into the figure. 

When the smoke cleared...Agamemnon stood there. In a sleek black and gold armor. The fist of the Berzerk broken on the torso. No dent. Didn’t even move him.

“Sorry for the wait, but it’s over. Your strong. One of the strongest I’ve ever faced. This is my third strongest armor. These armors take time to use. So I was just buying time with the others. If I wasn’t focusing on getting the armor. I would have done much more damage with the other armors, but I had to equip this as a pro caution.” He grabbed the broken fist. The Berzerk pulled back, and pulled, and pulled. But he couldn’t leave the grip.

Agamemnon punched it in the torso. Breaking its ribs and sternum as well as sending it flying. 

When it landed it slowly pushed itself up. Hacking up blood. It heard a noise and saw Agamemnon not far.

“Now. It’s time to end this.” Agamemnon said. He summoned in his right hand a two handed double edged curved sword. His signature sword. “Kingsblade.”

The Berzerk saw him start to slowly bring to blade to his left side and it started to glow. And for the first time in its’s instincts were screaming in fear to run.

King…” Agamemnon said as his blades glow became brighter and brighter as the air and ground trembles.

It’s instincts taking. Nerd who was watching from some camera had his jaw drop. Because out of everything. He would never have expected the flee in terror.

It went for a bout a mile in under a second, but even if it was ten times was too late.

Slayer.” Agamemnon finished as he swung.

Next thing Nerd new the cameras went white...before the entire building shook like a massive earthquake. He fell to the floor trying to stay stable. The shaking lasted nearly a minute. When it was over he saw the cameras were full of static. He didn’t take the chance and ran towards the hall. He opens the blast doors on the windows to see the result. What he saw ...was...was.

“Sweet ever loving baby daddy of The Mother.” Nerd said, the entire area was glass smooth, only and the whole of the buildings underground was not exposed. Even the darkness of the sky was a bit clearer of the endless clouds.

Agamemnon was looking where he struck. Not even the atoms remain of the creature. He looked at his sword and murmured something that made Nerd, who was using a device to hear from the distance, pause. “Even with just that it did this much. Have more work to do. It’s over though.” He said as he turned to walk back. Not even changing armors.

It took a minute but he was back and another minute later he and Nerd was in front of the Door for the Mainframe. “Anything to note of what could be on the other side?” He asked Nerd.

“Just the data banks.” Nerd said. “Been so short staffed, thankfully these systems are built for self maintenance when or if needed.” The doors opened, inside was, something simple, Agamemnon was surprised to see. A few giant wires, all hooked into a single stand where a small computer laptop rested, recording data.

“Everything here is on that laptop correct.” He asked.

“Older records too.” Nerd said, walking up to it and began typing. “All this places main systems are controlled from here also, just need to shut it all down so Lice can be removed safely… and done.” Soon, all the lights began to turn off, dimmer, reserve lights flickered to life as Nerd unhooked the computer from there. “Everything on Project Eon and some older projects is here.”

“Very well. Let’s go. I signaled my knights to retrieve the girl. We’ll meet them outside then head back. I need to get fixed.” Agamemnon said as he walked towards the exit. A little limp here and there. 

“Oh? Where are we going?” Nerd asked, keeping up. “Also, can we head back to the lab for a moment, there’s some medical supplies that could be of help for you right now.”

“Very well. As for where. Max’s castle. Where the Void Emperor lives. Only he, and without question if she were to try the Void Mother, know where it is. Max keeps moving it to avoid detection. From what his spy’s say only the mother so far can find him if she were to try to do well...being in the Void.” He said leading them back towards the lab.

“That makes sense.” Nerd said, he and Agamemnon reaching the medical room. “Here , let me see the wounds.”

“Can these supplies heal missing ribs and teeth?” He asked.

“Yeah. One thing Nexus was good at was medicine.” He said, opening a box filled with various vials and needles.

“You mean one thing that wasn’t either experimenting or slaughter.” He basically stated. “Or at least after Vincent became its boss.”

“Heh, yeah.” Nerd said, searching the vials. “What’s your blood type?”

“O.” He said remove the left armor gauntlet of his armor. 

“Right then. Any damaged organs?” He asked, inserting a syringe needle into one of the vials.

“Pierced lung and liver. Ruptured stomach. Bruised heart. And a nearly destroyed large intestine.” He said.

“Okay, definitely more of the Cell Charge Serum then. No shellfish allergies? These serums were made from the spinal fluids of a giant shrimp in one of the Ocean based realities.”

“No.” He said. 

“Alright then. Now, once I inject this, it will hurt, and after words you will need to eat something… a lot of somethings actually.” He said, taking out more vial fluids into the needle.

“That’s fine, and I’m accustomed to pain. Otherwise I would be passed out by now.” He said.

“Clearly.” He said, swabbing the skin with an alcohol cotton swab before injecting it. The liquid burned as it rapidly rushed through Agamemnon’s body, his bones began to reform from there fractures, his organs healing rapidly as even the blood began to clear out and be replaced by new blood. His teeth reformed, jaw rapidly self reset itself as it healed and skin began molding back to normal over their body. Within a minute or so, it was over, and Agamemnon was feeling in perfect health, and extremely hungry.

“I’ll be able to eat back at base. Better there than here where Nexus might come out of nowhere.” He said.

“Doubtful.” Nerd said, tossing the used needle and closing the medicine box. “After Vincent really took over, when the slaughtering began, our regular supplies were shortened to once every six months, and even had us disable our emergency beacons. Vincentis expecting these bases to fall and doesn’t care. If I was to calculate a guess, I’d say he’s giving out the bases as part of his prime goal.”

“And you don’t know what that is. The prime goal.” He asked.

“Whatever it is, all I know is that it involves him, the Void Mother, and Cript…”

“I don’t like this. Just what is he planning? The sooner anyone finds out the better. That thing is something that shouldn’t exist.” He said as they made their way towards the exit where the knights and a sleeping Lice waits.

“I hear Max hates Cript… is he gonna try and kill me on sight?”

“Your Nerd. Not Cript. While before he might have. Frisk has...made him mellow out a bit. Even started calling herself the Void Empress and he doesn’t even try to correct her or anything. I half expect her to probably try to adopt Lice herself.” He said.

“He...what?” Nerd asked, looking surprised. Agamemnon could tell, their mind was calculating something rapidly.

“Also one more question. Be honest. What did you actually think my odds were of beating that thing?” He asked.

At hearing that, Nard gave a half hearted smile, giving a soft punch to their head. “Do you know what the downside to a brain like mine is? I can basically calculate out the same event and how it played out in past Cycles. You fighting that thing was the same, as the last ones, seventy four percent chance of victory.”

Agamemnon stopped. Nerd looking back at him. “What do you mean..Cycles?

Looking back up, nerd looked back at the fallen base behind them. “Isn’t it obvious? This has all happened before. Many times...each time, same events, near same outcomes with bare minimal diffrences.My brain, from a young age I realized this in my calculations. Out of all of them, there was one where it was a worst case scenario.” They said, looking around for a bit before finding a large stone just at the crater's edge. Motioning, Agamemnon moved it… stepping back in fear… The corpse they saw was… “They all lead to the same outcome of this war though… each, and every time.” Nerd said, picking up the tarnished, battle broken helmet of Agamemnon’s strongest armor, a fossilized skeleton head falling out. “Coming here was all the proof I needed to confirm, those calculations were true all along.”

Agamemnon looked at all this. “...” before his eyes sharpened. “Max must know this.”

“His anger.” Nerd spoke up, an unexpected tone from their voice, bravery. “You said, he was calming down? Yes?”

“I did. Frisk was a major help.” He said. Wondering why he is asking that.

“In every calculation from each cycle, Max was forever enraged, angry… he has never once in any cycle… been calm.”

“Then that means one thing.” He said looking over the corpses.

“This cycle… will be the last, for better… or worse.” Nerd said, placing the helmet down.

Frisk observes the Compound. Seeing the land around it and the place itself. It was built like a castle, stone walls reinforced by metal sheet welding, while there were Nexus agents roaming around, most of the security comprised of robots and automatic turrets.

“Hm. Impressive, but not much actually manpower on the outside. Either this place relies mostly on robots, or their that arrogant on their defenses.” She says to herself. She jumps down from the cliff. Landing on the ground. She starts walking towards the castle. She watches as the robots and turrets start turning towards her, and they started to prepare to fire. 

She smirks. “Well let’s see how good they are.” She says. She summons seven souls of a variety of colors. Yellow, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, and Red. The Dark blue goes towards her feet and covers them. She then disappears. The guards didn’t know where she teleported to. In actuality. That soul only gave her a massive speed boost. She could have made it without using the souls, but felt like stretching for a bit. She was behind three guards that were looking for her when she then kicks them in the back. They fell over. She broke their spines and completely paralyzed them. The sound of them hitting the floor alerts the others though.

As she turns around to deal with the newcomers, suddenly, something slams into her from behind, sending her flying a few feet. She easily catches herself, seeing one of the guards she attacked stand back up, their spin audibly refixing itself as they turned to her, their eyes shifting into large white slits. A Symbiote. 

“Hm interesting. So you can play more? Well you’ll regret being able to.” She said playfully at first, before getting ire serious at the end as the orange soul splits. Forming orange boxing gloves that went out and punches holes in the newcomers that were almost there as she grabs the symbiote and throws it towards the ground floor.

It caught itself, it’s almost living pudding like body gripping her arm, the spin they performed to catch themselves made Frisk land face first into the ground before they backed up, their Symbiote covering their host body as they stood easy not four feet taller than her in this form.

She gets up and brushes the dust off her shirt. Before looking up to see the symbiote had thrown a small section of wall that was twice her size her way. It hits the ground making it think it connected. Only for a purple page floats in front of it and her fist came out of it and smashed it through the wall. She jumps out of the page as it forms a purple notebook before becoming the purple soul again.

The symbiote took a moment to gather their surroundings, and rapidly, to Frisk’s surprise, suddenly vanished. Invisibility or teleportation, either way she could tell they were gone.

She enters the place through the hole and starts exploring. Was near the top from the fight. If she had to guess the stuff she would have to find would most likely be below the castle. “ Well let’s see what this place has in store.” She said as she made her way through.

As she explored her only obstacle so far were automatic turrets that were easily destroyed. Each room held… boxes, and boxes of rare, invaluable materials. One of these ores alone would cost someone several thousand rem, and they had gigantic rooms of boxes filled with them.

“I know the Void can house some of the rarest items, but where are Nexus getting all this? Something isn’t right. I swear if their doing something like melting kids down to make this stuff the only safe place for Vincent would be up The Void Mother’s asshole.” She said.

As she was exploring, she stopped, sensing a strong pull of Pure Void nearby. Drawn by it, she entered the sealed room. Inside was a single closed case. Opening it, Frisk was taken aback. A strand of hair from The Void Mother, a Void material like this was beyond rare, it was basically nonexistent, and whatever this would be used to make would be invaluable in power.

She closed the case and put it into a pocket dimension. “Max will love to see this. Maybe even take the initiative for once. Hehe~” she said with a small giggle. She left the room and saw more robots. She just made an orange revolver out of the orange soul and shot all of them.  Then proceeded on her way.

As she was walking through the halls, she heard the faint echoes of screams, screams of intense pain.

“What da?” She said. She moved a bit faster to find the source. Going down a few corners and hallways till she say two doors. One on the left and right. 

She opens the door on the right hear both a shower running and a woman scream. She closed it...then opens it again with a repeat of before. She closes it again with a small laugh before turning towards the other door.

As she was opening doors, she saw… “h e y t h e r e…” Nope. She closed that door… and pondered just what the hell this castle was. The screams happened again, this time louder. Rushing down, she finally saw through a window in the course of the screams. It was a C.R.I.P.T, bound to a large machine that was overseen by two guards, she watched as the C.R.I.P.T then grew large pure Void ores from their back as the machines mined them off, the guards kicking their face when they didn’t grow more immediately.

Frisk frowns and then proceed to kick the door hard enough it flew and decapitated the left guard. The right guard jumped in surprise. Before he could defend Frisk places a hand on his leg. “I normally like playing with weaker foes, but you pissed me off.” She said as the guard started to turn to dust. Screaming as he did till he was no more. She looks at the C.R.I.P.T before say. “You ok?”

Their hair was jet black, long and unkempt, their eyes a pale yellow. “About time I got a fiver.” They said, an echo made as they cracked their neck. “Was what? Ten years back at the old place and three months here? Eh, at least I got a front row seat to that kill fest.” They said, looking up over at Frisk. “And who might you be hotness?”

“One, your calling someone who looks like a kid hot? Two, I’m taken and both of us will gut you if you try. And Three, I’m Frisk.” She said deadpanned.

“Key word there was ‘look’ hotness. We both know looks are the first defence from others. So, to what do I owe the unexpected visit?’

“What is this place exactly and what are they doing to you?” She asked. “I was just raiding the place when I found you is all. Might as well see what you know.”

“This place is Nexus Quarry eighty four, and I’m the quarry. Built with the Absorption and Growth Abilities. I can absorb anything and grow it off my body. Saw a show when I was a kid, before I was hooked up to this guy named Keven who could do the same thing. Call me Keven.”

“Hm. Absorption and Growth. Max read about them in those notes from that workshop he found.” She said offhandedly. “So you basically make all these resources and they mine it off you?” she asked.

“Yeah. Hurts like hell but I can do this forever. Made for it. So, you're gonna break me out or what?”

Frisk shrugs before walking up to the restraints. She holds her right hand out. And turns it into a blood red claw and cuts the restraints. Before making four orange guns appear and shooting the machine.

Sighing, Keven stretched, spine and joints popping from an unknown amount of time kept bound to the device. "Ahhh. That's the stuff. Thanks Hotness, mind if I return the favor?"

“Hmm. Know where the mainframe is that contains all the data for this place? Maybe even a way that might help get the supplies from this place back to mine.” She said. There are a lot of rare to Extremely rare resources here. And pretty sure Kevin doesn’t want to be mined again unless they find a non harmful way.

"If there is one thing those prick guards always did aside from kick my face in, it's talk. Mainframe room in down below this castles old dungeon, as for getting all this stuff out of here, I know one of them mentioned a cargo ship. One of them said it was like, a mile or so east of here I think?"

“Perfect. Now. Anything other then that Symbiote I should be aware of?” She asked. The Symbiote she can handle easily, but the info is important for any battle. Walking blind could cost a life. Unless your always blind. Then it’s just day to day stuff.

"Let’s see… only thing that comes to mind is that hulking Berzerk in the basement."

“Anything to note on that? I’ve heard of the Admin of Berzerkers or something like that, but he died in the admin war.” She asked.

"Dunno. All I know is, it's huge, built like a tank, and hits like an Admin from what I hear."

“Hm. Sounds fun.” She said with a smirk. She walks towards the exit of the room. “Well let’s get going. Not getting out of here just standing around.” She said as she walks down the hall.

"Yes ma'am." Keven said, his arms becoming coated in a metal Frisk could not recognize. He followed her down the halls.

They continued to explore the castle like compound. They found a few room that contains more rare resources. Frisk figures this place was a great place to raid for resources. So she made note of each room they find and continued. They came across a few guards that tried to stop them, but Frisk let Kevin take care of them as revenge for what they’ve been doing to him.

"Alright ya greedy fuck wads, you want this ore, then fucking choak on it!" Keven said, slamming their metal covered hands into the ground. There was a sudden shake as now, countless thin spikes popped out of the floor, walls and ceiling above them and stabbed through their armor and inflicting deadly blows. They retracted, Frisk seeing the metal returning to Keven's body. 

“Can you produce an endless amount of what you absorbed or is it limited and they unknowingly increased the limit by a Fuck ton?” She asked.

"Actually, it's based on how much I eat. Once I absorb something I can replicate it, by a similar method to how you would burn calories. The more calories I eat the more I produce, and depending on the quality of the food determines the quality of what I make. As you can see I can also alter their shape and form so long as it's still connected to me."

She nodes. They continue to explore. Finding more storage rooms and more guards as Kevin slaughtered them. “Any specific project they were working on here?” She asked.

"Fuck if I know. Far as I know this place was solely for mining me. Might makes stuff, dunno really. Hey, you mentioned a symbiote earlier, right?"

“Ya. It disappeared though. Like it teleported or something. Will probably run into it sooner or later though.” She said.

"Hmm… we might have a problem then."

“Know anything about this thing?” She asked as they turn right. Frisk casual shooting down two more guards as they continue.

“Yeah, they call him Saw, genetically altered from what I hear. Seen that slug make fully automatic weapons, working sawblades, chainsaws, even an anti-matter cannon.” Keven said, jabbing a hand through the wall, an audible crack heard through the hole before he pulled his hand back.

“Hm. Interesting. Sounds fun actually. Just for a note is there a chance of converting it or should I just kill it?” She asked as she casually throws three red knifes through the wall.  Loud thumps sounds coming soon after.

"Dunno. Don't care to be honest."

She shrugs as they keep going. Soon coming across a huge room that’s almost completely dark. “What’s this room about?” She asked as she looked around the dark room.

"My guess." Keven said, feeling the wall and finding a light switch. Flipping it on, showed dozens of mystical crafting stations, All Void based. "Workshop."

“Wonder what it’s for?” She said. She looked around with Kevin before she found a journal next to some material. She starts looking through it while Kevin starts to examine the material there. “Looks like their trying to build specific artifacts from just the material here. Void corruption defense, Void beast repellent, enhancement?” She said reading the last part with a bit of confusion.

As she read she saw recipes for Dead Man's Eye compasses, Void Arms, Potions that deliver long lasting positive effects, Bone Charms, Poisons that could easily kill gods, might even make Cript and Max themselves a tad woozie for a while. She saw there was a recipe with a large 'Do Not Make Again' label in red marker over it. The ingredients were as rare as you could get, and it was for Void item called Crono Monitor. It looked like opera glasses, but there was an elegant gold design to them with plenty of other wealthy metals and gems incorporated into into it's making.

“What is this? Must be a powerful, but dangerous artifact if Nexus doesn’t want it made again. Wait one of those positive potions is a...sigh another sex enhancement potion. Either they were completely random with making these things or someone was very into sex.” She said.

"They research every aspect of anything new." Keven said, absorbing some material. "Just happy we didn't run into the hybrid projects."

“I probably don’t want to know what those are. Well all this will be useful to have. Even found one on apparently repairing or even replacing a damaged or infected womb.” She said reading over. “Even makes them stronger to avoid miscarriage or illness.”

"Sounds like someone either admires mother's or can no longer be one." Keven said, sifting through various ores.

 “Find anything interesting over there?” She asked as she puts down the notes to examine something else.

"Typical crap." Keven said, tossing an ore aside. "Nothing cool, fun or shiney."

“Dang.” She said. She takes out her soul notebook and uses it to gather everything in the room with its pages. “Let’s keep moving. We’re bound to come across the symbiote at some point and need to get to the basement.” 

"Woah, you sure about that? The Berzerker that guards it isn't exactly a walk in the park to deal with."

“Trust me.” She said as her eyes glowed. “I’ll be fine.” They proceeded to continue.

Looking through the other rooms, various other storage areas and such were found, then, the armory. A vast room filled with various weapons, Void and normal. What caught Frisk's attention were the various, clearly forged versions of Ben's weapons. But she also spotted one thing that hit her with fear… a Void Key Keyblade, resting on a stand in the center of this large room.

“What’s something like this doing here? You’d think it be somewhere more secure?” She said as she got near it.

”Hehehehehe. What have we here? A little imp, blessed with a raging fire, playing with them like embers in the wind.” Void Key’s voice boomed inside Frisk’s head.

“Great another a voice in my head. What’s your deal? Become your puppet for power or something else cliche?” She asked with a deadpan face while Kevin glances at her confused on the talking to herself. Then noticed the void key.

”Why bother taking up one who’s flesh would crumble under the kind of void I control. You’re power with Void is impressive, but you could never handle my power.”

“Tough talk for something that doesn’t currently have any power. I can tell. Your missing something.” She said with a smile.

”Smart, and Keen, yet, learned too late, after too…”

“Many Mistakes.” Jumping, Frisk turned around, seeing the injured, broken and beaten form of Asriel, his head a black silhouette with Void Key;s eye taking up all of it. “While my body here lacks my power, my mind, is a weapon on it’s own.”

Frisk was silent. A shadow covering her eyes. Then...she giggled. Then it grew into laughter.

“Madness, sins, cruelty, so much evil for one that looks so young. Humor me, why the facade? Why bother keeping the appearance of such a youthful time? Guilt, duty?”

“For that question at the end. Is because I just feel like. It’s fun messing with people who think a child could never be a threat till their begging for mercy.” She said. Her face still concealed by shadows.

“Trickery, impressive. I can see why that self entitled Emperor picked you, you are the tactical side of the cruelty he revels in that temper of his, his only weakness.”

“Temper? Oh your info is a bit outdated. While he still hates the living and unliving hell out of Cript he has calmed down a lot thanks to me. Also one more thing.” She said.

“Calmed or not, anger is always his downfall, each time, every time. Your little handi work is but a mask, it always is.”

She thrust her hand out. Shattered the illusion and grabbed Void. “ so from what your saying this has happened before. Cycles right? Read a small but from the notes before.” She said holding the key.

Unphased, Void Key simple moved it’s eye in the shape of a smile. Creeping Frisk out. ”Only since the beginning. And each time,” Suddenly, something, someone pushed Frisk into the wall, ribs breaking as she spewed blood. Her injuries healed fast, and looking up, she froze. She saw, a silhouette she’s recognize anywhere, holding that Void Key. ”I look forward to claiming his body for my own. After, I’ve stopped his heart. The flesh is all I require, not the mind.” The Max silhouette Void Key controlled vanished in a blink of it’s own Void.

She stared at where the key and silhouette was before. Kevin who was watching and silent stood there. 

“Uh… what the heck just happened?” Keven asked, breaking that silence.

“That...that…” she lowers her head and starts shaking.

“That… what?”

A dark powerful aura starts coming off her as her hair starts floating. The the castle starts shaking from the power. Kevin unintentionally backed up as it got stronger. Before she then yells.

THAT BASTARD!!!” She yelled out in a fury as one of her eyes is showing full of rage. She looked like she grew a foot as well. She then stood up and marches out the door. She stops and looks at Kevin. “Move your ass! I’m ending this now!” She said as she marches on.

“Yes Ma’am.” Keven said, following. The base was cleared Quickly, remaining agents, robots and turrets taken out without mercy. She then came across the Symbiote… though, what she saw about stopped her rage dead… It was petting an adorable small dog that was completely happy in its arms.

She looks towards Kevin. “Explain.”

“I’m as confused as you are.” Keven said.

“What? I can have pets.” The Symbiote said… it talks?!

“Well sorry but all I heard is that your a soulless killing machine.” She said matter of fact.

“Rude. I mean, I am a killing machine, but I do have a soul. I saw my blueprints.” The symbiote said.

“Sigh. Fine. Let us pass and I won’t erase your existence.” She said.

“Actually, I left earlier to pack my crap. I felt how strong you were, I’m not stupid. I grabbed my dog, my Pokemon cards, and my DSI. That’s literally all I own.”

“... what?” Keven asked.

“Anywhere to go?” Frisk asked.

“Wherever you’re going. I know a winning side when I see one and I’d rather take my odds with you guys then when Vincent arrives here. Reports said he was scheduled to arrive here in a week, and every fiber of my being screamed to run.”

“Ok. Just stay back so you and the pup don’t get mauled accidentally. I’m not in a good mood and don’t feel like holding back as much.” She said.

“Fair enough. So, I take it you just have the Berzerker to deal with?”

“Yep.” She said as she walks towards another door and kicked it to pieces. “Know where the main room is or should I literally tear this place apart?” She asked.

“I know where it is, passcodes and everything. Benefits of being passed through host to host. Including some data that will make fighting that hulking freak easier.”

“Like what?” She asked as it leads the way.

“When making them, they learned that it’s ears are actually quite sensitive to one specific frequency. A well aimd sonic pulse at that frequency to it’s head will scramble it’s brains good.”

“Interesting, but how much stronger is it compared to you?” She asked.

“That thing can easily eat me.”

“Gross.” Keven said.

“Yeah.” The symbiote said.

“Then this won’t take long.” She said. She didn’t sound like she was kidding. 

As they reached the lower levels the symbiote generated a pulse weapon from their flesh, breaking it off as it held. “Just one shot to the head.” They said, handing it over to Frisk.

“Thanks. Though I probably won’t even need it.” She said taking it. They continued until they came across a large open room. Had stairs leading to the floor of a huge room the size of two football stadiums. 

In this room, was the Berzerker, it's grotesque muscular body looked to be a clear byproduct of it's making. It saw them and charged, roaring an inhuman sound as it gained speed at the group.

Frisk intercepted and slammed a fist in its face. Sending it flying into the wall. She felt a small pain in her hand and saw a small cut. It’s mouth was open so she probably cut her hand on its teeth.

She cursed to herself internally, the cut stung. Looking back she saw the Berzerker getting up, impressed, she got ready to strike again, until, she felt something off radiating from the beast. It was framilier, too familiar. She watched in surprise as across both arms, the energy and images of light blue, dark blue, purple, orange, yellow and green glowed across it's arms, and a deplep, large image of a red heart across it's chest appeared, the framilier powers hitting her like a reflection. And then, an ever present voice she was all too accustomed to, spoke.

The Berzerker Is Filled With Human Power.

“Damn it! It must have copied my powers from my blood.” She cursed. Hoping this thing didn’t copy All if what she can do.

She powers up. Growing a bit in height and chest gaining a bit of volume. Her younger self also serves as a power controller. When she goes her full age she can go all out.  She summoned her Green Soul Frypan and held it in reverse in her right hand for defense and her orange soul revolver in her left for range. “Let’s go.” She said. Her voice more womanly than before.
As she charged so did the Berzerker, their speed meeting each other. It's arms matched her two weapons powers, but did not form weapons. She was glad it only copied the energy, and not the weapons… but that's still an issue.

She ducks under a punch and shoots the bend of the arm. Making the arm bend in a way it shouldn’t causing it to roar. She then blocks the other with the Frypan which pushes her back from the force. The pan is glowing from absorbing the blow. She swings the pan to send it back knocking it back a couple feet. ‘So it can’t make the weapons, but what can it do with the energy?’ She wonders.

She watched in surprise as the orange energy, Justice, focused in it's head. It roared, sending an echoing blast that hit her. At first, it seemed like nothing happened, but then, her arm, like the berzerker's, bent in the wrong way, causing Frisk to yell from the sudden pain.

Berserker Used Justice Power; An Eye For An Eye.

‘Damn It! So it gives its own injuries to someone. That’s new. Will have to fully experiment with my own powers later. For now just what else can it do with the souls?’ She thought as she used the green soul to heal her arm.

She started the battle with her age at 12. Now she is 14. Her prime age is 25. The higher she ages herself the more powerful she becomes. She wants to end this without becoming 25. 

She ages herself to 16. Getting taller, hair getting a bit longer, and her figure got fuller. She focused her blue soul into her legs forming armored greaves and disappeared in a burst of speed. She slams twenty kicks into the Berzerk before slamming a orange soul fist gauntlet into its face  sending it flying before it stopped.

It self heals, orange soul energy flowing it's body as it screams, the shockwave nearly making Frisk fall over as the building shook and began to break apart. As it broke, she saw the chrome walls of the building all had… a check option? As it's screams stopped, she checked.

The Countless people turned into the structure wish for death.

Was..was this place built from actually people?! She checks further to see...oh god. 

She puts her hand over her mouth once she realized that the walls, floor, everything built here is made from...melted down people! 

She snaps out of it to barely dodge a hammer fist from the brute. She uses her purple soul to form glasses. This form actually improves intelligence and thinking speed. She uses this when either trying to solve an equation or complicated problems. Although she didn’t see the things other hand till it was too late. It grabbed her face and smashed her on the ground a few times then threw her into another wall. She ages herself to 18 getting really tired of being thrown around. 

But the just standing there. The purple soul power coursing through it. She was using the intelligence form of it so that might mean...

“Ah Crap. It’s about to get smarter is it?” She deadpans. 

After it reached the things head, it stopped moving. For a time it was still, no movement at all. Suddenly, a purple burst of fog expelled from the Berzerker, covering it. After a while it disbanded. The Berzerker no longer looked muscled and malformed, but was still quite muscular, only smaller. It still held a six or seven foot height, features far more human now. It breathed in, then out in a calm sounding sigh. "Intellectual thought processing at last." It spoke, it's voice slightly rough but friendly sounding. "How the hell have I been so beastial for so long is beyond me."

She looked at it for a sec before deadpanning. “Ok answer quickly. You still trying to kill me or you want to negotiate? Because I’m still up for killing your ass.” She said.

"Being able to think for once in my existence, I'd rather not. I'd like to keep my newfound intelligence, and I can tell already you and your cohorts can make it so I don't have to keep sipping your blood like a Vampire on a diet."

“Ok. You have a name for yourself?” She asked. De-aging herself back to 12. 

"A name. Hmm… for simplicity's sake, just call me Berz for now."

“Ok Berz. How about you join us? Better then staying with Nexus who would just dumb you down to control you.” She said as Kevin and the Symbiote came closer.

"Great minds think alike." They said, stepping aside. "Ladies first."

She walks into the MainFrame Room. The entire room was lit up by screens and machines, at the center of it all sat a large laptop, hooked up to the other machines by many wires and ports. "That's the Storage drive." The Symbiote said. "It has everything this base has recorded on it. Mainly blueprints for void weapons, recipes, things like that."

“ I know of at least two who will like the weapon blueprints, and the rest will be great as well.” She said getting closer to the laptop. “And with all the supplies this place has that we’re taking as well we’ll have a very good stock.”

She turns to them. “Any if you know how to remove this without triggering an emergency wipe or anything? I’d rather not risk it myself.” She asked.

“They don’t have emergency wipes.” Symbiote said, ripping the thing out of the wires. “They don’t care about losing information. All the data here is backed up elsewhere. At this stage they figure anything you gain is already ten steps behind.”

She deadpanned a bit. “And the really good stuff is in a base very close to the Mother I’m guessing?” She both asked and stated.

“And Vincent’s head before that.” Berz said. “Luckily, having access to my own mind finally, I can recall that places exact location. It’s where my brothers and I were born.”

“And that’s a great boon...hopefully.” She said before taking the laptop and putting it into her pocket dimension. “Let’s head topside.” She said.

“Void or not, anything beats the same metal floor.” Keven said.

“I’ll need one of you to show me where that cargo ship is and you guys will either go get it or I’ll get while the others stay here just in case.” She said as they headed topside.

“Allow me.” Berz said. “Despite the form change, the intellect has allowed me to better utilize this power. I got maybe… exactly two and a half hours left. Shouldn’t take more than five minutes to clear it out.”

“Your on a timer? Hmm I’ll work to help make this permanent when you get back.” She said.

“One drop of blood I drink is one hour of whoever I drank it forms power. It’s one of the mandatory abilities they put into us. I got three good drops when you punched me. Half an hour gone, two and a half left.”

 “Hm. That’s all? A bit of blood isn’t a problem. I’ll have more for you ready to increase your time when you get back.” She said as they got closer to the exit.

“Lovely. Now then.” Berz said, giving a smile and a clap of his hands. “Shall we rampage?”

“Go nuts.” She said.

With a nod, Berz kneeled down, then jumped, breaking through all upper floors with ease. “That’s cool.” Keven said.

Frisk opens her pocket dimension and...brings out four large clay pots. “ well better get started.” She said. Forming her red knife and having her left arm glow purple. She then..cut off her hand and held it over the first pot as blood pours out. “You guys good with seeing blood?” She asked as if she hadn’t just cut her own hand off.

“Seen mine enough to stomach it.” Keven said.

“Seen plenty.” The Symbiote Saw said.

“Fair enough. I should have all four of these filled before he gets back.” She said as her blood continues to pour.

She continues to have her blood pour into the pots. She also focused on her purple souls power through it to make sure Berz gets the intellect power to keep his. Thankfully she is also using her green soul to heal herself only enough to keep producing blood so she doesn’t run out. 

Once she was done she puts her cut off hand over the stump and heals both. She takes two of the pots of blood and carries them with Kevin and Saw taking one each. After a minute they find themselves outside.

“Ok. Now just have to wait for him.” She says. As she sits down and pulls out her purple soul notebook. She thinks a bit of what happened so far. The supplies, Kevin, Saw, Berz, ...that Void Key… she grips the notebook a little harder. ‘I’ll do everything I can to prevent that.’ She thinks. She takes out the hair from before. Such a powerful item. If she is correct then this is the power source for Void Key. She puts it back. She feels Berz coming back.

Just as predicted, Berz returned. "That was interesting. The supplies there were half gone it seems."

She raises an eyebrow. “That’s either good or bad. Depending on what was moved I guess. Well I’ll go get the ship while you drink your fill. I’ll be back.” She said

"Gladly." Berz said, downing the blood as Frisk left.

Arriving at the shipyard. The Carnage was kept to just the Nexus members mangled bodies and not the facility or storage crates. It was clear that half was indeed missing. Larger cargo crates were gone, and the smaller wooden ones were largely raw materials, some void weapons and munitions. 'They made this all from what the broke off Keven?' she pondered, finding a half ripped logg of the items that were shipped out. 

She felt a tad stiff reading it. Two thousand pounds of Void Mother's Hair, Hearts of Void Dragons, Void Tainted Dark Monofilament, and twenty two hundred gallons of Delete Blood.

“This is some serious stuff they made off with. Probably brought it back to the main place. And since Her hair is apart of this. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this was the main ingredients for that Thing.” She said remembering the key. “Wonder what’s left?” 

She looks around and finds weapons, and ability containers. Nothing noteworthy though. Better head back for them. She looks for the controls and then takes the ship back. Once their they all got together on unloading all they can from the base. It took half an hour given all that was there.

Once done they got on except for Frisk. She looks at the building and walks up to it. Before anyone could ask she puts her hand on one of the walls.

“Let yourselves rest now.” She said as...the building starts turning to dust. They watch as the whole building is destroyed. Once it was over Frisk checks to see if it’s done. 

It was. 

She turns towards the others. “Well let’s head back. I’ll take you guys to where I live. Max is going to want to meet you all.” She said as she boards.

A tall cloaked figure was floating out in void. Observing the Nexus Compound below.

The base was much more like a military compound than others were. Tents, a quarry, moat of Void Water, nasty stuff, and many heavily armed personnel. The most armed one carried an item from Max's personal wishlist. Void War. A battleaxe replica of War's very own battleaxe, twisted by void. One of the few weapons that doesn't require tinkering to be used by Max at full power.

The figure looks on as another cloaked one floats behind. “Lots of Nexus goons from the looks of it.” A femal voice said as she pulled her hood down to reveal a green skinned female with short white hair. “Probably has at least one challenging opponent for you huh Broly?” She asked.

Broly took off the cloak to show his Green armor that he wore when Freiza recruited him and his father years ago. Now he is with Max. “Probably. While I would like to end this with non-violence I doubt they’ll agree.” He says.

“Even if they do fight I know you’ll be ok.” She said as she floated up to kiss his cheek. 

He smiles at her. “You best head back just in case. I won’t be long.” He said as he falls to ground level.

“Watch yourself love.” She said as she opens a portal back.

He lands on the ground and walks towards the compound. The guards somehow not noticing till he was literally twelve feet from them. “All you leave now and leave everything here. All weapons and data. Don’t make me spill blood.” Broly ask/threatened them. 

The Nexus people all looked at one another. An uneasy smile crossing their faces. "You're one of that Max's little helpers, aren't you?" One asked.

“Correct. I’m his Berzerk King. Broly. We all know the average Nexus soldier doesn’t stand a chance so actually try to live and leave. I won’t ask again. Broly says.

"Well now, if blood won't be spilled by you," they said, each visible soldier held there guns to their head, or blades to their neck. "Then we'll spill it for you."

A series of gunfire and splashing blood happened, and was over before Broly could fully register. In shock once it did, he jumped their wall, seeing even the Axe wielding one was dead by it's own hands.

“Da Hell?!” He exclaimed. He searched the place just finding more and more suicides. “Why would they kill themselves like that? Something isn’t right.” He keeps looking till he searches a quarry. Finding a cage in the center. With one person still inside. 

“Who, or should I say what are you?” He asked. If Nexus has someone in a cage it can’t be good right? He then notices something on the ground. Blood. Most likely the blood of the Nexus. It was flowing towards the cage. It seems like whoever is in there is absorbing the blood.

"Heh. Last time I saw you, Vincent ripped your spine out through your own mouth." The figure said, eyes opening… a Psychopath. Suddenly, Lights turned on, showing this Psychopath looked, was a C.R.I.P.T. "Is it that time again already?"

“Last time? What are you talking about? Who are you? Another CRIPT project or something?” He asked. Killed by Vincent? While it doesn’t really surprise him since he isn’t anywhere near That Things power hearing it like it already happened was confusing… and worrying.

"Was. Last cycle. Highly doubt I was made again in this b one."

“Last cycle? What does that mean?” He never heard anything about this before. What does...wait. “This...has happened already hasn’t it?” He asked.

"Ding ding ding. Muscle head does have a brain. So many times, for what or why beats me, but each time, it's the same song. You all lose, die, and then it happens all over again."

“And I’m guessing I’ve always said it’ll be different this time correct?” Broly asked.

"Dunno. I was buried here last Cycle. Whether your bravado or brain did the talking I beyond me."

“Exactly what form was I in when I died?” Broly asked.

"Let's see if I remember… blue hair, black aura, blood boiling out of your own skin and you were punching so fast your finger bones were visible, so tearing up your own skin."

“Super Saiyan Blue, but the black aura and blood boiling out is new. The speed might be from pulling in the speed force thanks to my Admin if Speed ability, but I don’t even plan on God Ki at the moment.” Broly said. 

"Whatever it was, it clearly wasn't enough to survive." They said, the last of the blood flowing into them. "Ahh. That's a thirst quencher." They said, hitting the side of the cage as all the bars now broke off. 

“How did you even get in that cage?” He asked.

"Vincent himself threw me in here. Said 'maybe ten cycles of time will make you obedient.' Jokes on that bastard though."

“Know why the Nexus killed themselves? Your doing?” Broly asked.

"Psht. As if. They found me here and thought I'd do their dirty work for them. I don't follow orders, hence why I was thrown in here, they only see us Cript's as tools, and when we disobey they discipline is if we're valuable or kill us if we are built to be expendable. They likely thought some blood would make me do their desires. As if."

“Anything of note about this place?” Broly asked.

"Heck if I know. This place wasn't here last time. Now move." They said, a flick of their finger and Broly stepped aside. Against their own body. It was then Broly realized, it was controlling his blood. "I have things to do I didn't get to last cycle."

“Like what?” Broly asked.

"Killing Vincent." He said as he began to walk out.

“Can you do that by yourself? I can tell you stronger then me, but can you honestly say you can kill him alone. I’m pretty sure the only one stronger than him on his side is the Mother.” Broly said. 

"I can damn well try."

“Why not work with us?"

"Hahahah! Yeah I've seen your track record personally. You, like I said, spine ripped out of your own mouth. Big armored tank, squashed like a worm. Arrogant wizard dude, petrified. Child with all that rainbow power, decapitated. And your King, Max. Ha! Killed by Vincent, and his corpse, tossed down Void Keys well, cause his body was useful to their cause. Resilient, strong bodies are in high demand for that eyeball, not the mind, soul or heart, just the meat. You fucks have a bad track record. And it's no different for the other guys! Cript, Imprisoned, Lord, puddle of Gore. Heart, looked like sushi. King of Nothingness, head smashed in and gutted. I can go on. You all fucked up, especially your idiot king for what he did before the war really kicked off."

“What happened?” Broly asked.

"To try and reconcile and forge an alliance, Cript revived Max's dead wife from his timeline. Child and all. But Max, the retard whole heatedly, idiotically, believes that she was a copy. It's fucking not dumb ass. He killed her, then fought, and failed, the war fighting on two fronts. Cript, that fucker, I've seen his resurrection ability. It's not fucking cloning it's time Alteration. Picking someone out from time the seconds before they died. He was so angery and stupid, he killed his own wife and child! How do you follow this asshole? Cause blind loyalty only should go so far."

Broly was stunned. Hearing all this. He sighed. And turned towards the Psycho who raised an eyebrow. Not remembering undoing the blood paralysis. “What you just said. It is hard to follow someone like that. Even after all he has done for us, but Max sounds like rage was his biggest emotion that cycle. While he was ragefull before in this one. Frisk worked hard and has mellowed him out a bit.  He is more logical and understanding. He is even pushing us to be stronger than before. I can guarantee this cycle will be different.” Broly said.

"Past. Maybe. We didn't have this talk last time. But why should I even join you? Even if Max this time around is better, I doubt he is good. Borderline decent."

“Maybe not Good, but definitely better than Vincent right?” Broly jokes a bit. “At least come and talk to him. At the very least he might let you stay so your not just running around randomly till Vincent or worst The Mother finds you and ends you just to get a loose end tied up.” 

"Void Mother never leaves her nest. So it will be Vincent who finds me. Fucking asshole of a dad… hehehe. Tell me, how much do you fucks know about Psychopaths?"

“Me personally not much. Max is one do to his blood eyes. Never paid attention to it anyway. Just another opponent no matter power.” Broly answered. The other would know more.

"Heheheh. Fun fact. We have a king. I didn't even know that, until the cycle I was in ended. There I was, alone, last of the Psychopaths… or so I thought. His distant muttering told me a lot, but half of it was pure gibberish. All I do know is that he was the first Cycles Admin of War, and the first Psychopath. King of us all apparently. Here's a little deal, Kay? Help me find him, and kill him, and I'll help you sorry bunch of destinies poor bastards out with your bullshit."

“Ok. Let’s find the mainframe for whatever info they have. Then we should take anything of value here.” Broly said walking out.

"Fine by me, but first, insurance." Psycho Cript said, holding out a hand. "Let's make this deal official."

“This one of those ‘you break it you die’ deals?” Broly deadpanned.

"We'll see." They shrugged.

Broly grabs his hand.

They shake. Blood immediately spilled from both their arms. Each others blood flowed out like snakes. Each others blood then latched to the others skin, like a tattoo were these symbols on each other's arms. Broly could not tell what they meant.

“Ya I figured this would happen.” Broly deadpanned. Might be hanging around Lemo to much. “Let’s look around. Gotta be a Mainframe around we could at least grab.” He said as they left the quarry. Broly making sure to grab the axe just in case.

Broly took along the Cript, inside the facility was smaller than expected. Most supplies were munitions and small notes. Until, Broly found a hatch. Underground then. Once down there they were met by an elevator. They headed down and were met with a hallway with a large door at the end. “You smell that?” The Cript asked.

“Ya. And I don’t like it.” Broly said. “Smells like gore. As well as something else.”

They then smiled. “Smells like failure.” They grind, the door across from them suddenly received a massive dent in the shape of a fist the size of Broly’s torso in it.

“Berzerk?” He both asked and deadpanned. He should probably stop hanging out with Lemo and hang with Cheelie more. 

The door broke down, showing the Berzerk. It roared at them. The Cript simply raised an arm, their arm slicing itself open as blood rushed out like tendrils, rushing into and impaling the Berzerk through and slamming it into the wall.

“Wanting to get this over with already or was that thing too much for me to fight?” Broly asked. Seeing as he just either killed or nearly killed it in less than ten seconds.

“Psst. Please. You and I could kill these things easily. You’re faster than it, and I got range over it. These things are bulky, so while they can be fast, I'll admit, you’ll still be faster.”

“True I guess. Max especially has me working on my combat speed with my new powers. It’s more important than travel speed. Combined with my transformations that thing wouldn’t have been a challenge if I went all out.” Broly says.

“And why don’t you?”

“Is It even still alive?” He asked.

“Should be getting up in a bit. You wanna kill it or eat it?” They asked while tilting their head.

“Do they even taste good? What am I saying can’t be worse than the bugs on Vampa.”  He said,

“Taste of their flesh doesn’t matter.” They said, the Berzerk starting to come up. “It’s the pain that they hold, where their death activates and ends their last moments of life."

“I’m almost tempted to say ‘see a psychiatrist’ but that’d be a waste of time probably.” Broly said as he walks into the massive room with the Berzerk.

“Ok. One shot. That’s all I’m giving you. Then I’ll end this in one shot.” Broly told the creature.

The Berzerker got up, it's rage fueling it's strength as it charged at Broly. It delivered a hard Hammer Fist to Broly's arm. He did flinch, slightly. An unexpected tinge of pain he had not felt in a long time resurfacing. While no serious wounds, it did bruce his shoulder.

“Was that your best? Very well. Let me respond with mine.” He says.

He brings his arms up as he powers up. Veins bulging as he does. Hair spiking up. Eyes turning green as he hair erupts into a golden blonde as his super Saiyan aura erupts. The best growls ready. “Who said I was done?” Broly said as he pushes himself to the next level. Hair spiking even more as his power more then doubles.

The beast took a step back. Broly’s power just keeps rising. 

Broly then let’s out a loud yell as his power Explodes more. Getting covered in a golden light that blinds the beast for a bit. When it was over it looked at Broly. And took four more steps back.

His eyebrows gone and his blonde hair reaching his lower back. His power was massive. “Not yet..” he said. The beast being stunned.

He then powers up again. The force of his power pushes the beast again as his armor explodes off as Broly gets bigger and bigger. Hair turning a shade of yellowish green and his pupils disappear. When it was over Broly looked at the beast.

“Like I said. One shot.” Broly grabs the beast and throws it upwards. The force of the throw keeping it from stopping its ascent. Broly powers up a chi blast in his hand before firing a massive blast at the beast. It didn’t even have time to scream. 

When the blast was done not a trace of it was left. Broly breathes a sigh as he powers down. Breathing heavily a little. “Anything else like that or are we good?” He asked red.

"That should be it for now. Come on then lap dog." The Psychopath said, kicking the doors down.

Inside, they saw another C.R.I.P.T, body weak and small, and head with many tubes and wires hooked into it. Eyes open with data moving fast through them. It rested on a medical bed, a machine keeping its body alive.

“Another C.R.I.P.T., but it’s basically just a corpse in a way. Probably some kind of special data storage for them. Doubt we could access it. Better hope one of the others found something or even someone that could.” Broly said after looking at it.

"Poor baby bro. Never got to have a life… hmm…" Red said, looking the C.R.I.P.T over. "You might be in luck. See this?" Red said, showing Broly it's split Nexus mark. "This means this little guy was born a twin. That twin if it's not in the same state as it's bro here can read the data in it's head."

“Let’s hope one of the others ran into the twin then. Let’s find a way to unhook him without somehow causing massive damage to him.” Broly said looking him over

“Heh. Master never taught the lap dog the proper tricks?” The Psychopath said, waving a hand over his brother. “Fold the foundation of space before me, compress it and hold it until I command. Compress.” Suddenly, the whole set up of it and the C.R.I.P.T poofed, a small blue marble at the floor. Red picked it up and gave it to Broly. “It’s a simple spell, even a brute like you can learn it.”

“While neat I’m not the magic type in our group. Prefer my way a bit more personally. But whatever. I’ll think about learning simple ones later. Let’s grab everything we can and go.” Broly said pocketing the blue marble.

“Diversity or die. Better to know a little of everything than master one thing.”

“There are many different opinions on that. To some it’s better to master one completely then know little if everything.” He said,

"To each their own." Red said, he and Broly walking out of the facility, the rest of the items and weapons were of minimal use or importance. "So then, be a good doggy and show me to your big bad boss."

Broly didn’t reply. Starting to see it was pointless. He opens a portal back home. Wondering how the other did in their raids.

Max was again looking over notes in the workshop. There was something else in these notes. He just has to find out what. An Ability? Something stronger then Loop? What did that Admin discovery that was so dangerous or powerful? 

“I need a new angle or something. I’m missing some kind of clue to find what he hid.” He says,

He gets and goes for a walk around the castle. He just can’t help but wonder what the admin discovered that frightened him so much. 

As he walks he senses his kings return. “Their back. Hopefully they have some good news. Personally-”

He says as he heads toward the throne room to get ready for their reports “-I doubt we even put a dent in Nexus.” 

"Not to the Nexus that matters 'Emperor’." A slightly familiar voice spoke as Max entered. Before him he saw his King's, and four C.R.I.P.Ts and a Symbiote. The one who spoke, a Psychopath, clearly strong and older than it appears. The other comatose like, with wire ports drilled into its skull. The others were a more well built but average at appearance one, and the last a twig, only stronger than the coma one by looks.

“Well this should be an interesting report.” Max said as he got in front of the group. “Who would like to go first?”

"Perhaps it would be best to show rather than explain?" The smaller C.R.I.P.T offered, fixing their glasses.

“Very well.” Max said as he let them begin.

"Alright, uh, you," They grabbed the Psychopath Cript's hand. "And if you can?" They asked, holding out a hand for Max.

"Cute, a little Friendship circle." The Psychopath said sarcastically.

“So a memory transfer correct?” Max guessed.

"Of sorts yes. Complete memory viewing and all that."

“Very well.” Max said as he grabs his hand.

The small Cript inhaled for a moment, eyes close before opening them. Mana and small Sparks of electricity sparking from them and up their grip on the Psychopath and Max.

Once it reaches them Max saw everything through the eyes of the two, their thoughts, pains, and life as if he was living them. Two lifetimes played by on his mind in under ten minutes. When it ended, Max fell to the floor, panting manically and on the verge of vomiting. What he saw… filled him with despair, regret, and misery.

“‘Sigh’ So that’s what’s apparently ‘supposed’ to happen in a way. Correct?” He said as he got back up.

"Every. Single. Reset." The Psychopath said bluntly. "Puts a lot of your self absorbed ass into perspective doesn't it?"

“Not as bad as I used to be in this cycle, but ya it does.” Max said as he walks over to a window and looks into the Void. “It’s a lot of info. Every single cycle, but there is one thing I noticed as a constant.” He said.

"You killing your time saved wife? Getting ganked by Vincent? Your corpse becoming a puppet for Void Key?" 

"His rage." The small Cript, Nerd, spoke up. "It's there but less. You have some clarity this time around."

Suddenly Psycho smashed his own face with his fist into the ground “ The Hell!?”

Max with a red eye talks. “ make that two things. Thanks Nerd, but it’s something else. I ended up seeing memories of myself from those cycles. Going over the Notes of the Admin if Abilities. He hid something I couldn’t find. However, Void Construct. Max made dozens of papers form out of void. Words written on them. “Seeing all of those.” He snaps his fingers as his notes from the workshop appear. “And comparing them all.” He has them float out in front of him.

“Nerd. Can you see a pattern in these. At first glance they look the same. But now.” Max said as Nerd got closer and looked at them. “Throughout those Cycles, no version of me ever found the pattern but knew it was there somewhere.”

“A Map?” Nerd said, looking it over. “Oh, these locations and terrain, this is the edge of the void. No one has ever gone that far, at least no one in Nexus history has.”

“Another thing is a warning. What could be that scared him so bad?” Max wonders.

“No idea. And from me, that’s saying something.” Nerd stated.

“So what’s that plan, if there is one?” The other C.R.I.P.T, Keven, spoke.

“For now we wait for the other Kings. They might have more information on Nexus. In the meantime I’ll need Nerd to help me with two things. One, to find a place here for the comatose CRIPT to safely go over what Nexus might have in his head, and two to help me go through the workshop to see if he left anything else. You and the other can wander the castle as you like. I’d ask some to take the girl Agamemnon brought but Frisk is already gone.” He says as they all just notice she was gone. 

They each go their ways with Nerd following Max as Max carries the comatose one. As they go Max can’t help but wonder in his thoughts. ‘I wonder...can I possibly use what’s on the map’? 
