
by Howzdozit

Chapter 3.5 : Intervention

Dimming Dusk paced the main office room. Although her husband had told her not to be suspicious about her daughter's particular note, she knew that he was less intellectually advanced than her. Therefore, she knew that his advice was absolutely useless. Not unlike him. Why did they pick me to marry him of all people? She shook the thought away. The marriage was already completed, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Still, complaining about her parents' choice in husband for her wasn't the problem. The problem was Sunset.

But the problem was always Sunset, wasn't it? Why did Dimming have to spend so much time of her day focused on figuring out what that brat was doing?

Yet even though Sunset tended to not follow home rules, Dimming was confident that the girl followed her basic social rules. She knew that her daughter wouldn't break rules of hers as simple as "Help people only three times unless it benefits you," or "Don't be open to other people."

But even then, she doubted that the girl could possible comprehend what her life would be like on her own, or how it would affect the reputable family. Oh, if she told anyone how we discipline her. And at that, Dimming knew she had to prevent Sunset's plan from going through.

She wouldn't stop until she was sure that Sunset was in her family's system.