Skylanders X MLP

by Skylander545

Spyro's Chronicles Part 2

It was a rainy day in the realm of Dragons as a bunch of sheep were standing around on a hill until they ran when Spyro and Cynder charged through before coming to a stop by a tree. Spyro sighed,

“Is this rain ever going to stop?” Cynder sighed, “With all this rain, I forgot what the sun looks like. Any suggestions, Spyro?”

“We should go on vacation, all three of us. Somewhere warm, somewhere sunny.”

Cynder spotted a nearby portal with the name of their destination, “Dragon Shores!”

“Yeah, I haven’t been there since we kicked Gnasty Gnorc’s butt for the second time.” He looked at his dragonfly friend, “What do ya say, Sparx? Up for a vacation at the beach?”

The dragonfly stated, “I’m up for it…” He sped towards the portal, “Since you guys gave me a head start!”

The two dragons chased him as Spyro yelled, “Last one there’s a gnorc!” They caught up to Sparx just before all three of them entered the portal.

Meanwhile in one of the many areas of Avalar, three people were standing next to a portal as one of them, a faun girl asked,

“Is it working, Professor?” The little mole-like scientist stated as he was tinkering with two orbs, “Almost...just a few more adjustments to these orbs and…”

The third one was a familiar cheetah archer with his hood up as he said, “These things do take time and we have little with Ripto causing trouble which is why we need to bring a dragon to this part of Avalar.”

The faun stated, “This was your idea, Hunter since you and your village had fought with the dragons during the war.”

“Exactly, not only do dragons draw strength from crystals, they possess a wide variety of attacks. Perfect for standing up against Ripto.”

“You also mentioned those two dragons that ended the war. Who were they?”

Hunter was going to answer until the Professor shouted as the orbs began to activate the portal, “It’s working...IT’S WORKING! I’VE GOT A DRAGON!”

The newly-activated portal spat out not one, but two dragons as they crashed and skidded onto the grassy ground. A dragonfly was also flung from the portal and crashed while saying in a dazed state,

“Mommy...fluff my pillow.” The insect collapsed after saying that as the two dragons got up. There was a Purple Dragon and a Black Dragon, two dragons that Hunter never thought he would see again. Both dragons shook off the dirt from their landing as the black one stated,

“That was a rough landing.” The purple dragon nodded in agreement and turned towards the three, “Hi, which way is the…” He looked around and realized that this wasn’t Dragon Shores at all, “Beach?”

While the faun and the Professor were initially surprised, Hunter knew that it was only a matter of time before he would see these two again. As he approached, he knelt down and gently picked up the dragonfly in his paw as he spoke,

“Spyro, Cynder. Are you hurt from your landing?”

Spyro stated, “A little shaken up, but we’re fine.” The archer smiled, “It has been too long, my friend. But, we wouldn’t have pulled you from your intended path if it weren’t dire.”

He removed his hood as Spyro had recognized him, “ that you?” The cheetah nodded, “It is me, my friend. Although our reunion could have come under better circumstances.”

Cynder asked, “What do you…” All of a sudden, a powerful blast struck the portal that they came out off, destroying it in the process and knocking the group to the ground and waking up Sparx in the process. The culprits responsible for the attack were a trio, consisting of two monsters, a blue dinosaur with a chicken leg for a club, a green quadruped dinosaur that was being ridden by a short riptoc with a scepter. The riptoc looked around and stated,

“Well, it looks like someone forgot to invite me to the party.” He noticed that these three took great lengths to hide something, “What exactly are you hiding?” He soon turned his glare towards Spyro and Cynder,

“Dragons!? You brought dragons to this part of Avalar!?” He was angry and declared, “I. HATE. DRAGONS! NNNEEEEAHHHH!!!!” He raised his scepter with the intent to strike, only for the faun to whisper to a fairy and struck him with a zap followed by another zap by Sparx who utilized his dragonfly powers. The riptoc yelled, “OW! Crush! KILL THEM! KILL THEM!”

The blue dinosaur, Crush glared at the fairy and dragonfly and swung at them, missing the two while the dragonfly taunted, but hitting his master in the process as the scepter was flung into the air and into the jaws of the green dinosaur as it jumped due to the power that the scepter possessed. His master yelled,

“Gulp! You idiot! You ate my scepter!” He climbed onto his mount as they ran off, not before the riptoc declared, “I’ll deal with you later!”

Cynder, after looking at what transpired, “Who was that jerk?” The faun stated, “That was Ripto and we have to get rid of him! He’s been causing a whole lot of trouble around here, but I haven’t got time to explain.” She handed them a book, “Here, take this magic guide to Avalar. It will help you understand our worlds in this part since you haven’t been here very often during the war,”

The book made its way towards the dragons as Sparx stated, “Well, you got us right there. We have only ever seen Hunter’s village and that’s just about it.”

The faun noted the dragonfly’s statement and spoke, “In the meantime, we have to go follow Ripto and see what he’s up to. I’ll meet you in Summer Forest!” As she and Hunter ran off with the Professor lagging behind. Spyro called out,

“Hey, wait a minute!” But that fell on deaf ears as he sighed, “How do we always get ourselves mixed into these messes, guys?”

Cynder sighed, “I have no idea, but I guess we’ll have to help them with their problem and then get to Dragon Shores.”

Sparx declared, “I guess we have another adventure on our hands.” But before they started their adventure, Cynder noticed a cave at the top of some stairs. She motioned Spyro and he too, saw the cave and they went to investigate. Upon entering the cave, they were met with a tunnel as they walked through the short, but large tunnel until they were entered an open area of the cave. What they saw surprised them, there was a large nest filled with scales and upon further investigation, it was revealed to be Dragon Scales. Spyro also noticed that the structure of the cave had scorch marks and the remains of a creature that they all recognize - the body of a grublin. It looked like it had been dead for years and beyond the corpse, they found more dead grublins which were scattered in a way that looked like a battle had taken place. After passing the remains of those creatures, they had also found what had killed the grublins. 

There around the nest were the skeletal remains of two dragons, positioned in defense of the nest. Spyro was shocked to see this as they knew that grublin remnants would raid the nests of various dragon couples, only to be repelled by the parents. After looking over the battlefield, it was clear that the parents won, but not before nearly getting overwhelmed and from the looks of it, they fought to their dying breath. But then Cynder noticed the absence of one crucial thing,

“If these two fought with the instinct of defending their nest, where’s the dragon egg?”

Spyro looked around and saw that someone came here as the parents were succumbing to their wounds and took it. The purple dragon figured, “It wasn’t a thief or an agent of darkness, it was someone who was concerned, who spoke with the dying parents and they requested that they take the egg somewhere safe.”

Sparx sighed, “Yes, that is quite a mystery, but don’t we have an evil tyrant to stop?” 

With that being said, the trio of longtime friends left the cave and made their way through the realm known as Glimmer which was a farming site for gems until a gang of lizards stormed the place with an intention of stealing and eating freshly farmed gems from the gem cutters.

In the Canterlot Portal Chamber, Spyro was telling this story to the CMC and the dragon, Smolder as he stated,

“The Gem Cutters in Glimmer were having a lizard problem, so we had to stop those lizards from doing any more damage to the place.”

Cynder, who was present as well added, “There were some parts that we couldn't actually reach, such as a Super Fly power up that would give us a temporary flight time.” He explained that certain power ups were activated via spirit particles released from fallen enemies. Applebloom asked,

“So you defeat the enemies and their spirits power those things?”

“It's strange at first, but it was acceptable. We deal with the various enemies and in return, we activate the power ups in that world. Back to the super fly power up, It was in the caves of Glimmer, at the top of a ladder and we were still recovering from our five year sleep, so we couldn't use the ladder.”

Scootaloo stated, “I guess five years really did take a tool to both your wings, your powers and your strength. I can imagine if Rainbow Dash spent five years frozen, she would feel weak as well.”

“Weak, but with a high self esteem. Our wings recovered after this adventure, but our powers didn't fully recover until the Equestrian Portal of Power first activated.”

Smolder asked, “So you had to stop the lizards from robbing a gem farm and then head to Summer Forest?”

Spyro stated, “We also did some challenges for the Gem Cutters. I was lightning the gem lamps in the courtyard using the super fly power up that was also in the courtyard. Cynder had to help a Gem Cutter deal with some pesky burrowing lizards that ate his gem crops by shooting a rock at them and with those challenges, we were given an orb as a reward.”

Cynder added, “One of the Gem Cutters said that some ‘girl with wings’ dropped it there yesterday.”

Sweetie Belle realized, “It was a fairy that dropped the orbs there.”

Applebloom asked, “Weren't those like the orbs that brought you to that part of Avalar?”

Spyro sighed, “We didn't know what those orbs were for. When we helped fend off the lizards, the gem cutters gave us a talisman instead of an orb - which were found out what they were meant to do after we arrived at Summer Forest.”

“Didn't you also meet Auric’s greedy cousin in Glimmer as well?”

“Whirlwind told you about Moneybags as well?” All three fillies nodded. Cynder laughed, “While Auric is a nice, assuring businessman, Moneybags is a greedy, manipulative and conning bear, we have ever met.”

Sweetie Belle pointed out, “Hunter actually threatened him at arrow point back in Evening Lake.”

Both dragons chuckled at the fact that their old friend didn't take any deals from that bear. But they knew that they were off track as Sparx said, “So with the bear aside, we are just getting to the point where we arrived at Summer Forest.”

Spyro noticed, “ after leaving Glimmer, things took a bad turn when we arrived at our destination…”

At Summer Forest, the faun looked out at the nearby castle, just as Moneybags was kicked from the building. She sighed in annoyance, “Oh no!”

The Avalar banners were removed and replaced with banners that have Ripto's likeness on them. It wasn't until the two dragons from earlier appeared from the portal behind her. She noticed them, “Oh hello, Hunter mentioned you two, but we haven't been properly introduced. My name is Elora.”

Spyro introduced himself, “Oh hi, I'm Spyro…” Cynder introduced herself, “I’m Cynder.” Sparx confidently said, “And the glue that holds these two together...Sparx!”

Spyro looked at Elora, up and down and asked, “What are you some kind of goat?”
Cynder noticed, “I haven't seen anything like you before.”

Elora tilted her head down and chuckled, “I’m a faun, you dorks.”

Spyro realized, “Oh...sorry.” The faun anxiously asked, “Did you meet the gem cutters in Glimmer?”

Cynder recalled their time in that realm, “Yeah, they gave us a souvenir before we left. They called it a ‘Talisman.’”

Elora was surprised by this, “They gave you a Talisman?!”

Spyro decided to ask about the importance of it, “What? Is it important? We just stuck it in the guidebook that you gave us.”

“There are 14 Talismans in this part of Avalar and they are all magical. If you two can collect enough of them, it should be enough to defeat Ripto.”

All of a sudden, Hunter appeared from the portal as Elora asked, “Hunter, where have you been?!”

The archer stated, “Remember those heavy lizards we encountered on our way over here? You said, ‘Get those things away from the portal’ I was able to keep them busy for you to get to the portal. After that, I needed to craft a few arrows, using the gems that the gem cutters supplied for me.”

Elora, remembering the situation, understood her friend's disappearance. She soon told him,

“Spyro and Cynder are going to help collect the Talismans.”

The dragons were surprised as Spyro asked, “What?” Cynder asked, “We are?!”

Hunter stated, “You must listen, there's no way for you to get to Dragon Shores now.” Elora pointed out, “Right now, Ripto and his monsters have taken over the castle here in Summer Forest.”

“What must be done now is for you two to go to the other realms and convince the inhabitants to give you their talisman which you can keep in your guidebook.”

Sparx suspiciously asked, “Wait a minute, why can’t you or a member of your tribe handle the talismans? Why can’t we just torch Ripto?”

Hunter glared at the dragonfly, “The most overconfident of my students can barely keep track of his running shoes.” Elora joined in, “How could we expect to trust someone else with 14 talismans?”

The dragonfly sighed at this as Elora spoke to the two dragons, “If you come across any orbs, they’re important...but I’ll tell you about that later.”

Spyro recounted their tasks, “Okay, so we collect a few talismans…” Cynder spoke, “Give Ripto the old hop foot…” Sparx buzzed around them, “And be in Dragon Shores by lunchtime!”

Spyro and Cynder soon began their trek across the homeworld, Summer Forest. There they spoke with Elora and Hunter who appeared at some points in the area. Elora told the two that if they’re lost, they could find her and she will take them to a portal that would possess a talisman. 

When they found Hunter, he led them through a lesson on jumping and gliding to get across gaps. Hunter’s lesson also had them learn hovering, giving them an extra boost to get up to the ledge. After the lesson was over, Hunter stated that if they keep practicing, they would be able to fly on their own once more. He had also found an orb during the lesson and gave it to them when it was over. They soon went to work on collecting the gems that were scattered around the area. 

All the while, they encountered Moneybags who was shaken up after being booted from the castle. The bear offered 500 gems for them to re-learn how to swim underwater, the pair reluctantly accepted and they now learned how to swim underwater again.

After that, their attention was drawn to a nearby portal that said the name ‘Colossus’ which made Spyro remember that they passed by another portal that said ‘Idol Springs.’ Spyro looked at Cynder and said,

“We should split up. We’ll be able to cover more ground and find those talismans at a faster pace.”

Cynder asked, “There are two portals and the two of us. Who should go into Colossus?”

Spyro thought about it and the brief history that he was told from Hunter and Elora, considering Cynder’s past still haunting her. He stated, “Cynder, you’re going to Colossus while I go to Idol Springs.”

“I’ll find that Talisman…” Spyro added, “Sparx will be going with you as well.” The dragonfly buzzed up, “Wait wait wait, hold up! You want me to go with her?! You know I still get cautious whenever I’m around her! It feels like she’ll eat me at any moment!”

Cynder glared at the dragonfly, “Believe me, Sparx. If I was going to eat you, you would know it.”

Spyro calmly stated, “She just needs someone to talk to. I don’t want her being reminded of her past.”

He sighed, “Okay, I’ll go with your girlfriend. But if she tries something, I’m blaming you.” 

“I’m glad you understand, Sparx.”

Sparx buzzed up to Cynder as he said, “Ready to go?” Cynder soon disappeared into a shadow and reappeared by the Colossus portal, “I’m ready! Are you?” Spyro watched as his two friends entered the portal as he turned and went into the Idol Springs portal.

Meanwhile in Colossus, two monks were dragging a goat near the temple where they captured a yeti. The goat was meant for the yeti to eat, but after the monk pushed the goat in, there were the sounds of the beast eating as he smiled. But his smile disappeared when he noticed that the goat was still here. When he looked inside, he was shocked to find that the yeti had eaten his companion instead.

Outside the gate on the outskirts of Colossus, Cynder and Sparx had arrived and were met immediately by Brother Harry as he was surprised,

“Umm… I’ve heard of you before. Most of the brothers are still afraid due to your dark past, Cynder.”

Cynder assured him, “I wasn’t myself back then. But we managed to defeat him forever.” Harry was interested, “It’s best to leave the past behind you. But right now, a yeti has been rampaging around our home, but we managed to trap him by shutting all the doors.”

Sparx sighed, “More like trapping all of you with him.” Brother Harry stated, “If you talk to the other brothers, they should open the doors so you could get to him.”

The dragoness looked at the sight of tempest clouds around the mountains of Colossus, “Those clouds look like someone is controlling them.”

“That would be one of our frequent visitors. She came here, seeking refuge and a place to meditate. She may also be hesitant in speaking with any dragons.”

“Why's that?” 

“I think it would be more appropriate if you spoke with her.” Cynder asked the monk, “Where would I find her?”

“She would be meditating next to a statue in an ice cave above the building containing the yeti. Be cautious when approaching her.”

Cynder nodded as she made her way through the temples of Colossus, fighting off angry goats, having the monks chant to open the doors, fighting off angry yaks with her shadow breath and gaining more spirit particles for the new power up, ‘The Super-Jump.’ It allowed her to jump up to higher levels of the temples where she couldn't normally reach. When she entered a temple overlooking the valley, she spotted the Professor being harassed by a ball of magma and smoke with an evil grin. When the smoke ball noticed her, it screamed as it flew away in fright. He sighed,

“Whew, I’m glad you scared that evil spirit away, Cynder.” The dragoness stated, “I guess I am that scary.”

“To your enemies, my dear. But now we have a much bigger problem with that spirit. Since you scared it away, it has split itself into several fragments and is now hiding in the statues around the temples. If you can find and flame 10 statues…”

She finished, “The evil spirit will be gone for good.” The professor nodded, “Exactly.”

Cynder soon went off to find the spirit and found that the evil spirit’s presence within the statues has turned them green and wield weapons instead of a hockey stick. The dragoness went to work with finding and flaming all 10 statues scattered around the temples. Every time she would use her shadow breath on a statue, the spirit would reveal itself and fly off in terror while the statue returned to normal. She was just about done with the statues until she noticed those tempest clouds again, she was near the temple holding the yeti and remembered what Brother Harry had told her about Colossus’ Frequent Visitor. She would be in the ice cave, meditating next to a statue and would no doubt be surprised by its current condition. 

Utilizing a Super-Jump power up, Cynder decided to head up to the top of the yeti’s containment temple to deal with the last statue and meet the source of those storm clouds. Upon landing on top of the temple, she approached the ice cave, only to hear the discharge of magic and the frightening yelp as the evil spirit flew out of there in fright, it noticed her, screamed in horror and flew away very fast. After that interesting encounter, Cynder turned her attention towards the sole occupant in the ice cave. It looked like a dragon, but she had feathered wings like a Dream Weaver and yet, she doesn’t look like one. She has a light blue coat of fur with white scaly underbelly, her tail was a furry tail with a mixture of dragon and equestrian. She had blue eyes, pointy ears and the most bizarre thing about her - she had a horn, just like a unicorn. The dragon/unicorn sighed,

“Just when I thought things would be quiet, an evil spirit interrupts my meditation and now I find myself in the company of the black dragon and a dragonfly - the Terror of the Skies. Isn’t that right, Cynder.”

Sparx sighed, “Man, it seems like everyone's got your number!”

Cynder sighed, “I’m not surprised that you know of my dark past. But I’ve left that past behind me.”

“It’s good that you did not let your past get in the way of your judgement. But I have to ask - Why are you here in Colossus? Why do you intrude on my meditation after I disposed of that spirit?”

“I was told about you and the monks mentioned that you be hesitant on speaking to any dragons.”

The dragon raised an eyebrow, “Dragons in this part of Avalar are rare. I am also a dragon, but I have a unicorn ancestry.”

Cynder was surprised by this as she stated, “You’re a hybrid!?” 
Sparx shook his head and rubbed his eyes, “Pinch me, I must be dreaming! A Unicorn dragon hybrid... I never seen those before!” 

The hybrid stated, “I am, but the dragons and unicorns didn’t seem to like that I have a horn and possess the ability to fly, I was envied and shunned. But I do not have any grudge against them for shunning me, so I came to Colossus to meditate and harness my tempest power.”

Hearing her story, the black dragon can sympathize with her - since she was shunned for her role in turning the war to Malefor’s favor after his influence poisoned her - turning her into a monster until Spyro rescued her. She felt that she didn’t belong with Spyro at the temple - but he tried to convince her to stay, he even defended her when the hermit in the valley brought up her past which made her know that he would be there for her. After reminiscing, Cynder had an idea,

“If you’ve been harnessing your tempest powers, maybe you could help us.”

The hybrid suspiciously asked, “Why do you need my help?”

“Spyro and I are helping our friends collect the talismans from each realm in order to face Ripto.”

“Ripto? That short wizard that has been causing trouble? The same Ripto who actually let the yeti into the temple?”

Cynder nodded, “The very same and I’m surprised that he was responsible for this.”

The hybrid spoke, “He’s been causing a lot of trouble for weeks and I would be more than happy to help you in dealing with him.”

“Well, It’s nice to have you tag along…” Cynder realized that she never asked her name until the hybrid took notice, “Now that we are going to be fighting alongside each other, My name is Whirlwind.”

“That was when you first met Whirlwind?!” asked Scootaloo.

“It was and with her help, we managed to gather up the orbs, including the orb from the Professor. There was also that anticlimactic confrontation with the yeti who ended up crushing himself when his stomps and slams caused the idol to fall on top of him. Brother Ned gave us the Talisman that he was guarding from the yeti in order to keep it from being its lunch.” Cynder exclaimed.

Applebloom asked, “So Whirlwind joined you on your adventure to stop this Ripto varmint?”

Spyro stated, “Whirlwind was not the only one to join us.”

Sweetie Belle asked, “You did say that this is where you first met the other six dragon skylanders. Who was next?”

Spyro narrated, “It was back at Idol Springs when I was taking down the living idols and helping the workers…” 

 At Idol Springs, the idols that the workers were building had come to life, they had locked all the doors and stole all of the food from the workers and foremen. Spyro had arrived to help the workers and foremen deal with their idol problem. But when Spyro approached the third door at the end of the tunnel when he noticed one of the workers being chased by one of the idols. The worker passed an unusual looking bush as it began to shake for a little bit. But when the pursuing idol passed the bush, it suddenly burst open as the idol was dispatched by a sun ball. 

Spyro looked at the assailant and noticed one thing about him - he was a dragon and yet he looked like a plant from his leafy tail. The plant dragon sighed,

“Those idols have been causing trouble ever since they came to life this morning.” He noticed the purple dragon, “I came to Idol Springs to relax and now I get to meet a war hero. Could this day get any more interesting?”

Spyro asked, “I take it that you have been taking down these idols?”

“That's right, these idols came to life, stole all of the food and locked me out of the inner sanctum.”

Spyro realized, “I’m actually going to the inner sanctum to retrieve the Talisman of Idol Springs.”

The plant dragon raised an eyebrow, “Why are you after the talisman?”

“We need the talismans to defeat Ripto.”

“Ripto? I shouldn’t be surprised, he's been causing trouble ever since he got here. As a matter of fact, the idols coming to life has his name written all over it.”

Spyro asked, “Maybe you can help us with the idols.”

The plant dragon stated, “I can help you, but first, I have to go and take down the leader of the idols. As far as I know, he's in the usual meeting spot for the hula girls. If you help me take him down, I’ll join you in your fight against Ripto.”

Spyro knew that he's going to have this dragon’s back as they secure Idol Springs. But he never actually asked for his name until the dragon remembered, “Since we're going to be fighting side-by-side, you can call me ‘Camo.’”

“Camo? As in Fluttershy's dragon mate? The dragon that can grow fruit, that Camo?!” Asked Smolder.

Spyro had stated, “The very same.” He added, “Camo and I took down the Idol Leader by supercharging the hula girls over to its platform where they performed their rain dance and zapped it into smithereens. We also obtained the Talisman from the foreman for helping them with their idol problem. But before we left, we noticed that one of the tall idols had sat down with a group of workers and were roasting marshmallows and hot-dogs.”

Sweetie Belle figured, “I’m thinking that you somehow managed to have the idols get along with the workers.”

Sparx figured, “I figured out that part too.” Scootaloo asked, “So where did you go next?”

Spyro and Cynder continued to tell them of their journey through Summer Forest, introducing Whirlwind and Camo as they got access to the underwater passage to the other portals. Spyro and Cynder went to assist the Electrolls with their issues with the Gear Grinders and stopping any other attempts from the Gear Grinders at making the lives of those Electrolls a hard time in Hurricos. While Whirlwind and Camo went to escort a group of baby turtles to safety at Sunny Beach and freeing them from the evil Water Workers. It was there that Whirlwind had encountered the air turtle, Warnado when Prince Tortiss mentioned that he arrived there two days ago and started to fight the Water Workers. 

When they got to Advisor Moppet who was at the base of the ladder, he stated that he had tasked Warnado with stopping the Master Chef from making soup out of the baby turtles. The turtle monk had pointed out a whirlwind that he left behind when he ascended to meet the chef. Upon utilizing it, she saw the chef ringing a triangle as the baby turtles began to approach the pot. But only one turtle stood out, as it began to spin and collect the wind around him before sending out a blast of air - blowing the turtles into a nearby pool. When the second course began, there were a lot of baby turtles, but she saw how the turtle’s unexpected speed and prowess saved the baby turtles from a terrible fate which angered the chef into giving up the two orbs that he carried as well as his plans for turtle soup.

Warnado was soon added to their group after Sunny Beach. It was a good thing because Whirlwind had never seen a turtle with that much air power take on the Water Workers and the chef and win like that. Spyro and Cynder found Elora standing next to a speedway portal and stated that there are no talismans to be found in there, but with a fast enough speed, they could get lots of treasure. Spyro had participated in the race and discovered that there are special challenges that are available once he completed the course. The challenge of Ocean Speedway was to follow Hunter through the rings as a way for Spyro to retrain his wings. Spyro had completed the challenge, retrieved the orb and was congratulated by Hunter who stated that while his wings relied on the magic from the speedways and power ups, the magic from the speedways will refresh his wing strength and he will fly once more and tells them to find the other speedways in the Seasons Kingdom..

Afterwards, the team had to do some tricky jumps in order to reach a hidden room on the other side of the far door to reach an orb. After retrieving it, they jumped off the balcony to a large wall which looked like it was hiding something. They weren't surprised when they found Moneybags waiting for them. After paying him a fee to lower the wall, there was a portal leading to another realm and Camo actually recognized where it went.

“Aquaria Towers? I’ve been there before.”

Spyro asked, “What do you mean?” 

“I go there all the time to visit my friend, Zap. Even though, it's mostly underwater, most dragons can breathe underwater.”

Whirlwind asked, “Aquaria Towers is mostly populated by Seahorses?” Camo remembered, “That’s right and Zap is known for his racing skills, although the dolphins tend to complain about his shock abilities. He was so famous that the seahorse king had granted him residence in Aquaria Towers.”

Cynder thought about this before saying, “If Zap is as good as you say, we could use his help in defeating Ripto.”

“He wouldn’t pass up a challenge like this.” Camo proceeded to walk into the portal as everyone watched him leave. Although he was going without a partner, Whirlwind sighed as she said, “I’ll follow after him.” She soon followed him through the portal as well.

Upon arriving at Aquaria Towers, Camo was treated with a horrifying sight - all the water was drained. As if it wasn’t bad enough, the whole of the towers were crawling with crabs and Water Workers. Camo looked and saw an immobile seahorse, Ripple who struggled to move,

“Ah, Camo...those funny looking guys with the shock sticks have drained all our water. We can’t get it back unless you activate the switches they are guarding.”

Camo looked passed the water worker and spotted a red button near him. He turned back to the seahorse and asked, “Where’s Zap?”

Ripple stated, “I believe he went off to the next area to fight those shock stick guys as a form of revenge for turning Verne, our giant squid into fried calamari yesterday.”

Camo soon went towards the water workers as they attempted to shock him, only to get knocked into the air by a charge attack. The dragon hit the button as water began to flood a few parts of the room. Camo submerged and swam through a tunnel and made his way towards the next area and prepared to fight the enemies in that area and flood the room. It was until he heard a voice call out his name,

“Camo…” He turned around and saw Whirlwind climbing out of the water. “I heard what the water workers did to this place.”

The plant dragon nodded and said, “I know, but we need to make Aquaria Towers wet again and find Zap.”

“Did somebody call my name?” asked a voice as the two dragons turned towards the button and found a water dragon with an electric pack on his back. Camo recognized him,

“Zap, there you are!” The water dragon recognized him, “Camo, it's great to see you again, but I’ve got a bit of a water worker problem.”

“I know, it's happened at Sunny Beach as well and a group of us have been going from world to world to stop this and get the Talismans.”

Zap asked, “I didn't know that other dragons were around this part of Avalar. Who else is with you?”

“There's four of us plus a turtle and an annoying dragonfly. The hybrid from Colossus followed me through the portal to the towers.” 

Upon mentioning his companion, the water dragon looked behind his friend and noticed Whirlwind, ‘Well, hello beautiful.’ He kept the thought to himself and introduced himself,

“Hi, I’m Zap and I’m Best Swimmer in Aquaria Towers.”

The unicorn/dragon spoke, “I am Whirlwind and I don't have much interaction with other dragons due to my ancestry.”

Camo just sighed as he thought, ‘Zap's gonna try harder if he's going to crack her cloud cover.’

 After they introduced each other, Zap explained the situation that was happening in Aquaria Towers, they already knew that the water workers drained all the water. But the other half was after they got the water back - Zap revealed that the water workers had kidnapped King Flippy’s six children and placed one in each tower. He was going to save the royals until the facility dried out. But since they got the water back, Camo and Whirlwind assisted Zap in the rescue effort. They climbed up each tower, avoiding the hazards and saved the seahorse king’s children.

King Flippy was grateful for their efforts in saving his children and gave them an orb as a reward. They soon assisted Hunter, who was wearing scuba gear with taming his manta ray and after his ray was tamed, he gave them the two orbs that he found. After obtaining the Talisman of Aquaria Towers, Camo had offered Zap to join them in their quest of stopping Ripto and he accepted since the riptoc did interrupt one of his races. The water dragon was in for an even bigger surprise when he arrived at Summer Forest to find Spyro and Cynder standing before him since he knew the stories, but never imagined to fight beside them.

After a brief introduction, the five dragons made their way to another hallway and saw Elora standing near a gate. She noticed,

“Whoa, I didn't know that there were other dragons here!”

Spyro stated, “Well some of them preferred some peace and quiet until we came along.”

The faun understood their reason and told them, “But now that you have six Talismans, the gate to Ripto and Crush will open.”

The gate opened to reveal a small hole in the floor as Elora continued, “All you have to do is jump down that hole to the dungeon where Ripto and Crush will be waiting. I’ll throw some sheep down there to help you guys, if I can catch them.”

Camo and Zap took a look down the hole and was surprised how far this goes. Camo asked, “I’d ask about taking the stairs, but Ripto's blocked them off?”

“Sadly, yes and this is the only way to get to them.”

Warnado looked at the hole, “Dragon wings can slow the fall and so will I with my air powers.”

Cynder looked at the others and they nodded in agreement with the decision. The dragoness looked at Spyro, “Spyro, are you ready?”

The dragon nodded as he declared, “We have to stop Ripto, no matter what.” As the group acknowledged the decision and made their way to the hole, Elora stopped them and said,

“Before you make it to the castle dungeon, guys. I thought you might wanna how Ripto and his monsters arrived in this part of Avalar…”

Winter Tundra
One Week Ago…

 Elora was with Hunter at the Winter Tundra while the Professor was working on some new Super Portal technology. They were amazed by it as the Professor fashioned all the orbs around the portal,

“There, that’s the last orb in place. Now let’s see, all we need is some coordinates.” The scientist had thought about it and then typed in the numbers 2-2-4-7-5 which Hunter recognized as his birthday. But both he and Elora realized where those numbers led to as they tried to stop the Professor, but it was too late as the portal turned on as Ripto and his monsters were flung from it. Ripto went first as Crush and Gulp landed on top of him as he yelled,

“Get off me! GET OFF ME, YOU USELESS BUFFOONS!!” He glared at his minions, “Why can’t either…” He paused as he spotted the trio in front of the portal and realized,

“Where are we?” He looked around and sniffed the air, even grabbing the Professor and sniffed him as well and sighed, “This isn’t Dragon City? Wonderful to be rid of those lizards, even though I’d rather do what Malefor failed to do.”

He turned to his monsters, “Crush, go back and pack my bags! We’re moving in!” He threw the Professor back to Hunter and Elora, “Say ‘Hello’ to your new King!”

Elora picked up the remote from the ground and told the Professor, “Professor, shut it down, quick!”

He had the remote, but he realized that, “Oh my, I can’t see the switch! I think I might’ve broken my glasses!” It was mostly due to Ripto throwing him back. As the dictator smiled, knowing that he’s going to rule this land, he noticed that Crush was actually hitting the portal, “Crush, go THROUGH the portal, you idiot!”

Elora and Hunter, realizing that he could return with reinforcements, chose the only option as Elora spoke to Zoe,

“Tell your friends to take the orbs and scatter them throughout the Season Plains!” Hunter spoke, “Act fast, we can’t let them bring reinforcements!”

The fairy and her friends soon went for the orbs on the portal as one by one each orb was dislodged, deactivating the portal and angering Ripto,

“NO!! Gulp, Crush! Get the Orbs! NOW!” His monsters began to go after the fairies in an attempt to get back the orbs. One fairy fell near Ripto as she picked the orb up, Ripto, not wanting the orb to get out of his reach, grabbed the orb as the fairy fought for him to lose his grip as he yelled,

“You Despicable Little Creature! I’LL KILL YOU!!” As Ripto was carried away by the fairy, Elora was worried about the presence of Ripto while Hunter was wondering why he would want to conquer the Dragon City. Elora sighed,

“This is bad news for us.” She noticed her friend pacing, “Hunter, what’s going on?”

Hunter stopped his pacing and stated, “I’ve been thinking about his intentions regarding Warfang...I did remember seeing a Wanted poster with his face on it…” That's when he realized, “Now it makes sense, Ripto is a criminal wanted for attacking a dragon settlement because he hates dragons and he and his monsters have been running from the dragons ever since. There were rumors that he was building an army to burn Warfang to the ground, but since he landed here - he would conquer this land without dragon interference.”

That’s when Elora had an idea, “Professor, can we catch a dragon to help us?”

The Professor stated, “Yes, yes I think so. We’ll need a world that has an alignment much better suited in the network to intercept one of these creatures.”

Hunter remembered only one place that had an alignment with the dragon realm in the portal network, “We should go to Glimmer since I once knew a dragon couple that once...nested there.” His voice was sad and mournful which Elora noticed,

“You ‘knew’ them?” The cheetah sighed, “I don’t like to talk about it. For now, we must get to Glimmer.”

Summer Forest Castle, Season Plains, Avalar. 

Spyro realized that Ripto was a criminal, but Hunter revealing that he knew a dragon couple that nested in Glimmer made him remember, “The two skeletal dragons we found at the nesting cave!?”

Elora realized, “Hunter never told me about what happened to them. But I do remember seeing him board an airship - holding a dragon egg, that was five years ago.”

“I think I remember the Princess saying that she cared for Spike’s egg for five years.” guessed Sweetie Belle.

Spyro had a thought, “Now that I think about it, we were frozen for five years as well. But…”

Applebloom asked, “You don’t think those dragon skeletons were Spike’s Parents?!”

Cynder noticed, “It would make sense, too.” Scootaloo impatiently asked, “So when does the part where you kick Ripto’s butt come in?”

Summer Forest Castle Dungeon
 As the heroes arrived at the dungeon, they saw Crush waiting to meet them with Ripto standing in the background. When the heroes moved, Crush ran to one of the blue circles that dart the dungeon. Upon stepping on it, a barrier appeared as he jumped on the pad, sending out an electric shockwave as the heroes dodged it. The blue dinosaur creature ran towards another pad as Zap used his electricity breath on him, shocking Crush as he slammed his drumstick club down as several boulders fell on top of him. That made the group know that they just need to make him mad enough to slam his club down.

They managed to repeat this process while dodging his attacks using the pads or his club when he gets mad. Even when the pads changed from blue to red and Crush sent out fireballs, the five dragons and turtle remain steadfast. When some of the pads changed blue and Crush charged whenever they attacked him, they dodged his attacks and tricked him into slamming his club down. This ultimately caused the boulders from the ceiling to collapse on top of him, burying him in the debris and leading to his defeat. As the heroes cheered, Ripto cried out,

“NO! CRUSH!” He glared at them, “You may have been able to defeat that simpleton! But Gulp will be more of a match for you!”

“Bring it, Shorty!” challenged Spyro. Ripto was snarling at this challenge as he turned to the door, “Gulp! Come here, Now!”

The door burst open to reveal Gulp as he came to his master’s aid. Ripto ordered, “Destroy them and make sure it’s painful!”

He was going to jump in until more bricks began to fall from the ceiling which Ripto noticed, “What the?! Gulp get me out of here!” He climbed onto Gulp as he glared,

“So long, Dragons!” They ran as the doorway was blocked. Camo sighed, “What a wuss and to think he’s causing trouble.”

Whirlwind joined, “Tell me about it.” After that, the Guidebook appeared and with a flash of light, the Summer Forest Castle’s Ripto banners changed back to the Avalar banners.

After Spyro finished his story of Summer Forest, Scootaloo asked,

“So Ripto ran away instead of fighting?” Cynder pointed out, “The ceiling above the door was collapsing due to Gulp’s forced entry. But we knew where he was going next since the Seasons Kingdom had three main areas.”

Spyro stated, “When we met back with Hunter and Elora, we were told that Ripto had taken the castle at Autumn Plains, not before scaring Moneybags into falling as he remembered his boxing days at university.”

Sweetie Belle remembered, “I remember Auric telling us about his days at University and how his cousin was a championship boxer.”

Sparx sighed, “Well, Auric is cool and we all love him, but Moneybags is not as loved as Auric. But I just wish he would have beaten Ripto into submission, but one punch to Gulp hurt his hand.”

Applebloom pointed out, “So you knew not just Whirlwind, but Camo, Warnado and Zap as well.”

Spyro assured her, “Trust me, there’s more where that came from.” He noticed that Smolder was quiet, “You’ve been quiet for some time.”

The dragon sighed, “It’s just that, I’ve heard so much of your tales of how you met the other dragon skylanders and thought back to home. I remember seeing Whirlwind after the battle and I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing - Dragon Hybrids. I knew about Whirlwind and her family due to her involvement in aiding the dragons during the raid, but a plant dragon is something out of the ordinary.”

The dragonfly spoke, “And we also have a Phoenix Dragon hybrid, a rock dragon with the desire to fly and a dragon who is a genius with technology.”

“I did remember seeing most of the dragons train...but there was also that bug dragon.”

Spyro remembered, “High Five is a dragonfly/dragon hybrid and is also one of Royal High Flying Dragonflies, a popular Sky Racing Team before the war began.”

Sparx added, “I’m also weirded whenever I see him because of his dragonfly appearance.”

Scootaloo stated, “I think he’s pretty cool...maybe not as cool as Rainbow Dash, but he’s cool.” They knew that their high flying dragon hybrid friend is as good as he says. A race between him and Rainbow Dash would be fun to watch. But in Spyro’s case, High Five would come out on top since Rainbow’s signature move would only kick in if she reaches top speed.

Sweetie Belle asked, “So what happened in Autumn Plains?”

Upon arriving at Autumn Plains, Spyro, Cynder and their friends were greeted by a small pool of water, the open plains within the castle walls and it just looked beautiful - if not for the Ripto banners hanging from the castle. Spyro turned to the group, “All right guys, we need to collect the remaining talismans from each portal in Autumn Plains. We have six talismans so far, we’ll need all fourteen talismans before we can throw Ripto’s going away party.”

Cynder stated, “We’ll split up and head into different portals.”

Camo pointed out, “The portals here are Skelos Badlands, just across the pond, Breeze Harbor is near the far side of the valley and Crystal Peaks is over there at the top of those steps.” 

Sparx buzzed up, “What about that portal over there?” He pointed to the deactivated portal over at the top of the ramp as the plant dragon realized, “That's the portal to Zephyr, but it's been having problems with the power supply. We’ll get to that later.”

So the team split in groups of two and went into different portals, Spyro and Cynder went to Skelos Badlands to save the native cavemen from the lava wizards and the lava lizards while helping a caveman put his boney friend back together by taking down the lava toads. Zap and Whirlwind went to Crystal Peaks to help the Eskimos rescue their leader, Shaman Tuk from the Ice Wizards while helping the other shamans with dealing with a troublesome species of spiders called ‘Draclets’ and finding a missing snow leopard that ran off while fishing. 

As for Camo and Warnado, they went to Breeze Harbor to assist a group of birds called ‘Breezebuilders’ hold off an infestation of Land Blubbers, a group of worm-like creatures that were feuding with the Breezebuilders. They had to stoke the boilers and raise their main ship to receive the Talisman of Breeze Harbor while the Breezebuilders began planning a counterattack on Zephyr which made Warnado realize that they need to go there to get the Talisman. Zap had pitched an idea for peace between the Breezebuilders and Land Blubbers which was an interesting idea for the Breezebuilder Navy, even the Land Blubbers that they captured agreed with the idea.

Although the birds warned them that an advance team had left for Zephyr and received information that some bear sold them a whole bunch of bombs and TNT Barrels that did not come from the armory. After Zap and Warnado told Spyro and the gang about this, they were on their way to the Zephyr portal where they had to pay Moneybags to activate the portal and he complained about how those birds never paid him for the weapons that he sold them.

“Wait...he sold weapons to bad guys!?” Asked Smolder. 

Scootaloo scoffed, “Whirlwind told us that The Sorceress paid him handsomely to guard Sheila, Sgt. Byrd, Bentley and Agent 9 during her adventure.”

Sweetie Belle sighed, “I remember Auric telling me that Moneybags doesn't care if the faction is good or bad, he just wants to make money.”

Sparx stated, “The guy lacks a sense of morality while Auric has his emporium set up on the Dread-Yacht and has all the cool stuff!”

Cynder smirked, “A Sparx the Dragonfly action figure?” There were a few chuckles in the room until the dragonfly sighed, “Okay, now that it's over, let's get back to the part when we arrived at Zephyr.”

When the team arrived at Zephyr, things were just as bad as it seems. The Breezebuilders had the Land Blubbers outmatched and outgunned and were bombarding various positions around the battlefield. While they counted on the Land Blubbers since they were more organized and less of a nuisance than the ones at the harbor. They helped the worms push the birds back to their munitions dump while completing other challenges away from the battle from helping a herder retrieve all of native creatures of Zephyr called ‘Cowleks’ to helping the professor reunite Private Romeo with a beautiful bird named Juliet(Saw what you did there Insomniac when you referenced the protagonists of Shakespeare’s poem of the same name, from the classic game!).

It came to an end when the team blew up the Breezebuilder Munitions Dump, winning the battle, letting the worms know that they convinced the birds for a cease-fire agreement and the worms say this as an opportunity to end the fighting. The General gave them the Talisman of Zephyr as they went back to Autumn Plains only to witness the leaders of the two groups shaking hands as the hostilities ended.

Afterwards, the team met Elora who told them about the Metro Speedway, a race course in the middle of a bustling metropolis. Cynder went to complete the course with a good time before speaking to the mayor. He tasked Whirlwind with recovering the mayor’s reelection funds from a group of thieves since it was an election year. Whirlwind wasn't alone in her mission since Hunter was with her in a jet-pack while using his stun arrows to hit the thieves while the hybrid catches the loot before it falls into the harbor. She and Hunter managed to catch the thieves and recover the stolen loot and the grateful mayor gave them an orb as a reward. 

The next area was a desert region called ‘Scorch’ which, as its name implies was hot, sandy and just full of bad guys guarding a castle. There were a few complaints about the heat in Scorch, mostly from Zap because, being a water dragon prefers wet and moist areas. But he knew that they had to do this, they had to find the Talisman of Scorch. The team met a young girl with blonde hair and pigtails named Greta, she explained that she and her brother, Handel were secret agents on a mission to blow up the castle. But the guards baited her brother with a lollipop and he got captured which made Greta retreat from the inner sanctum. She needed their help to open castle doors, find Handel and complete their mission.

“Handel and Greta were at the Fireworks Factory on a mission to recover the Professor’s rocket plans from the Sorceress during Whirlwind’s story.” Said Scootaloo as she pointed out that part.

“Scorch was where we first met them and we helped them out on their mission. Hunter was there as well, he was there to retrieve a bunch of monkeys that escaped from the zoo, so we helped him out and found that one of the monkeys had an orb. Once we fought our way into the inner sanctum, Greta gave us the Talisman of Scorch, we found Handel and he told us that he and his sister needed the three flags from the flagpoles that we used to open the doors in order to prove that their mission was a success.” Stated Cynder.

“But we had to face an egotistical flag keeping, bomb throwing genie riding a magic carpet!” Sparx had stated with venom in his voice.

Spyro sighed, “Bombo the Flag Keeper. How could we forget about him? We had to knock him off the flagpole with the super flame power up and chase him back to Handel where he would give up the flag. During the chase, he was flinging bombs, taunting us and moving back as fast as he could. After the third flag, he was going on a rant…”

“Until Mr. Ha, you won't get my flag! Got a face full of Dragonfly fists and knocked him out!”

Smolder spoke, “You always seem to have a strong punch when your mad.”

Sparx shrugged, “Well at least I don't turn into a huge green rage monster afterwards.”

Cynder pointed out, “Well, before we left, we saw Handel and Greta surrounded by guards. We thought that we would intervene, only to see them hold hands. When that happened, their eyes turned red and shot orbs of light at the guards, knocking them off the tower.”

Sweetie Belle realized, “When they are together, they fight as one!”


Spyro stated, “After we got back to Autumn Plains, our next stop was a place called Fracture Hills. It's inhabited by the fauns who also built a temple in the center of the hills. Fracture Hills is also known for its resident Satyrs that play a musical tune from their bagpipes. But to us, that's where we first met our rolling rock of a dragon.”

When they arrived at Fracture Hills, things were odd. Since normally, the Satyrs would play music to soothe any beasts and smash and stone obstacles. Zap pointed out, “Strange, usually the Satyrs and the Fauns would greet us.”

Camo pointed out, “What happened here? I heard that they had a temple here, but there’s just a mountain.”

“Well, I would love to give you a tour of our temple, but those lousy Earthshapers have encased it in stone as well as petrifying the Satyrs.” Said a nearby faun who wore a yellow skirt and was holding a yo-yo.

Whirlwind knew this faun, “Lila, is that you?” The faun smiled, “Whirlwind, great to see ya. But right now, the satyrs need to be freed so their songs could break the stone walls on our temple.”

Spyro understood this, “We’ll stop the Earthshapers, free the Satyrs and then head for the temple.”

Before the team could get to work, Lila stated, “Before you go, be on the lookout for a brown rock dragon while exploring. He's been fighting the Earthshapers ever since they encased the temple and a few of my friends say that he's cute for a quadruped.”

“We’ll be sure to keep our eyes open for him.”

Whirlwind asked, “What has your brother been up to?”

Lila sighed, “He’s been trying to find many ways to fly even though he has no wings. But also, tell him that I told you to look out for him.”

Zap asked, “Brother?!”

“He’s adopted and he always gets himself into trouble when he tries to fly.”

They understood now and went towards the first petrified satyr and freed him. The satyr’s music he traveled across Fracture Hills before breaking off a chunk of rock from the temple’s shell. The satyr thanked them and told them that there are five more satyrs left to find and when asked about Lila’s brother, the satyr stated that the dragon would always be here to hang out with Lila’s friends, dance to the music or attempt to fly. rescue the satyrs while taking care of any Earthshapers, Killer Bushes and Killer Trees in their path. 

While exploring the hills and freeing the satyrs, they came across a faun who was standing at a nearby door who explained that her friend was locked inside the building and there's no way of finding a locksmith at this time of night. She pointed out that another dragon passed through here and is looking for a way to break down the door. The group instantly knew that it was Lila’s brother since he's the only dragon in Fracture Hills on regular days. They were about to set off until they heard a shout,


After that was said, a brown ball flew through the air and broke down the door, freeing the trapped faun in the process. Upon looking into the now opened door, they saw the faun, Krista and the ball that broke down the door as it uncurled revealing a brown, rocky dragon with no wings, and a spike ball tail. As he shook himself off, he laughed,

“Man, that was a rush! I can’t believe I managed to fly that high and far! But at least the door is down.”

Krista spoke, “Nice work, Bash. I thought I was going to be stuck here forever.” The dragon winked, “I never leave my friends hanging or trapped in a room.”

Krista gave him an orb,“Anyway, you can have this orb that I found, there's also a group of dragons behind you as well.”

Bash turned his head to the group of five dragons and a turtle, “Whoa, I didn't think that there were other dragons around here.” He noticed the obvious ones, “Spyro and Cynder, the dragon couple that put down Malefor!? In Fracture Hills?!”

Spyro stated, “The very same, Bash.” The rock dragon was confused on how he knew his name until he remembered,

“You’ve met Lila no doubt and she told you about me?”

Cynder spoke, “Your sister wanted to know that you're okay. We also have to free the satyrs and restore the temple.”

Bash sighed, “That's exactly what I was doing. Knocking Earthshapers into the lava and helping out the fauns here in the hills before freeing the satyrs. Although, there was a cheetah archer nearby who's gotten himself in a jam.”

Zap realized, “Hunter's here too?” “Yep, that's his name and his feet were cemented to the ground. I had to escort the alchemist that caused his problem, passed the Earthshapers in order to free him. After that, he and I took out the remaining Earthshapers and obtained two orbs, he actually mentioned that I bring them to you guys.”

Sparx buzzed up, “Well, it's safe to say that he did our job for us.” Bash shook his head, “Not quite, the temple is still petrified and there is still treasure around here.”

So the group and Bash found the remaining treasure, freed the last satyr and went to the temple where they found a faun who was trapped inside, the faun, Sheila thought they expected a ‘You rescued me, you're my hero’ but Bash pointed her out saying that she just sneaks into the temple because she likes the peace and quiet. Sheila knew that Bash would point her out and also told them that the other fauns wanted her to give them the talisman of Fracture Hills as the exit portal appeared. But they didn't leave yet, Spyro had explained their situation to Bash and how they were hunting down Ripto. Bash, not wanting to miss this opportunity, agreed to join. Sheila also agreed to tell Lila that he was going to join Spyro’s team and also apologizing if she acted rude when they first entered the temple.

“Bash was actually living at Fracture Hills?” Asked Scootaloo.

Spyro stated, “Lila told us that he hatched in their care and the fauns raised him. Bash and Lila were the most oddly paired brother and sister that the hills ever seen.”

Smolder pointed out, “Like you and Sparx?” Sparx spoke, “Hey, we may not be blood, but that didn't matter to us. Since I was born the same time as Spyro hatched, we're an odd pair of twins.”

Applebloom noticed, “Ya said that the fauns of Fracture Hills love playing with yo-yos. I'm bettin’ Crash would love it there since he's a master of the Yo-Yo!”

Sweetie Belle realized, “Fauns would be fawning for him the minute he pulls out the yo-yo!”

Sparx yelled, “ stole my future joke!”

Both dragons laughed at Sparx's misfortune as Smolder asked, “What about that Phoenix Dragon? I’ve heard stories about him from the teenage dragons that were involved in the dragon migration.”

Cynder remembered, “Sunburn? Well, he was actually at the Magma Cone, which was a relaxation spot located at the base of a volcano, which used to be an old forge for Gaul’s mercenary forces. Now a group of Fauns set up a spot there and they were setting up a celebration when everything started to go down.”

She told them about their adventures at Magma Cone and discovering that they were just in time for a birthday party for one of their good friends, but the blasted Earthshapers had activated the volcano. If they didn't stop the Earthshapers and seal the volcano, the whole party would be buried in lava. So, they made their way into the resort, taking out the Earthshapers, from the small ones who were easily dispatched, Bash pushed the bigger ones on a red X where the fauns would use any means to destroy them. From throwing a large boulder, to swinging a ball and chain and using a Jackhammer, the fauns of Magma Cone took out the larger Earthshapers as the team made their way towards the cave that leads to the volcano. 

Bash noticed a cave in the side of the mountain and went to it and found Hunter, who was inspecting a crystal that came up from the gas vents from around the cave and the dragon helped him gather a few crystals until an orb popped up from the vent. Upon discovering this, Bash and Hunter collected more of those crystals until Hunter found the second orb and gave it to Bash. After that, he rejoined the group as they made their way to the volcano after paying Moneybags for free use of the elevator.

When they arrived at the volcano, that was when they met Sunburn, he was standing at the foot of the lava, looking up at the volcano. He turned towards them and introduced himself while recognizing not only Spyro and Cynder, but Bash as well, revealing that they were friends. He explained that the volcano is threatening his birthday party, revealing that he was the birthday boy, so he needed to climb up the ladders and close it. Bash offered to help, to which the Phoenix Dragon agreed as both dragons climbed the ladders while avoiding the lava balls. When they reached the top, Sunburn absorbed the heat and with a swing of Bash’s tail, the lid closed the volcano, saving Sunburn’s Birthday Party and obtaining the Talisman.

But it wasn’t until Chedda the faun told them that the party hats were stolen by a group of lava monsters. Sunburn took off after the lava monsters, got back the party hats and was rewarded with an orb as a birthday present. It was during the party when Spyro gave Sunburn the option to join them in their quest of stopping Ripto for good. Sunburn couldn’t back down from this and as soon as the party ended, not before accidentally getting knocked into the lava by one of the fauns, but luckily, teleported back to solid ground, displaying his powers of teleportation.

After that, the group of seven dragons made their way to the next realm, after paying Moneybags to open the bridge to the portal. There was also another speedway portal further down, Sunburn knew of the Icy Speedway since it was his stomping grounds and his fire powers kept him warm. So Spyro, Cynder, Zap, Camo and Bash went to Shady Oasis while the rest stayed at Autumn Plains.

Spyro’s team helped out the hippos of Shady Oasis reach the great berry bush in the center of the oasis while fighting off their old friends, the Thieves, instead they carry weapons. They were also chasing three thieves that stole their brass lamps and were successful in catching them. Bash helped rescue a hippo’s petrified brothers from sinking into lava with the help of the Invincibility Power Up. While Sunburn flew through the race course of Icy Speedway, earning the treasure from beating the course and an orb from Hunter’s challenge. After they obtained the 14th talisman, they went towards the end of the hall and met with Elora in front of a boss gate. She spoke,

“Well done, guys! Now that you have collected all 14 talismans, the guidebook can break the lock on this door and you can fight Gulp. I also see that you have new friends to fight Gulp. Are you ready?”

All eight of them nodded as Bash spoke, “Bring ‘em on!” After that, the door opened to reveal a hole in the floor as the faun continued, “You’ll have to jump down the hole in the floor to get where Ripto and Gulp are waiting. I can help you out a little bit. I tamed some pterodactyls from Skelos Badlands… they’ll be dropping in objects that you can use to fight Gulp. And as for your friends, don’t forget to utilize your abilities during the battle.”

Spyro nodded and said to his team, “Let’s go take Gulp down!” Spyro and his team jumped down the hole to Gulp’s Overlook.

(Autumn Plains Castle Overlook) 
 At the overlook of the castle, Ripto and Gulp were deviously laughing as Ripto declared,

“Gulp, we’ve finally made the Seasons Kingdom ours! You’ve earned a special reward!” Ripto presented his mount with a fairy that he captured while taking up residence in the castle. It was at that moment that Spyro and his team arrived which caught Gulp’s attention as he began to glare which Ripto asked,

“Gulp? What is it, boy?” He guessed, “Oh, the fairy? Here you go.” Unaware that Spyro was behind him, the dragon let out a devious smile before unleashing his fire breath at Ripto as he let out a surprised scream while releasing the fairy. Gulp tried to eat the fairy, although he failed to grab her as Ripto landed on a throne that was in the room. He looked at his cape and yelled,

“You singed my cape!” He turned towards the team, “Dragons, you are really starting to get on my nerves!” He called out, “Say ‘Goodbye’ Flame Breath! Gulp! Lunch time!”

Gulp soon had a pair of dual energy guns mounted to his back as the team turned and took their battle stances. Ripto commanded, “Gulp! Finish them off and you can have all the fairies you can eat!” He grinned, “I’m going to enjoy this!”

The team soon faced off against Gulp as the dinosaur proved to be a very formidable opponent. Warnado got Gulp’s attention by using his wind abilities, the dinosaur saw the turtle as he jumped in an attempt to crush him only to be hit by an explosive barrel that was swung by Bash. The pterodactyls began flying overhead and dropped supplies for the team to use, but they also noticed that Gulp could use those supplies after swallowing an explosive barrel and tried to burn Whirlwind. Spyro saw the pterodactyls drop an array of bombs and barrels as he and Sunburn shot one of each at Gulp. They also noticed that every time Gulp gets hit, he jumps into the air and upon landing, all the items are destroyed.

Gulp soon fired his energy cannons as Ripto grinned, “Those meddling lizards are going to be a nice lunch for Gulp. And taking down the Purple Dragon would elevate me as the riptoc that ended Warfang’s hero!”

Cynder swung her scythe tail at a lit bomb towards Gulp as the explosion hit and surprised him before glaring at the dragoness as he charged. Cynder dodged him as the green dinosaur realized that he missed. The pterodactyls were now dropping rockets and chickens that would spawn butterflies for Sparx to eat. But when Gulp ate one, it healed him of his injuries as Cynder yelled,

“Guys, those chickens will heal him if he eats one! Get the chickens before Gulp does or else we’ll be fighting him all day!”

Sunburn spoke, “We’re on it!” Sunburn and Camo put down each chicken they saw as Sparx gobbled up the butterflies and used a heavy fire blast on Gulp, knocking him into the air as he glared at the dragonfly as he said,

“Take that, you big lizard!” Gulp aimed his cannons at Sparx before Ripto called out, “Forget about the dragonfly, focus on the dragons and then you can have the dragonfly for lunch!”

Gulp shot various energy balls in all directions while eating a rocket and shot it at Zap, but he dodged it when he used his slip slide ability to get some distance until it began to home in on the water dragon. It never hit him since it was destroyed by a tempest cloud summoned by Whirlwind. Bash decided to attack Gulp directly as he bounced all over the overlook as the many hits angered Gulp. Camo struck the dinosaurs with an array of explosive watermelons while Warnado followed up with an array of turtle shells as Spyro ended it by spitting a rocket that he had picked up earlier as the rocket knocked Gulp into the air and upon landing, he took one dazed look at the group of seven dragons, one turtle and one dragonfly before falling over as visions of flying dragons spun around his head.

As for Ripto, he was shocked to see that Gulp was defeated, but even more shocked when his throne tipped over due to the shock waves generated by Gulp and a stray rocket hitting him during the battle as he was sent tumbling out the window of the overlook. After seeing this, the guidebook appeared and flashed in front of them, which the team knew very well that the Avalar banners are back in place. As they sighed, knowing that the battle was over. Elora approached and said,

“Guys, you did it!” They were surprised to see her as Spyro asked, “Elora, where did you come from!?”

The faun explained, “I was just outside the castle in Autumn Plains - The Castle is now free again! There’s no sign of Ripto!”

The seven that are with Spyro and Cynder cheered knowing that Ripto is gone. As they stated that now they can live in peace in their home realms as Elora added,

“And since you and Cynder have been around, the creatures of Avalar are finally starting to get along!”

She turned her head away from them as the team noticed a group of fairies holding eight beach chairs and eight umbrellas as Whirlwind asked,

“Is this...for us?” Elora nodded while explaining, “Since you guys did so much for the Seasons Kingdom and since I knew that Spyro and Cynder really miss being on vacation, we really wanted to do something nice for all of you.”

The fairies had set everything up for the dragons and the air turtle as the faun added, “It’s not much, but I hope you like it.”

Camo spoke, “Not much? This is the best thing to happen to us from all of that butt-kicking.”

Zap grinned, “Stopping a villain is worth a vacation!”

Sunburn laughed, “Talk about a late birthday present, I love it!”

Whirlwind smiled, “It seems nice to be liked once and a while. My training at Colossus did help me harness my powers, but a little relaxing would do.”

Bash bounced up and down in his ball form like a pinball, “Man, a vacation is more like it!”

Cynder chuckled, “We may not be in Dragon Shores, but this will do.”

Warnado approached his beach chair, “It may not be Sunny Beach, but relaxing after you defeat a bad guy is a good day off.”

Spyro smiled that he and his friends get to have a vacation and asked, “Aren’t you going to join us?”

Elora stopped for a moment and said, ‘ ...I'd like to. But I have to go check on the Professor in the Winter Tundra. He’s still trying to fix the Super-Portal so he could send you home.”

As she said that, Spyro and his friends had already climbed into their beach chairs as Spyro felt a bit drowsy, most likely due to the battle, “Oh, that sounds...interesting. I think we’ll hang out here for a while and soak up a few rays.”

Like Spyro, the team also felt drowsy due to the fight against Gulp as each of them took a quick nap.

Spyro had told the CMC and Smolder on how he and the team defeated Gulp and were given a temporary vacation as Elora went to the Winter Tundra. Scootaloo was amazed,

“I can’t believe that all of you defeated Gulp and seen the last of Ripto! But at least you managed to have your vacation.”

Cynder sighed, “Well, that’s what we thought until Spyro realized that Elora was gone.”

Spyro spoke, “I thought she was going to stay with us. But I also had a feeling in my gut that our job wasn’t over, so we had to follow her.”

Smolder asked, “I heard Spike say that the Winter Tundra portal was powered by a Bloodstone Jewel?”

Sweetie Belle guessed, “Which is the same crystal on the scepter that Ember possesses.”

Spyro nodded as he said, “Ember uses the scepter to close any opened portals that Malefor opened and it’s a good thing that she has the scepter and not anyone else.”

Applebloom asked, “Why do ya say that?”

Cynder added, “Because it happened once before with the power crystal for the Super-Portal.”

At the Winter Tundra, Elora and Hunter were there as the Professor was just about done fixing the Super-Portal as he theorized,

“I think I’ve developed a way to access the Dragon Realms from the Super-Portal!” He pointed out the shining purple crystal on the keystone of the arch, “This power crystal is made out of pure bloodstone and has the magical properties to give us the extra boost that we need!” He began writing his notes, “Just a few more calculations to set it up.” 

He continued writing, “Almost got it…” He finished, “There! Everything is finally ready! We’re going to need a lot more Orbs, but with the power crystal boosting it, the Super-Portal should work again.”

All of a sudden, a bomb caught them off guard as the explosion knocked the crystal off of the keystone as it turned from purple to its natural red as a familiar voice called out,

“So, you thought that you’ve gotten rid of me?” Approaching them from the entrance while holding a bomb, was Ripto as he continued,

“Well, I’m afraid not! I persuaded that fat bear Moneybags to sell me a few bombs!”

Hunter called to the professor, “The power crystal...he can’t have it!” The professor tried to crawl his way to it, but Ripto warned him, “Don’t even try it, Book Boy or you’ll be the world’s smartest pile of ashes!”

With the trio subdued, Ripto snatched the Power Crystal as he grinned, “This is just what I need for a new scepter!”

Hunter, knowing that if Ripto gets away with the crystal, he could build a new scepter with the crystal boosting it. The cheetah attempted to pull out his bow until he felt a large amount of pain in his arm. He couldn’t reach his bow until he realized while groaning,

“The bombs must have sprained my arm!” But his right arm still worked as he pulled out his dagger as he lunged at the riptoc with the intention of knocking the crystal from his grasp, but Ripto’s speed and Hunter’s sprained left arm, he couldn’t stop him as the villain climbed the stairs of the Winter Tundra Castle. He gazed at the unfortunate trio as he laughed,

“AHAHAHAHA!! You little fools! After I destroy you all with my new scepter, I’m going to rename this place, ‘Riptonia!’ AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” He walked into the castle, kicked Moneybags out as the Ripto Banners appeared.

A few minutes later, Spyro, Cynder, Whirlwind, Camo, Zap, Warnado, Bash and Sunburn arrived at the Winter Tundra. To the dragons, they found the place to be very beautiful, if they didn’t already notice the Ripto  banners in the distance. They also found Elora, who was worrying about something until she noticed them,

“Guys, Ripto’s still alive and he’s locked us out of the castle! Even worse, he’s stolen our new power crystal for the Super-Portal!”

Bash asked, “Are you kidding me?!” Sunburn added, “I guess falling into an abyss isn’t enough. Oh well, we’ll just roast and toast him.”

Spyro looked at the others, “I guess we’ll have to. Even though Cynder and I may not have regained our full powers, we can still beat Ripto if we work together.”

Zap stated, “You can count me in!”

Camo added, “Me too!”

Whirlwind sighed at the purple dragon’s determination as she said, “My dad is exactly like you, full of determination, never to back down and a great leader. You can count on me, Spyro!”

Warnado added, “And so will I!”

Elora looked at the strong friendship that the seven dragons and the turtle have. All following under Spyro’s leadership, she knew the stories that Hunter would tell about Spyro and Cynder; but to witness that defining feature is amazing. So she decided to let them in on a secret,

“Spyro, Cynder, I know that you and your friends have come this far, but there’s something that you should know.”

Cynder asked, “What is it?” 

“There’s a dragon that lives in Metropolis, he’s a master machinist and a good friend of the Professor.”

Spyro asked in shock, “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”

“We thought Ripto was dead after Autumn Plains and didn’t think we would need him and he also prefers to work on his cybernetic suit and test its capabilities, even helped the Professor with a few projects, the Super-Portal being one of them. His workshop in Metropolis has many mods and technology salvaged from various caches found across the seasons kingdom and built his aforementioned cybernetic suit which he uses for combat.”

Cynder realized, “If this dragon mechanic is as good as you say, we may need his help with defeating Ripto for good.”

Elora pointed towards the blocked gate, “The Metropolis portal is on the other side of the gate, but Ripto’s surprise attack and earthquakes due to him building a scepter from the crystal has blocked the gate with boulders.”

Spyro stated, “We’ll storm that castle and get back that crystal from Ripto! This time, he's going down!”

The dragons began their journey through Winter Tundra and encountered Moneybags again where he taught Spyro and Cynder how to head bash. After that, they cleared the rubble and proceeded into the castle courtyard where the Super-Portal lies inactive. Upon seeing the portals all over the place, the team separated and went into different portals with Spyro entering the Metropolis portal.

Camo, Bash and Zap were fighting off the indigenous wildlife that went crazy due to the Wizards Fountain shutting off at the Mystic Marsh, only to discover that the water wizard, Snoozle was slacking off. Whirlwind, Warnado and Cynder were helping a group of wizards fight off a group of evil warlocks that stole their magic wands at the Cloud Temples. Sunburn was dealing with the last speedway course and helped Hunter pop all the balloons that appeared after he completed the course, while on Hunter's recently acquired remote-controlled plane. They collected the orbs and retrieved every bit of treasure from each area. 

Spyro was in Metropolis during an insurrection from the farms, there were suicide pigs and space cows all over the place. Spyro made short work of the enemies and took down an Ox that seized the armory. He fought his way to the Inventor Droid where the dragon that Elora mentioned was there as well. The dragon definitely fit the description as the dragon, Drobot recognized Spyro, no doubt from the stories as well. Spyro asked for Drobot's help against Ripto, but the tech dragon stated that he won't until they take care of the flying sheep saucers flying all over the city. So Spyro offered to help Drobot with the saucers as the purple dragon utilized the Inventor Droid’s Combination Power-Up of Super Fly and Super Flame while Drobot used his tech suit.

“Whirlwind told us about those Sheep UFOs when Hunter was dealing with them back in the Forgotten Lands.” Scootaloo remembered.

“She said that those sheep were just blasting race courses, abducting people and stealing eggs.” mentioned Sweetie Belle.

“You did tell me about the sheep saucers in Metropolis and how you and Drobot shot down both waves.” Cynder pointed out.

Sparx sighed, “Trust me, there was also the robot bugs that Drobot had to deal with at Robotica Farms.”

Smolder asked, “Robot Bugs? I thought real bugs would be bad, but robots?”

“We went from a city to a farm run by robots and were facing a robot bug problem since their big bug zapper turned off.”

Applebloom, due to her being a farm filly, sighed, “I know that feelin’ of them bugs eating the crops, none of them were robot bugs.”

Spyro stated, “The Robot bugs were exclusive to Robotica Farms and Drobot goes there at some point to exterminate the pests. So Drobot and I went to the farms, exterminate any robot bugs while we made our way to the bug zapper so Drobot can repair it.”

Sparx added, “We got all the orbs and all the treasure from every area.” Smolder realized, “That only leaves just Ripto himself!”

Spyro nodded, “Just him against eight dragons and an air turtle. Although, the door to Ripto’s Arena required a certain amount of Orbs, but since we got all of them, it was more than enough to open the door. Elora also told us that the Orbs will be infused with the various offensive power-ups that would help us against Ripto. Hunter would be dropping the orbs from above during the fight. Here’s what happened…”

Castle Arena, Winter Tundra

 Ripto stood proud with his new scepter as he intended to test the crystal’s power on a bunch of sheep. But when he fired, the sheep immediately scattered which infuriated him,

“NYAH!!! Get back here, you useless animals!” 

“Hey Shorty!” Said a familiar voice as he turned to see Spyro and his team as the purple dragon continued, “Maybe we can help!”

Ripto was shocked, “What! You again!?” Cynder smirked, “Yep and if want to test out that power crystal so badly, why don’t you test it on us?”

Drobot spoke, “Lasers locked on target and on hold.”

Zap grinned, “If you want to see what that crystal could do to us, take a free shot!”

Camo waved his leafy tail, “Come on, we’re open!”

Sunburn flared his wings, “I can take a shot from it.”

Whirlwind challenged, “I’ll stand still.”

Bash slammed his tail, “Time to see if you have a bite to your bark!”

Warnado stated, “We promise that we’ll stand still.”

Ripto, although intimidated by eight dragons and a turtle challenging him and getting in the way of his domination, found it interesting as he grinned,

“I like that. Dragons, YOU HAVE JUST SEALED YOUR FATE!”

 The battle was on as Spyro’s team clashed with Ripto. Ripto’s only method of attack was shooting fireballs from his scepter, although when Spyro attacked him directly, the riptoc was knocked back yelling, “NO!”

Zap shot several shots at Ripto with the same result. It wasn’t until the water dragon noticed that Ripto’s scepter makes him immune to regular attacks, they soon remembered the Orbs as Hunter flew overhead, dropping several orbs. Some of them were red, green and blue, Zap noticed the blue orbs and collected three of them. In collecting the three blue orbs, he felt a powerful electrical current surge within him as he charged up a powerful lightning attack and struck Ripto which caused some damage. 

Ripto, noticing the orbs, grabbed three red ones as he laughed while charging up his scepter and releasing three flame waves. Zap jumped in order to keep himself from getting singed while Sunburn grabbed three red orbs as Ripto noticed the hybrids power boost and began to run. Sunburn, using his new power, teleported to Ripto and used a focused Super-Flame breath and damaged Ripto even more. Camo grabbed three green orbs and shot volleys of sun bombs, which emitted plasma at Ripto. 

After they damaged him enough, Ripto used his scepter to create a robot version of Gulp as the riptoc mounted him. The dragons realized that they couldn’t get to Ripto when he’s on the robot, so they focused on getting the orbs before Robo-Gulp. Bash got a red orb, a green orb and a blue orb which gave him the blue orb’s power. Instead of an electrical charge, Bash went into his ball form and charged directly at Robo-Gulp as the robot took damage. Robo-Gulp soon ate two red orbs and a blue orb as the robot shot a barrage of light-blue electricity balls from its horns. The dragons quickly dodged as Spyro grabbed three green orbs as he lobbed plasma bombs at the robot, damaging it even more.

Whirlwind and Drobot grabbed three reds and blues, Whirlwind’s blue orbs gave her a more potent tempest cloud power while Drobot’s red orbs gave him a more focused optical laser beam as both attacks damaged Robo-Gulp. It couldn’t take any more damage until Cynder used a lightning attack with a blue orbs power to reduce the robot to scrap metal and Gold Orbs, flinging Ripto off as well.

“It’s not over yet, troublesome fools!” Ripto directed his scepter towards one of the scattered orbs, turning it into a giant robot bird, similar to the birds from Skelos Badlands, and jumped onto the bird and began to destroy the arena floor as lava began to pour all over. Spyro and his team, upon realizing their situation, ran to the Gold Orbs and obtained the Super-Fly Power Up even those that didn’t have wings, sprouted a pair of wings and flew while the gold orbs enhanced their regular powers.

Spyro and Cynder flew after Ripto as the arena was now a big lava pool. Ripto used his scepter to fire a green ball of magic with every intention of killing them, they dodged it, but it started to come around and trail them again. The two dragons avoided the ball as it slammed into the side of the arena. Spyro shot a fireball at Ripto which hit home on the robot bird as Cynder unleashed her new black lightning strike on the bird. Ripto attempted to shoot them again, only to be hit by a turtle shell from Warnado, which the orbs had him spin in his tornado for sustained flight.

Whirlwind and Bash, even though happy with his temporary wings, attacked Ripto with a combination of rainbows and rocks. Zap and Camo struck with a combined attack of lightning and explosive fruits as Ripto increased his bird’s thrusters to get away from the dragons and retaliate. Drobot and Sunburn followed up with a combination of fire blasts and optical lasers as Ripto grew desperate.

“Give it up, Ripto! You're over-matched!” Shouted Spyro.
“It's time for you to answer for your crimes!” Cynder stated.
“We’re the stars of this party!” Stated Camo.
“The nine of us are unbeatable!” Whirlwind declared.
“We're bringing the wind now!” Warnado added.
“We're really riding the lightning!” Zap proudly said.
“We're rocking and rolling all night!” Bash grinned.
“We're roasting and toasting you, Ripto.” Declared Sunburn.
“Surrender Ripto or be blinked and destroyed!” Stated Drobot.

Ripto turned toward the assembled dragons and turtle, “I WON’T GO DOWN SO EASILY!” Ripto fired multiple green magic balls as they went towards the team. Until Spyro's eyes began to glow purple as a magical power began to wash over the team as he yelled,

“AS ONE!” Soon enough, the elemental energy building up in all nine of them grew to the point of release as multiple vortexes opened in front of each member of the team. When it reached its peak, all nine of them unleashed a powerful fury wave of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Life, Undead, Tech and Magic directly at Ripto. The impact of the fury attacks were too much as the robot bird as it broke apart due to the amount of damage that it took as Ripto himself fell into lava.

After defeating Ripto, the power crystal merged with the guidebook as Ripto's banners disappeared as the Avalar banners took their rightful place on the Winter Tundra castle. Spyro and his friends had already left the castle, with a tied up and singed Ripto as well.

They gathered at the Super-Portal where everyone else was, including Moneybags as Elora gratefully said, “I don't think we could ever thank you enough!” She kissed Spyro on the forehead while receiving a jealous glance from Cynder as she whispered, “Sorry about that.”

She cleared her throat and sadly asked, “I suppose you have to go?” Spyro sighed, “Yeah, they’ll be missing us in the Dragon Realm…” Cynder added, “And we still have a vacation to take.”

Elora stopped them for a moment, “Before you go, I think Moneybags has something to give you!”

The bear scoffed, “I most certainly will not!” Hunter, not wanting to hear the bear refuse, used his bow as a blunt weapon and gave him a few whacks before jumping him and pinning him down. Elora turned to the team, “Guys, Moneybags is really sorry for having you pay him throughout your journey. So you are welcome to keep the gems as a reward for helping us.”

Spyro grinned, “Nice, thanks. Sparx, can you grab them?” The dragonfly buzzed off and grabbed the bag of gems as the Professor typed in the right coordinates. After he was finished, the scientists proudly declared,

“Spyro, Cynder, you can now go to Dragon Shores!” Spyro had an idea, “How about you guys come with us? I bet you can use a vacation!”

The faun sighed, “We love to, but you may have captured Ripto, but he's caused a big mess in his short stay. There's going to be a lot of cleanup work to do. But if you ever want to visit, you access the portal in Dragon Shores.”

Hunter approached the two, “I will also see to it that Ripto is brought to Warfang to face proper justice.”

Ripto shouted, “You can't do this to me! I demand a trial!” Hunter glared as he took the captured riptoc, “You will get a trial...after your finished cleaning the Warfang stables under close supervision!”

Ripto shouted, “Nooooooooooooooooo!!” After witnessing that, Elora turned to the others that were with Spyro and Cynder, “Whirlwind, Camo, Warnado, Zap, Bash, Sunburn, Drobot, you guys did great with helping Spyro and Cynder on their quest. I know you guys want to get back to what you were doing before you met them…”

Zap stated, “Are you kidding? This is the best thing that's ever happened to us. To fight alongside War Heroes!” The others agreed to his statement as Elora knew that they formed close bonds with Spyro and Cynder as she said,

“Well, since you guys did so much for us... I’d like you guys to go with them to Dragon Shores, take a vacation and have fun. We’ll handle the cleanup and turning Ripto over to Dragon City.”

They were surprised that they were being told to go with Spyro and Cynder for their vacation. But with determination, they accepted this as Spyro nodded as he said, “Come on, guys! We have a lot of vacationing to catch up on!”

As soon as it was said, all eight dragons and turtle went into the Super-Portal.

As soon as Spyro and Cynder finished their story, their audience were amazed at the many chronicles that they had. First of the fight against Gnasty Gnorc and then the battle against Ripto and his monsters with the rest of the dragon skylanders to boot. Scootaloo asked,

“Whirlwind said that it was at Dragon Shores that you decided that a special team needs to be formed in order to deal with villains like Ripto and any other bad guy that comes crawling out of the woodwork. Right?”

The purple dragon nodded, “It was around that time that we crossed paths with Eon and brought us to his citadel. It was at the citadel when we first started calling ourselves ‘Skylanders’ We got our individual powers that are drawn from the eight elements, but as you already know, Whirlwind declined, believing that she wasn't ready for the Skylanders.”

Sweetie Belle remembered, “Until after the fight against the Sorceress when she approached you, Cynder and Elora.”

Cynder nodded, “That's right and it was at that moment when we were proud to be called Skylanders, because We Fight As One.”

Smolder was amazed, “You guys really are heroes...and as a matter of fact, I don't actually feel angry about coming here anymore.”

“And that’s good to know how you started out. You need all the help you can get.” said a familiar chuckling voice as Spyro and Cynder turned to the Portal of Power.

Spyro smiled, “Donald, Goofy, I’m glad you guys made it.”

The newcomers were a cartoon dog wielding a shield and a duck with a staff. The dog stated, “King Mickey sends his greetings.”

Donald spoke, “It’s good to see you again, Spyro.” The dragon replied, “The feeling’s mutual, old friends. How are the new powers?”

Goofy’s shield turned into a gear, “Gawrsh, the Tech Element is a bit hard to get used to, but it has a few abilities for me and Donald’s really liking to boost from the Magic Element.”

The duck nodded as he said, “Ever since we’ve got these new powers, we’ve helped our friend across the many worlds back home while making sure he doesn’t meddle in the affairs of that world.”

Spyro asked, “Is he coming?” Both sadly shook their heads as Donald said, “He had to find a special friend of his...alone.” Goofy continued, “We haven’t seen him since.”

All of a sudden, there was a pulse of energy as the surprised group turned to the nearby Creation Crystal as the holographic display on the containment unit said, 

“Imaginator Creation in Progress.
Element: Tech
Species: Human
New Battle Class detected!
Battle Class: Pilot
Creation Identity: Pilot JC-4727 Confirmed.”

There was a brief pause before the display stated, 

“Unusual magic detected within Pilot JC-4727.
Do you still wish to commence with creation?”

Applebloom replied, “Yes! Create him!”

“Imagineer Applebloom voice accepted.
Creating Imaginator.”

Goofy, who had his shield up asked, “Gawrsh, what is that?”
Donald, who had his staff out asked, “What’s going on?”

Spyro turned toward the three fillies and asked, “Is this what you three were working on before I entered?”
The three fillies said, “He’s a new type of Imaginator! One that’s fully human!”