by Sanguine Blade

An Inspection and A Sabotage Attempt

The flight back for Hanz was surprisingly comfortable. He had seen just how bad some pilots felt after a run, but this carriage didn't bounce around nearly as much as modern aircraft do. Magic Perhaps? it really didn't matter to him. As they returned to the bay that Germania rested in, he saw the major port system that truly sprawled through the area. 'It's no Blohm and Voss, but it still has impressive size to it.' He thought analyzing just what he could do with the base to bring this country's navy out of its technological deadlock. As the carriage landed Hanz stepped out to see a naval officer standing there to greet him and the Princesses, who had accompanied him to avoid any miscommunications between the navy and the Admiral.

"Greetings your majesties. Am I correct in saying this stallion is the owner of that ship in the bay you rote to us about?" The officer said pointing to the Germania in the distance. "Yes Commander Sloop. This is Admiral Von Ravenmark. He is a...foreign naval adviser that we have allowed to survey the fleet docked here." Celestia said as Hanz offered a hand to shake the commander's. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Admiral. I hope you find the fleet up to standard." Commander sloop replied as the group walked into the yard.

The complex was good in terms of equipment, but the fleet seemed disappointing. "How many ships does the Equestrian fleet own?" Hanz asked. Sloop turned around at this question "Three hundred sir and little over 140 of those are Sails of War." The commander replied. 'That must be their term for Ship of the Line.' Hanz thought. "Where are your most advanced ships?" Hanz asked. The commander pointed to a drydock in the distance. "Over there sir. That's where we are working on our experimental vessels. " Sloop said as the group headed towards the drydock.

'Hmm. They aren't as far off as I thought.' Hanz thought as he saw in the drydock a large ship with an iron hull, but wooden masts. "And this is your most advanced ship correct?" Hanz asked looking to the commander who nodded. "Alright. I now know the base line of technology I'm working with. Where are the ship designers in this yard?" Hanz said looking at Sloop. "Oh over this way sir. " Commander Sloop said showing him to a large building that for a port of this size seemed like it didn't belong. It was a small wooden building which was dwarfed by other buildings in the area.

The Admiral and commander went inside and to the back to find the head of the design board. She was a rugged mare with a surprising amount of height to her, slumped over her desk. The admiral smirked at the commander before taking a breath. "RAUS!" He shouted in German which made the mare shoot up out of her chair and onto the floor. "Ow, damnit who's the wise-" she was about to yell but saw the commander and Hanz which caused her to snap upright. "Oh commander Sloop, what can I do for you?" She asked fixing her uniform and sitting back in her chair. "This is Admiral Ravenmark. He is a naval adviser from the princesses and he wished to see our ship design department." Sloop said as Hanz saw a paper had fallen to the floor and picked it up.

'Ah so they have the concept somewhat.' Hanz thought to himself as the two officers talked he looked at the design. It looked to be a blueprint of an iron hulled warship but with some form of crude steam engine, but their seemed to be ink marks crossing out the boiler. "Um sir?" Sloop asked which brought Hanz back to reality. "Madam can you tell me about this design." Hanz said handing her the dropped paper. "Oh this, it's nothing. I had been around steam locomotives as a filly because of the uncle and I wondered how could be get it on a ship?" The mare said. "Well your idea is sound, the problem is the boiler you are using. You see a steam engine boiler is too low pressure to run a ship. Do you have a piece of paper?" Hanz asked and the mare showed him the nearby writing desk as he sketched out the boiler. After several minutes, Hanz had done his best to sketch out simple water-tube boiler design. "Here you go." Hanz said handing the design to the mare.

"This design. I think I've seen this is some factories in the area." the mare said. Hanz simply nodded. "Yes I thought your kind had water-tube boilers, but I just saved you a whole lot of hassle, labor, and deaths by bad designs." Hanz replied with a humble smile. Just as the mare was about to ask more questions a messenger burst into the room

Not far from the mouth of Horseshoe Bay, the Shot triplets(Standard, Grape and Explosive) had picked up reports on the metal monster, and they wanted to test the enemy's true might.

"Hey you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Explosive said to his siblings. "How can we? We aren't changelings." Grape said which received a giggle from Standard. "Remember the plan we used on that one griffon city?" Explosive asked. The others were slightly confused before realization dawned.

"Oooooh. You think that'll work on that monster?" Grape asked. "Well we'll only lose an old brig, those things are easy to steal." Standard replied to his sibling. With that the plan was set, and the triplets got to work.

"Commander! There's a vessel with no flags sailing into the bay." the messenger said. Sloop turned to the messenger and gestured the pony to lead the way. The group made it to the yard and Sloop looked through his spyglass, while Hanz used his abilities to see through his ship's gun sights. The vessel seemed to meander through the water towards Baltimare, but it seemed oddly close to his ship.

"Have they responded to signals?" Sloop asked, and the messenger shook his head in response. The vessel kept moving, but it seemed to drift closer and closer to Germania. Hanz moved his hands to turn the nearest turrets to the unidentified vessel. The ship sailed closer, and closer, but then they saw smoke start to billow from the ship. Hanz saw the ship veer directly on path with Germania and with one move fired the turret locked onto the ship. One shell was all it took before the vessel exploded in a great ball of fire and splinters. "Was- was that brig-" Sloop stuttered in shock.

"It was a floating bomb. Its like fighting the brits all over again." Hanz sighed remembering the times the British had sacrificed vessel to stall the Kreigsmarine in France. What could have been serious damage to most fleets, was stopped by one man, firing one shell.

The Triplets had seen the whole thing through spyglasses. Their plan had been stopped by one gun. Everything was dead quiet...until