Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The Grand Galloping Gala part 2


Chapter 23

I sat back, gasping. Damn, I need to work out more often. This dancing is to much work.

I whipped the sweat off my head with a hoof. I must look horrible. I've been doing nothing but sweat. This suit must be covered in sweat stains by now.

Twilight was standing next to me, a large smile on her face. She hasn't stopped smile since I proposed, which is about the same for me.

"Lance, can you dance more than ten minutes with out needing a break?" Twilight asked, still smiling.

I chucked, "Its this suit, to hot and tight."

She shrugged, "Sure it is big guy."

Sarcasm, funny. I patted her back, "Give me a few minutes and I will dance some more with you."

She moved closer to me, "Take your time."

I looked across the room at the one pony here that was doing anything interesting.

Peter was walking away from a table, a smirk on his face. What is he up to this time?

I watched as a stallion made his way to the table. When he neared it, he reached over to grab some fancy food off it.

When he picked it, a snapping sound was heard. A pie flew from the side of the table and hit the stallion on the side of his head.

Peter began to laugh loudly. He had a large smile on his face, but suddenly, it changed to one of sadness. He looked on the verge of tears.

His sudden change in mood didn't make sense to me. He was just laughing a second ago, now he's on the verge of tears.

Twilight also noticed, "What's wrong with him?"

I shrugged, "I don't know Twi."

He turned towards the stage and walked behind it. He soon emerged with a acoustic guitar strapped across his side.

I didn't even know there was acoustic guitar's here.

He walked out the door that lead to the garden. A sad look on his face.

I looked over to Twilight, "Should we go after him?"

She nodded, "I think so. He is your friend after all."

I nodded. I began making my way through the crowd of ponies, followed by Twilight.

We walked through the door and into the garden.

I looked around, but couldn't see Peter. Than, at the other end of the garden, a purple pony was making its way down a row of bushes.

I pointed to where I had saw the purple pony, "Over there."

We walked through the garden and finally came to the row the pony had went down. We walked down the row, which went on for what seemed like miles. Finally we emerged in a clearing.

I could see Peter sitting on a log, holding the guitar in front of him, setting up to play.

I put my hoof to stop Twilight, "Not yet."

She nodded understandably.

Peter strummed the guitar. He then began to play a song that I heard once before. After a few seconds he began to sing in a sad voice, "There's an old tale wrought with the mystery of Tom
The poet and his muse
And the magic lake which gave a life
To the words the poet used..."

Twilight looked at him then me, "What is he singing? It sounds kinda sad."

I shrugged, "I don't know Twi, I think I've heard this song before."

"... The muse she went down to the lake
And in the waves she drowned..."

I know I've heard this song before, but where?

"... The poet came down to the lake
To call out to his dear
'When there was no answer
'He was overcome with fear..."

I got it! I heard it at my uncles, after his wife died of cancer. But why is he singing it.

"... By the stories he'd create
Nightmares shifted in their sleep
In the darkness of the lake..."

Twilight had a tear in her eye, "He sounds so depressed and sad."

I put a hoof over her and pulled her close, "I know."

"... In the dead of night she came to him
With darkness in her eyes
Wearing a mourning gown
Sweet words as her disguise..."

I too felt a tear in my eye. Why is he so sad?

"... Now if its real or just a dream
One mystery remains
For it is said on moonless nights
They may still haunt this place." His voice slowly began to get lighter. He dropped the guitar, and put his head in his hooves.

I walked forwards, "I didn't know you could play the guitar, or sing."

He jumped, and turned towards me, tears streaming down his face, "I didn't know you was there."

I walked over and sat on the log next to him, Twilight slowly maker her way over to us, "Are you okay Peter?"

He nodded his head and turned away, "Yeah, just bad memories."

"What kind of memories?"

He turned back to me, "Two years ago, me and my friend was out on Halloween, you know, doing pranks and things like that."

I motioned for him to continue.

"Well, we was kicked out of a party because we pulled to many pranks on the guest. He wanted to just head home, but I wanted to go to another party that was happening across town. He complained that he should get home, but I talked him into it." He put his head in his hoofs.

Twilight walked over to him and put her hoofs over his neck, "Then what happened."

He looked up and continued, "We was crossing a interstate. I made it across easily, but my friend was still on the other side. I yelled for him to cross... but a.... a... drunk driver just came out no where and..." He began to cry.

Twilight began to comfort him.

"He didn't even live long enough for me to say I'm sorry." Peter said as he sobbed into his hooves.

I was still confused on one thing though, "But why sing that song?"

He looked over at me, "It was our favorite song to play together."

Now it makes sense. "Is there anything you want us to do?"

He looked up and smiled, whipping the tears away, "Yes, you can help me with something."

I nodded, "Sure. What is it?"

He smirked, "A prank."


Captain Barehoof walked over to the table that held all the food, followed by Dana.

He picked up a fancy sandwich and took a bit. He was famished.

Dana looked the table over, "Looks the way my mother always set food out."

Captain Barehoof looked over at her. Why was she still here? It was fun dancing with her, but she was sort of stuck up and to safe. The sort of mare that the Captain hated.

"How did you get in? Its invite only, and you don't seem like the type that would be invited to the Gala." Observed the Captain.

She looked over at him and laughed, "Its called charm. You need to work on your guards Captain."

He shook his head. He knew putting two Privates, fresh out of training, at the front doors was a bad idea. "Well, they shouldn't have let you in."

She shrugged, still smirking, "Get better guards then." She held up a hoof, "Dance?"

The Captain looked at her hoof, then her. She just don't know when to leave does she? "Sure, why not. Not like I'm doing anything."


I stood holding the rope that Peter had given me. It was attached to a lever across the room. I don't know what he's planning, but it looks like its going to be funny.

Twilight was standing a few feet away from me. She was told to drop the pies she was holding in the air with her magic.

Peter walked up to me and smirked, "Pull it when those mares over there walk past that table."

I nodded, "You got it."

He looked at Twilight, "Drop them five seconds after Lance pulls the rope."

She just nodded in response.

I looked over at the group of mares, slowly making their way to the table.

A few seconds later, they pasted it. I pulled the rope, which caused the lever across the room to be pulled.

The table flipped over, causing the mares to stop and look at it.

Twilight let go of the pies and let them fall.

The mares was covered in the creamy pie. All of them screaming and stomping their hoofs.

Peter began to laugh, followed by me and Twilight.


Greg dropped David onto his bed and sighed. He was missing the party just so he could bring David back home. That sucks.

He turned and left David's room, headed down the stairs, and out the front door.

He pulled a blunt out of his saddlebag and lit it. He put it in his mouth and began the long walk back to the Palace.

As he walked, he looked around him. Nopony in sight. Must all be at the Palace or something.

Once he gets back, he is so going to get that party kicked into high gear.


Twilight walked over to Rainbow Dash, who had just finished talking to that one Wonderbolt. Spitfire maybe?

As she neared, Rainbow Dash smiled, "Hey Twilight. Guess who just got asked to hang out with the Wonderbolts at their HQ."

Twilight walked up to her, "You?"

Rainbow Dash smirked, "That's right! Me, the best flier in all of Equestria."

Twilight grinned, "You'll be a Wonderbolt soon at this rate."

Rainbow Dash nodded, "You got that right." She looked down at Twilight's leg, "What is that?"

Twilight looked down, "Oh this? Its nothing, just my engagement bracelet that Lance gave me."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, "He proposed?!"

Twilight nodded, smiling, "Yep, in the garden."

Rainbow Dash, who you would have thought would be furious, actually smiled, "That's great Twi. I'm happy for you."

Twilight looked at her strangely, "I though you would be angry or something."

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "No, its okay now. I know there's no way he would go with me. So, I'm happy your happy."

Twilight smiled and hugged Rainbow Dash, "Thank you Rainbow. I know there's a stallion out there for you."

Rainbow dash smirked, "Of course there is Twi. Who wouldn't want to date me, the best flier in Equestria."

Twilight chuckled, she had missed Rainbow Dash's boasting.


Frederic sat smiling. Happier than he had been in years, because he was finally going to be able to spend the rest of his life with the one he loved. Luna.

He has been dreaming of this event for years, always hoping it would come true. And tonight, it has.

Luna sat beside him, smiling and looking at her engagement bracelet.

He looked over at her, smiling.

She looked at him, "How did the stars make you fall for me Frederic?"

"They was a master piece, special and beautiful. Just like you."

She blushed and smiled, "Your the first one to say that to me."

Frederic took her hoof in his, "I love you."

She leaned down to him, "I love you to."

They leaned into each other, their lips meeting each other. They shared a long and passionate kiss, one filled with love and passion.


I looked onto the dance floor to see something strange.

Captain Barehoof and my mom dancing. The Captain looked like he was bored, and my mom looked to be having a good time.

Well, I know where I'm not going. As long as I stay clear of her, this night should still be fun.

I began to back away from the dance floor and move towards the stairs.

As I began to near them, I saw Princess Celestia shaking the hoofs of everypony that entered. At the entrance was two guards, who looked to be bored out of their minds.

It must suck to be a guard. I turned to go back into the ballroom. Time to look for Twilight and enjoy the rest of the night.