The Wander Through Lands Unknown

by Tomas Lutwig

Chapter 62; Last Day, Final Hours

Letting out a groan I sat up on the marble statue's pedestal. My back making it's complaints at sleeping on the hard surface known as I grimaced through the dull throb that echoed through my chest. Despite my multiple sources of pain however a fleeting feeling of happiness touched my mind. I would be going back to Equestria soon.

Turning allowing my legs to dangle over the edge of the marble pedestal, I looked down at the still alien gray hand in the dim light of the streetlights and approaching sunrise. Opening and closing the appendage a few times offered the same feelings I had grown up with, that I had always had. Yet even as I stared it felt off, wrong. Just like the painful throb that sounded through my body.

'That's one thing I won't have to deal with anymore.' I thought putting my hand over my chest. 'Killing things to stop the pain.'

Though I had only been here for a short amount of time, three days counting this one? The memory of not having that ever present agony creeping at the back of my mind seemed foreign, like reading a story and imagining what it would be like to breathe fire or fly.

A pessimistic voice in the back of my head raised it's ugly head all to quickly. What if Sunset Shimmer decides she'd rather stay? Bringing back only the sirens would only raise questions from Princess Celestia, not to mention a possible return to my stony prison. A shudder ran up my spine at the thought of being trapped once again, unable to do any more than think.

'No' I thought, trying to flush the thought from my mind. 'Even if she's less than willing to accompany me through the portal, I can simply tie her up. It would be less than ideal, but I would fulfill my end of the deal. Bring Sunset Shimmer back to Equestria.'

Loud questions started forming in the back of my mind as I silently wondered on how I should get out of my new school life. The thought of simply disappearing, taking Sunset and leaving was the most promising, the staff around here aren't all that invasive. A student almost fighting a large man in defense of one of the biggest, and worst, bullies suddenly disappearing with said bully would open the avenue for investigation by too many parties however.

I sighed at the second idea, lying to the vice principal. Making up some sort of story, 'Oh there was an emergency back where I'm from. A family member I've never met suddenly appearing.' The flimsiness of the excuse made me cringe. I tried to remember the extent of what I had told the vice principal. 'Just that my parents died in an accident... right? Car crash or something.' I thought rubbing a hand down my face into the scratchy patches of ginger stubble that covered my chin.

Blinking hard I tried to pop my back. The first idea would open up lines of questioning, but with some preemptive action on the other side and watchfulness before we leave tonight then there's no chance of Equestria being discovered.

Part of me silently wished that I could've simply sent the sirens through last night. They'd be in Equestria, probably in chains until I got back admittedly, but out of my hair at the least. Can't have everything go TOO smoothly though, they just had to have some things they needed to pick up. 'What in the name of God's green earth could those three need so badly that they would delay getting back to the place they'd been wishing to go for... how long have those three been here?'

The thought threw me off track as I wondered. Sunset Shimmer had been here for at least four years if I remember right. I think that's when the whole shebang went down with this side's elements of harmony, freshman year or something.

A chuckle sounded from my gut as I remembered the thought of trying to fix their little friendship squabble. 'If I run into Rarity...' I thought before shaking my head and looking over at the parking lot.

She jolted as a loud irritatingly familiar sound echoed through her room taking her from the near sleep she had almost achieved. Looking over at the source of the sound she grabbed her phone and quickly turned the offending alarm off.

Sunset Shimmer sat up in bed looking at the time on the boxy object in her hand. 5:00 glared back at her bloodshot and itchy eyes.

Pushing the covers off she started her daily routine, despite being significantly earlier than normal. A cold shower sent the weariness of sleep into a deep recess of her mind, to reawaken later during one of her more boring classes. Breakfast was simple cereal, she couldn't remember the brand or anything but the colorful shapes of the sugary cereal had reminded her of home when she had initially bought it.

Sunset looked over at her backpack, memories of her sleepless night returning as she ate. Everything she had deemed important enough to keep was now stuffed into the bag, forgoing almost everything she had initially kept in it for school. In a sense it was almost funny, graduation was still a little less than a month away, however today was her last day of school.

Butterflies seemed to flutter throughout her stomach even now as she thought of returning to her home. Looking down at the half eaten cereal in the bowl in front of her, she suddenly realized she wasn't all that hungry. Pouring out the contents of the bowl, she gave the bowl itself a strange look before dropping it soundly in the garbage as well. She wouldn't be returning, there was no point to keeping it.

Pulling her phone from her pocket she looked at the clock expecting it to be almost six. An hour, that's about the time she normally took to get ready for school. After all, the queen had to look her best.

5:29 shined back in her face making her cringe before replacing her phone in her pocket. She had time, what seemed to be an overabundance even with the two hours she planned on getting into the school early for to get the plan from the new guy.

Flopping down in front of the television, she turned it on to watch something, hopefully more entertaining than waiting in silence and slowly losing her mind.

This morning seems to be a beautiful sunny day with a slight chance for some light cloud cover throughout the day. A perfect day to go outside and enjoy the weather! Bac-” The news seemed to be on the weather as far as Sunset could tell, boring for the most part, though as she flipped through the channels she quickly found that the stupid long commercials that ran for what seemed to be three hours was the only other thing on. Flipping back to the news she found that the clock that was always displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen showed it was only 5:31 making her let out a sigh.

'Today's going to be a long day' she thought as she turned the television off before making her way through her apartment. The place had been her home for almost four years now, yet in a sense it still felt alien to her. Unloved and uncared for, with it's barren walls empty after the previous tenant took whatever they had hanging on them, the uncomfortable couch, obviously old television which the remote had most of the buttons missing on, the smelly fridge she had only just grown accustomed to the smell of mainly due to most of the takeout that had been put within it's walls quickly gave off a similar sent.

The so familiar sights brought flashes of memories, plotting and planning in her dark apartment as she readied herself for the downfall of other students, her takeover of that year's fall formal, or whatever scheme she had in the works at the time. Something, pushed deep and quiet over a long night of thought, reveled in the memories. The victories. Her victories.

Another something, a voice, that had once been pushed away and smothered by desire and arrogance sounded it's displeasure. In a tone all too motherly, all too familiar, yet just out of reach of her memories. They weren't victories, but tragedies for others.

Sunset Shimmer's eyes closed as she brought her hands up to cradle her head. Oh how the mighty and powerful have fallen. Her once unshakable will was wavering before the realization of her passed sins.

The quiet harsh voice sounded for her to strike out against the one who brought it to the light. Anger, partially justified, was pointed at the newest addition to the school. To her kingdom.

The rest of the anger however simply fell back on herself. She did this to herself. If the newbie hadn't started the landslide something else would've. Perhaps her graduation, where as a Canterlot High tradition and a sign of the unity the school had in it's student body, the students approached the podium in small groups with their 'best friends'. Perhaps the embarrassment of having to walk up alone would have triggered it. Normally Snips and Snails would've accompanied her, if only for a show of her continued power, but they were only sophomores.

'Not as though I'd want those two morons walking up next to me as I graduated.' she thought shaking her head.

Perhaps it would have been after graduation, had she managed to view her solitude in front of the student body as a sign that no one was able to stand beside her as equal, something might've tipped her back to the journal and the portal by association. As depraved and morally corrupt as she was, there would have had to be a realization she had failed. Failed to come up with some sort of plan to overthrow her teacher.

Thinking back that was what angered her the most. Over the stupid meddling of the newest student, over the near assault by the large bald man, even over the constant foolishness that Snips and Snails exposed her to. She failed.

She had failed to find a way to conquer this world. Without her magical abilities it would have required resorting to petty violence, something she was above. She had failed to bring magic over as she quickly found that the only magical artifact powerful enough to do so, the Element of Magic, had suddenly disappeared. Almost as if it had sensed some form of danger to even itself and hidden away.

Through her grimace, Sunset felt wet streams make their way down her face. Tears of anger, stress, and weariness fell from her chin as they reached the graceful peak. As quickly as they had started they seemed to have no intention of stopping. She quickly tried to wipe the wetness from her eyes, some deep embarrassment burning in her chest even as her tears fell silently in private.

After a few moments of collecting herself she washed her face in the apartment's bathroom, glad she had forgone putting on mascara or any of the other makeup she normally wore. She knew the cosmetics helped little with her already regal appearance, but she also knew that they did not mix well with tears as she had seen with a multitude of other girls in her school, and a few of the more strange guys.

Her appearance in the mirror looked like some horror story compared to what she had originally envisioned of her future. A story where the writer was so depraved and masochistic that they only wished to see the mighty brought low. Thinking back to that fateful day when her mentor had brought her before the magical mirror. She saw an alicorn mare who had gotten everything she ever desired; power, knowledge, glory, love. Looking before her now. A scared, unsure, and simply tired young human stared back.

A shaky hand reached out to touch the cold glass of the mirror. Something within her hoping that this was simply some perverse dream where she would wake up with a jerk and find herself sleeping in her old mentor's bed, finally having taken the title she so rightfully deserved. 'Thought she deserved.' she corrected as she looked into the cyan eyes before her, searching for the old her, the respected, powerful, demanding, feared woman that she had been.

The cyan colored eyes that stared back seemed only unsure and scared for her future.

A yawn escaped my lips as I looked over at the sun's light that had quickly started chasing the deep purple of the night to much more vibrant oranges. Silent musings made their way through my head as I watched the colors slowly change, wondering if pollution of a human world like this would actually make the sun's comings and goings any more beautiful.

'I suppose I'll have to look out for Celestia's sunrise next time I go back to Equestria.' I thought as the thundering of a motorcycle caught my attention. A number of the vehicles had rode by, nearly making me opt to ignore the sound. This one however carried the passenger I was hoping to speak with. I watched the young woman for a few moments as she got off her bike, silently wondering if I should wait for her to come to me, or vice-versa.

The ball seemed to be in my court as she started walking over, her backpack slung onto her back with only one strap.

“I must say, you're here a bit early. I've only seen the teachers making their way in so far.” I said as she approached.

Sunset's face was majorly unreadable, though I could see some signs of a night spent awake. “Of course. We can't have other people discovering Equestria now can we?” I felt my eye twitch at her voice. The arrogant undertone was still easily heard, if a bit forced, along with a weariness that I could relate to.

I sighed mentally, trying to push my annoyance at the woman away. “I presume you'll be coming with me then?”

Despite my attempt to hide the irritation, I could only assume she had heard it in my voice. “Oh nooo. I just showed up here early for the pleasure of getting to see you.” Her eyes narrowed, attempting to provoke some sort of response out of me.

“Mm” was my response as she walked up to the mirror-like surface of the statues base. I watched as she reached out putting a hand against the cold stone surface before closing her eyes.

A pang of curiosity formed in the back of my head as I watched her before I decided to speak up. “You do know the portal doesn't open until tonight, right?”

Sunset seemed to finish whatever she was doing letting her hand fall back at her side before glaring up at me. “Do you know how long I've been here? You think I don't know how the portal works on this side?”

I simply shrugged. “I figure around four years given the time it takes for someone to get through high school and you're almost at the end...” I trailed off as her glare only deepened.

“Does the word 'rhetorical' mean anything to you?” Sunset all but growled before turning back to the statue's base replacing her hand on it's mirror-like surface. “I learned years ago that if you touch the portal's surface and focus, even while it's closed you can see through to the other side.”

I watched the unicorn turned teenager closed her eyes, the annoyance fading from her face as she concentrated. After a few moments of nothing I turned to the marble surface eyeing my reflection. I looked tired, my gray skin and dark clothes standing out against the off white surface. Hands in the hoodie's pockets, hood pulled up, looking no different from some a troublemaker waiting for their time to strike some unsuspecting prey. If I didn't know better I would almost think I was looking at a completely different person.

Letting out a sigh, I turned back to Sunset Shimmer only to find her still concentrating on the mirror, creases forming in her brow. “Everything alright?” I asked.

An annoyed grunt answered me before she lowered her hand. "No different than it was before you arrived. Crystal halls, overly shiny and colorful." I mentally nodded, 'An apt description in my opinion.' I thought before looking back up at the school, leaning back against the corner of the statue's base. "So are you going to sit there like some cheesy movie villain or are you going to tell me the plan for later?" Sunset's voice sounded again making me mentally groan for my future patience.

"There are three others coming with us later tonight, which is when we'll be leaving. After school, less prying eyes to learn what need not be learned. Right now I'm trying to decide on how to get the two of us out of the school system without any of the teachers or principals getting wind of the portal or growing suspicious." I said.

A scoff sounded from Sunset making me turn to look at her. "Getting us out is easily done by someone who's not an imbecile with computers, though I suppose someone coming from Equestria wouldn't know too much about them seeing as how they're still archaic at best with their technology."

One of my eyebrows slowly rose at her words, however before I could question it she continued.

"Even I was confused at first, but they are simple machines; you tell them what to do, they do it and nothing more. I can get us into the Principal's computer and erase all of our files before you could snap your fingers." she said folding her arms with a smug grin on her face.

Shrugging my shoulders I nodded, "Alright I'll let you cover that then, though I do have to ask if you intend to erase the memory of Vice Principal Luna with said computer. I would wager she would quite easily remember the school's top bully and the random new guy who defended said bully from a, much larger than him, skinhead."

Sunset made a show of rolling her eyes, going so far as to roll her head even, and letting out an explosive sigh. "The staff here literally don't care at all. I've seen students, normally by my own ingeniousness, run crying from the school only to never come back. Their parents come in and collect the student's things after the principal empties their locker." She said throwing her arms towards the school before returning to her bored stance with arms folded once more. "Vice Principal Luna might remember me, and possibly you, but I sincerely doubt she'll care anymore than when the hundreds of students came running to her over the stupid Anonamiss incident that they tried to pin on me."

As I watched Sunset's little theatrics performance I couldn't help but feel that something was off. She wasn't quite acting like herself, or at least the person that I had seen and had the 'pleasure' of talking to before. She would force parts of the act too much, while other parts would seem like a sad imitation of the 'Queen of Canterlot High'. Shaking my head mentally I decided to put the info in the back of my mind, possibly for later.

Nodding in halfhearted agreement I shrugged. "Very well Sunset Shimmer, I don't pretend to know more about this place than you do. We can very easily vanish into the night through the mirror."

Huffing a bit, Sunset nodded. "Of course I know more about this place, I've been here for four years, plus you're probably just some run of the mill lackey that Celestia sent my way. I couldn't expect you to-"

I let out a tired sigh as I tuned the red and yellow haired girl out and silently prayed that today would run by quickly.

After what felt like much too long, other students started appearing. Rather than be caught talking to me Sunset quickly retreated to whatever group she normally talked to, or harassed other students with at least.

I continued to enjoy the cool morning air watching silently as students slowly formed their groups, sectioning off parts of the school ground to themselves while chatting. For the most part I went unnoticed, as the student body in whole tended to keep away from the school’s horse statue, most likely due to threat of detention as I had received.

Shaking my head I wondered what kids thought about in high school, let alone in a different dimension. ‘Oh did you hear about Jessi? They say she likes Jonny in Mrs. Freeman’s class’ I imagined a group of more prissy looking girls saying to one another before chuckling under my breath. “So stupid…” I mumbled.

Thinking back I tried to remember what exactly I did back in high school. A few flashes of faceless unimportant people, classes that I despised, beautiful sunsets and a few school lunches chatting with people I couldn’t remember well.

What sounded like a familiar if barely audible voice sounded through the mass of voices around the school ground, looking for the source I saw a young woman wearing a white blouse with a green skirt and long green boots on looking up at me through her pink locks of hair.

“Um… Excuse me” I heard her repeat, “You might not want to sit up there.”

I cocked my head to the side in mock confusion before hopping down. “Why might that be?”

The young lady seemed to shrink back more from me before quietly mumbling something about detention. It took me a second to realize what exactly she had said before I understood she was talking about how students got detention from touching the statue.

“Ah, I getcha. Thanks for the heads up. Wouldn’t be good to get detention on my third day here, eh?” I said chuckling before offering my hand. “I’m Wandering Bindle.”

At this point I could already recognize this girl, though admittedly it took me a second what with my mind preoccupied. Fluttershy looked down at my hand for a second before shaking it meekly. “I’m Fluttershy” she nearly whispered, quiet enough that my ability to make out what she said was based solely on the fact that I already knew her name.

I nodded a friendly smile on my face. “A pleasure to meet you Fluttershy.” While normally a façade, the smile was genuine to the shy young woman if for no other reason than the fact that seeing a friendly face was helpful at this point.

A small part of my brain started wondering if I should even try to put these girls back together. While it was part of what Sunset Shimmer had brought to this world, and thus something to be rectified, my mind turned to Sundance. The anger I felt, while somewhat righteous, was directed towards the right person; it was none of my business. What right did I have to interfere with their lives? Bringing Sunset and the Sirens back was more a case of taking what little magic had filtered into this world and bringing it back to Equestria, can I really say that this is what I should be spending my time on when I needed to get said people, or ponies and sirens turned people, back to their magical land of dancing ponies.

“Good morning Wandering Bindle!” The sound of Rarity’s voice interrupted my thoughts. Turning I saw the purple haired fashionista walking towards us before her smile noticeably dimmed. “Oh, hello Fluttershy.”

I blinked at the change in tone, one which I associated with someone you’d much rather ignore and pretend didn’t exist rather than to speak with. What surprised me more was the tone in reply.

“Rarity” Fluttershy said, nearly spitting the words. Turning back, I saw what looked to be a bear standing on their hind legs ready to defend themselves in the guise of a woman. I felt my mouth fall open, having difficulty comprehending what I was seeing. Was the wedge between the girls that deep? Turning back to me, quite a bit of the goodwill gone from her eyes seeing my association with the purple haired woman, Fluttershy quietly wished me a good day before walking away.

“Yeesh” I muttered quietly turning back to Rarity. “What's up with her?” I asked pointing a thumb over my shoulder.

Rarity let out a sigh shaking her head, a hand dramatically folding over her chest. “That is, quite the tale I must admit.” She said looking after the angered animal lover, before turning back to me. “One that is a bit personal...”

I nodded at the implication, 'Whatever Sunset did here turning them against one another must've only compounded over the years. I could have swore that Rarity was angry with someone else, not Fluttershy.' Mentally shaking my head I decided to put the entire idea behind me. “Fair enough. I'm not one for people pulling skeletons out of my closet, so I try not to go digging into other's social lives.”

“I thank you for that.” She said before shaking her head and looking at me concerned. “Wander, I must ask after yesterday's fiasco in the cafeteria, are you alright?”

Taking a deep breath I pushed away the anger that quickly resurfaced. “Yeah.” I said before pinching the bridge of my nose. 'Need to get over that. It's none of my business.' “Nothing to worry about.” I said waving off the thoughts and offering the young lady a tired smile.

Rarity brightened returning the smile. “I must admit I was afraid you might be a bit saddened after your attempt to reach out to Sundance went so poorly.” She said, her hands finding their way to the ends of one of her curls. “I was thinking that if you didn't have any other friends, I could introduce you to a couple of mine at lunch?”

I blinked at the offer, confused for a moment. 'I suppose that wouldn't be terrible, though I should keep my presence...' I started to think only for reality to come crashing back down screaming “Hey Stupid” the whole time.
“Of course you don't have to if you don't want to! I simply thought that if you wanted...” Rarity started again after seeing the look on my face only to stop as I held up a hand.
“I'd be delighted to meet your friends, I was just...” I shook my head with a smile, “Thinking of unimportant things I suppose.”

Rarity practically reinflated at the affirmation. “Splendid! I'll be looking forward to introducing you to Fancypants, Octavia and Hoity!”

I felt an eye twitch at hearing the names but thankfully she didn't notice. 'Maybe this wasn't the best idea' I thought as she started telling me about her friends.

“Oh I know you'll simply love Fancypants, he's such a gentleman, and quite fashionable to boot! He's without a doubt one of the most well liked students at this school and if it wasn't for him dating Fleur De Lis at Crystal Heart Academy, he would probably be one of the most eligible bachelors at Canterlot High!”

Mentally shaking my head as she went on about the other two I silently wondered if she was better off with these three than with the other five. 'I suppose that would be four actually.'

As the two of us made our way into the building. One of the bells for first hour rang pulling me from my thoughts and stopping Rarity in her tracks. “Oh my! It seems we must be getting to class! I'll see you at lunch!” she said before speed walking off.

“Right.” I muttered as she left before shrugging and heading off towards my first hour. “Only... seven hours and fifty minutes till I'm back in Equestria”

Miss Harshwhinny's first hour was much more boring than yesterday as said teacher had assigned a book to me and yesterday's book partner was less than interested in me along with a good portion of the class, unless you counted snickering.

History might have been interesting if I hadn't been as lost as I was yesterday, though the interesting part was halfway through said history class, a call interrupted the teacher making him pause his power-point to answer.

Moments later I was walking towards the Principal's office wondering what exactly was going on.

'Either I did something wrong without knowing it or something...' I thought letting out a yawn. Following the teacher's directions I found a door with a small golden colored plaque reading Principal Celestia in flowing script.

A moment after knocking on the smoked glass a very familiar “Come in” sounded. Inside was quite boring; trophies the school had won sorted by oldest on shelves behind her desk separated by books, teaching certificates hung on the wall, a single whiteboard sectioned off in a chart that seemed to be a scoring of the student body over months in the different academic classes.

Principal Celestia herself looked little different from what I remembered, perhaps a bit more tired. “Ah, you must be the new student my sister told me about. Wandering Bindle?” She said getting up and offering a hand.

I nodded shaking her hand before offering a smile. “And you must be Principal Celestia, least that's what the plaque on the door says.”

Celestia snickered for a moment, “I would certainly hope so, I would hate to have to get it replaced again, last time was such a hassle with Principal Discord.”

The two of us chuckled between ourselves for a moment. As we stopped I felt a bit of the weight of the last few days wane. A part of me felt more excited about returning to Equestria as well, and seeing my friend. 'It feels like it's been much too long' I thought. “So how can I help you Principal Celestia?” I asked the smile still tugging at my lips.

“To be honest, I simply prefer being able to meet with each student that enrolls in Canterlot High, and since unfortunately I was rather indisposed in meetings with the school board for the last few days I hadn't gotten to meet with you yet.” She said before looking down at some of the paperwork in front of her, the smile fading from her face. On closer inspection I could see my alias written on. “It says here that while you were trying to enroll that there was an incident almost involving the police?”

I blew air out the side of my mouth before shifting on my feet. “Ah, that fiasco.”

“Care to explain what happened that nearly got one of our students and possibly yourself injured?”

“Well I'd assume it's fair to say you have the report from the Vice Principal?” I asked leaning on the back of one of the chairs in front of her desk. Celestia's eyebrow rose at my glancing down again before nodding. “I also assume you've talked to Miss Sunset Shimmer about this as well? As if so there's not a whole lot I can tell you. As from where I stood...” I started my explanation of the first few hours of what happened while I was on this side of the portal. “After my little chat with the Vice, I left for the day and explored a little of the city I would be living in, at least for the time being.”

Principal Celestia nodded looking down at the paperwork in front of her, her eyes scanning through it. Seeming satisfied she looked back up at me. “From my point of view, it simply looks like you were trying to help one of our students, albeit in an unorthodox manner. For now, I'll settle with giving you the school's thanks. However, as a student of CHS neither my sister or I can condone the use of violence, or even the threat of it. Due to your obvious intentions I believe I will agree with Vice Principal Luna's decision to let you off with a warning.”

Standing back up I shrugged mentally as I put my hands in my pockets. “Fair enough, wasn't planning on causing any trouble from the beginning.” I said dismissively.

Celestia's look hardened for a moment at my change of attitude, though she didn't comment on it. “I suppose then the only other thing I can ask is if you're finding CHS to your liking. Admittedly it's only your second day, however I thought it might be prudent to ask.”

Thinking back I couldn't really come up with anything all too big to talk with the Principal about. “Besides the fickle teenage student body, the occasional skinhead attack, and rather ungrateful girls who you save from said skinhead I can't think of anything.” I started with a grin spreading back across my face before something came to mind. “Oh, the welding teacher is da- er quite good at his job.” I finished.

Celestia blinked before a smile stretched across her face. “I'm sure Electric Arc would be overjoyed to hear such a review of his methods. The student body are... Well you know how teenagers can be, if what you told Luna about moving was true.” She said to which I nodded. “Fickle as the wind, as the saying goes. Sunset on the other hand...” The look on Celestia's face fell as she thought of the young mare turned woman. “She has some problems with other students on occasion as they've come to tell either myself or my sister. I cannot say anything on the validity as normally there's no proof, though the students in question normally either change schools, drop out, or seemingly disappear from the school at large only participating in the core classes before returning to their homes. I do however believe that she was in fact grateful for your help.”

I simply shrugged, “Regardless, that's for her to decide. I don't suppose I could help with anything else?”

Glancing through her paperwork again, Celestia shook her head. “Not as far as I can tell. Thank you for your help. You're free to return to your class, and welcome to Canterlot High school.”

The remainder of my classes before lunch were less than eventful. A few snide comments under other student's breath at my expense, fewer still sympathetic looks, to top it off the pain in my chest slowly grew to a quiet roar. In the end the classes left little for me to do, thankfully the teachers requiring note taking and homework more than classwork, leaving me to wonder about my situation both on this and the other side of the portal.

Lunch seemed to take it's sweet time to arrive. The clock above the board only compounding my frustration with the foolishness of sitting in a classroom 'learning' about whatever asinine subject the male teacher seemed to be talking about. By the time the bell actually rang and we were dismissed to lunch, I was practically fuming. The fact that Sunset Shimmer walked past me on the way to the cafeteria offering only a pointed look that said 'Don't screw this up' only helped in souring my already aggravated mood.

'You little shit, I almost hope you get thrown in chains for the nonsense you-' I thought before a gentle touch on my arm startled me.

Looking back Rarity stood there, a surprised fear written across her face at my response. “Are you alright Wandering Bindle?” she asked after a moment.

'Not exactly the perfect gentleman you thought huh?' I thought before closing my eyes and letting out a long breath. 'No.' I thought, directing the frustration and anger at her would provide nothing. 'Even if I'll never see her again after today' The thought was surprisingly bitter.

“Ah, Rairty. You are a sight for sore eyes” I said, feigning a gladness only a small portion felt. 'What brought so much anger? Was it really only the waiting for Economics to be over and Sunset's attitude? Then again there was the pain. “Today's already been a long day.”

Some of the young lady's previous demeanor returned, though part of her still seemed wary of my tired look. “I'm sorry to hear that, would it be better to wait to meet my friends tomorrow?”

A part of me considered the suggestion, 'I suppose I'd never have to meet those uptight, snotty, little asses, if that were the case.' Looking at Rarity's face, worry etched her features more than fear now. Pushing off the thoughts I shook my head. “No, I would love to meet your friends Rarity. If they're half as kind as you, then they'll turn this day around.”

I felt like I was talking out of my ass, but the young lady seemed to perk back up at the admission and compliment. “Oh without at doubt they'll more than turn your day around!”

The two of us started walking towards the cafeteria, Rarity talking at length of the admiral qualities of her friends, sometimes repeating what she had said earlier in the day, but the excitement and happiness was evident in her voice. Wading through the mass of students flooding into the cafeteria I walked with her over to the lunch line, still noting the required payment at the end and declined an offered tray from the worker.

“Are you not getting anything Wandering Bindle?” I heard the young lady's voice beside me as I shook my head at the worker.
“No, I'm not really feeling all that hungry.” I said offering a tired smile before patting my stomach. “Big breakfast and all.”

Rarity nodded, her violet curls bobbing. “I understand.” she said. The lie fell too easily from my lips. I couldn't really remember the last time I had really eaten. Before I came here for sure. Food didn't have the same appeal it did when I wasn't undead.

After a few moments of shuffling through the line, spots when Rarity was interrupted from her telling me about her friends by asking for a certain food or rejecting another, the two of us made our way over to a table.

The table was nearly packed already. Somewhat familiar faces like Fancypants' stood out along with a gray skinned young lady who's posture was broomstick straight her dark hair straight with the exception of a slight curl at the end who I could only assume was Octavia, beyond the two of them I couldn't recognize the remaining people seated at the table assuming them to be either groupies or other of the 'fashion clique'.

As we approached Rarity cleared her throat catching the attention of a few of the members of the table, with their attention drawn, the remainder that I could only assume were followers looked at us as well. “Well ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to Wandering Bindle. Whom I believe you all know has been the talk of the school for the past few days.” Rarity said, her voice loud enough to hear over the dim of the other conversations around the table, but quiet enough for only the table to understand her.

Looking over at the young lady I recognized the look of pride that shown across her face. 'Like getting a new toy...' I thought in the back of my mind.

The rest of the table was split in their reaction. Some like seemed interested, and even pleased with my introduction. Others seemed the opposite, the looks on their faces showed all too much of their thoughts 'Why is He here?'. Fancypants seemed to be only unreadable one, his face almost calculating my own reaction before offering one of his own.

Deciding to make the most of the situation I could I inclined my head if only slightly. “Good afternoon” I said with the most convincing fake smile yet.

A few of the group nodded, faces shifting to expressionless, others simply ignored me going back to their conversations. Fancypants however nodded, a smile forming on his face “A good afternoon to you as well Wandering Bindle.” The remainder of the table, the followers as I had dubbed them, mimicked the reactions of those around them.

Rarity found her place at the table, notably away from the group that seemed too engrossed with their conversations to even offer more than a passing glance at me. Sitting next to the young lady I found myself subject to a number of curious glances from the more interested of the table.

“So, Wandering... Binge was it?” I heard a uppity voice to my right to find a young man dressed in what can only be described as 'My daddy is a lawyer, so I can do whatever I want'.

Inwardly wincing at the upcoming conversation I eyed him slowly. “Bindle, actually.”

“Yes, yes.” He said waving his hand dismissively. “So, what exactly happened between you and that Sunshine girl?” A smirk formed quickly at his question.

Conversations on the other side of the table simply stopped. Rarity must have seen me tense as I heard her voice offer a tired “Bright Star..”

I exhaled through my nose at his transparent attempt to anger me. “Oh Sundance? That whole debacle yesterday?” I said evenly to which he nodded, smirk only growing. “Ah, well she thought I was working for Sunset, decided against speaking to me after all of what the young... female, did to her.” I said, clenching and unclenching my fist under the table.

An amused curiosity shown on the teen's face. “Oh? And do you work for our school's resident terrorist?”

I shook my head. “Far from it!” I said throwing my other hand in a dismissive wave similar to his own. “The fact that I ended up saving her from that... Man earlier was simply coincidence, and if I do say so, good luck on her part.”

Surprise stood out on Bright Star's face. “I see, I was under the impression you were simply trying to get into one of the girls' pants.” He said, smirk forming anew. In the corner of my eye I noticed a few other members of the table stiffen.

“Bright Star, that is very uncalled for.” Fancypants said, a disgusted look forming on his face before he turned to me. “Wandering Bindle I apologize on my... compatriot's behalf.”

Exhaling a breath I didn't realize I had been holding I shook my head. “It's fine, and thank you. Though I can't say I caught your name?”
The young man in question opened his mouth a friendly smile forming on his lips only to be interrupted. “Come now Fancypants” Bright Star said, irritation dripping from his voice. “Not only can I apologize for myself, but there was nothing to apologize for! I was simply stating what seemed to be the most likely!”

My head snapped to the worm, my eyes doing their best to burrow into his head. “Ah, the most likely is it?” I said rolling my jaw. “I would have you know, that not only would I not stoop to enjoying a young lady while she is in distress, but also am above trying to worm my way up the social ladder by conquering either the lowest or who seems to be the height.”

The smirk turned into a full blown smile, the smile of a man who believed he had won. “Ah, forgive me. I must have misjudged you as a... what do they call it in the slums these days? Manwhore?”

A few snickers sounded from across the table. A heavy frown formed on Fancypant's face as he sighed looking over at Bright Star. Rarity, from the corner of my eye, couldn't seem to decide on aghast or embarrassed.

'Oh yes, the little toy you brought to seem so Generous and Kind is getting pulled apart right in front of you. What will this do to your reputation?' I thought, suddenly disgusted that I had believed her seemingly good intentions.

Focusing back on Bright Star, his cronies seemed to be giggling to themselves and he chuckled lightly, watching my anger. Suppressing the emotion as heavily as I could, I offered a toothy smile to the teen. “I don't suppose you've been on the streets much then Bright Star. The more common term is Womanizer, which I cannot say that I am.” I said before offering a thoughtful look. “Though I must admit I do remember where I heard your name before, I recall hearing it in passing from a flamboyantly homosexual man telling his friend that you were a great... what was it... Sub?”
A the sound of a pin could be heard as the smile and giggles vanished from the table. Bright Star's eyes seemed to be ready to burst from his head as a blush shot across his face.

Another sigh caught my attention drawing my eyes back to the disappointed visage of Fancypants. “For shame Wandering Bindle. Bright Star's sexuality is his own and should not be abused as such.”

I blinked in surprise glancing back to the teen in question to find him tearing up. A frown appeared on my face as I looked back to Fancypants, my mouth opened to try to diffuse the situation only for his hand to stop me. “No, I do not believe we need anymore of your words. I admit I expected better of you after your display of what seemed to be a kind of rugged chivalry. I recognize that now as a thirst for violence and pain.” I felt a twitch as he nodded looking around the table before resting back on me. “I believe it may be best if you leave.”

Looking back at Bright Star I found him being comforted by one of his cronies. Looking back at Fancy I shook my head and let out a long sigh. “Very well. I admit that I wish things had played out differently, you seem like you're a reasonable gentleman, one whom even now I find myself grudgingly respecting. Though I find myself disgusted that you would stand by and let me be verbally abused by this...” I failed on words as I motioned towards Bright Star. “Regardless.” I finally said before getting up. “Good day.”

I started walking away hearing hushed whispers, recognizing only one voice amongst them.
“I am so sorry, he seemed like such a gentleman. I hope you all can forgive me for subjecting you to...” Rarity's voice sounded before I made it five steps from the table.
“Rarity.” I said simply, hushing the whispers instantly. The young woman in question looked back at me, a mixture of disgust, confusion, and what seemed to be remorse written across her face. “I am not stupid. I had thought using someone for your status was below you, but apparently I was wrong.” Anger welled up inside me, of being shunned again, rejected by what a foolish part of me had allowed to recognize as a crush. I shook my head. “I suppose after years without your actual friends, you became on of them.” I said motioning to the others at her table. “I can honestly say I am a worse person after meeting you, and them. I sincerely hope I never meet any of you again, you disgust me.”

The look on Rarity's face changed to a mixture of shock and anger. Turning on my heels I began marching from the cafeteria. “Wandering Bindle!” I heard the enraged woman shout after me. Ignoring her I continued towards the door.
Footsteps were my only warning before a hand found my arm and yanked managing to stop me. Turning another hand quickly found my cheek with a force that made my ears ring. Pain radiated from my face as my head was snapped back towards the cafeteria doors.

Silence ruled the room as the sound of my blood pumping filled my ears, a different pain throbbing in my chest. Licking my lips I tasted metal.

Turning slowly, I looked at the angry teen. A blush played across her face turning her pearly white skin an interesting shade of pink. Hate seemed to fill her azure eyes though worry formed quickly as I saw my reflection in them.
“I... Will have you know!” The young woman faltered for a moment before regaining her steam. “That you are one of the most uncouth, hateful, and un-gentlemanly boy I have ever met!” Rarity looked away for a moment. “I cannot say that I didn't find the allure of what seemed to be a kind soul behind a rough exterior, but!” Her eyes bored into me again in a second. “I realize now that Fancypants is right, you're simply a hoodlum who cannot even rise above simple name calling! I mean-”
Terror showed in the young woman's eyes as my hand clamped over her mouth. “I should absolutely confirm what you think of me right now.” I rotated my jaw with my other hand. “The temptation to reject my morals and simply smear your pretty face across the floor is nearly... Impossible to resist.” I chuckled wiping my mouth and looking at the blood smeared across my hand from the busted lip. “But.” I said clenching my hand tighter as she started trying to claw it off with her nails. “I believe I won't do that. As titillating an idea as it is, I think I should walk away. My time in this hellhole will have been short, bitter, and beyond aggravating.” I released her, the pain in my chest making me want to vomit. She inhaled deeply glaring at me as the imprint of my hand across her mouth shown a start red against her white skin, matching her blush.

“Hey!” a shout sounded across the room. Glancing over an irate Flash Sentry stood tall in the sea of sitting teens, having finally become aware of what was going on.

Turning back to Rarity I shook my head and spat a glob of blood onto the floor before making my way to the doors literally kicking them open.

The rest of the day went by slowly, a nagging feeling in the back of my mind screamed that I would be grabbed from welding class to talk to the principal, and possibly the police. It had been a while since my stint in high school, and my knowledge of what transpires after an 'incident' like the one I had been involved in was rusty. My solution was less than elegant, but effective.

Near the end of class I asked to use the restroom, and hid out.

When the bell rang, I threw up my hood and made my way to the school's exit, avoiding the main entrance when I noticed security there with the Principal and Vice Principal staking out the doors. Sneaking out was a less easy task, though made easier when I got past the mob of people.

The pain in my chest had only grown with my anger after the event as well, making my thinking hazy. I could only imagine how I looked when Flash Sentry himself found me looking at an emergency exit map, in the more decrepit part of the school.

“Wandering Bindle” the voice made me grimace as I was turned around forcibly. Anger was quickly replaced by a confused shock as he looked at my hooded face. “Whoa...”

“What do you want Flash.” I rasped through clenched teeth.

Shaking his head he let go of my shoulder. “Are you alright? She didn't hit you that hard dude.”

I licked at the split in my lip, the stinging sensation barely registering. “Hard enough... to split my lip. What do you want Flash?”

The teen shook his head again, this time to clear it and the look of anger returned. “The Principal is looking for you dude, with security. I get that you might've gotten off easy with the skinhead, but Rarity has bruising around her mouth from where you grabbed her. What the hell happened? I only got half the story from onlookers and it ain't looking pretty.”

I grimaced again as the pain welled up in my chest. “Fuck...” I muttered blowing air out my nose.

Flash sighed. “Dude, I get that maybe you didn't come from someplace easy and all...”
The young man's voice faded out as a pleading voice in the back of my head sounded.

Kill him, it'll stop the pain.”

Clutched at my chest. Shaking my head. 'No...'

“It worked with the dog...”

'Dear God no...' I thought.

“Dude... let's get you to the nurse. You look like hell!” Flash's voice sounded again.

Nobody's around to see you do it.”

I glanced around, and like it said, nobody was around. It would be so easy to slip my hands around his throat....

“No...” I managed to sputter out.

A hand fell on my shoulder, almost friendly. “Dude, you need to see someone. You're way paler than normal and you don't sound good. Let me go find someone, stay put.”

'Don't let him escape!'

My eyes shot to the back of the teen as he started jogging away, presumably towards the nurse's office. The familiar handle of my knife found a fist clenched around it as I drew it from it's hiding place.

'Just a quick stab, right to the spine. Painless for him, and soon for yourself as well'
The knife was out, open in the air poised and ready to strike, it's intended prey only a few feet away. My foot was up, mid-stride as I realized what I was doing. Nearly dropping the knife I slammed my eyes shut gritting my teeth and shoved the blade back into my pocket, ignoring the sharp pain as I missed the sheath grazing my leg.

'I need to go' I thought slapping my foot down onto the linoleum tile. Stumbling away I grasped at my chest, trying to find a hiding place to wait until nightfall, until I could go back. The agony made the search harder, even as the small voice spat insults.

'You should have killed him. Then there would be no pain!'

'Could I have lived with myself afterwards though?' I found myself wondering, even as a large part of me wished I had done as the voice suggested.

Staggering through the now empty halls I heard faint voices and footsteps every now and then. Guessing it to be the search party of not only the damning Principal and the others but also Flash trying to get me help, unknowing of the near fatality of his last encounter.

Passing by a clock told me all I needed to know. 'After they've searched this place, they'll go home. It's late enough they'll think I left by other means.' I reassured myself.

Grasping the wall I peeked around a corner of a three way intersection. Finding it clear both ways and the voices becoming fainter, I rounded the corner breathing heavily and leaning on the wall. Letting my hand fall to my side as I continued I felt something wet on my pants leg. Looking down at the jeans I noticed a spot of blood that had soaked into the leg, having grown to the size of my hand. The sharp pain in my leg was next to nothing, in comparison to the soul piercing agony that I felt deep within my chest, even as I continued staggering down the corridor.

'Would it be easier to just leave?' I wondered, trying to remember the layout of the school. I knew I was on the first floor, I hadn't gone up any stairs since walking away from the entrance. My pain addled mind however couldn't seem to grasp where exactly I was, let alone with me being new to the school.

Time crawled as I wandered the hallways, avoiding the voices and footsteps. My mind focusing solely on moving, finding some place to rest and hide. The spot of blood had slowly been growing down my leg before stopping completely and finally drying. I had barely noticed the difference before brushing past my leg again and feeling the crusty spot on the jeans. Coming across another clock I looked up and noted the time. It was almost time for my meeting with Sunset and the sirens...

As I came to the realization I found myself suddenly in the dark. The lights having been cut and plunging the entire corridor into an inky blackness that I could only just barely make anything out in.

'Almost.... Time' I thought through the haze of pain. Having been stumbling around for a good couple hours I was exhausted.

Looking around after my eyes adjusted, I found that I still didn't really know where I was exactly. The classrooms around me were marked with artwork and what looked like smiles. Were I in a clearer state of mind I might of thought them classrooms of younger students, however they looked foreign and malformed in the dark.

Limping down the hallway, having gone both up and back down the stairs multiple times over the time I had been avoiding the voices I wondered silently if I was on the first floor once more. Coming to a corner I turned and followed the corridor taking a note of the dim light that shined down in what looked like a large room.

Hastening as much as the agony in my chest allowed I hobbled into a large open room, covered in large decorations and banners. Looking around I noted the light coming in through a pair of glass doors.

Through my haze I recognized the main entrance of the school after a few moments. Looking back, what had seemed like an endless corridor now looked anything but, having been at most fifty feet. Shaking my head, I started towards the glass doors.

Outside I saw a few figures standing around the statue I had been using as a bed. A trio talking between themselves with a lone figure standing away from them, seeming to actively be trying to ignore them. The urge to reach for my knife rose in my gut as the voice that had been mocking me turned it's attention to them.

'Finally a relief from the agony'

I found that I agreed with the voice, though my eyes were focused on the statue instead. Actively having to pull my attention from the four figures.

Pushing one of the doors open took more strength than I thought it would, having to put my entire body weight behind my shaking arms before managing to move it. Grunting I nearly fell, leaning heavily on the door as I looked up and noted the four figures attention turning to me.

“Finally! I thought I was going to have to kill these three before you'd show up. Not to mention you making some kind of havoc towards the end of school.” Sunset Shimmer's voice rang out through the haze over my mind. “Whatever. Let's get this over with.”

I heard muttering coming from the other three, though their voices barely registered in my mind. My whole attention was on the horse statue. The base shining like a mirror against the streetlights around the school.

Nearly falling down the stairs in my haste I shuffled towards the reflective source of my relief, my salvation from pain.

“What in the stars....” I heard the voice of one of the sirens as I slowly approached, my arms reaching for the reflection of myself.

“F-fin-” I sputtered my jaw reacting badly from having been clenched so long.

“What the buck happened to you...” The voice of Sunset sounded again.

The girls around the base of the statue started backing up, away from my salvation, away from me.

“M-mus-t... b-a-ack...” I managed before stumbling. The portal feet before me, I fell to my hands and knees. “P-painnn”
I could only imagine what I looked like. Large bloodstain on my leg, hood pulled up with my too pale face peering out.

A sigh sounded with an arm reaching to pull at my shoulder. I could offer little help as I looked on towards the portal. After a few moments another pair of hands joined the first, pulling at my other arm.

Before long the pair got me up, my legs barely able to keep up.

“Heavy...” A voice sounded in my right ear. Glancing showed me a blue girl, straining to keep up with my weight. I couldn't place who she was, but looking back at the pedestal I could see Sunset on my other side.

“Jeeze... You fat... fucker could... at least stay on your feet.” The fiery haired girl said in my other ear. “Let's go, you two. We'll pull this one through after so we don't get mobbed by guards or something.”

The vision of my reflection was momentarily barred by the sight of two figures, one purple the other orange. They quickly disappeared walking through the reflective surface with a shine of light that momentarily blinded me.

'So close...' I thought, my feet finally finding purchase on the ground once more. Weakly I leaned on the two females as we made the few feet towards the portal.

“Finally I won't have to deal with this kind of shit anymore.” I heard Sunset mutter under her breath.

“Too bad we'll be missing the human food... I really liked the tacos” I heard the blue female... Sonata? Mutter.

“No... more... Pain....” I rasped before closing my eyes as we broke the surface of the portal.