Behind the Flight Goggles

by Crystalline Waters

Spitfire Flare and the Wonderbolt Crusaders

Rainbow stuck the end of the quill in her mouth and eyed the blank page. Soarin was sitting beside her. They were in the rec room. Silver Zoom and Rapidfire had moved their argument to the kitchen after Spitfire ordered them to put the groceries away and clean the mess hall.

"I need help here Soar." Rainbow said

"Maybe you should start with the bravest Wonderbolt of them all." Soarin said, puffing out his chest.

"Oh, yeah, definitely!" Rainbow agreed. "Soarin..."

Soarin looked over at her eagerly.

"Can you tell me what you know about Spitfire?"

Rainbow finished. Soarin huffed, crossing his forelegs in a pout.

"Really Rainbow?" He grumped. Rainbow giggled and leaned over to nuzzle him.

"Aww, is somepony jealous?" Rainbow teased, and Soarin blushed.

"I-uh-n-no, of course not. B-but I'm way braver than her." Soarin said, and Rainbow eyed him.

"Last week she dove straight into a brawl between the Streak Twins and came out without a scratch."

"True, but-but I'm brave too!"

"Yes, you are Soarin. But I might as well start with Spitfire." Rainbow suggested

"Okay..." Soarin sighed

"It's only because she's the Captain, Soar. I'll do you next."

"Okay!" Soarin said eagerly.

"What's going on in here?" Spitfire asked, coming in.

"I was going to start the book with you." Rainbow said

"Cool. Can I help then? Fleetfoot's taking a shower and I'm bored as heck." Spitfire flopped down onto a nearby couch.

"Sure, you can help Spit." Rainbow agreed

"Why couldn't you just get in the shower with Fleetfoot?" Rapid asked, passing by.

"Get back to work Rapid!" Spitfire yelled. Rainbow smirked and began jotting down an idea.

Unlike many newspapers will lead you to believe, there is nopony more loyal to the team than our Captain, Spitfire Flare. She is the greatest Captain in the world, and always does her best to make sure every single one of us lives up to our potential. I remember one time she showed where her true loyalties lie. It was after I'd managed to convince Soarin to come down from Mount Everhoof...


"I'm glad you're back Soarin, I missed you." Spitfire said as she, Soarin, and Rainbow landed outside Wonderbolt HQ


"Well of course you big goofball. Did you think I wasn't worried about you?" Spitfire asked

"Kind of. You sent Rainbow instead, probably because you didn't want to leave your work for Spring Training."

"Soarin, I sent Rainbow because I knew you'd listen to her. Right Rainbow? I said that, didn't I?" Spitfire asked

"Yeah, she did Soar." Rainbow agreed

"Okay, but haven't acted like that since we were kids." Soarin objected, looking away.

"Soarin..." Spitfire put a wingtip on his shoulder, and he looked up. "I've just been stressed out lately. If I was ever harsh on you it was never because of anything you did. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was mad at you or that you weren't a good enough flyer to be on the relay team. You are, Soarin. All the 'bolts know it. I just needed some time to figure out how to make it up to you. Fleetfoot helped, don't worry."

"Oh, she did, did she?" Rainbow asked, and Spitfire blushed.

"Watch it Crash, or I'll make you clean the mess hall for a week." Spitfire warned

"Sure..." Rainbow rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"Anyway, you, Fleet, and I? We're still best friends Soar. Still reaching for our dreams, just like when we were kids. Remember, how we worked to become Wonderbolts? Nothing's changed since then." Spitfire asked, extending her wing in front of Soarin.

"You're right." Soarin smiled, putting his wing on hers. "I get it Spit. Best friends, always."


This memory makes me remember something my friend Princess Twilight once said: "In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who is true will surely come to light." Well, she was right this time. Spit didn't have to talk to him. She could have let things stay the way they were. But in the end, she chose to fix her mistake, and that was the bravest thing I've probably ever seen her do.

Rainbow looked up, to where Spitfire was now teasing Soarin, and glanced back down.

Even though Spitfire enjoys teasing us all sometimes, she is truly a great leader. She makes sure we all feel like we deserve to be here, and that we're okay. Spitfire may be a bit easy to rile up, but she's always there for us. She's like the strict mother of our team. Except try calling her mom-seriously, Rapid tried that once-and she'll give you a black eye. Then she'll apologize. Probably.

"Hey guyth. What are you doing?" Fleetfoot entered the room, a towel hanging around her neck.

"Not much." Soarin replied

"Come on Fleet, I have something I want to show you. You too Soarin." Spitfire said, standing up.

"Give me a minute Spit." Soarin replied, and the two mares nodded, leaving. "Rainbow, you know how you said Spitfire was brave?"

"Yeah...?" Rainbow asked

Soarin glanced around, making sure they were alone. Then, he shifted and looked to her.

"She, Fleet, and I grew up together. And I know something about her even Fleetfoot doesn't know."

"Really?" Rainbow asked, setting the quill to the side.

"Really. Just...promise you won't put it in the book, then Spitfire will know I told you."

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Rainbow promised

"Okay..." Soarin leaned in so his muzzle was nearly touching her ear. "Spitfire's scared of dragons."

"She's what?" Rainbow said aloud, before Soarin covered her mouth with his wing.

"Shh, they might hear you."

"Okay. But seriously? I mean, it explains a lot, but really?" Rainbow asked

"Yep. I found out by accident." Soarin added


"Well, it started back when we were-"

"Soarin! I need you over here!" Spitfire ordered, and Soarin grinned.

"Coming!" He stood up, then turned to face Rainbow. "I'll tell you later Dashie, 'kay?"

"Okay." Rainbow blushed at the nickname as Soarin raced out of the room.

"Come on you two, let's go!" Spitfire demanded and Rainbow could hear the three running down the hall. She quickly made an amendment to the last paragraph, crossing out bits of the original and writing the revised bit underneath.

...that we're okay. But she also knows how to let loose. Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin were best friends as kids and still are today. You'll never see them too far apart from each other at HQ. And when Spitfire has something new to show us, Soarin and Fleetfoot are the first to know. They remind me of older versions of my little sister and her friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Really, during rest periods, they're the same foalhood friends they used to be. While Spitfire may be a bit easy to rile up...

Rainbow then stood up and grabbed the paper, to take to her bunk in the sleeping quarters. If Rapid found it Spitfire would probably blame her for leaving it out.