Saiyan of Equestria

by Boyzilla

Chapter 21: The Revealing

Discord Saga

Chapter 21: The Revealing

Kira was sitting on the bed in Lyra's room, thinking over things that happened during the past two days. When Lyra had caught them she literally lifted them up in the air and dragged them home. Much to their disappointment, they were punished from flying around for a week. And to enforce it, Lyra used a spell making their clothes heavier than usual making it hard to fly even with Ki. Through there was a upside to it, Chris-sensai said that weighted clothing helps get you stronger so it's not a total loss and they could always fly after the punishment is over.

Speaking of which, Kira thought it was about time they told Lyra about training and sparing. They couldn't keep it a secret from her, and she already knows about Ki and how strong they were. It was only a matter of time before they were caught doing it, might as well tell her and get it over with.

Kira looked at a nearby mirror, and noticed she grew a bit since she was first 'born'. She wondered if she was born or created, it was hard to think about it because it felt like she was questioning her own existence.

'I can breath, I can feel my heartbeat, I have all my senses, I feel love. Why am I thinking about this? Kira wondered to herself, making sure she wasn't telepathy speaking to her brother.

'How am I different? Whats the difference from being born and being made, created? Why did I look like Ken so much when it happened? Will...I even live as long as him? Will I disappear in time? These questions make my head feel funny.

She continued to stare at herself in the mirror. 'Do I even have a soul? Or am I just some messed up spell with a time limit?'

'Kira! Kira! Kira!' Ken telepathy spoke.


'Come downstairs! Don't be alone in the room!'

Kira giggled 'Ok Ken, I'm coming.'

Kira walked down the stairs, she was wearing her original clothes from her 'birth'. She put her hand on the rail while she head down, suddenly she was curious about the date and looked at a calendar nearby.

May 16, 1296 A.D

It was a good thing they learned about the date system in school. Wait a second...May 16....May 16......May 16.....Oh my gosh! It's Ken's birthday! How could she forget about Ken's birthday! Wait if it's Ken's then it's her own since she's his twin! Oh my gosh she and Ken are eight years old now!

Does, does mom know about their birth dates? Kira could vaguely remember telling her about it. She looked up to see Lyra seemingly just doing what she usual did every afternoon, cook lunch! She had gotten quite the cook during the past two weeks. Bon-Bon was no where to be seen.

"You feeling alright sis?"

Kira turned to see Ken having a slightly worried face about her. Had he known she had doubted her existence? Smiling to help rid of Ken's worries, Kira said "I'm fine Ken, it's nothing to worry about it."

"Ok! So, you wanna play something?"

"Umm, alright, what will we play?"

"Mmmmh" Both the twins went into a thinking process for games to play.

"Anything?" Ken asked.

"Nothing." Kira answered.

"Well that's no good." Ken frowned and knocked his hands against his head trying to think faster.

"Um Ken" Kira said, her attention revolving around a subject she thought over earlier.

"Yes sis?"

"Don't you think it's about time we told mom about training and sparring and such?"

Ken paused and seemed to think it over, Kira realized how it was a little harder to tell what he was feeling ever since Ken lost his tail. Must of been because saiyan tails help show emotion and other things.

"I don't know, mommy might get worried all over again, but..." Ken slumped his shoulders. "I suppose it's about time we tell her anyway, she's seen us use our powers before."

The saiyan twins, now both agreed to telling Lyra about the training, walk toward their adopted mother who was nearly finished making the wonderful gift of heaven called Lunch. Ken gently pulled on Lyra's fur to get her attention.

"What is it Ken, Kira?" Lyra questioned, wondering why her humans looked nervous in speaking. Reason she knew this, was because not only were they struggling to speak, but Kira's tail seemed to be limp and not wiggling around as usual.

"Um, mom, we got to tell you something." Ken nervously asked.


"Umm, well, uhh."

"Well, go on Ken." she said.

"MeandKirasparandtrainoutsidewithoutyouknowingandliketodoitalot!" Ken rushed tons of words as Lyra with supersonic speed.

"You and Kira what?"

"Like to train, and spar outside..." Ken said in a low tone.

"And we do it without your knowing.." Kira finished his sentence.

Clockwork turned in Lyra's brain for a small moment as it processed the information that filled the gap on why they were so strong. *CLICK* 'Oh my Celestia, no wonder I see them slightly bruised every time I returned home. They had been training in their magic this whole time...'

"And, you like to do it?" Lyra asked.

The twins nodded their heads in response to Lyra's question.

'And this further proves Brilliant Bristle's theory on their evolution for the sake of fighting, I guess they train and spar to ease their primitive instincts. This is tells me on how we got those markings in the backyard.' Lyra thought. She couldn't blame them really, if it's a natural primal instinct to fight something then they could only ease it. At least they doing it in competitive sport rather then death and destruction. Yet, they didn't tell her any of this?

"Why didn't you tell me any of this before!?" Lyra suddenly screamed out.

The twins heads fell and their eyes meet the floor. Clearly sad and disappointed in themselves for not trusting Lyra.

Ken spoke up. "Because we are scared we'll get captured again..."

Lyra suddenly seemed confused. "Again?" She asked.

Ken did a small nod and proceeded to tell Lyra his most bad life experience...

"When I was five, I was found and taken by mean scientist because I was different than other humans." Ken moved his eyes towards Kira's tail then to Lyra's hoofs. "They treated me badly and gave me just enough food to survive, they did all kinds of things to me because I was different, from taking blood*sniff* It was very bad, I had no other friends or family, I was all alone in that place. Nobody cared about me, I was just an animal to them *sniff*." Tears came down Ken and Kira's face. Both of them had the memories and experiences, even if Kira was technically there. "It's why I train, we get stronger if we fight. So I train to protect my new family and to never be taken ever again."

'I had no idea...' Lyra thought as some tears also fell down her face for the bad experiences Ken must have gone through.

Ken was crying, but he thought it was about time he tells her the whole truth, and why he was different.

"Mom, the reason...why Kira and I are different, from other humans."

Lyra looked at Ken, after taking the tears off her face. She was now curious on why they are different.

"Is because, we're only half human, the other half is saiyan. The saiyan half is where our tails and our likeness to fight come from, I didn't say powers, because humans can use Ki, which is what our powers are called, too." Ken wiped his tears on his shirt and looked up to Lyra with pleading eyes. "You won't tell anypony about this right? Please don't tell anypony!"

"I won't tell anypony if you don't want me too, that's a pinkie promise." She did the pinkie promise then proceeded to say. "But can you tell be what Ki is? Is it magic?"

Little Kira opened her small mouth to explain "It's not magic, Ki is a latent energy within the body mostly at the center, every living being has it in our world, however I think it's different here in Equestria. Anyhow we can use it for almost everything we can imagine, from attacks to flying."

"Huh, no wonder it's different than unicorn magic. *sniff*" Lyra turns around to see the food starting to become overcooked. "Oops, I'll just stop the fire now." Using a spell, the fire goes out.

After a good lunch, and a few more snacks. The Twins, with Lyra's now supervision, have decided to have a small spar.

"Any rules?" Kira asked as she stretched out. Lyra sitting at the back porch looking outward toward the yard where the two saiyan hybrids were gonna spar.

Ken nods. "No flying, Small Ki blast, and Punches and kicks only." He bent down and stretched his legs.

Kira nodded in agreement. And the twins each got into their fighting stances. During the training days before the Dragon attack, Kira had grown quite fond and adapted with the fighting style of the saiyan prince, Vegeta. The ruthless aggressive style allowed her to quickly take the offensive within any fight. Ken however preferred Gohan's well-balanced style, a mixture of Goku and Piccolo's own styles that allowed him to keep up a good dodging rate while being able to attack back when given the opportunity in an instant.

Kira leaped forward in an instant, doing a mock right punch by actually hitting with her left. Ken saw it coming and rolled forward going right over Kira's air-borne body, he delivered a kick upward which hit her in the stomach sending her tumbling forward. Before Kira hit the ground however, she blasted it with a small Ki blast regaining her balance and landing on her feet. She turned around to almost meet a Ki blast in the face had her instincts not taken over and moved her head left, dodging the incoming Ki attack.

Ken was about 10 feet away from her, back into his stance. He had launched a Ki blast but as expected, his twin sister dodged it. He leaped at her, but she leaped too. And a barrage of punches began at each other, a sounds easily heard of the contacts of the attacks. While Kira had her focus at Ken's head and torso. Ken had another focus on mind, a certain weakness that his sister needed to train off.

Her tail.

Kira's fighting style had left her tail nearly defenseless, plus she had no experiences on wrapping her tail and walking like a human without it's balance. Ken dodged another punch to his head and blocked her right knee-cap from contacting his torso. Using his free hand he shot a Ki blast right at Kira, who as expected quickly withdrew her hands and crossed her arms to block the blast. Ken quickly phased in and out to behind her, and after she blocked her attack did she realize to late. As her twin brother grabbed her one weakness, her power draining she fell on her knees.

"That's...not fair..Ken.." She struggled to get her words out.

Ken grinned. "Kira, Kira, Kira. You should have started training your tail by now sis!"

"Let...go.." but it was no use. As Kira soon fell flat on her stomach, paralyzed and completely at her brother's mercy.

"I win." Ken said out.

A few minutes later, The saiyan twins walked back to Lyra. Who was, trying to sink all this info in apparently. The twins looked at each other then at Lyra in concern.

"You okey mommy?" Kira asked, her tail now back to full peak.

Lyra snapped out of her stupor. "I'm ok..." She looked at a nearby clock, then back to them.

"How about we go somewhere, meet me at the front door."

The twins nodded and skipped happily to the front door.