//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Brotherhood // by RedundantRedundancy //------------------------------// The solitary figure stood alone on the rooftops, watching the city below. Despite the pony's pure white attire, the darkness hid him well. Away from the eyes of those below. Blazing Fire searched for his target, just as his mentor taught him two years ago. To be alert was one trait of an assassin. To hide in the darkness and wait for the prey to come out. Then he spotted his target, an earth pony. He was a corrupted official, one that needs his punishment. The official had been into illegal activities within the city, stealing money from the treasury and leaving goons to run free in Manehatten. Many things had changed in the last two years ever since Ezio left, leaving his apprentice to take the mantle of Master Assassin. Blazing Fire had also shared what was taught to him. Octavia was a quick learner, now she joined her mentor in missions issued to them by contacts. Blazing Fire leaped off of the rooftop, he landed within an alley, and went into the depths of the crowd. Blending in with the crowd was important, so it would not alert the target that he/she was being followed. The assassin followed the plump official, keeping a safe distance until the time to strike was near. More crowds merged, making the killing easier. Blazing Fire reached his target, and tapped the official's shoulder. The pony turned, only to see a sleek blade plunge into his chest, leaving him to die slowly. The crowds parted, screaming in fear at the sight of blood. The killer was nowhere to be found. Above them, Blazing Fire smiled. Another successful kill...