Sunset Shimmer and the philosopher's stone

by Flamingsheild

Another A/N Sorry

After much consideration and helpful comments from, you guys I have decided the hogwarts house Sunset will be in. Ron and Harry are still going to be lions. I just had trouble becuase of what i want sunset's character to be like.

Sorry Hufflepuffs but sunset isn't openly kind or loyal to strangers only to people she knows and thinks they deserve it and she just dosen't fit the qualities of the house of Helga. I hadn't actually considered Ravenclaw because susnet's character ian't naturally curious. She is intelligent but in order to be a Ravenclaw you have to be naturally curious. Sunset is only curious about things that she thinks that could actually help her.

Sunset is naturally cunning and can meld any situation to a situation where she gets what she wants or her opponent is foiled in their plans so Slytherin seems perfect for her but in order to be a sorted in to slytherin you have to believe in what Salazar beleived in. Blood purity. Sunset respects the traditions of the pure-blood houses but thinks that blood purity dosen't determine the worth of the person. Plus she'll have to deal with living in the same house as bluebutt but that could be a good story arc?

If Sunset was in Griffendor (Please correct me if i spelt that wrong.) it would be easier to keep up with the event's of the story. Plus sunset is determined and brave two traits that are necessary in Griffendor. But sunset isn't going to blindly charge in and risk her life. She will find a way to achieve her goals with the least amount of causlties possible.

Thank you all so much for helping me decide!!!