Equestria Girls: Super Pet Pandaemonium

by Time Agent pony

Chapter 10

"We've wasted enough time," Ace said, as he and the rest of the Legion regrouped now having defeated the villains and subdued the mind-controlled heroes, "whatever Mr. Mind has planned we have to ensure that it is halted."

"Right," Krypto nodded, "lets get moving, quickly."

Suddenly a door opened to the side of the control room.

"I don't like this," Batcow responded.

"Me nether," Zabu agreed, "it's like our enemy wants us to find him."

"So what do we do?" Spike asked.

"We play along for now," Detective Chimp replied, "let Mr. Mind think we are none the wiser."

"Trust us," Stretch-O-Mutt winked, shapeshifting into Dex-Starr, "we've done this sort of thing before."

"Just pretend you've been caught," Lockheed instructed.

Spike nodded and he and the others followed Stretch-O-Mutt through the door into a chamber that looked like a missile silo.

"What now?" Spike asked.

"Now," the voice of Mr. Mind answered, as he appeared in front of the group, "your little crusade ends here."

"You wish," Spike declared, he dashed straight at Mr. Mind, only to phase right through him.

"A hologram?!" Stretch-O-Mutt exclaimed, shapeshifting back to normal.

The hologram Mr. Mind laughed at all of them, "Poor deluded fools," it smiled, "you truly cannot see a trick when it's staring you in the face."

"Where are you Mind?" Krypto demanded.

"I am going to ensure that you all can no longer interfere in my plans," the hologram replied, "and now I finally have the power to do that."

"We've stopped you once," Ace retorted.

"And we'll stop you again," Krypto finished, "here and now."

"Ah," the hologram replied, "but this time will be different."

Shortly after, the area was illuminated, revealing a giant robot.

"Oh, no," Streaky exclaimed.

"What is that thing?!" Spike cried.

"Ultimo," Zabu answered.

"Robotic weapon of mass destruction," Redwing added.

"Big trouble," Tippy Toes finished.

"No," the Mr. Mind hologram corrected, "not anymore, Ultimo's mechanical mind was wiped and his lifeless body was stored in a warehouse, like a trophy."

There was a serge of power and Ultimo began to awaken.

"Foolish humans," the hologram continued, "they should have dismantled him when they had the chance."

"I don't like where this is going," Tippy Toes whispered.

"Now," the hologram stated, "that I have completed the transfer, Ultimo's body will finally give me the brawn I need to match my brain."

With that, the hologram disappeared.

"Now I Mr. Mind, " the voice of Mr. Mind declared, his voice coming from Ultimo, "will have full control over every single hero across the whole galaxy."

Before anyone could react, there was a rumbling under the platform Ultimo was standing on as it began to move upwards and above the roof also began to open.

Once that was complete, Ultimo started to walk through the Savage Land, the creatures on the ground below ran in terror of the giant metal man.

Spike and the others could only watch as the giant machine got farther and farther away.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked.

"We have to take Ultimo out before he reaches any populated areas," Krypto replied, "who knows what Mr. Mind might do if he encounters any civilians."

"We still don't know what the final part of Mr. Mind's plan is," Ace added, "and we still don't understand his motives for mind-controlling all the worlds super-powered beings."

"Well we won't get anywhere just standing here," Robbie declared, "lets get moving."

"Yeah!" Spike smiled, the other Legion members nodding in agreement.

"Alright then," Krypto smiled, "Legion of Super-Pets, its time to save the world."